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Ep 575: Real Estate Syndicate Podcast: Million Dollar Land Deals With Anthony Gaona
September 30, 2024

Ep 575: Real Estate Syndicate Podcast: Million Dollar Land Deals With Anthony Gaona

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In this episode, the host, a seasoned real estate investor and land developer based out of San Antonio, Texas, shares his journey from construction to full-time land investing. He explains how his first significant deal in land, where he earned almost $100,000, shifted his focus from flipping houses to large-scale land deals. He outlines his approach to targeting unrestricted farm and ranch properties, breaking down how he identifies potential deals and why there's minimal competition in his niche. The host also emphasizes the importance of marketing, leveraging his extensive background in the field to drive his success in real estate.


Introduction to Land Investing (0:00 - 0:40)

The host introduces his background in construction and how a lucky land lead early in his real estate career led him to focus solely on large land deals, specifically farm and ranch properties in Texas.


The Transition to Land Deals (0:40 - 3:00)

He explains how his initial plan to become a house flipper changed after making a significant profit on a land deal. This experience opened his eyes to the potential of land investing, where profits are high, and the work is minimal compared to flipping homes.


Marketing and Lead Generation (3:00 - 7:00)

The host discusses how his background in marketing gave him a head start in generating leads. He describes his early strategy of mass marketing, including spending large sums on ads and bandit signs, which led to his first big land deal. He emphasizes the power of marketing in real estate success.


Land Deals vs. Residential Real Estate (7:00 - 13:00)

The differences between residential real estate and land deals are highlighted. The host explains how he targets properties with significant road frontage and minimal competition, making the process of buying and selling land simpler and more lucrative than residential properties.


The Process of Land Development (13:00 - 27:00)

In this section, the host breaks down his process for identifying, acquiring, and developing land. He touches on using "ghost ads" to test market interest and explains different strategies for turning raw land into profitable developments, from simple 10-acre lot splits to large-scale entitlements and developments.


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I'm a a real estate investor based out
in San Antonio Texas and um I I've been
doing construction for you know 20 plus
years since I was a kid with my dad's
company um so I thought I was going to
be like the world's biggest best baddest
like flipper ever but I early in my my
days I got a land lead that made like
almost 100K my first deal like one of my
first deals
so uh I stuck with land long-term and so
now I'm doing full-time land investing
Texas only um specifically Farm and
Ranch that's all I look at I love that
so that's dope man I know you I've

The Transition to Land Deals.)

shared some of the deals I've seen
online some of the deals you're doing
like can you share what's the size like
of some of these deals that you're doing
um I have a group it's called a
million-dollar land Mastermind so we
look for land deals that are $1 million
and above and uh specifically
unrestricted Farm and Ranch rural type
property so like you know somebody
brings me a quarter acre downtown for $2
million I don't know what to do with
that I'm not a developer per se but uh
yeah ideal is just a a big farm 50 acres
100 acres 200 300 acres you know
somewhere out you know South San Antonio
you know Way Way north of Austin or you
know west of Fort Worth something crazy
where no one there's no investors out
there right there there's not crawling
with wholesalers and and flippers that's
what I'm looking I'm looking in the
outskirt specifically uh unrestricted
land I love that so yeah I think that
that's super cool and you don't really
hear anyone talking about that that's
one of the reasons I was excited to have
you on here just to kind of break that
down and you know because I I know ni
nothing about it I'm sure Val's in the
same boat um how how did you get in into
that is that did you did you start
residential and then start doing the big
land deals or right from the rip is that
what you were focused yeah dude I guess
it was just a grace of God really man um
I I pulled a I have a marketing
background right so coming into real
estate five and a half years ago uh I've
been doing online marketing for you know
probably now 17 years or something right
so I have a extensive online marketing
background and offline marketing right
because I did marketing for my dad's
company when I was a kid to like door
knocking code calling all that um so
coming into real estate I i' never been
to a closing before never bought a home
before like never been inside the
company I you know what they do and uh
but I knew that I saw some some
wholesaling videos on YouTube I knew
coming in that if I did a ton of AD
advertising that I was going to get some
deals so I spent like 25 or 30 G's like
in my first month of being in real
estate knowing nothing right never being
done closing or nothing um not not part
of anybody's team I'm just like a guy at
my house and uh um yeah I shouted out a
ton of marketing I I ordered like 1,00
bandit signs I took out Facebook ads
goba lands like I just went crazy to see
what would move the needle right and
yeah I got a a landal over by Fort Worth
and was 46 acres and and I made over 85k
so it like that made me just gravitate
towards land like I thought I was going
to take on anything like I said the
house I flipped a few houses and since I
was a kid two weeks me and my dad did
construction so we flipped houses for
other people we were the contractor
right when I was a kid uh so that's what
I thought I was going to be doing coming
into real estate said I got this you
know construction background I'm I'm a
licensed contractor you know what I mean
I got my own money so I was like I just
be the best house flipper in the world
then I guess but that's all it takes and
and like said I got lucky I got a big
land deal and uh it made me realize that
like hey if I can make 100 G's and I
didn't and pick up a screwdriver there's

