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Ep 569: What Disclosure's Do I Make In Real Estate Land
September 16, 2024

Ep 569: What Disclosure's Do I Make In Real Estate Land

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In this episode, the host emphasizes the critical importance of disclosures in real estate transactions, sharing personal experiences of how failing to disclose information can lead to lost deals and legal complications. The conversation includes real-life examples, such as a deal in El Campo, Texas, where disclosing crucial information prevented potential issues. The discussion also covers strategies for navigating subdivides, working with agents, and dealing with unexpected obstacles in real estate, underscoring the value of being upfront and transparent in every transaction.



Introduction to the Importance of Disclosures (0:00 - 0:26)

The host introduces the importance of today's topic: the role of disclosures in real estate, especially in ongoing deals.


Real Estate Deals and Disclosures in Action (0:26 - 2:00)

An example of a deal in El Campo, Texas, highlights how proper disclosures helped protect the transaction.


Challenges with Agents and Wholesalers (2:00 - 4:00)

Discusses how competitors and agents may try to interfere with deals and how being transparent can help avoid disruptions.


Best Practices for Handling Subdivides (4:00 - 6:00)

The host shares their approach to managing subdivides, ensuring that all parties understand the process from the beginning.


Handling Obstacles and Risk Management (6:00 - 7:00)

A discussion on the potential pitfalls in real estate, including lean releases and worst-case scenarios, emphasizing proactive disclosure.


