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In this episode, Daniel and Anthony explore the concept of time as a valuable and finite resource, drawing inspiration from the movie In Time. They discuss the parallels between time and money in the real estate business, emphasizing how investing time is often more crucial than financial investment, especially for those starting out. As their real estate business has scaled, their focus has shifted from individual deal-making to larger project management and capital raising. They highlight the importance of leveraging time effectively and the need for more people to contribute time to help the business grow. The episode concludes with reflections on how the value of time increases with age, urging listeners to focus on what truly matters.


Introduction and the Concept of Time (0:00 - 0:30): The episode begins with a discussion about the value of time, inspired by the movie In Time with Justin Timberlake, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of how time is used as a currency.


Time vs. Money in Business (0:30 - 2:22): Daniel and Anthony discuss the importance of time and how it can often be more valuable than money, especially in the context of real estate and business development.


Leveraging Time for Real Estate Success (2:22 - 4:11): The hosts delve into how investing time, especially when starting out, is crucial for learning the ropes in real estate, and how time investment shifts as one progresses in their career.


Scaling Up and Managing Resources (4:11 - 5:57): As businesses grow, the focus shifts from spending time on initial tasks to managing larger projects and raising capital, emphasizing the need for more people to contribute time.


Conclusion: The Ever-Increasing Value of Time (5:57 - 7:40): The episode wraps up with reflections on how time becomes increasingly valuable as one grows older, stressing the importance of focusing on what truly matters.


