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Ep 582: God, Politics and Development
October 16, 2024

Ep 582: God, Politics and Development

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In this episode, Anthony interviews Diontay Chantel, a real estate developer and strong advocate of faith, who shares her inspiring journey from starting as a real estate agent to becoming a successful developer working on affordable housing projects. Deontay discusses overcoming personal and professional obstacles, including a challenging breakup that forced her to rebuild her career from the ground up. The conversation delves into the power of faith, with both Anthony and Deontay sharing personal stories of how trusting in God helped them through tough times. They also explore political issues, touching on the importance of staying true to biblical values, even in the face of societal and governmental pressures. The episode wraps up with a focus on the future of real estate, the importance of land ownership, and maintaining faith in challenging times.


Introduction and Background (0:00 - 2:15)

Deontay introduces herself, sharing her background in real estate development and her journey from New York to becoming a designated developer in New Jersey.


Overcoming Obstacles in Real Estate (2:15 - 12:00)

Deontay discusses how she got her start, her challenges, and how forming strategic partnerships helped her succeed. She also touches on a personal and professional setback when a relationship with her builder broke down, leading to her rebuilding her career from scratch.


Faith and Real Estate (12:00 - 21:45)

The conversation shifts to how Deontay’s faith has guided her through difficult times in real estate, including her belief in God’s guidance to secure a $2.5 million investment for her projects during one of her lowest moments.


Politics, Religion, and Society (21:45 - 45:00)

Anthony and Deontay delve into their perspectives on politics and society, discussing their support for Trump, criticism of the Democratic Party’s policies, and how their faith informs their political views.


The Future: Real Estate, Farming, and Survival (45:00 - 1:06:00)

They conclude with a discussion about the future of real estate, emphasizing the importance of land ownership, farming, and preparedness for potential societal shifts, urging listeners to stay focused on both faith and practical investments like farmland.