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Introduction to the Importance of Disclosures.)
all right welcome to today we have an
important topic today which I wanted to
cover the severity of this importance of
topic and I don't think we'd never
mention it mentioned it before prior to
this maybe Loosely but I wanted to
dedicate a whole good 10 20 minutes
about it just because it's very
important just because it came up today
Real Estate Deals and Disclosures in Action.)
and we have a deal going on going on in
El Campo which is by Houston
and we do a lot of stuff with agents um
so one of the ways uh that one of the
topics that's of very up up utmost
importance when you're dealing with
agents and just in general is
disclosures disclosures disclosures
disclosures we did not learn this at
first um we learned this the hard way by
trying to do not necessar sneaky stuff
that was against the law but just not
disclosing disclosures prevent you from
getting slapped in the wrist prevents
you from losing deals prevents you from
losing money and there's a lot of
different forms of disclosure so
disclosure that came up today was on
Allen's deal that we're working right
now and we have we we are essentially
under contract to purchase but we
disclosed and now it is coming out to be
in our favor that we disclosed and I
want I want to cover of this uh from
made Z if you guys have any questions
put in the chat let me open up my chat
here so I can see what happened was is
you you disclosed to pres to prevent
yourself from getting slapping the wrist
or losing the deal and if it's a big
enough deal people get jealous and they
want to try and foil your deal who here
this is a good one who here has lost the
deal because you didn't disclose let's
start off right there in some way shape
or form you didn't disclose maybe your
wholesaling the property you lost a deal
I've done that um prior to this and
early in my career
Challenges with Agents and Wholesalers.)
uh when I was alone but yeah i' I've
lost deals but Allan say happened before
if you've been doing if you've been
doing real estate you've lost a deal
because you did not disclose something
probably once at the very beginning all
right so this one what happens is is
that agents they love to foil Deals they
love the opportunity to foil deals uh
same thing with other wholesalers or
other buyers they love the opportunity
to foil opportunity and that's what
happened today someone tried to call our
listing agent because we we buy us and
stuff at the MLS but we disclosed so
they called our listing agent and they
said hey whoever your buyer is I don't
know if they have under contract but if
they do they're trying to wholesale your
property was that the epitome of this
conversation Allan I didn't hear about
the conversation I heard about it
through Allan so Alan if you want to
talk about this this is good yeah sure
so I'll was just you know folling up
with the agent trying to get some more
info about the survey and then he just
mentioned he's just like hey you know
somebody called me actually about you
you know you guys pre-marketing the the
parcels and you know they were just
trying to you know show that you guys
were like trying to wholesale or
something he's like but you know we
talked about it so I understand you guys
are going to pre-market and you know
yeah we're completely okay with it but I
just thought I'd let you know it's kind
of funny somebody called like a couple
days after we went under contract and
yeah so it's just crazy people do that
know what's funny is is he said well let
me know if they back out I'm a buyer and
this thing has been listed on the MLS
for six months and that's what he said
and like that's ridiculous he's just it
just shows that you know we have a good
property and that we know what we're
doing and you know people are just
jealous and and want to jump on the
train every everybody's a bar when they
know you got something
good no it's it it was definitely it was
definitely eye openening and one thing
that we we've done is we we asked for a
lot of disclosures when we contract
Best Practices for Handling Subdivides.)
properties and that's one of the things
we go through on purpose when we're
Contracting a property is disclosures
hey is it okay if we put maret the
property we're going to subdivide this
property it's going to take something
can we put signs up can we put it on the
mrss can can we show the property is
okay if we do showings without you being
there like we ask for all these
disclosures we we we tell them what
we're going to do a to z start to finish
and then it's no surprise when we do it
it's not a surprise when we do it so it
it protects you as a as a as a buyer and
it protects your potential buyers in the
back end because what what we provide is
product to the marketplace that would
never have been there if it wasn't for
us so we have to disclose to our buyers
hey this is the subdivide we're going to
close the project out and we're going to
sell you 10 acres off this larger
purchased project pro pro property and
that's how you're going to get your 10
acres or 20 acres whatever it's going to
be so we have to disclose to buyers we
have to disclose to sellers we have to
disclose to everybody what's going on
and this is the this is the point where
you're better off oversharing especially
in real estate transactions that has
multiple six figures involved U with all
parties you're better off sharing too
much information than not enough because
if you don't share enough it's going to
end up bad and even even to the point
where whenever we contract properties we
ask hey is there anything I need to know
about about this property that would
prevent me from buying it you ask those
things on the front end as a buyer yeah
it has no utilities it has no Road
Frontage oh I don't have a survey I need
to get an updated survey like you ask
for those disclosures when you're buying
too as much as you want because you're
supposed there them as a seller is
supposed to disclose everything that's
up or could be up with it and you as a
buyer have to disclose everything that
you're planning or wanting to do do with
Handling Obstacles and Risk Management.)
property it is 100% legal to no vate
properties if you disclose to the seller
that you're going to contract it and put
in the MLS 100% legal but if you don't
it' be some form of fraud you know so
it's it's under it's understanding that
Junior asked that the agent tell you the
name of the person that called I don't
think so I don't know if we would want
to we want to put them on blast but it
could be it could be anybody like
there's so many there's so many
potential people that could have called