Marketing and Lead Generation.)

no way I'm going to go flip a house you
know that was the mindset yeah super
cool so when so you dropped all this
money marketing I mean that's crazy it's
your first month just to like have the
confidence to you know drive as much
money were you you worried at all or you
not all I had a conversation with my
friend his name is Sean ay he's a roofer
of Corpus Christie and I told him I said
dude I'm about to get into real estate
right I had even started yet and we
stayed on the phone till like 3: in the
morning I talked to him for like two or
three hours I told him that I was going
to get into real estate I was going to
start a holding company I was going to
start landing on land I was going to
start a credit company I was going to
start lending money I was going to start
developing I just give him the entire
picture uh to where I am right now fast
forward five and a half years later I
love that so how long did like when did
the real estate come into like your mind
as what you wanted to do um dude I was
on a this is like right before Co
sometime maybe like 2018 I think it was
or 19 um I was looking to to build a
house for myself because my my roofing
company was doing pretty good I was
doing Commercial Roofing so you a
million dollar roof big projects and
lots of lots of zeros behind those
checks so I said I'm going to find me a
cool piece of land I'm going to build a
house on it me and the kids and the
wifey well uh I I looked up on YouTube I
went and I said how do you buy land for
cheap and then I saw people were getting
contracts and then selling the contracts
I said what the hell so I started
researching wholesaling done shut my
Construction Company down dude yeah yeah
so I started I started doing real estate
I just I just learned I said wow because
if I sign a million dollar contract and
I'm going to go out and make three four
500 Grand dude that's a yearlong process
year and a half suing the insurance
company fighting with the insurance
agents you know what I mean like just
crazy stuff and then um you know doing
this I said well you get the contract
and then I just sell the whole contract
and then I keep all the profit and I
don't got to do nothing yeah then I'm
out of construction then mhm that's wild
yeah that's how it work for me I've been
entrepreneur for about a decade and the
marketing background to is very similar
and uh it was crazy I'm like God this CU
I always want to get in real estate I
thought you to you know how to fix stuff
and have all this crazy stuff set up and
experience and connections and
everything obiously does help when do
big deals and other things but like I
didn't know you could just get started
and just do sales marketing get a
contract and how be done because we were
doing uh we're managing like uh ad
campaigns and building like uh systems
and for other other companies uh for
cardio ships okay so it was cool we
making money but then like it there's so
much to go and do we managing there's
always like a fire to put or someone's
un happppy or you know you got to get
clim drop off get a new one and then it
was just like constantly and then Co hit
we lost all our clients overnight pretty
much because nobody could go into
dealerships and they're like reposit our
marketing Fu so um I'm like what's try
this whole family reading about and I'm
like w that was way better did you
notice the same thing coming in having
that marketing background did you feel
like you got momentum quickly in real
estate yeah I kind of um so yeah I'm
kind of happy at D learn so I tried to
come in with like a white belt mental by
a little course and I'm like I'm just
going to do what they say then after
like why is no one doing marketing stuff
they said why okay I didn't know that I
know you had that marketing background
that's strong D so I'm like oh cool I
can just you know do this oh cool it's
just yeah and everyone's like wow you
been fire it's like no it's like lot of
Industries you
know that's half is that's the hack
right that really is the hack I think
that's where the light bulb came on for
me I was watching those YouTube videos
and researching these wholesalers and
looking up all the gurus I could find on
YouTube and they kept saying marketing
marketing marketing and I wasn't making
the connection dude I'm like I'm a
marketer I think I feel like one of the
best marketers in the world you know I'm
not seeing the connection like why are
they talking about real estate with
marketing there still not no bails going
off and then the more videos I watched I
said oh damn they're doing Mass lead
generation and just monetizing the leads
I was like come dude yeah no I love it I
think it's a super cool opportunity like
that you know it's like the bar entry is
so low I mean but it's uh I feel like
there is a big disconnect a lot of
people are like oh it's going to be easy
because there's a sales piece too and
you have to deal with projection you
have to know how to do marketing and
there's definitely a learning curve if
you never done that stuff before but
like you said I thought you have a huge
leg up and
yeah yeah just came in like a ninja bro
like I said like literally like just
tons and tons of leads more leads than I
could handle so I immediately started
going to all like the local gurus like
the big people like MIT and CH and Mike
and just all the the guys Logan and Ryan
they all started helping me and all I
was doing was bringing leads like check
this out it looks like a good lead to me
I don't know nothing about real estate
but I wasn't bringing obviously trash
they were like pretty pretty well
targeted leads so I was bringing some
decent stuff so they were willing to sit
with me and and they probably would have
done it without it but I'm just saying
like I didn't come in and say hey help
me I came in and said hey I've got
something so I think stting yeah
starting with that marketing first well
okay well this kid a lot of leads and