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hi mind we have a very special guest on here Deontay
Chantel hi everybody I feel like I've known you for a hundred years and now we just about to have our very first
conversation I've really been admiring you from afar I've been seeing that you're in into development uh you're
strong in your faith so I appreciate that something something I'm proud of talk about publicly and uh no just all
around a good person a good Soul Good Vibes good energy so I'm I'm really excited to have this conversation I feel like it's long overdue I don't know how
it took us this long but uh yeah really looking forward to today's uh talk I'm so excited to be here thank you for
having me hey Daniel I don't see your face but hello he's a background engineer like The Wizard of
Oz nice to see you but no we met I believe on clubhouse yes yeah you know
some of the best connections I have in my life today we found on clubhouse and we still maintain those
relationships that's awesome that's awesome but thank you for having me I love what you're doing in in the real
estate World social media world so kudos to you guys for creating your own just
amazing Community overall thank you and thank you for being a part of it right you've been here since the very beginning and means a lot to us when
somebody comes around and and they take a look at what we're doing and then they just stay forever we're like so yeah these are our best friends all my best
friends friends I've met through business like the friends I went to school with like we're still friends but I never see them like once a year but I
see and talk to my business friends every day all day so like we really hold these relationships close to our heart we appreciate you awesome so uh let's go
let's get into that I have a feeling this is going to be a good one I think we're going to talk about real estate and uh development and God and and
politics so these are all my all my favorite topics all rolled into one so I'm I'm I'm we we don't ever have like
an outline for these so uh I'm excited to see where this goes so let's let's get right into it so if if you could
give us like just like a a 10-second background on yourself usually people spend 20 minutes on this portion of us
but let us know where you came from and what you're up to now where you at geographically and tell us a little bit about what you're doing in business yes
Overcoming Obstacles in Real Estate.)
so hello hello hello America I'm Deontay Chantel I am a real estate developer I'm
a woman of God well I'm a woman of God first yay and I'm a real estate developer love that but um I'm
originally from Brooklyn New York shout out to Brooklyn little ways from Texas yeah
good ways but I have family I have some roots in Texas but I grew up in New York New Jersey I started out as an investor
wholesaler and developer in New York New Jersey they gave me my shot um as a made
me a designated developer in my city and also in the city of East Orange a
designated developer so that means they literally partner with you and they decide to sell you blight land and
properties so you can redevelop for affordable housing and or market rate housing so I was it was it's a very
competitive process and I was selected um congrats thanks yeah this started
back in 2019 um it took a while to close on the land but we got it done they gave me my
first shot um we purchased land for $10,000 that was worth about aund at the
time 120k um and we got it for 10,000 so a
win is a win damn Y and so so now what do you do so they they help you or they
you know they sign you up to be a developer now you got this amazing deal on some land now do they walk you through the process or what happens next
no so in order for you to even qualify and be designated you have to prove yourself you have to actually show them
that you are a developer or you have experience so one thing about me I'm never going to say oh I don't have I'm
never operating from a a um a lack mindset or scarcity mindset so I said
what do I need to get to get to the next level right so I put a team together around me um I was able to leverage
other people's experience um their money the whole nine and we packaged myself on
paper as a developer and the rest is history um we we just want
another we actually want a building with the city of New York recently my nonprofit journey to developer we just
got the contract won a building a building yes we're gon that mean you won one so um they had a RFP which is a
request for proposal and it's not a lottery but you put in proposal like many different investors and developers
throughout the state or the country put in a proposal with the city of New York
and you had to collaborate with another nonprofit a developer a builder whatever
the case may be um in this case partnered with another nonprofit and a developer and we're
going to be building um Supportive Housing and transitional housing for
kids that are aging out of foster care so it's going to be a really passionate project um we're going to be giving back
we're going to make sure we're going to have available 100% affordable housing by the way but available units for kids
that are being aged out of foster care typically they're likely to be homeless or end up in jail so we're going to help
them get a fresh start um I plan on bringing along with the other nonprofit
a financial literacy component to help Foster them to get ready for society
right understand money understand investing understand just life so I'm excited about it man I love that I love
that whole Vision so I'll tell you we have a vision too for hive mind this is probably like version 10.0 but we want
to buy abandoned Office Buildings and start working them for public housing uh mothers that might want to have an
abortion stuff like that like just free housing while we can figure this [ __ ] out like if that's your only solution like stay here let's get this figured
out let's try to teach your real estate get a job something but at least like a temporary timeout to like hey you know
there's other Solutions and and I'm G to spend the rest of my life doing that and buying those buildings there's a a a man
I'm G to mess it up but there's a company here it's based out of San Antonio and that's what they have they have a foster kids and even after they
age out they still can help them with housing they can still help them with like finding jobs so I'm due to go walk
their site I was supposed to go this month but I got super super busy and uh I'm GNA go walk the site see what
they're up to and I'm going to help them start fundraising and see if I can put some business opportunities together for them uh to start taking some action now
but yeah but we want to we want to buy abandoned Office Buildings and repurpose for public housing for something very
very similar so I would love to continue that conversation for sure yeah that's amazing and follow up tomorrow okay
part two on the internet yeah because I think like no matter what you're doing we're all going to make money if you're
in real estate like even if if you don't make money year one if you don't make money year five by the time 10 or 15 year rolls around you're gonna be doing
pretty damn good and then what are you GNA do buy a bigger yacht buy a bigger car right no I want to I want to dump
every I want to die broke I already told the kids they're not getting an inheritance at all so they need a Sprint to the day before I die um but I'm GNA
spend every last penny I have doing a a projects like the one you just talked about that's amazing and there's so many
grants out there so tap into the grants for your state you and I talked about a project too I don't even know if that
project is still available but we spoke about a project and um I didn't get a chance to move on it because I was like
if there's no grants I don't even want to look at it right so there are typically grants for affordable and
Workforce housing and Supportive Housing out there so for the State of Texas I would encourage you to do a deep dive on
or in or looking for for um for Grants so look let's put a deal together if you
can help me apply for the grants I got access to private Capital so if you can help me do a little bit of digging see how we can dig up some money and let's
say we got to bring 20% to the table I can raise that Capital but if you can help me piece something together would JB something 5050 right away okay listen
it sounds like a deal now do you still have that deal in San Antonio I sure do we got down two miles of clay already so
we're roughing in the roads we got three miles of trees cleared so that deal is going down yeah yeah okay so we'll talk
for sure awesome so uh if you want to talk a little bit about uh kind of where where
did you start in real estate how did you get or why did you get into development and then uh what's next for you yes so
initially I started as a realtor so I was a luxury sales
agent back in 2011 a couple of months out of undergrad I had a sales
background with like AT&T or something on one of my friends that I used to model with she winded up in real estate
she's like listen you hate your job just come on and be a realtor your like a runway model or what
yeah so I was doing Runway and print and I don't know if you saw but