it could have been anybody I had I had
one I had a I received a message the
other day they're like uh you're selling
these properties I'm like yeah because I
own it I don't know what you want me to
you like I'm just asking because there's
an idiot in Houston I actually have him
as a friend on Facebook that's been
emailing agents and doing the same thing
that's what I'm asking oh okay yeah well
I mean this one of those things where as
long as you dis skills what you're doing
and how you're doing it you protect
yourself in our party
when you first start you might not know
what to ask or what to even disclose but
we've learned this through hard lessons
we've lost big transactions by not
disclosing or asking direct questions
there's a recent transaction that we we
me and Anthony are always learning as we
do more and more transactions and
something we didn't get was we we didn't
ask for a release so we do a lot of
these subdivides essentially if you buy
100 acres and you cut it into 10 tracks
if you get a cash buyer that buys that
property technically you have to have a
release some sellers will not do a lean
release so if you're going with the
intention of subdividing make sure you
ask hey if I bring you cash will you
give me a lean
release very very simple but it's
something it's something that we've
learned in the past not just not asking
for that disclosure from the seller if
we can get that lean release so there's
a lot of things there's deal there's
deals I bought solely on the that they
gave us a lean release where if they
wouldn't I wouldn't have bought it so
there's a lot of things you you need to
ask when you're Contracting especially
subdivides like this that are medium
siiz like for instance we have a deal
closing end it's like in the next week
like September 2nd I believe we have a
deal closing next week it's 30 Acres we
told them we're premarketing the
property we got one buyer coming in to
close uh we're double closing them out
and and we're bringing our own funds to
knock out the rest of the purchase so
once you once you
hey sometimes sometimes what we'll do is
last ask for a partial lean release and
just close part of the transaction and
continue that grow so there's there's
there's ways to carry on a transaction
and do a large transaction if you just
asked for
it so we we've done that that's a good
one Allan was laughing at that one have
you done that one Allan
before no okay so I I'll explain a
little bit better so what happens is
let's say
hypothetically this is a good one for
everybody here if you broke and don't
have private money and you want to do a
big deal this is how you do it all right
every taking
notes so what you do let say it's 30
Acres like that track we're closing next
week hypothetically if you get one buyer
to close you have you're buying at a
certain price breaker so you can
negotiate with the seller as long as
everybody knows what you're doing you
should have already disclosed that
you're premarketing the property and
selling it off when you come when you
get a buyer on the hook hey can I close
out 10 acres 20 acres whatever that is
whatever that buyer is buying at X price
per acre and I'll give you the X price
cash per ACR well if it's 5,000 an acre
and you're buying 15 Acres that's 75,000
hey can I give you $75,000 in cash next
week and you sign a lean release and
I'll give you $75,000
$75,000 well can you make it 80
I might have sold that thing for 100
grand 115 Grand now I just got paid on
that deal before even completed the
whole transaction and I lean released
that part of the property seller got
paid I got paid and we I'm continued to
subdivide chunk by chunk and that's just
asking for a lean release no money
lender involved you just ask for a
release for that section of the property
hopefully you did your surveys prior to
that and you already have that ready to
go and you cut that 30 Acres down to 10
or 15 whatever that acreage and you pay
them off whatever price point breaker
you contracted at and that's a way to do
a deal and get paid intermittently while
doing the transaction now one thing
we're we're diving into is if we can get
a certain amount of sales on a track
we're we're trying to bring private
money and to close that transaction out
as soon as possible because if you stall
out a deal your buyers could fall off
your seller could fall off I mean
there's a lot of things that happen and
we have plenty of conversations like
that we have a deal that we did we
negotiated so such great terms she
ghosted us for two
years but we filed the lawsuit against
her so we still have our original terms
but she ghost to us for two years what's
the price of what's the cost of doing
that at that for that so long doing that
for so long you know what I mean that
was one deal we we negotiated was like
no money down 5,000 a month for I think
for like 24 months and it was a crazy
deal but she realized what she signed
and she didn't want to close
so you want to close transactions out as
soon as possible whenever they're ready
sign so that's the big thing let me see
here so disclosures asking for the right
things knowing what to ask for being
creative and just asking I say this all
the time so I grew up very in a in a
Biblical household and if there's
there's a verse if you ask if you don't
ask you won't receive I forget the whole
verse it's been a while I'm Rusty but
you don't ask you won't receive so I'm
very open to the opinion of asking and
you never know what you're going to
receive other end you never know what
terms you're going to receive you never
know what what what a seller is going to
do what a buyer's going to do ask and
shall receive there you go Stephen got
me I'm a little rusty these days but I I
still I still believe that theory and
people ask me a lot of stuff and I was
like hey I I'll give it to you for
whatever whatever that may be in some
some instances just because you asked
you have not because you asked them it's
another verse thank you Carla yeah 100%
And I think this business is is built
off of that that asking that asking you
don't know if you don't know you don't
know what they'll say yes to if you
don't ask so I think me and Anthony had
a a podcast that just came out I think
was either yesterday or Friday but we
talk about how to find unicorn deals and
it's just asking you ask for crazy terms
and you get crazy terms if you ask
enough people and that's it that is all
the sauce is just asking the right
questions and following up yeah
disclosures anybody have question about
disclosures anybody anybody yeah I got
one H what are a couple that are are I
guess you can say crucial for every deal
for every deal I would say if you're
doing a subdivide verify you have a lean