Land Deals vs. Residential Real Estate.)

what was beneficial on my side is like
well if this guy's too busy for me this
guy's not and if this guy is this guy's
not so that's I kind of just round
robbing with everybody to just quickly
learn and I was bringing something to
the table so I wasn't begging for
nothing U but it really was the hack so
I do say it's easy I really still do
believe it's easy it's just like uh I
think it what what what does somebody
mean by easy because you mean easy like
oh it's you're just going to wake up one
morning and checks are start in the bank
no like you get up and you do the effort
and then there's going to be results
same thing like if you go to the gym
right Say Hey I want to get my arms
bigger well that's not a challenge
that's not something hard you a little
bit more protein and you get in the gym
two or three times a week and that's it
just hit arms only if you want to if you
just want to do right and it's just like
a point and shoot type of thing so I
feel like that with real estate I guess
maybe it's my marketing brain that makes
it that simple but I really do think
it's easy do Mass marketing you're going
to have lots of phone calls if you said
lots of rejection lots of crap lots of
trash to to burn through but 100% chance
of success if you're running the leads
and converting some of them right yeah
that's the biggest thing like yeah I
like how you said it's what's your how
do you define easier what's easy to you
it's like yeah I think it's easy as
so I sit in office and like I could be
working outside you're not on a roof
somewhere screwing in metal panels right
yeah I guess that's what it is too bro I
grew up in construction I put in
hundreds of thousands of feet of wood
floor glue down floating laminate I've
done stairs marble stairs like I could
do marble showers dry dry pack all the
mud and tie in all the drain I'm the
best contractor You' ever seen in your
life like my stuff is so precise dude
I'm so like crazy about the way my stuff
would come out I feel like an artist
more than a contractor right but bloody
knees you know tiles jabbed into your
knees blood flying out you just freaking
put some tape on it and you keep going
almost cut off your feet or you're in
the hot sun having a heat stroke I had
to get off the roof one time and just
hold up like bags of ice in the back of
my neck for hours I thought I was going
to die you know and then somebody's like
real estate's hard I like punching him
in the face dude like oh dude shut the
hell up you don't know what hard is I
guess maybe they're just too soft man
like yeah I don't know yeah I guess
maybe I don't I try to figure I think
about that a lot why do people like
think the way they do or like why I
don't know I think because they've never
been through anything that challenging
right so you come out of school and you
come out of college and then you work at
Taco bille and then you work in an
office somewhere in the student time you
get your check every week you didn't
have to do nothing just show
then you go into a business where hey
there's effort involved there's money
spending more money risk involved doing
marketing and you're going out you're
wasting gas and wasting days and the
bills keep coming so people die before
they get a chance to get momentum
because they didn't they couldn't get
started but um I think the way that I
recommend somebody to start is to have a
stable income first yeah like don't just
jump off the building and you don't have
any wings like start uh I like to see
somebody having a stable income even if
you are working at Taco bill at least
your bills are paid every single month
you have to worry about that and then
your real estate do a side hustle until
your real estate business starts to make
more money than your other job yeah
that's smart I that's definitely doing
on easy boat and just like you don't
have to deal with the Stress and Anxiety
like what like I let everybody down
and I lose everything which is a
possibility right so yeah have some kind
of stable income first and then build on
top of that and then and then you'll get
to the point to where even you're you're
real estate income you don't even need
that anymore right then you go into like
you know borrowing and then stacking
debt from other deals and stuff like
that so then you can play higher level
games but you got to at least start with