I'm doing it again don't ask I no I could just I could see you I like that's perfect fit for you I didn't know you
did that I haven't seen it yet yeah I'm 5'11 I'm tall but now I'm more curvier
so I'm doing curve modeling that's like the plus-size models um I just was walking in Fashion Week on damn okay at
you yeah yeah by the grace of God um I had the opportunity to walk in Fashion Week and with that being said I got into
um real estate as an agent um I wasn't really making a lot of money my first
year always wanted to be a lawyer that that was the actual goal to be a lawyer
um and the what I W up doing was getting hired as a real estate pargal so I
became a real estate and a trust in Estates pargal for like five years that's a good background to get into
real estate and in that role I was able to see like all of the commissions people were making um the money that the
investors were making the properties that were being pushed through probate like just craziness right yeah so you
seen everything you seen every problem that could possibly come up in real estate that's beautiful trying to you know liquidate their assets for Medicaid
like all kind of nursing home patients all kind of stuff happening and I was like you know what this is what I I
really want to get back into um so make la story short I fell in love with HGTV I went to one of those seminars
that you hear on the radio started in real estate with no money I literally had no money around that time that was
like 2013 the city of New York was selling land for $1,000 I was so broke I
didn't have $ thousand dollars I was sleeping on an airbed with my daughter's father well he wasn't even my daughter's
father at the time he was my boyfriend at the time take a long story short we had these really big dreams and
we knew we lived in a gold mine Newark New Jersey was for one one of the top
deadliest cities in America so it was like a war zone at the time and we had tons of abandoned
properties tons of real estate and I was like I saw what happened in Brooklyn I know this is GNA happen in New York okay
so fast forward 2024 we're now selling building and selling 900 to million doll
homes in nework in the Hood the same number blocks Dam it just gentrified
later on yeah it's still a little Hood to me but but yes it's becoming genified but
what's happening is the proximity to New York the New Yorkers can't afford New York anymore so they flooding into New
Jersey we're only about 25 minutes away from Midtown so they're they're moving
in they can't afford to live here and that's what's happening um so how did I
get into development when I was going when I was trying to buy those lots for $1,000 doll I just
Faith and Real Estate.)
had this Epiphany that I wanted to build homes and specifically it was container
homes and I didn't even know it was called real estate development at the time I just knew I wanted to build homes
I knew I wanted to make nework New Jersey a better place and my very first cash
buyer I mean I literally met him out of thin air on Facebook he really like
started love like he just fell in love with who I was as a person he saw that I was a
single mother because now years has passed um so like 2016 I meet him he see
I'm a single mother of a two-year-old and I was hungry okay so we close a deal
together and he's like you need to do this you need to do this um next thing I
know we're having a meeting with him he's like you need to go sign up for a real estate development program I'm like
I always wanted to be a real estate developer and he kind of just introduced me to
some of the top attorneys and Business Consultants in the country uh these are the same individuals that started land
Banks throughout America so they helped Detroit start their land bank they helped Kansas City start their land bank
like what do you mean like help like the the the state like they have a state department that does land banking so the
city we'll say Kansas City or we'll say Detroit um they had so many blight
properties and black properties are like abandoned homes homes that are just a detriment to the community right um that
the cities didn't know what to do with it so they would foreclose on the original owners and then they would just hold these assets and now they needed
investors and developers to go ahead and invest their Capital to rehab or redevelop these projects so that took a
lot of paperwork it's also a nonprofit so this particular attorney had a title company he helped them structure um a
actual Land Bank in the city of Detroit in Kansas City some other even in Newark
Newark didn't even know what a landbank was until he came and that's when I was around in 2019 um we kind of bought the
idea to them and then later they made a actual Land Bank program for investors
and homeowners like our like us where we can go and buy these um abandoned
properties and land um for really cheap literally
you're getting it 90% off in most cases um that's why I was able to buy you know land for $10,000 and things of that
nature so these guys really just was like you're a developer and I'm like
okay against your own will now and you know they they literally had this whole
vision for me you're gonna be having a podcast we're gonna start a real estate fund like and I'm still working on some
of the things um I was a very shy person at the time so me on a podcast please
dang okay I wouldn't see you like that I see you like as an extrovert big time no I'm very introverted still believe it or
not um me um starting a fun begging people not begging but asking people for
money or conv invest in my projects I would have never done it um so they had
this big vision for me and we're like I said we're still working through the vision I'm not I'm no longer working
with them but I'm still doing what I said I promised myself I was going to do um so make a long story short
they make me a developer on paper they write my proposals for me I put the team together we go through the process we
get the land um I had properties at the time I wind up losing
everything during not even covid it was the year after TW uh 2020 how how how
did what what happened just Co happened it wasn't really Co it was my team my
construction team so I wind up you know getting engaged to my
Builder I know that's a good laugh right and shout out to him he's not a bad person but you know when you mix
business and pleasure sometime it doesn't work out and I would know anything about that never came across it
in 43 years not that I can think of it didn't work out um not a bad
person it didn't work out the structure wasn't there we didn't have the capacity
and I think thank God that that happened before I decided to build on the land that I purchased from the city because
it would have been a whole poop show literally yeah so any assets we had together we sold it any debt we had I
paid it because he didn't pay it he just left so I had to start at zero um and I
had the only thing I had left was the land and he didn't have it wasn't in his
name it was only in my name thank God so at the time I had three lots from Newark
with all this equity in it and then I had two lots from East orang New Jersey with a bunch of equity in it as well and
I said God literally I fell into a a depression um borderline suicidal that's
how was I was I was really like like how is this happening to me you know I tell
you what if you have not hit that point as a real estate investor you haven't done enough deals yet because I've I've
hit three or four or five times where I'm like having chess pains I'm like real say kill me I'm
dead blood pressure chest pains you don't want to live like it's craziness
okay I've hit rock bottom so many times even before getting into real estate even coming from a construction background like some days I'm like oh my
God what did I do like my life is over again for like the 30 second time so yeah now I think we're we're stabilized
now but yeah if you have not hit rock bottom in real estate you just haven't been doing it long enough yeah yeah and
I didn't know hit me I didn't know what hit me just got hit by truck so you know
this is where Faith came in at um this is where God just started
showing me hold on like he started showing me dreams and visions and before
we even got to that point he was showing me the bad stuff about the man that I had to get rid of so it was like once
you get rid of this man then I can help you and I got rid of the man called off
the wedding um like I said I sold everything and then God was like showing me literally through dreams and Visions
what he had in stored for me and I and that was my faith card I had to believe what I saw and believe what God said
about me and the rest is history um and this is where again the spiritual side comes in at one day one of my
um my well my architect in particular he didn't really know I was a Believer
until me and the guy broke up I actually met him through the ex right
and I don't remember what the conversation was but he was just like I have to help you he was like I'm going
to do your plans for free damn when you get it figured out you're gonna pay me back he was like I
never made it this far he said he went through the same process I went through with the city of New York he never made it that far and he was like you being a
woman you being a woman of God I have to see you make it this far okay wow and
