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Ep 565: Investing In Houses In NW Indiana With Seth Hardy
September 06, 2024

Ep 565: Investing In Houses In NW Indiana With Seth Hardy

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In this episode of the H Podcast, host Dan Martinez interviews Seth Hardy, a real estate investor from Indiana. Seth shares his inspiring journey from being a physical therapist to transitioning into real estate during the COVID-19 pandemic. He discusses how he started with wholesaling and built his business from the ground up, eventually scaling to a team of 15 and handling 12-18 deals per month. Seth emphasizes the importance of consistency, the power of branding and social media, and the value of community engagement through hosting local real estate meetups. He also offers insights into his current strategies and future goals for expanding his business in the Midwest.


Introduction and Seth's Background (0:00 - 2:00):

Seth Hardy introduces his journey from working in physical therapy to venturing into real estate during the COVID-19 pandemic, sharing his initial challenges and motivations.


First Steps into Real Estate (2:00 - 6:00):

Seth discusses how he started with wholesaling, detailing the hard work that led to his first deal and the lessons learned from the early stages of his real estate career.


Scaling Up: Building a Team and Business (6:00 - 11:01):

An overview of how Seth expanded his operation, built a team of 15, and began handling 12-18 deals per month, emphasizing the importance of team structure and self-sufficiency.


Marketing and Branding Success (11:01 - 14:23):

Seth shares the key marketing strategies that have driven his success, including the effective use of pay-per-click campaigns and the significant impact of branding and social media.


Community Engagement: Hosting a Real Estate Meetup (14:23 - 26:07):

The episode concludes with Seth discussing the value of community engagement through organizing local real estate meetups, how these events have boosted his business, and his future plans for expansion.