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Introduction and the Concept of Time.): The episode begins with a discussion about the value of time, inspired by the movie In Time with Justin Timberlake, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of how time is used as a currency.
the value of time the value of
time so me and Anthony were talking
about this last night and we're talking
about this conversation how we're going
to record it there is a movie called in
time with Justin Timberlake came out I
think 2011 2012 surprised I never heard
of this movie go watch it it is a very
underrated sci-fi movie but it's really
good what's what's
synopsis so we're in some kind of future
scenario I don't know if it's ever
explained but people have a clock right
Time vs. Money in Business.): Daniel and Anthony discuss the importance of time and how it can often be more valuable than money, especially in the context of real estate and business development.
here like a digital clock underneath the
skin that glows and that's how much time
you have left and once it hits zero you
die like your organism shuts down
immediately mhm so people trade time
they buy time they sell it they get paid
in time they get paid in time they could
buy whiskey in time at the bar so it's a
pretty cool concept pretty cool movie
but I felt like man that's something
that we've talked about for years and I
never even saw the movie yeah but it's
like yeah you can like literally there
the only two currencies that that we can
identify is cash and time right and one
drives the other like a like a pendulum
or seesaw yep
may we have one you can invest one or
the other the real thing about it is
that we don't really need money from
people like a lot of people they sell
courses and stuff like we just need time
you want to you want to invest some time
I got you I think that's why I think
about like the multi-level marketing
model is like you bring new people on
board to help you sell your protein
powder right and it's up to me to go out
and find 10 or 20 or 50 people to help
me distribute it in this business we're
doing the exact same thing we're trying
to find 50 or 100 people to help us
distribute large scale ranches in and
development projects and yeah if a lot
of people do come to the table and they
they're well capitalized and ready to
invest and that kind of stuff and we
come across those a lot but some people
don't have that but they're willing to
give you some time to say hey if you
teach me the game if you help me fund
raise if you show me how to knock these
deals down I'll go to work and I won't
pick my head up you know Michael Flores
is one of them he just showed up and
started working and never stopped to
look up to see what's in front of him he
just keeps
working right so it's cool how people
show up and they're just like they're
willing to either contribute they want
to contribute something something to the
system so I think I think at least for
us personally we don't like leading with
money I think I think that's the wrong
way to do it but we'll take the time
we'll take the time all day long I think
we're we're finding ways to utilize that
better where at least you get value out
of it too cuz you put in the time will
give you some money when you get results
y I think proximity right so for one if
Leveraging Time for Real Estate Success.): The hosts delve into how investing time, especially when starting out, is crucial for learning the ropes in real estate, and how time investment shifts as one progresses in their career.
they're helping us out they're learning
all the vocabulary they're learning the
deals they're learning how to take it
down they're learning the strategies and
then yeah hey I need 100 grand for this
deal like hey me and you will go find it
pretty quick right we found 60,000 a
couple days ago in like 8 minutes or
something yeah so not too bad I feel
like we're getting better at the capital
raising part but every no matter what
you bring to the table it's just as
valuable because without those people
contributing their time we can't find
the deals to go raise for yep right
Daniel and myself we're not doing our
own deal finding anymore at all it's
been a long time we have so many people
bringing us deals we're helping them
underwrite their deals and and analyze
those and calculate those and raise for
those that's keeping is busy full time
now so it it wouldn't be in our probably
best interest to go out and start deal
mining again and that slows us down on
the capital raising side and everything
else I think I think it comes down to
like the the three things so you need
you need three things to do real estate
you need time knowledge and money and
some of those can balance each other out
if you have one one more than the other
but if you're just starting the game all
you have is time you might have a little
bit of marketing budget you have a
little bit of both and that's where you
got to piece together to kind of start
this business but that's where we start
I think being a newbie is probably the
easiest time because that's all you have
is time that's all you have so you put
in the time you put in the hours you put
in the emails you you do the phone calls
you do the text messages you do the
follow-ups you're going to get a deal
and as you start to transition along
your career you think you're moving up
in the ranks but now you're running an
organization without time now you got a
lot of other problems to deal with you
got a lot of other things to deal with
you know it doesn't now it's not costing
us a lot of our own personal time like
banging phones but now you're doing a
lot of other like organization type type
you know work and it's still it's it's
pretty exhausting in and of itself yeah
but now you're not chained to a phone
anymore not chained to a a keyboard you
know trying to find that next deal I
didn't even bring my laptop that's it's
Scaling Up and Managing Resources.): As businesses grow, the focus shifts from spending time on initial tasks to managing larger projects and raising capital, emphasizing the need for more people to contribute time.
relieving it was a blessing in disguise
bro it's a blessing in the sky so um I'm
I've been you as you as you grow you
pivot away from certain things so you
have to when you first start you're
really time intensive on banging the
phones and marketing and then you pivot
to maybe raising more money you Mo focus
on that thing sometimes it's focusing on
your knowledge or your health and you
have to kind of manage that little
internal system just to keep moving
forward and getting better but um as as
things keep going and progressing you
run out of time so we need more people
more people's help more people's help
that's the biggest thing I think anybody
any organization right we recently made
a video called why everybody should be a
guru but yeah you should be out there
teaching a little small army five to 10
to 20 people how to do what you do how
to replace you and then teach those
people how to go find more people and
you'll slowly but surely see you know
somebody shows up Mikey shows up learns
the ranch game very first capital raise
ever 500,000 for his first raise ever
you know that's huge but would yeah
would he have had that confidence or
that energy you know you know if he had
not been around us at least for a little
while to say hey I need to borrow half a
million dollars you no I I think it's
the biggest thing too is as you do this
business more you get a lot more
confident in your knowledge about it and
you can have that conversation to raise
half a million well you get third party
credibility from us in our community
right because you can say Hey how do I
know you guys are going to know what to
do with this 500 like take a look at
these projects take oh your little 500
does not going to go a long way with
everything that we have going on so it
makes it kind of puts things in
perspective for the investor like oh
they're not going to crash without me
yeah so my little 500's great but it's
not NE absolutely not necessary like if
it was a startup and we've never done a
deal before and we're trying to raise
500 that would be a weird ask right y
Conclusion: The Ever-Increasing Value of Time.): The episode wraps up with reflections on how time becomes increasingly valuable as one grows older, stressing the importance of focusing on what truly matters.
where's that 500 going to go yeah how do
I know you guys are going to make profit
like we we have look at this
spreadsheet the paper says so but no now
we got a live deal going like Hey we're
putting roads in right now we don't need
you guys at all like we're running but
if you want to put some cash in here
with us we'd greatly appreciate it
greatly appreciated but not required
yeah but not required at all we'll
figure it out yeah that potit deal is
going amazing man that's really cool
it's cool to see you know that for one
deal to vacuum up that much capital and
we're self-funding it
that's pretty
cool I'm just excited when we sell all
of it cuz everybody that plays the game
they sell it to well apparently we had a
man home manufacturer ready to go now
that had to sell and everything he said
he can close right away I'm like dang we
can't close for a months so I'm telling
you man once that thing's ready that's
why I'm trying to get it to where once
we're ready to break ground it's over
there's no waiting I think it's crazy
that people sell their Golden Goose
after they just curated
it I guess everybody's at different
stages in their career and think
arbitraging 500 or a mill that's what
they need to feel good about their life
go for it but not not everybody's as
ambitious as us too to say hey I've
never built a neighborhood but watch
this you know there's not a lot of
people that that are that have that kind
of energy like I've never done it but
I'll do it real quick that's funny
that's crazy that's
hilarious well value of time man it's
worth something it's valuable you only
got so much of it in your life and uh it
gets expensive more expensive as you get
you got to really focus on what you're
focusing on so we'll see you next time
thanks for watching guys like subscribe
share this content we appreciate you
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More