he's like you have something like you already you're halfway there already I'm going to help you fulfill it right so
I'm like okay so um he's like come like he was just very he took a lik to me um
and he I didn't know the projects He was working on so come to find out he was working
with a rapper I don't really want to put the name out there but not necessary
Queen Latifa right he was work the whole time and he was working with me and he's like you should be at
this groundbreaking they're about to build a 80 unit affordable housing project you need to be there and I felt
so low I couldn't even go I was like like I don't even deserve to be there
I'm not going right so I wind up looking at everything online and while I was looking at the
pictures Holy Spirit said contact the Builder and I'm like am I crazy because
I thought I just heard God speak to me and I reached out to the Builder and I'm like listen I got this deal this is the
amount of E that's in this project I want you to buy into the project I want you to partner with me yada yada yada y make a long
story short they agreed they agreed to partner with me
and fund the project $2.5 million and this is when you're at your
lowest this is when you're at your lowest this is when you hear God this is trust that you heard God and you have to
put yourself out there because one thing about God if it's his if it's God's will
it's his bill okay W let me write this down like he's not gonna tell you to do
something that he's not going to back so I had to literally stand on it and the
crazy part is when we did the first part of the transaction I was so broke that
the bank account the business bank account that I had opened for that LLC
the Bank closed it because there was no money in hey been there now there was no money in the bank
account the man done wired six figures to the to that checking account and it was closed
and it was closed the Federal Reserve like fine so they sent the money to the
federal like it was a crazy ordeal how'd you get it back so you have to like make phone calls and wait on hold for days
Politics, Religion, and Society.)
calls wait a couple days damn we had to get a whole new bank account well I had
another bank account anyway it was just crazy but I was just like wow look at God though he came through in the 11th
Hour okay oh my God I love that story so much I have I can tell you 10 of those right now but I'm finish and you know by
the grace of God he built all of the houses quickly in a whole year how many
houses it was like five houses y damn then like one year less than that it was
like 10 months I was literally in the middle I was traveling a lot that year um I went to
Israel and he was beautiful he was just building houses like like nothing was
mattering right um but it was just it was a blessing because to be honest if I don't if God wouldn't have gave me the
courage or even told me to reach out to this Builder I would have never thought he would have worked on a small project like mine in my mind because he was
literally doing buildings so I'm like these are just houses but he did it and now we have like a you know a
partnership and a working relationship um so yeah I just wanted to talk about
how God blessed me and you know how I went from zero to developer even when I
thought I had it all figured out I still had to start over but it's okay oh I love I love that story I think that's a
perfect segue right there uh I'll tell you probably last year sometime we we
bought just enough properties and we hit enough you know spots where cash wasn't coming in because we had so many things
open all at once and I started just praying and praying and praying and praying in the middle of the night I was
just saying the hell Mary over and over and over and over again it like probably two: in the morning I couldn't sleep and
uh uh you know uh the Virgin Mary just said hey go to California and go meet
this money lender that had been trying to make a relationship with us and I'm like all right I'm not going to say no
and I felt ultimate peace like immediate peace from like unsleep like being not being able to sleep like just like speeding heart rate to just instant
peace like in 10 seconds right so I wake up I call the guy said hey can you meet us this weekend he said yeah I'm free
Sunday boom bought a plane ticket that morning met him Sunday damn the guys raised like $5 million for us or $6
million for us so when you listen to God and you you have that clear line of communication
right because there's a few things that'll like separate that line of communication between you and God uh but
if you keep that line of communication open things like that happen where you get that inside like hey just do this
and what you perceive as a massive problem for God he's like I got that don't worry about it so I've I've lived it and I've experienced it so many times
in my life and I'll get excited I go post on Facebook like Man Prayer works so yeah that's so cool it's such a
such a cool story so what let's why don't we talk about that like I said let's get into some non-bl right like
like so uh yeah did you grow up in the church or like did did somebody raise you like that or how did how did this
relationship with God that you have come about well you know I I was actually born my father was Catholic my mother
Catholic still practicing just FYI yeah my mother I guess she was Baptist I
don't know um but I was actually baptized or Christian as a baby as a Catholic my father didn't ra me at all
um fun fact he's he was actually a real estate investor the whole time didn't
teach me anything in your DNA it's in my DNA um he's an immigrant from Jamaica
you know just a hustler that's where I get it from my mother's a hustler from Brooklyn like grew up with hustlers
okay and growing up my grandmother would take me to
church I find out later later years later that that she had an aunt or great
aunt that was like a whole Prophet I didn't know didn't know anything until recently actually so make I would go to
church with my grandmother and the Baptist Church it was crazy people was falling out it was was a lot of stuff
going on I'm like I heard I heard a couple of rumors about those Baptists I was like I ain't never gonna
do this crazy stuff right um but I always knew that Jesus was my Lord and
Savior from a young age at 15 um doctors trying to diagnose me with
leukemia which is cancer mother at the same time was diagnosed with a brain tumor um I I saw
how God he just made sure I was healed like I never even had to go through a
situation with cancer and I also remember declaring out my mouth I don't have cancer I never fell into agreement
with it and by the grace of God I didn't have it but my mom she did have a brain Tuma at the same time I saw how God
healed her um she had her surgery he made sure she was at the best
doctors my mother's still here she's still breathing she can see 20 almost 25
wait 28 years later I don't even know dang okay all right so she beat 23 23
years later because I'm 35 that was no so that was actually 20 years ago excuse me um so I've seen like the healing
power of God through my mom so it was never a thing of me questioning God are you real I
think what happened was um I wasn't living for God from a young age I was actually attacked by the enemy from
sexually by the enemy from a young age right so I was living a life of perversion um up until like my 30s let's
just say that um but I as I was like 23 years old one of
the I was dating he brought me to a church I joined the church got baptized
and then I went right back into sin just whing out and then I met a guy in real estate at around 27 and he was like you
remind me of this girl so it was this Minister shout out to her Tiffany Montgomery I don't know if y'all know who that is but she's like a a propheus
and a woman on fire for God and she's the prophet that called out Beyonce for being a witch
okay I like her already send me her Instagram so um before she even was calling out
Beyonce for being a witch um I remember seeing her for the first time and she was just speaking to my soul she was
just talking about like the wom at the well how she had five husbands and all this stuff I was like well I probably
had more than five husbands but you know you know told me she started teaching on
the dangers of having sex before marriage and I felt like the churches I was going to was too
afraid to teach about that and how they spoken taught to that subject I probably
would have been a virgin my whole life um so she was teaching us that you know
every person you lay down with technically in the spirit that's your husband soul ties yep yes soul ties and
even in the Bible they talk a lot about um when they laid down together
that's literally when they consummated the marriage that's look you being married to the person now and I just got
grossed out like ew yeah right yeah I was like ew and I just stopped having
sex after that literally now that fiance that I was going to
marry I did have sex with him I'm not gonna sit here and lie because I did but with for the most part I got the
Revelation at that point and then even in our before we got engaged me and him stopped having sex and then he proposed
to me and I yes he thought we were going to get married fast so we can have sex again and we actually um that engagement
was for like 18 months and during the 18 months we did not do anything