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Introduction and Seth's Background.)
hello welcome to the H podcast I'm your
host Dan Martinez today we have a
special guest Blast from the
Past from my past in the day we'll talk
about a little bit about that but Seth
Hardy from Indiana from the 219 so I
always make a joke that I left Indiana
when I was 21 but the only thing I kept
was my phone number which is a 29 number
and Seth is pretty funny about that
because tell everybody a little spoil
alert of what your website is oh yeah it
is uh weby 29.com so the area code
apparently didn't
leave that's funny so it's it's a very
it's a very interesting Dynamic to be
talking to somebody from the past let's
talk a little bit about I was reading
your bio before you came in the room you
started during covid which is crazy
you're yeah yes we did well a lot of
people were doing different things
during Co some of which were productive
some of which weren't for a majority of
people they weren't and yeah we uh I
don't know I I I got fured from my
full-time job my background was in
physical therapy and so at that time I
to get my doctorate in physical therapy
actually to get into the doctorate
program I was already a physical
therapist already had my foot in the
door so to speak I was working 40 hours
a week with physical therapists and kind
of just doing the treatments but not
diagnosing or discharging patients when
they were done with their plan of care
So Co hit and I was working with
athletes at the time and they had the
whole essential non-essential debate and
so they declared our Clinic was non
essential and so I got fured I got fured
with pay which was nice so they said go
home we'll pay you as long as we can
until we can't pay anymore think that
lasted like two or 3 weeks so it was
good on the company to do that but
First Steps into Real Estate.)
during the interim I was like well I'm
already getting paid I'm going to go
work in nursing homes and help some of
the elderly people that have covid right
now what I ended up doing is you know I
worked 60 hours a week in the nursing
home still getting paid the other from
the other job and I got really
frustrated I was like dude I'm I'm
working 60 hours a week I'm still
getting paid 40 hours here and I was
still frustrated with how how much work
it took to get a paycheck that I was
of so I was like what can I do to
accelerate this a little bit because I
always had the mind that I wanted to go
invest in real estate and buy some
rental properties and I started to see
how long it took to save up a down
payment to buy single family home as a
rental property so read a couple books
look some stuff up on YouTube and
stumbled across wholesaling real estate
which seemed to be the fastest way to to
make money also everybody that talked
about it made it seem way easier than it
was and so I started doing stuff like
that during my you know I guess ramp up
to growing a real estate business so we
started doing all the driving for
dollars which is you know you drive
around look for distressed assets and
then you skip Trace them and call them
we started doing all of that stuff we
bought a couple lists we started doing
bandit signs just anything that we
really could do I started leaving
business cards places just all the
cheesy stuff that you hear about people
starting a business with and that was
starting in May of 2020 is when the LLC
started and we started taking action
steps and so I would get up 5: in the
morning and I had a garbage schedule all
of the local towns and when they would
come pick up trash and so I drive around
at 5: in the morning looking for you
know on trash day looking for everybody
that had their trash cans out and their
trash cans out and it looked like or you
know a property that needed a little bit
of work I just said hey write that one
down you know so we wrote that down we
drive every morning for like two hours
and then after I got off at work we come
home skip trace him and call him from
like 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. so it was
like 2 hours in the morning in two hours
a night we did that for six months
finally we got a deal later in the in I
think the end of September was right
when we got our first deal and that
didn't even come from any of the stuff
we were doing it came from me just
telling somebody that I was in real
estate looking to purchase um a
distressed property and my life
insurance agent was like hey man I'm
about to retire I have my home that's
paid off in Hammond which is one of the
hotter investment areas in Indiana you
know I'd take 77 for it if you could
give that to me just because it's all I
need to to pay off the home that I'm
having built so I can retire and stay
there and I was like okay cool and I
didn't know I didn't know how much the
house was actually worth told him that
we'd do it and I didn't want to waste
the time so give me two weeks and I'll
tell them what I can do and I just I
told him I wasn't going to close on it I
was going to find an investor that would
pay me a fee for it and he said that's
fine whatever you got to do so I uh went
to Panera printed out some contract off
of Google and he actually walked me
through how to sign the
contract so he's walked me through how
to sign this contract for
$77,000 I went to a local like a
hardware store got a bunch of for sale
by owner signs post them all the way
around that area and
then I also went into local Facebook
groups to look for people who were
investing in real estate and within like
three days I had an offer for
87 and we took that and it closed like
the next week and it was like all right
cool proof of concept
Scaling Up: Building a Team and Business.)
took six months but we're good to go so
that was September of 2020 end of
September 2020 between the end of
September in 2020 to the end of the year
I think we close another six deals just
like that and so started to get a little
bit of uh traction and momentum going
and that's that's kind of how the story
starts man one one thing I like about
the story is that a lot of people
they're always the question like am I do
I say I'm a real estate investor before
I am a real estate investor and I think
this answers the question is you have to
say you're a real estate investor to get
the real estate investor deal before you
even do a transaction because that's how
you get the deal yeah so consistency and
kind of figuring out there's there's a
lot of underlying motivations to get a
deal and some just lay down yeah that
was that was one of them man and then
you know that was that was a lay down
took six months to get a lay down but