that start first start with that stable
income yeah I love that that's a great
point so uh what's kind of breakdown
what is the typical deal like look for
you how do you find it it's like you
know someone's like okay I don't I know
I know they residential but it's like
you know they understand what
wholesaling is how do you explain you
know like what's different between
residential I guess and what you do so
it's very similar kind of the same thing
right so instead of you pulling a list
for for threes and you know pre
forclosures or something or mobile homes
on land just pull land only that's it
just pull land um I would crop out all
the Bear County just gone and then I'll
just work all the outskirts um all the
counties that actually touch Bear County
I don't want to go two counties over you
kind of out in the sticks in the middle
of nowhere unless you're going to buy
like 2 th000 Acres then then you might
think to get 5,000 acres for 2,000 an
acre maybe you know a little Milly but
if it's going to be something that
you're going to want to sell to a retail
end buyer developer I would say the
counties that touch the main part of the
city so same thing like uh for Austin
I'll crop out Travis and I'm only going
to do the counties that touch that
County uh yeah just stay away from the
middle of the city because in the middle
of the city is where you're going to
find a a quarter acre lot you know for
$100,000 right I'm sure there's money to
be made there maybe throw up a house I
don't even know what the play is but
there's something that happens there um
it's not what we do because those are
extended timelines right and maybe you
get lucky and you find a diamond in the
rough and you find something for a hundo
downtown that's worth a million right
maybe that comes up but um if you want a
consistent good deal where it's a winter
every single time you go get like 100 to
200 Acres out in the county right like I
said there's still water and there's
electric and stuff you want to be so far
out that there's nothing I say my cuto
off points about 30 to 45 miles M right
is it's probably a good cut off right
outside the city 30 minutes driving time
and then a public water you know even
well water whatever as long as there's
some kind of water source they available
100 200 Acres uh with as much Road
Frontage as possible
right so if this is the property let's
say this first line right here this is
like the edge of the property and this
is the other Edge if this is the road
right here that's a bad ass property cuz
it's long along the road but if it has
this much road and the property goes way
back there I'm not even going to look at
it they're just giving it away right uh
but yeah so the properties that have the
most amount of Road front edge 100 200
300 acres and then we just split them
off into tens man and resell them that's
it done that's W very simple pointy
shoot game how how do you how does it
work running the number how do you know
if it's a deal or not if someone's new
is it just you just how like how do you
know is this worth looking at or like
brings you a deal what's your like
thought process I I teach my people to
do something I call ghost ads so a ghost
ad means that it's an ad doesn't point
at anything it doesn't so if the owner's
looking up you know he sees your thing
on online and he's like that's my
property this is just an ad it say you
know it says Medina County 10 acres you
know um what we do to test the market is
we we'll put ads out for properties that
we haven't even contracted yet so we're
not selling any properties a ghost that
I I'm not selling anything all it says
is a 10 acres in this particular area is
and I want $1.99 and then if your phone
starts to melt then that's a badass
property for that price right and then
if it doesn't we just continue to drop
drop drop drop until we find out what
the sweet spot is and then we make our
offer based off of that that's super
cool yeah kind of reverse engineer the
offers yeah so if you don't know at all
I mean you can run comps but we like to
do something a little better than that
yeah I like that well how long does that
usually take them me get that feedback
guess if it's a better deal like faster
it really depends how hot it is yeah you
you'll put something out and your phone
starts melting and you know you know
what time it is and then you'll put