and yeah God was like it's enough for me that man has a very strong
willpower God bless him wherever he is right now he might be listening to this now I'm actually actually now you
know they're waiting for for a new husband to arise and I am still living
for God in the best of my ability um I love that when somebody really is
in love with God and you're just even if you're just trying to live that life you see the look on the person's face like
like more energy more clarity like more vibrancy and I see that in you so that's so dope and I'm so I'm so proud of you
for that and uh you know like look at me man I'm mess you know what I'm saying like I've been to Hell back yeah I've
done everything I was definitely the woman at the I did everything in my life that I wish
I never did and it took me a long time to to repair my life and to get to where I am now lots of prayer lots of fasting
lots of meditation lots of reading the Bible and uh yeah yeah now I came full circle and I love where I am today by no
means am I anywhere near perfect I say like I go to church because I know I need it and the people that don't go
then they just maybe they're good with God but I am not so I got to go I got to go fill up my cup every week and I feel
really good about it I'm not a Holy Roller I I Dro some F bombs when I need to and I'm not proud of it but I just I
try and I try and I try and I really do I would rather if somebody tells me they're a Christian I would rather I
would rather do the deal with them even if I make a little bit less money because I'd rather trust them than somebody who just kind of just doesn't
even it's not even on their radar so like let me tell you some of these Christians you can't trust either so oh I know and it every side right
discernment is key and you know really with me I got to the point where um once
I started reading the word for myself and I realized that the word said if you love me you will obey my Commandments
one day I was just like oh I guess I wasn't loving God even now I struggle with loving God so I'm not gonna act
like I'm perfect all of us do all of us because as soon as you try and as soon as you you aim your trajectory there and
you say this is what I'm going to do now the devil's gonna come for you he GNA try to knock you off that path yeah and
if you were if you were not trying to walk the path you'd be fine nobody's gonna bother you at all but as soon as you try to like hey I'm just going to
just live a clean life I'm going to do good I'm going to just do everything right Devil's coming for you no matter what so you got you got to pray yeah
like you said you got to have pray for the spirit of discernment watch out for the people that are around you and the the the you know the five people you're
around the most and that's all we can do right and we're going to stumble we're going to fall a million more times before our death but that's that's part
of who we are I used to carry a lot of guilt you know what I mean like I said because everything I've done in my past all the crazy stuff and I used to just
feel guilty like man like I wish I never did and all this stuff but I'm thinking like you know what God made me exactly who I am and if if I stumble sometimes
and sometimes I'm a little [ __ ] and I don't I don't have the word I'm about to say like I do stupid [ __ ] it's like
hey God made me like this so he probably loves me like this he didn't make somebody that he would actually hate and
that brings me a lot of comfort like I'm doing the best that I can honestly I really am and I I like I said I don't
think God would make somebody that he's going to despise so when you trip up like it's just part of your programming like it's fine you get right back up and
you keep going right and then for someone that's listening to this condemnation is not of God that's the
enemy that's the devil yeah trying to you know take you away from God because we think oh I'm not perfect I I can't
speak God no that's when you need to come to God when you're not perfect dirty best perect that's a best time the
lady at the well right right when you raggedy and acting up that's that's the perfect time to seek God even more so
don't you know you we all figuring it out I'm far from purpose I I have to repent every
day twice a day last night cutting up not being nice to somebody or whatever
the case may be and you know I was like you know God Teach Me How to Love people like you love that you know somebody
said that they said um that when when if you if you treat everybody you meet as if you're speaking to God and the way
you would treat God like man that was like one of the best say I had ever heard before and I think Daniel and
myself you know and even my family my kids like we're pretty good at that you know honestly like when we're somewhere
we try to overtip the extra poite help anybody that's in the jam like we just literally like help strangers like
literally and uh that makes me feel really really really good but if you think about that yeah even if somebody is a a mess right uh you you can still
view them as like God made that person they're a good person and I think honestly I think that everybody is doing
the very best possible job that they can right whether whether we think so or not like you said like condemnation right
like hey I don't like the way that person is I don't like the stuff that they do and they're not living right like you I bet you they're trying as
hard as they possibly can and if they could do better they would so it's not up to us to to put a label on them and
say they're not a good person they're not doing the right thing like I'm sure they're giving it everything they have too and it's not up to us to to to you
know give them a pass or not that's not our business you know we just just be a good shining example try as hard as you
can and then the the right people will show up in your life and and the quality of your life will improve and so with
theirs yeah that's true that is so true so what's the next
topic like you you know I I've never been a
political person at all in my life like I said I used to hate politics uh my dad was watching TV Fox News and all this
CNN and stuff and I'm just like Dad I said all those people remind me of like wrestling you know when I was a kid like
they seem like they're all on the same team I don't think that those guys actually really hate each other this looks very familiar this exactly like
wrestling so I never I never was around politics I never cared about it never thought about it um but just I think
recently like like since I think Trump started coming around uh like I said I used to hate the United States I thought
we were murderers bloodthirsty uh we sell we sell military
uh expertise and equipment for a living you know what I mean like we're just like making dirty money right and I've
done enough that in my lifetime so I was never proud of us as a country and I felt like and this is what I've been
telling my dad since I was a kid I know nothing about politics I'm just a young dumb contractor kid I was like those guys both play for the same team there
is no left and right those are the same guys I've seen this on wrestling before my whole life I love wrestling when I was a kid so when Trump came around I'm
like I think this guy is not part of The Insider Club because both sides hate
him interesting okay so that was like thing thing number one that I noticed that was kind of odd like why did this
guy come out and both sides despise him that's interesting man who cares right or wrong it's just a little note just
put that in the in your little ticker box both sides hate this guy both sides are the devil that's interesting then
I've been knowing forever that Public Media Fox News CNN all them they argue back and forth they're the same side
again right and little did I know that foreign entities own like 99% of our media our public media it's not even
owned by the United States I didn't know that either so then uh when Trump comes
around every single news channel in the whole entire country every radio station
is telling us that this guy's the devil and left and right telling us he's the devil
like I'm not really really good at math but I'm good at at I got I got street cred right so I I'm pretty good at
deductive reasoning right I know how to stay alive in in vicious environments and I'm thinking like this guy's an
outsider and everybody hates him he's probably the right guy right so if you know a bunch of
murderers and and child traffick ERS and drug dealers and everything and then I show up with my little police badge on
and everybody in the audience is like we hate that guy and then like huh that tells you who your friends are so that
that that's kind of my stance right now like I said maybe I haven't done enough homework but I've been I've been reading a lot and watching a lot of videos but I
kind of feel like yeah that that he's the guy so that's why I'm on Facebook like just blasting out especially after they tried to assassinate him like why
do they need this guy out of the picture so bad yeah so did you vote for him the first time yes okay the second time and
the third time okay so I did not vote for okay first of all let's go back okay I
voted you what I voted for Hillary Hillary Clinton okay um and then it was
brought to my attention that she was really like lowkey witch