then the other ones were all generated
organically through our own marketing so
bandit signs cold calling uh I think at
the time we were doing rvms which is a
ringless voicemail we were doing those
and the rest of those deals came like
through our own marketing and efforts so
I think it would have been maybe another
month until we actually had our own that
we had to run through a process with but
it was good to have the first one that
you have be a lay down so that way I
knew how to fill out the contract I mean
the guy we sold the property to and the
guy we bought the property from both of
them had had to help me figure out how
to fill
out I had no idea I showed up with a
piece of paper and I was like man I've
never filled this out before can you
work with me through this and they were
they were both super super open to doing
it but is it you know you can't really
you have to be transparent when you
first get started you can't just be like
yeah I'm the one buying it it's like no
you're not just tell people it's not a
deal no that's crazy that's that's very
interesting how a lot of a lot of uh
transactions work it's definitely a
patience game you do you do a lot of
effort and and work and you don't know
when it's going to pay off it took me it
took me seven months to get my first
transaction done um so it's uh I think a
lot of people like they they think they
can get results quickly and it takes
longer than they expect yeah
exactly Tes longer than they expect so
let's talk about a little bit is kind of
how you got started what what you doing
now are you doing flips you doing
wholesale you doing what type of
transactions you doing now in Indiana
yeah so fast forward we're at today our
team is 11 people in office and five
people virtual and we still are
primarily wholesale we've added Fix and
Flip we've added Buy and Hold and then
we also do a little bit of building
portfolios for other business owners
that are outside real estate space uh
that need the tax incentive and the the
wealth building power of real estate so
we also have a real estate group I won't
say brokerage uh because we're a group
within a brokerage so any any leads that
don't qualify as you know a wholesale
deal or a deal that needs to be bought
by a flipper those get pushed directly
to our broker or our Real Estate Group
so yeah that's that's what we're doing
right now I
think we're on Pace to do somewhere
between 150 and 200 transactions this
year so started as 6 in 2020 fast
forward to 20124 and we'll finish
somewhere between 150 and 200 on the
year so easy math that's like 12 to was
it 12 to 18 a month yeah yeah that's
crazy uh how how big is how big is the
operation now to handle 12 to 18 deals a
month uh well we so we have two sales
guys plus myself or some of my partners
jump in every once in a while if it's
needed two sales guys we have a
transaction coordinator that kind of
keeps the wheels on the bus for all of
those deals that have dirty titles and
whatnot um we have one guy that is
selling contracts or working to get them
on the MLS a lead manager um a project
manager and a couple of
admins so we're a team of we're about to
hire somebody too so we're Team team of
11 plus four virtual
assistants so 15 total that's a big team
but yeah how how many vas do you have
initially it was a lot more but right
now we have four yeah so we have one
that is strictly admin we have another
one that's kind of a sales assistant we
have one guy that is running text
message marketing and then another one
that's a bookkeeper so there's a decent
decent staff there they're all pretty
high level and self-sufficient which is
Marketing and Branding Success.)
nice that's that's the game right there
self-sufficiency and like Team
Management to kind of hit that scale
right what is your what is your
marketing strategy that's working the
best right now especially in that area
because I think different areas call for
different marketing strategies right now
what's what's doing best for us honestly
is pay-per-click marketing anything dig
right now is working best for us so
paperclick paper lead we're running a
bunch of different campaigns for that so
those are those are typically getting us
a a 6X or a y but they're like they're
the most consistent lead sources that we
have so we're we're throwing as much as
we can in there obviously referrals are
great for us too we have a pretty pretty
likable team pretty active on social
media active within the real estate
community and so we get a lot of
referrals which is helpful but right now
anything digital for us is is crushing
it yeah let's talk about the power
branding because I think a lot of people
they underestimate the the power social
media and what what the benefits of that
that lead flow and referral base is like
yeah it's not really something we
thought about initially one of my
partners started to bring it up like man
we got to start advertising start
getting our signs and our name out there
and you know different different things
that just tell people what dynasty real
estate is and so we
ran Facebook ads um not the traditional
ones where it's like hey if you're
looking to your house quickly with you
know with a little house picture it was
like videos of us just kind of telling
stories in front of a house or having a
seller tell a story and um yeah we
started to get a lot of attaction from
that so that was the first piece we're
like okay maybe having our face out
there and kind of telling what we do and
how we're not trying to get over on
people is is going to be helpful and
then we started a local real estate
meetup group called AR
Indiana and we advertised the heck out
of that all of our team members would
post on Facebook and other social media
platforms just to get people in person
at this event and uh our first one we
had like over a hundred people show up
but it was people from all over the
place there's lenders inspectors title
companies property management companies
other flippers uh people who wanted to
get started in real estate wholesalers
like a whole bunch of people and that
one went really well and so we invited a
couple of our colleagues in the real
estate space some competitors if you
want to call them that but I get along
with everybody in the market and yeah
they came up and kind of told what they
did what their stories were and we
advertised them coming to speak as well
and we ended up with like over 200
people on the second one and so because
of the fact that you know now we're in
the community and people kind of knew
who we were as well as real estate
you know our listings and closing title