The Process of Land Development.)

something out and it's been three weeks
and you've got four messages so then you
start you know trying to drop the price
maybe once a week until until the that
local market start to respond to that
price wow yeah I like that super smart I
think it's very very interesting way
looking at it's a good way you get that
feedback real time feedback bro there's
no data like oh the comp say I don't
give a what the comp say like does
that dude want to walk it tonight or
not yeah and the guy's like hey I want
to go see it now like wink at somebody
like hey dude I got Saturday I got cash
in my hand right now I don't want to
wait till Saturday somebody needs to go
open that game damn that's a good price
lock that up right yeah I feel like
that eliminates a lot of the like oh I
can it after try to drop the price and
like that's one thing I don't like doing
man I don't like Contracting stuff that
we're not going to close on stuff that
we can't perform on if we're going to
lock it up that's let's sell it and then
and then if not if it's if it is an if
let's let the sellers know hey dude look
I'm going to attempt to get this done
for you but I can't promise your price
is crazy I'm going to try to help you
and then bam we'll go to blast and
nothing happens I told you right then
it's okay to drop I think at that point
like dude you really need 100 can can we
work with 70 that's the best offer I've
got it's 80 and I'm going to make a
little something so uh uh I think if you
set that up up front that's good but
people that are just like haphazardly
just locking stuff up and dumping it and
playing with people like that it's not
cool I've been I've been on both sides
man where yeah where we now somebody
you're expecting something to close and
it doesn't and yeah people start to make
plans with that money they start to
spend money they don't have oh yeah some
people are moving across the country and
it's crazy yeah so I hate when
people do that to people just get
contracts or just dump them yeah no it's
awful yeah especially like yeah I don't
know just be
transparent just talk to know can't sell
you can't sell that's cool man we we
tell sellers that all the time like I
can't help you with that price here's
the price I can help you at where you're
at right there we can list it you can
list it for yourself like you know what
I mean but that price is there's nothing
I can do with it I'll even try to help
you for free you want me to list it for
you and I'll take the calls and you'll
pay me nothing I'll do anything I can to
help you uh but but beyond that yeah
we're not going to you know we can't
just like I said you just at least
inform the person of what you're what
you intend to do right yeah I think it's
pretty easy man yeah makes it yeah lot
more simple yeah but uh yeah so um what
is so so I get all that um what's the
competition level like compared to like
residentials there a lot there's none
there's no competition at all complete
blue ocean yeah there's nobody coming
there's nobody coming forever no there's
nobody coming that's awesome so is there
um like are the as far as the seller is
it like the same type of situations
they're going through is why they want
to sell or is it these sellers are rich
they've owned that property their whole
life like this dude's been a millionaire
since he was eight since Timmy since
Grandpa left them the land you know and
and they still they still have the land
so if he ever got into a money J you
could just clip off one acre off the
corner and sell it for 5050 Grand you
know so they're not in money trouble
nothing some just sometimes just like
life transition they're older okay right
uh Boomers and uh they they have kids
they want to like oh I'm not going to
leave nothing to my kids you know I'm
spend all the money or it's uh you know
I don't want them to fight over it so
I'm going to sell it and give them each
half the money or uh you know I'm going
to sell it sell their finance and
they're going to leave them cash flow
you know what I mean so everybody has
different ideas so I think that's the
main thing in this business is we don't
come in as the buyer or The Flipper you
know the cool City Slicker we come in as
a consultant like hey you have this
really really expensive asset that's
very hard to move you know it and I know
it do you want me to help you get the
money out of this thing yes or no and
that's it that's pretty much the whole
conversation I love that that's and then
so do you is so is it like um have you
broke it down to you have like an avatar
of like so I think kind of broke it down
there too is it like a certain age range
is it like is I'm sure it varies yeah no
we don't pay attention to age at all but
but if you were going to pull some kind
of metric I think hit everything so I
don't care what age they are uh but if
there was going if you wanted to get
very very specific targeting like maybe
on Facebook or something then yeah then
I would probably say people like 50 and
older yeah yeah they're the ones that
own 400 Acres a th000 Acres 3,000 Acres
yeah they're older boys yeah nice
transitory phase of their life that
makes a lot of sense that's cool so what
um so so you get you get the deal um and
then you just realiz I like how you you
made you did um you did the deal and