also yeah you don't say yeah here's one thing just one quick identifier again we
talked about how beautiful somebody like yourself is you believe in God faith and then like if you look at some of these
people and and I'm not saying nothing right I'm not going to win any beauty pageants myself but you see that look on their face like that scowl I've never
met a beautiful honest person in my life that has that look on their face like what the heck is up with that yeah so
there's so much that stuff we can't really talk about um but she's done so much dirt behind the scenes and
done it's it's if you dig hard enough you'll find it yeah she's done a lot to the people in Haiti she's done a lot
here um and yeah the Epstein list that they will not release I mean Trump is on
that list too by the way but and let's say he is
right the whole entire country is trying to find dirt on him they should just like just get him out of the way he's on
the list get him out of the way see they're all on the list yeah the Obamas
the clintons Trump anybody anybody in political power is dirty Hollywood dirty
they're all in it they've been doing it for 100 years the elite is all in the secret society so they're all on it um
and that's a whole another story but one thing like you alluded to Trump is not a
puppet that's what I love about him he's not a politician he's not a puppet he comes from his own money he's
a king in his own right so you can't tell him what to do um been a fan
favorite he's been a fan favorite since I've ever even heard his name before now did I like Trump absolutely well I liked
Trump as a businessman I always respected him as a businessman I didn't
like the way he came at Obama okay he came out crazy on everybody I ain't like
it like how dare you um I didn't like how he was coming at um Hillary right
but the main thing was Obama I ain't like that now Trump does come with a spirit of
hate not to say that he hates a particular race but the people that support him these
not I'm not saying you but some of these um the Trump Cults will'll say the ones
that are really embedded in racism they they start to show they behind even now they they be showing
they behind I just be like whoa relax relx have you ever met any of those people in person yeah they a little
crazy just a little have you ever met them in person a real racist I used to work in trumpville I call it trumpville
literally Trump Nation all you see is Trump stuff everywhere where it was in um so a part of New Jersey called but
Lake New Jersey bu Lake yeah it's called Bud Lake Bud Lake okay yeah it's like
Hicktown New Jersey a bunch they they were a little nuts okay
um have you seen anybody ever like in the Trump supporting Army like be racist to you directly oh no they know better
okay I don't because I keep heing it right and you see it on social media and you get
this one video of one dude somewhere but I have never seen it none of my friends are like that nobody I
know so it seems like it seems like this is a media painted picture and I'm not saying they don't exist because I'm
there's there's left extremist and there's gonna be right extremist never met they've been there before Trump now
they have a leader Trump now they have a now they have a a cult leader they could
attested right they just excited somebody agrees with them and I to be honest I don't really think Trump is
racist okay I just feel like he speaks his mind I think he's just a old man that just seen a lot and he just speaks
his mind that's what I think but his fan club a lot of a lot of them are racist I
do believe that so we have to be careful however the other evil side because I'm
not saying Trump is an angel okay not saying his the other evil side they're they're
going for everything against what God wants that's the sad part it's like well
then what do you do who do you vote for then they're both bad I'm like whatever God wants is what I want so you got to
have a stance um I do feel like Trump is going to become radically saved um
because he done had two assassination attempts um my
spiritual mentors and Christian people unfortunately I've
heard there's going to be one more attempt so y'all we just have to keep
him in prayer but that last attempt he gonna really realize that it's the hand of God that's saving him and I do
believe he's going to become radically saved okay um so keep him in prayer and
also Biden we have to keep biding in prayer too because we we need him to be alive
all the way to the election for sure you know um so these are just some of the things that my spiritual
advisers and these are prophets of God I don't want y'all to think I'm speaking of psychic but these are prophets of God
people that hear God just like I hear God they hear God even better than me you all do if you keep the lines of
communication open right we all can hear God if you know how to seek Him correctly and if yeah you getting your
word the word of God is God speaking so if you read your Bible you hear God pretty much okay um
but ask pray and ask for interpretation don't just read it like it's a regular book I just want to say that but that
don't read it like if you're reading the one thing it's not a business book it is a business book but it's not right you
really do need to ask Holy Spirit to you know Point things out to you and allow
you to understand it um but the Democratic party is very
demonic um I don't I don't first of all what's that man's name Waltz what's the
vice president nominee that Tim Tim Waltz yeah him um what he stands for is
disgusting um arresting parents that will not uh support their kids transgender
surgery you could go to hell that's a that's that's a child like you wouldn't give your 16-year-old kid marijuana or
liquor talking about babies sixy old why why would you go help them chop off body parts it's a kid it's a Child leave them
The Future: Real Estate, Farming, and Survival.)
alone for a little while and see what happens imagine every tomboy in the country when you were growing up and they went and got something permanent
done like this is a kid leave him alone and yeah so I don't I don't agree with that so they have a very demonic uh
agenda um I'm as y'all probably could tell I'm pro-life me too I post about it I just
posted something today like and if somebody's sick if somebody's about to die I understand there's medical reason but these people are doing like 45 of
them and bragging about it and wearing it on a t-shirt I had 45 abortion and like that's that's mental disease that's
a decaying a decaying country you know a decaying ideology like that's my dad would say they're the party of death and
if you had 45 abortions You're a murderer if you had one abortion technically you're a
murderer but 45 that's excessive serial killer yeah killer that's it murderer a
serial killer and you got to pay for that atonement some someday um and you
know no me being a woman who cares about women's rights I'm not a feminist um I'm
a woman of God and um I do believe that I need a man because some of us the
feminist agendas are very like destroys the family it destroys the nuclear family that's all they care about yeah I
need man I don't know what y'all talking about but now I do believe in equal rights and stuff however um some of the
agendas very again demonic and it's going against the will of God for me it
goes against anything that's biblical anything it doesn't matter even if you even like right now they're making it where if even if you mention the name of
Jesus they're G to come for you you know what I mean like that's how you know that's how they are across the world in
Israel they're the same way so that's a whole another story but
before people be like what the heck is she talking about okay what I will say is um
we have to we all have the right to exercise our vote I encourage you all to
pray and ask God who to vote for I do believe Trump is going to change a
little like his demeanor he's going to become more of a man of God um also it
doesn't matter who becomes president when it comes to this economy I do believe the economy is going
to take a um a shift and it really doesn't
matter uh who becomes president when it comes to a potential
War um we're more likely to go to war with the
Democrats than Trump trump is hotheaded but that's what
allowed us not to become um casualties at War right like
Putin knew not to play around with Trump and they were kind of like friends right so Putin is looking forward to Kamala
becoming president he can Molly [ __ ] her like he did Biden and did whatever the
hell he wanted million murder murdered millions and millions of people now unchecked undeterred and he's not going
to stop he has no plans in quitting yeah right so it's a lot um immigration
that's a whole another and I did not appreciate Trump talking about the Haitians now the
reason why I'm gonna say that is because now so we don't know what the PE no
actually the I'm glad it's you it's you remember we had a whole conversation behind the scenes the lady seeing her
the neighbor's cat and you know that lady came out and said she lied about what about the neighbor's cat
going missing the lady I didn't hear about nothing however I told you my thoughts
on it and I don't think they were eating cats I think some else is happening right get into that before I
[Laughter] get happening if it was happening right