companies knowing who we are it starts
to grow
organically and you know you hire well
and and they represent your brand well
so it just kind of organically started
to grow and I think I honestly up until
this quarter that's been our highest
converting and our and our best lead
Community Engagement: Hosting a Real Estate Meetup.)
sour referrals to be to be fully
transparent it's like 40% of our deals
last order came from
referrals that's amazing okay okay I did
not know you ran a Meetup this is the
first time hearing about this that
that's really cool I think it's I think
it's amazing the Meetup type of referral
base is huge so I'm really glad we're
we're talking about this because I've
heard I heard about people doing this
but I haven't actually had anybody on
the podcast that's done this so this is
really interesting yeah
now the question I want to ask is how do
you do it monthly quarterly
you run any ads for it is there all Word
of Mouth like let's let's jump into this
uh this Meetup thing here yeah so when
we started we were trying to do it
monthly and it was a pain in the ass
yeah it is so just because coordinating
and trying to throw the same event and
get the same amount of people there
every single month it's like man as soon
as you stop you have to have the next
one up and running and start marketing
for the next one so we decided to bump
it to quarterly which helped us
obviously still focus on the business a
lot of it was coming from effort from
our team and you know we noticed just
with trying to coordinate it that
closely that you know it just kind of
took away from our business and we
didn't really want to have to deal with
it that often so we run them
quarterly and really it's just kind of
word of mouth I mean my entire team will
throw stuff up on Facebook they record
videos we'll have somebody attend the
event and record it and then they'll
chop up that video
and kind of use it as a marketing piece
so to speak but it's not it's none of
it's paid it's all organic just you know
Word of Mouth through Facebook we'll
have some of the some of the local
companies that we work with sponsor the
event and they'll they'll blast it on
their own pages and so people see hey
you know we're going to get together and
talk about how to start your real estate
investing Journey or how to get involved
in real estate and it's coming from
property managers real estate agents
title companies
inspectors it comes from all of them so
all of their spheres see that there's a
free event with you know with some stuff
that's paid for that they can show up to
and you know they just come and enjoy
and try to learn things and eventually
it just organically grows so I was think
that I think that was the biggest thing
for us is just kind of organically
growing not trying to sell anything just
trying to help the local community and
people seeing that is is what helped it
grow for us one thing I think that if
everybody here listening to this I think
this is a great point but one thing I've
noticed with people that run meetups is
that it depends on the market if the
Market's hungry to learn about the
education it is very very popular and
the meetups can go up like that there's
a guy I know that has like a thousand
people go to his Meetup that he does
every once it's crazy so like there's a
lot of
people there's a lot of people in Dallas
and I think and especially in Indiana
there's a lot of people in Dallas and
Indiana that that would do want to best
and partake in these type of networking
events what's funny is I live by San
Diego and I go to San Diego Meetup and
it is the complete opposite everybody is
fine they're they've already made it
there's no there's no wholesalers trying
to learn the game everybody it's it's
such a opposite Dynamic that I see on my
side of the Meetup that I go to so every
everywhere I've known that the they do a
Meetup in like not necessarily it's a
hungry Market it's they're packed super
packed yeah it's interesting San
Diego the cost to play out there is a
little bit higher for most different
types of real estate not always but it's
just interesting yeah you're you're
probably that would make sense you know
everybody's already established and they
already kind of got it right so it's
hard to hard to get your feet wet when
it costs so much to get started in a in
a market like that absolutely so I think
I think it's very interesting but the
Meetup thing is pretty cool the as far
as the people that sponsor are using
that for like free drinks or something
where do you have the where do you have
this uh this Meetup at at like a bar or
something yeah so it's actually in an
event center that I thought looks cool
and it's centrally located so it's a uh
it's called Avenue 9912 in Griffith and
basically we just tell them that you
know there's a $300 bar tab and the
first people that get there get a ticket
to go get a drink yeah and you know
people try to show up early so they can
get their one or two drinks and you know
everybody else is Cash after that so
we're kind of supporting the local
business but also being able to you know
provide I guess a little bit of a fun
time so there's music and stuff when you
get there and it's all it's all done up
kind of cute you know with the the
little string lights and different stuff
like that so it's it's kind of viby it's
cool gotta that's cool man I I I love I
love the strategy like I said my my air
doesn't cough for it so I can't do it
and like it's it's exhausting doing that
stuff pretty regularly it's really
exhausting yep definitely so we try to
limit it to when it's colder outside
here because people typically are more
inclined to do stuff when it's cold as
opposed to when it's nice out and they
can get out with their family in
summertime so we'll run one
q1 and then in the middle like early Q2
and then we'll skip basically skip Q3
entirely and then just hit for because
it's colder outside
so yeah gotta well congratulations on
that man that's really exciting I I
think I think the the social media game
I think you have really good handle on
it I think the market calls for it and
you definitely leverage it one of the
cool things I I leverage a lot of social
media too to get a lot of my
transactions so it's really cool having
a minimal marketing budget and still be
doing a lot of transactions yeah for
bigger transactions you know what I mean
so it's a pretty cool Dynamic to the
regular wholesaler who has to spend have
to spend and do a lot of marketing to
get their deals you kind of get them
served up to you on a platter which is
nice yeah it is it is nice like I said