then you just you found as working you
just kept running that play and you just
kind of did you real when did you
realize like go I think I'm on to
something dude honestly before I got
involved real estate like I said I
already saw once I saw that hey I'm
going to do Mass marketing and I'm going
to sell the leads that already told me
hey well I'm just going to get every
other everybody else's real estate
companies involved and then we're all
going to start to raise Capital together
to to handle the leads that should be
bought and sell the ones that should not
so I saw the vision early early early
but I think when the light bulb really
came on like when when things became
tangible um after I had did a couple of
bigger land deals I I noticed two things
I said okay it takes a lot of time and
it takes a lot of capital to find these
types of deals but there's a lot of them
out there but it's like a needle and a
ha stack right uh cuz I'm looking for
deals where I can make like 50 or 100 or
more right and uh so I said okay well I
can continue to inject my own Capital
back into this business over and over
and over again or I can do I can capture
more time you know that's the only other
asset class that we can't spend more of
right I said what I'll do is I'm going
to start recruiting a ton of people to
help me go out and get these types of
leads and then they'll spend their own
Capital bringing them and then when they
bring them in I'll teach them what to do
help them raise the money close it
negotiate it everything I'll just kind
of Be Like That central point and then
all you guys like you know come over to
me and I'm going to help you guys do do
the deals and uh so I had a vision for a
and I said instead of starting a
mastermind because people come in for 50
bucks 100 bucks a mon and then they get
bored in a month and they leave I said
I'll I'll white label with CRM I'll get
the CRM product slap a label on it and
then make that the product and when you
when you subscribe to the product then
you get added to the Mastermind so they
got two layers of of you know being
locked in engaged and then for your CRM
if you upload all your leads and all
your contacts and all build out all your
pipelines and all your crap you not
really can't just quit one month to the
next and take off right so you're going
to be here for a while anyways might as
well enjoy the show so then they're
coming to The Mastermind and then sure
enough man um we put it together about
three and a half years ago and yeah
right now all my lead generation is off
wow yeah so it all comes from the
community now that's awesome that's
super cool yeah I like how you combine
the community and the CRM because we
have U we we have a Crum company too and
we have we have the Mastermind we we
keep SE there obviously a lot of overlap
like there's a lot of people they
they're in both uh but we kept it
separate but I like how it's kind of
things that usually our best people are
the people that are in the community um
and like Vice vers the best people that
are doing the best on the CRM are
usually in the community that's dope man
yeah I think it goes kind of goes hand
in hand it's like if hey if we're going
to like train for like boxing right
we're going to need some gloves yeah so
I think iel like the CRM is kind of just
that first point of accessory that you
need to even play the game so that was
that was a thinking there so it was just
wi labeled a ghl product and know we
didn't build nothing out but uh that's
all it was it was just for us to like I
said get all these people in the room
that are first interested in land and
marketing and and and being in a
mastermind I love that that's where it's
at it actually worked it worked yeah
that's a great idea yeah I like how
they're you you values in the community
to right that's where all the money
comes from yeah our CRM did like over a
million in 2022 it did a lot less last
year and probably less this year right
because now everybody has a g agency
yeah um so um you know we knew that was
going to be okay but we didn't expect
that to make a profit that portion of it
like I said now our marketing costs are
zero and this is the most deals we've
ever done before it's is all coming from
the community now I love that that's
huge yeah kind our mindset has been
different because we saw that same thing
like go it's kind of we're just
competing against everybody and like we
don't really have a you know value offer
um like that's different set as a part
so we we went back and went back to the
drawing board and we decided we're just
going to build people custom crms on
High level like for them we connected
with open Ai and do some other stuff too
and then just kind of design like their
processes um and just make it easier so
that's beautiful man and then and then
coming from somebody who has a marketing
background like yourself like that's
powerful and I think I wish more new
people knew the value in that of of
having a powerful Marketing System
because if you don't have anything if
you can keep your Marketing System in
life then your business will drive that
was always my model getting into
marketing and uh online stuff back in
the day like I said offline too it's
like as long as I can keep the marketing
machine alive then uh my life will go