but Trump could have said he could have he should have been speaking about the Venezuelans and I don't know who's Venezuelan on here but that's more
important than some cat and dog getting eaten the V Venezuelans was actually
killing people and breaking into their homes kicking them out right yeah yeah
more important um they're saying they're in New York they know not to do that here because we got a lot of gangs as it
is but we're talking about dangerous gang leaders going into suburb White
America yoking people out their house and Trump didn't mention that I
had a problem with that talk about that that's actually more alarming than a cat and a dog I don't care about a cat and a
dog eat all the cats and dogs if you need to you know something that frustrates me about him like I listened
to that podcast with Elon Musk and I love that I think it's the best podcast I've ever listened to I love them both but uh he he doesn't he's not good at
like dialing in like on little key points like you could you could have just made an excellent point there but I
have dealt with a lot of like billionaires I guess like people that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and they're very very like their
mindset is like kind of direct like it's hard to steer them away from what they were already thinking so I see that in
him and I wish he would stop and like back off and and make other key points like Elon was talking about making a
government efficiency board we're like we're going to go in we're going to freaking do a a audit of the whole
entire government everybody and find out where to save money and that's the first thing Trump did when he came in so when
Elon brought it up on the podcast I'm like oh perfect I hope he talks about this and he just kind of like yeah that's a good idea went around it I'm
like [ __ ] he could have made a bunch of good points there so he's old that's why he's old he's that porch just talking
like so yeah so so is he the sharpest most you know well put together
presenter ever in the world no but he like you said he is Tough Enough so that
where if there's another country like China Russia Iran or all the other people that want to kill the whole United States if they want to start a
problem over here he's not gonna let it happen right and like you said people know that so that's what makes me feel like like you can't have this dude
dancing around to Beyonce song and like a freaking bra and leather pants and and
you know Montel Williams side chick like running the country they're going to get walked all over these people are murderers you know what I mean like
they're not politically correct they are murderers for a living like they'll go and kill millions and millions of people
and to them it's like a jobs report like oh we made 300 jobs he's like okay we killed seven million people today
tomorrow I'm G to kill a couple more awesome it's like on a spreadsheet and he's not gonna stand for
that I do I do believe K he's more than Montel
Williams she did earn like she she she's a she worked hard to be where she is
right um however she's also a puppet there's a lot of things I didn't like from her
professional past um and you know some things are coming
out and coming to light I think you've been posting stuff I've been watching it and um the situation with the lady with
the truy law which I'm telling you it was crazy yeah so certain things I just
don't like about her and I feel like she hasn't really did anything the last couple years um or if she has they
didn't Market it um but you know made you know I'm
happy that she's in the position to run for president um if she was standing for
more biblical stuff um maybe I would be super excited to vote for her I just
feel like it's just another Puppet Master coming in uh with liberal crazy
ideas and this whole transgender thing shout out to the transgenders nothing against y'all but y'all need to stay off
of the kids okay have some of my best friends are gay I love them to death like I go to
dinner my male best friend said this is a gay agenda he knows it's out of control he knows yeah that's what I'm
saying like I have plenty of friends that I could point at and say hey this is my best friend in the world if somebody messes with them I'll kill them you know what I mean like it ain't going
to happen but leave the kid alone they're too little like why do you mean they don't they don't even know about
that stuff so why even put it in their mind the same way you wouldn't give them alcohol or weed or anything else and I'm a big a big marijuana Advocate I think
that that medicine that's inside that plant will help kind of disrupt what big farm is doing right like we could put a
dent in some of that agenda in that dirty money um but so but I still wouldn't offer it to a sixy old or a
seveny old you know I mean like what the hell when what world is that okay to modify the body and the and the thinking
of a child like that it's weird it's nuts but those are just my
viewpoints I don't know who I'm voting for to be honest I don't want to say I don't want to vote but I just I don't
even care at this point I'm sorry everybody everybody should be open-minded like I said and and for
myself I felt like I'm not wealthy right but if I needed to produce a million dollars in a couple weeks like I could I
could put my hands on it no problem you know what I mean it's not in my account but I can I can put my hands on it pretty quick right based on like all the
assets we have and everything we're doing so no matter who gets voted in I'm be okay but to see my friends and my
family that I went to high school with and they're like barely making it for groceries and stuff like that like eggs went to like $10 like I'm not a
scientist but something's terribly terribly terribly wrong and uh man another four years of this is g to be
tough for a lot of people and it's not going to affect me or you as bad but you know and you know I feel like it doesn't
matter who's gonna come in it's going to hit everybody the same um unless you know what to do right we know how to
maneuver um but the others don't um but I do encourage everyone listening to start
buying Farmland we we allo we all need it um
I've said this on other podcasts we have the Bill Gates the Asians everybody but
us owning the majority of this Farmland ultimately they're controlling our food
we know the food is becoming contaminated every day right um so we want to get a control
over the situation um start eating a cleaning a cleany a cleaner life style
too so start eating more raw fruits and vegetables because the prophets are
saying that we might have a famine in the future and this is why they're encouraging everyone to buy farm land
because you might have to farm and grow your own food Okay so so you especially
you because you find all the land in Texas start keeping some of it start learning how to
farm learning also how to preserve your fruits and vegetables um there's a conference coming up the man I went to
Israel with he does this government Summit he's actually like a person that
works with the White House it doesn't even matter who the president is he works with them to give them spiritual
advice um but last year he had this big government conference and he was teaching people how to preserve the food
how to can your own fruits how to farm cuz he's like these are the things you're going to need to know how to do
over the next five years or less so that's it that's what I got I
heard a guy today on he was giving some kind of testimony in front of Congress or something and he was like I guess a former like a FBI or something and he
was saying like you need to buy ammunition and you better start like buying food that doesn't expire that's
all he said like oh [ __ ] yeah so yeah I I believe it right now and I'm glad you
brought that up but that's like kind of my passion project for hive mind is uh I
see I clearly see what's happening foreign entities are buying our I say stealing but they're buying our land
right from under us and while over here popping bottles at the club and flipping mobile homes like nothing wrong with
that make money how you got to make money but don't forget to buy the dirt before somebody else does yeah and
that's very alarming to me and then if you want to really have your mind blown find the podcast with me and Daniel
called the water wars and that's what it's really about that's big time right there what
if you have all the farmland and there's no water to water those fields that's true they're stealing the
water right from underneath us and we're all watching it happen all black man well they they killed the black man let
me not to let me not start with conspiracy theory stuff was there a black man that was
taking the water and I forgot what he was doing I have to look it up I think he was taking
the Rainwater and it was St being sterilized or something and it was used for like
renewable water I don't know but I think either they killed him or they was damaging his equipment because he was on
to something basically you got to send me that video that's going to be on episode two conspiracy theories with
deont shant no well maybe he ain't I hope he didn't I hope he alive but
um is true that's scary the water like what will we do there's no water
I'm telling you right now we need to stop thinking about Roi and profit and spreadsheets and we need to start