release I would disclose that you're sub
dividing I would disclose that you're
pre-marketing a lot of wholesalers
they'll contract stuff and then they'll
market and they're always like I hope
the buyer they'll Target buyers that
don't live in the same state because
they're going to pre-market it and they
want the buyer to find out just tell the
buyer gonna Market it I have I I have
partner buyers that may want a chunk of
this or want to buy it from me is it I'm
gonna is it okay if I pre-market it well
as long as I get X absolutely you know a
lot of times
people I think especially land sellers
they they understand how the game works
to an extent and okay to the process
because we just talked to a seller I
don't I think it was Kyle here recently
they've been trying to sell their
property for over two years land is like
that people can struggle to sell their
property for years years and years and
years and years and then Here Comes hi
mind or easy Land USA and they come
negotiate some crazy terms and they just
disclose like yeah I mean as long as I
can get X I'm good whatever X may be so
it's one of those things where I think I
think the price
and that you're pre-marketing the
properties is very very important at one
point do you make disclosures oh very
very good question Stephen very good
question I make disclosures before I
even write the contract I tell people
exactly what I'm going to do either
while I'm writing the contract before I
sign the contract a lot of times sellers
be like oh or agents like just just
write up the offer and I'm like I don't
know if they'll accept it why am I going
to waste time drafting up a contract
just ask if they'll if they'll sell our
well no well what if we put 100K down or
200k down well they might be open to
that well okay A lot of times you have
to you have to work yourself through the
agent and the agent says no to
everything so sometimes you do have to
draft the contract but usually we're
asking for some type of disclosures up
front hey is it okay if we premarket the
property and that's usually after we
have we come to an agreeable price we
we'll negotiate negotiate negotiate do
the verbal terms hey is it okay if we
Market the property while we're under
contract here's this disclosure and ab
in the exhibit can we put signage on the
property can we listen MLS can we do
clearing we just did this on a property
we asked if we can uh cut some trees
down and do some land clearing to make
it nicer so you can't just go on
somebody's property and start cutting
trees especially not why you're under
contract but if you disclose you can so
what do you do when they say no not okay
with marketing generally
it depends on the project and I it
depends on the size of the project too
most of the time I uh I don't know if we
I don't know if we've heard a no yet but
generally we tell them that we're
subdividing and they're usually okay
with us marketing it once we tell them
we're subdividing because most of these
old oh access yes edver says access is
important once we tell them we're
subdividing most of them are privy to
the game and they just don't want to
deal with it so they they'll let us
Market the property to find buyers and
we tell them too it's like hey once we
get a certain amount of buyers we're
going to close this thing out doesn't
matter we'll close and we we have the
track record that we're going to close
so it's having the confidence that we're
going to do the deal and they're going
to get their result no matter what and
usually they're okay with it with
whatever terms or disclosures we may set
because they know when they know we're
going to buy so part of our our asset to
the marketplace is we sell a liquid land
I had I had it's so funny I had a an
agent hit me up on Twitter and S side
note I just closed our first deal from
Twitter last week lead came from Twitter
and we bought it last week and we're
selling a two-acre lot in Florida but
that came from Twitter shout out to
Twitter here but yeah usually usually
when you disclose you're not going to
have any issues what and how you're
doing it especially if they if they're
once they understand what you're doing
it how how you're going to do it how
you're going to get them their price
they're usually okay with it like I had
a lead come in today from somebody and
they told me listed on the market for
over a year the seller did not want to
get paid in cash in full they literally
wanted to seller their Finance offer
because they didn't want to pay
taxes and I'm like those deals are out
there we just bought a deal I want to
say in July same reason they didn't want
to pay
taxes so they got a full price offer
terms so if you can find those those
buyers out there those are the guys that
you're going to get seller financing
on because they do not want to pay taxes
taxes are the enemy good questions
though hey Daniel before we get off the
subject this is just a tweak on this
here but I have got a question about I
was talking to somebody uh just a few
hours ago about Innovations and they go
well what happens if you know say for
instance you're buying at 500,000 you're
going to put a $100,000 into a road and
then you're going to you know Market the
whole project for little over million
you know split the profits with the
owner what if things don't sell as
expected what typically happens with
your contract and you've already put
$100,000 into it things aren't selling
quite like you thought they were going
to I guess what type of uh safeg guards
are you putting in your contract so that
I guess what your exit look like that's
a tough question I don't think I would
go too hard into the paint on a deal
like that I wouldn't I wouldn't go into
like hardcore development especially
putting in a road on a project I might
do I've done covers I've done some land
clearing I've done fences I've done
water lines I've done a lot of that
stuff and I'm okay with doing that
because I know my numbers to an extent
and I'm not jumping too forward into a
project that I don't I'm not very
confident in my numbers so
generally you have to have that
conversation and it's a hard
conversation to have in my opinion
whoever that person it may be they need
to have that conversation of if if they
can be remedied in some way shape or
form for improvements if not they just
have to take a loss and they can
disclose that in the beginning hey if
numbers don't pan out can we have a
separation agreement or whatever and you
you that's
something I hope you do not whoever that
person is does from here on out they
might have a a separation agreement but
sometimes you have to eat it and that's
why you try to go I try not to go too
hard in the paint on properties I don't