well right and and when I started of
course things were not going amazing
right like all stories but um I saw I
said well then the marketing machine
needs to eat first yeah so then I would
get whatever kind of a money I got 500 a
th000 anything I'd feed the marketing
machine for like three or four months
and then whatever I had left that was my
living money and then every time I got
in another hit of cash I would just
stack the marketing machine Higher and
Higher and Higher and it always kept me
alive so that way as I'm bouncing around
as a contractor from job to job I still
had like some money buried over over
here that was actually producing more
and so that I think for new people that
don't have a system in place they
definitely need it that's like the life
blood like the heartbeat of your whole
company and I wish more new people knew
that yeah I think you guys get M you
just get one thing I'm sure you'll get a
bunch but if you only he just that part
Ian that's huge that's where it is bro
it's like it's actually it's literally
the heartbeat like oh I don't have one
of those well then you have no company
at all in my op in my opinion if you
don't have a CRM you don't have a
business at all you're playing yeah
you're you're like a hustler I don't if
that's a negative connotation there but
I mean like yeah you're like a street
Hustler it's great that you're doing
amazing things but you're not in
business until you have a CRM you have a
of business I think just that having
that the marketing machine eats first I
mean that's so it took me so
long to it takes me Fe that bastard no
feed back to realize that like I
literally went back I'm like huh I'm
like you know these months I did really
good like the end of the year get my tax
when I first started out I'm like but
these months I didn't I'm like what was
different I'm like oh I put more money
into marketing months before then you
know you saw the lag I'm like oh I'm
lucky like God's patient with me like
giv same lessons multiple times it takes
me a while to sometimes things to click
once they click I get it but I'm like I
feel like that should clicked sooner I'm
like it's like so simple when you put it
the way you just put it like when you
put money into marketing you know money
comes back on the backend it's working
right it's good marketing feed that guy
man so so starting in real estate with
that same mindset right we start making
money and we start recycling all of our
own Capital back into our deals back
into our deals so what are you doing
you're running on really thin margins
because you're trying to grow right you
see another good deal buy it see another
good deal buy it another buy it and the
next thing you know you're got to cash
right all of us uh but now where we are
is we're getting to a model where we're
stacking the the opportunity so high
that now we need to go raise Capital got
now we got a whole new problem that
never existed before yeah that's a great
problem to have and I was yeah I
appreciate before this we got to listen
to One your Capital raising calls um
it's super insightful and then that
makes sure the reason you have this
because you guys are having so many
deals because the competitions there and
there's so many opportunities that you
got to figure out how to get more of
them so that's super cool so when did
that become a problem like I have so
many deals I need to
find I'm telling you man I kind of I saw
the vision on this thing so I already
kind of knew it was coming sooner or
later but then when it hits you in rea
you're like oh damn okay it's here and
you're never prepared you can never be
prepared enough I would say it's
probably happened about two years ago
maybe is is like when the lead flow
start to get tremendous and then just
about two years ago is when we started
that million dollar land Mastermind so
now we have people bringing us
opportunities that are 2 million 5
million 9 million so like huh it's not
going to help me to go raise 12,000 to
flip that Mobile in El andorf anymore
yeah so we started uh looking for
Capital asking people talking to friends
talking to strangers just saying like
hey who's moving money around seeing
what's happening and then through some
of our internal cont tax they introduce
us to somebody we borrow some capital
from them we put it into the deal they
get their money back and then they get
really excited and then they go tell
somebody else and then they'll next
thing you know there's three people four
people like once once you once you show
somebody that you can make them a strong
Roi in a in a respectable amount of time
then the money just comes looking for
you yeah yeah I've had uh lenders like
kind of get frustrated with me because I
couldn't find them a deal quick enough
yeah yeah got cashier you better hurry
up and take it and like that's
interesting Dynamic CU that's what
happened in my life before right now
it's just like just show like I got a
motivated buyer that's a motivated buyer
like getting pissed office take their
money take my money that little meme
yeah dude for real the the lenders
really or the investors really do get
like that when you show them a strong
Roi they get really excited and like I
said they're going to go get like you
know like the the villagers come with
the pitchforks like the angry villagers