thinking that one day you might own Farmland no way to water it so we got we got bigger problems happening so that's
why like with hive mind like I'm not trying to make money like I'm sounding the alarm bro like it's going down this
is the fourth quarter you know what I mean and this like this is sudden death and if people are still going to be
asleep and just pretending they're being Real Estate Investors like I'm like holy [ __ ] okay well I can't help those people I can't save them but I'm still be
shouting it to the mountain tops until there's no more water under the ground like we we need to move we need to pick up this land we need to pick up all the
water rights that you can possibly pick up and we need to do it quickly we need to help we need to tell our friends and
family we need to get out there we need to pray we need to pray pray pray and we need to make this happen because sooner
later this is not going to be a business model anymore and pretty sooner this is not going to be a country anymore so I don't know if it's one generation away
or two generations away but we don't have a hundred years left to keep I don't think we got 100 years yeah yeah
so we need to we need to move we need to make sure that we protect this land from the people that would love to destroy it
and who's that everybody that's outside of these border walls every country on the planet hates
us I'm considering buying in um Africa yeah I'm Jamaican descent um but
I'm considering buying in Jamaica buying in Ghana um because I do feel like
America is going to be a third world country soon um very possible yeah so yeah I think in
the next 10 years actually you know I don't know what the timelines are like I said I'm just an
employee here I have my at our high mind event this last year my the back of my shirt said janitor like I just work here
you know what I mean and uh yeah we got some work to do we definitely have some work to do we need to move quickly and like you said we need to pray and uh but
yeah I mean we're looking at Costa Rica we're looking at investing in other markets not now like as a business models people are going to start sending
me land leads from Panama tomorrow I'm like no uh but yeah we are looking at at other places in case yeah this thing
went down what else where else is it safe but uh I think America is Freedom's Last Stand and I'm going to fight to the
death for it and and if it ever Falls then yeah then we're thinking about exits too good good good okay well this
is one of my favorite conversations we've ever had I've never gone this deep on religion and politics into in a podcast before in 600
episodes I'm glad it was with you and I'm I'm glad now after speaking to you because we've never had in this this
in-depth of a conversation before I love you even more now I think uh yeah you're an amazing person inside out I'm glad of
how far you've come and uh how you broke through adversity beautiful story um and it couldn't have happened to a better
person so I'm glad that you were here with us and and I hope to do it again thank you everyone if you want to stay
connected to me you can find me on Instagram Deontay Chantel you can also
find me on uh YouTube I have a podcast called Journey to develop her we talk
about my development Journey as as well as other investors and developers throughout this country we got to have
Anthony and Daniel on there as well and we also have a real estate an exclusive
real estate development Community called zero to developer I teach you everything
from wholeselling cash flowing real estate development um we also where this group
I'm sorry repeat that where's this group oh it's it's well it's my private
Community we're on Facebook we have a WhatsApp Community um it's called zero to
developer and um we meet 40 times per year so we have 40 classes um we're
starting to do deals together as well it's so it's it's great it's incredible
so if you have any questions about that if you reach out to me or you go on my Instagram page the link is in the bio or
you can just go to journeyto developer.com go to my store
and you'll see the options to join the mentorship group beautiful and what's
your Instagram deont Chantel D IO n t c
h a n t l my whole name I love this okay
and what kind of deals do you want people to bring you or what kind of opportunities do you want people to bring you wow that's a great
question um anything in any m a major emerging city right so I love Texas
actually so anything in the you know outskirts of Houston Dallas San Antonio
is okay of course New Jersey Pennsylvania like throughout the United States Kansas City we're definitely open
to Kansas City Missouri and even Kansas City Kansas um if you have stuff out of
the country like Ghana Jamaica Trinidad the Caribbean I'm open to it as well D
all right yeah so anything that's a deal anything that I could actually build affordable and Workforce housing for is
going to be great as well as market rate um if you have projects that you need a partner on or if you need uh development
consultant for feel free to reach out to me as well help me raise some capital for my development in San
Antonio about to say I need your help we we gonna help each other I know we still got to do a deal
together the heck yeah so we're gonna um Anthony said it on on this podcast we're
going to do a deal together and um if you need help yeah anyone out there that
needs help with writing proposals to windland or buildings I work with that in that capacity as well and also
helping people find grants so help me find a grant uh on a deal and I'll raise
the capital to get it done let's do it let's do it I got my political Partners ready to go they pretty much know
everything every everyone in every municipality in the country so we can we
can get it done Deontay from mayor let's do it for president I'm telling you that's
the next stage that's stage three yeah that's yeah that's later on I would to Congress actually I would do Congress
really yeah I would dang okay I could I kind of feel like it like I don't want
to be a politician I just want to just move dir I'm not gonna be a puppet I'm GNA do what I want to do so that's what
I'm saying I'm I'm unbendable like you can't convince me to do nothing that's wrong you know what I mean like ah I
already been there done that like I'm gonna do what I want to do and I want to make things right so I think I would destroy it in politics and I don't want
to get involved but if they keep forcing my hand they're G to make me and they don't want that they don't want that smoke exactly so you
know I would just represent whatever God wants that's what I would do and people probably would not like me so it is what
it is I'm going to be your running probably your vice president let's go let's go
all right man well God bless you I'm so glad we had this chance finally to talk and get you on here but yes amazing I
feel like we should do this again because I feel like we could have easily put another hour into this thing for sure I know we didn't even barely talk
about real estate but no this was great I feel like this
is a time sensitive podcast as we go we're going into the election we're
going into a new year um so people needed to hear this very important man
and I'm glad that that you you had the courage because I told you what what we could have talked about and I'm glad we did and uh we need to start having these
conversations I think we need to stop saying that it's not okay to talk about religion and politics in public when
it's like being slammed in your face by the public media like no we need to have uh more conversations like this to like
just kind of highlight things and bring things out to light so yeah very very one of my favorite episodes I've ever
done before so we appreciate you and uh we shall see you soon all right God bless keep God first love you all bye
amen God bless you see you soon hey if you have any deals you'd like to submit to The Hive M and our team go to Hive
bc. it's actually The Hive Buyers Club submit your deals and we can hopefully dispo your deal for you have a great day

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

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Dionte CHantel

Real Estate Developer

Dionte Chantel is a real estate developer of affordable & workforce housing for residential and multifamily projects in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Missouri and beyond. Dionte Chantel is a founding principal at Beauty For Ashes Developers LLC. She is also a founding principal of DC Essex Investments LLC, a woman-owned investment firm & development firm based in New Jersey.

Dionte Chantel has completed 35+ rehabs and new construction multifamily homes in the Greater Newark area prior to 2023 and has 200+ units in predevelopment construction pipeline throughout USA. With over 12+ years of real estate experience, Dionte Chantel is known for specializing in development, residential, commercial and investment real estate. Dionte Chantel’s ability to successfully leverage her business relationships, acquire off market real estate opportunities and expertise with real estate redevelopment has been the key to her successful real estate career. Dionte Chantel is committed to normalizing Women and minority developers in real estate development.