own okay yeah that makes sense
separation agreement just to kind of
finalize that things aren't don't happen
way what happens then okay thank you
absolutely and a lot of times like I I I
don't I don't want to go through that
because it just makes the the con it
makes the if the opportunity is
partnership I may do a separation
agreement but if I'm coming in as a
buyer I'm just going to take the L
because I don't want to muddy that
conversation with the seller if
and when I need to contract it like if
the seller is super chill and you can
get a separation agreement and all that
stuff I mean more power to you but in
most these cases you're you're coming in
like hey can I cut the grass and the
seller's like yeah of course you can cut
the grass like I'll pay for it okay like
if you if you put it that way you're
going to get a lot of yeses um if you
tell them like hey can I cut the grass
and cut some trees and send you the bill
they're goingon to be like
no you know and it's it's going to be
one of those things where it depends on
each transaction I'm sure there's gonna
there's going to be some transaction in
the future and it's going to be super
chill and we might do that but in most
cases the money we're going into it it's
I don't want to fight the seller on it
if we if I send him an invoice like for
instance we just did a deal we're doing
a deal right now the seller agreed it
was part of their usually we pay for
surveys we pay for the boundary survey
we pay for the subdivision survey we do
pay for all that in the the negotiations
with the seller seller's like I'll pay
for a boundary survey half of it okay
I'll send you the invoice you know and
we paid for our half and he paid for his
half and I didn't expect him to do that
but he offered so I took
it so the I I I don't I don't get that
very often but I you do get stuff
sometimes like that where they'll split
the survey costs they make they may pay
for the survey I think we did a deal
recently where they the seller paid for
the whole survey it didn't even they
even call us and usually we pay for that
so I don't know everything's negotiable
and if you can get it in writing you can
get it you we talk about asking if you
don't ask you don't receive so if you
ask them to pay for half the cleanup and
they say yes I mean it is what it is p
the survey the whole survey you can ask
for anything you want through
concessions and I think I think a lot of
people they might not know what to ask
for but you can literally ask for
anything I I think I I heard
somebody we had a deal where there was a
car in in a barn and we asked for the
car in the barn just because what
technically makes a contract Novation I
I think the process of Novation is we we
do a form of Novation but we do it
through representing representing
ourselves as a buyer there's Novation
paperwork that you can file that gives
you Equitable interest and you you have
a seller CL close to yeah Novation is a
broad term like we do a form of Novation
through PSAs so and a part of it is that
we disclose hey we're going to sell this
in 10 acre tracks and we're going to
market the property and if whatever we
don't close I will close the property
and buy it cash we just ask for a little
bit of due diligence period to find at
least one or two buyers to make sure the
price is is valuable at the at the exit
price we're trying to cut this up back
okay that makes sense okay perfect boom
Novation and that's through a PSA so I
know there there's Corey giri does
Novation Nation he does it through like
backend paperwork that gives an
equitable interest I like doing it
through PSAs U which your person sale
agreements but there's a lot of ways to
no v a property hey Daniel H me on the
on the last lady who asked a question
about what happens if a deal falls
through I wanted to say something about
that absolutely you can you can do
everything right you can do all your
homework you can you know get all the
best people involved and you never
really know what's going to happen until
it hits the market so one way to kind of
cover yourself is to do a little
pre-marketing marketing and seeing what
the you know what the market is like
start running ads before you even put
your earnest money down and see if
there's actually a market for that kind
of property for those size Lots in that
price range you know if you start
getting a bunch of hits that's great
news if you don't you might want a
second guess you know maybe pull back
maybe negotiate price you know you never
know but before you you know dip your
toes in the water you can kind of check
the temperature so that's just one way
to kind of cover yourself I just thought
I'd throw that in
there absolutely no thank thanks Mike
100% there like I said if you disclose
you get it in writing it is what it is
but if you don't you have to you have to
eat that cost in some way like I I've
seen I've heard of people buying houses
fixing them up and then the dude never
shows up at the closing table and they
got a free an improved house stuff like
that happens happens all the time it's
not going to stop
happening there's going to be people
that the they'll buy a sub two catch up
the mortgage and then they never move
out and now now you paid for that
person's mortgage and caught them up and
brought them out of pre-foreclosure they
never moved out seen that happen not
that it happened to me but I've seen it
happen there's just like Mike says you
can do everything right and things can
still go wrong we're in the real estate
game and there's a lot of moving parts
and pieces
and things that can and will go wrong in
this game and you just have to eat it um
I was talking to one of my lenders about
this recently because he's been in real
estate for over 20 years and he's we had
we had a Frank conversation about
transactions and I think it's okay to
have that Frank conversation with any
lender but essentially we talked about
hey if what happens if things go bad uh
what's the remedy what happens if you
can't sell it at that price point what's
the remedy a lot of times your lenders
want to know what the worst case
scenario is and what's your remedy to
the worst case scenario so luckily but
unluckily I have a lot of experience
with that so I can show up case studies
of when things go bad what happens and
what's the worst thing that can happen I
have a lot of experience with that not
that I I I could put it on my chest it
hurts it still hurts we're still dealing
with some of those situations but you
got to have that conversation of what
can and will go bad and how you're going
to remedy that situation
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Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More