that's how they're coming with the money
now bro like hey we got some cash we
have to place pretty quick can you help
us and I'm like damn this is interesting
as hell and then now it's up to me to
like be responsible right and even
probably more responsible than it was
before because now you're investing your
own money now you're investing other
people's money right so it's like oh
dang okay this is interesting so it's
coming to a weird Pinnacle that like we
said we expected but it hit us quicker
than we thought yeah and it's kind of
fun to navigate it that's that's what
the call was uh it was a gentleman
introduced us to his brother he did a
couple good deals he introduced us to
one of his friends and now they're just
like having zooms full of people that
want to invest that's wild yeah like at
the end there it's work other deals you
guys have
El they looked at some like a week ago
and that were're on our deal sheet and
uh right now he just told them three are
gone so now that they got more urgency
like damn we wanted to buy most probably
all of them and now there's only one
left he said hey okay we're probably
going to take this one he didn't say he
was he said we're probably going to take
this one what else do you have yeah so
we're getting to a point now where our
deal sheets are getting bought out like
we would have like oh we need money for
these 12 deals and that might be our
deal sheet for the year right or for six
months or whatever and now our deal
sheet went from like six or eight to to
four to one and now it's empty again and
now we're going to fill it back up we're
going to go raise that Capital too yeah
that's super cool yeah that's that's
yeah I love that and these are not deal
sold by the way this is not like dispo
so I don't want anybody to get confused
This Is Us going going out and locking
up a million2 million3 $4 million wrench
and then going and borrowing you know
the funds to close on that earnest money
surveys engineering all that stuff so
like that money is just for us to
acquire the properties really okay yeah
so we're raising millions of dollars to
take control of the properties and then
do later on do development cut them off
sell them surveys flip them all that
kind of stuff but it still takes several
hundreds of thousands of dollars to move
these big bastards that's why I said
there's no there's no competition how
many wholesalers are what they what are
they going to do you know what I mean is
it going to be a thousand wholesalers
put a dollar each or five bucks each
because you do need hundreds of
thousands of dollars millions of dollars
to move these big deals in that's what
we're doing we're raising those deals
and push we're raising capital and
pushing it against those deals yeah wow
I love that it makes sense I'm s
competion is not there then um so what's
the the timeline like and then like so
for start to finish you find someone
brings you a deal okay this is a good
one we want to move forward what are the
next steps just high level overview for
someone that's interested in this like
what like what what happens next you're
asking what happens when we get a
contract on the deal yeah so you lock up
the deal you have you have control of
the property um they mentioned surve you
mentioned you know surveys you get the
money surveys you know doing ding it up
like so your easiest uh deal like I said
is going to be like a 10 acre lot split
so you took 100 acres cut it into 10 10
10 10 sell them done that's like the
lowest like you can say you're a
developer if you want you want to cap
hard on podcast but you're just hiring a
surveyer to just cut up some land and
that's it um but next stage goes uh we
want to like either entitle this which
means like get this property to take it
from agricultural unrestricted land and
make it into a neighborhood right okay
so now you you hire an engineer you give
them 100 Grand or 500 Grand and then now
that that farm that 100 Acre Farm is is
not a 100 Acre Farm anymore now it's a
shovel ready development where KB Homes
or somebody can come in there and start
throwing up houses and they're willing
to pay pretty penny for that land yeah
it takes about a year maybe a year and a
half depending on where you're working
if it's Austin you take your rest of
your life right any blue state but uh uh
if you just do a regular neighborhood
year year and a half you like I said
you'll probably push 500 Grand a million
into that land yeah but now it's worth
triple or five orx 10 times what it was
worth before so that's like the
entitlement process and then you can do
what we're doing which is we're breaking
ground now so we're putting down like 3
miles of Road into a 200 acre
subdivision it was just a Old Farm and
uh now we're going to make 180 3/4 acre
lots um so that that that's our first
true development where we're actually
like breaking ground and like there's
big tanks in the ground and 50 pieces of
equipment out there you know that's wild
I love that hey if you have any deals
you'd like to submit to The Hive mine
and our team go to Hive bc. it's
actually The Hive Buyers Club submit
your deals and we can hopefully dispo
your deal for you have a great day
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Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More