with the referral same thing it's like
you know there's no cost to those and
you just you know those are typically
your most profitable ones and they're
the easiest to close because they were
passed off to you so any social media
leads any referral leads are it's a
great source I think honestly it's
probably overlooked in most people's
Market because they just think all right
it's marketing and sales machine so you
pay for your leads you convert them and
then you close when in reality if you
run it like a legitimate business the
best leads to get are the ones that come
from lowc cost sources so that's
something that we're trying to make sure
we still tap into pretty heavily so uh
what's what's the future look like to
you are you going to dig more into that
that personal branding marketing or you
kicking up some marketing thing in the
future you planning to buy some
apartments in the future like what's the
future look like for
you uh well I'd like to take the exact
model that we have now once it's
completely optimized and copy and paste
that throughout uh select markets in the
entire Midwest so Fix and Flip wholesale
Buy and Hold and just you know make sure
that each Hub can get functioning
optimally without me or my partners in
it and that's the goal is to you know
utilize the the cash flow from those
first two businesses the wholesale and
Fix and Flip to fuel what we buy and
hold and that's hopefully the exit
strategy for the business and how I sell
off in the sunset is having a couple of
cash flowing businesses that allow us to
buy cash flowing assets so there you go
there you go so you're trying to
replicate the same the same uh you are
you doing only stuff in Indiana are you
venturing out to Ohio and Illinois
currently currently it's in Indiana I'd
like to be
a little bit a little bit higher level
when it comes to Fix and Flip we're
flipping right now and I think there's a
lot of room for us to grow on that side
of things so I'd like to optimize our
Fix and Flip operation before we start
getting into some other markets so I
think that'll happen soon but right now
that's that's the goal so yeah you have
a lot of control in your Marketplace and
you should definitely dig in so if if
you're already making the good standing
you have a lot of control do you stuff
do you buy stuff in Michigan City by
chance uh yeah yeah we do yeah I I
always I always think about like uh how
Indiana northwest Indiana and Indiana in
general how how small it is if you think
about it yeah it is it's ah it is a
smaller market and there's a lot of I
don't want to call it competitive
because there's a lot of competitive
markets out there but for how small it
is there are a lot of bigger players
it's interesting so but yeah I like
machine City there's a lot of a lot of
renovation going into Michigan City
right now people are throwing money into
it left and right I think it's
because what is it New Buffalo Market is
right next to it the Michigan you know
Michigan side of things and there's a
lot of people throwing money into that
area trying to Hype up Lake Michigan and
the fact that it's you know it's a nice
area honestly there's a lot of new
construction going on over there and
they preserve the beaches really well
right across the border in Michigan so I
think Michigan city is trying to do the
same exact thing it's a it's a good area
right now to invest
in what's a quote that is yours or
somebody else's that you resonate
with a quote that is somebody else's
that I resonate with could be could be
well not really applicable to anything
but in my office one for the sales guys
is lock it up and figure it out they ask
me should they pull the trigger on it
and that's always my response and then
the second one is for my transaction
coordinator in in TC I always tell them
to close by Friday even if it is
Thursday afternoon so if they can get it
sold and close by Friday no but an
actual quote I would say is the biggest
disservice you can do to yourself and
your family is by not becoming the best
version of you so I I like that one and
that one resonates very heavily with me
good good no I like that I always I
always like asking the quotes because
it's usually it's e something close to
chest that's written on your wall or
something you're like yeah it's right
there you can point at it no not not
written down somebody else was in this
office previously so there's nothing in
here but that's the one that I feel
aligns most closely with kind of how I
think about things awesome awesome uh
where can people find you online I have
a we bu 29 and tell people a little bit
how to get to if they're local to the
area where they can get to the Meetup
and more information about that yeah
follow me on Facebook Seth Hardy and and
Instagram at sethh hard. REI our web
page our website is weby 29.com but
honestly if you Google dynasty real
estate you're going to see our team and
a bunch of reviews for our for our
company so I think if you Google dynasty
real estate look us up on Facebook or
Instagram just again under dynasty real
estate or I think Instagram is it's a
fliping dynasty you'll start to see some
stuff about the Meetup probably got one
coming up here October I would say so
coming up still a couple months away
though but that's how you'd get in
contact with me or you can email Seth at
we buy 29.com
there you go for everybody here go like
share subscribe we appreciate you coming
on Seth thanks for tuning in
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Seth Hardy Profile Photo

Seth Hardy


When I graduated high school in 2014, I immediately went into the field of physical therapy because I planned on starting a business. I got my associates in physical therapy to start working and get my foot in the door while I went back to school to get my doctorate which would allow me to achieve my goal of starting a business. At that time, I realized how long it actually took to save up a down payment for rental real estate because that’s something I was always interested in and when Covid hit in 2020 I had a little bit more time to figure out how to make money so I stumbled across wholesaling real estate. in May 2020 my partners and I started the business and we closed our first deal in September. Between September and the end of the year we closed six deals and may just under 100 grand. I went full-time and real estate that time while I was still in school, my doctorate. Between 2021 and 2022 my partner and I closed about 50 deals on our own and we hired at the end of the year. Between 2022 and 2023 we close 85 deals and continued hiring. Between 2023 and 2024 we close 120 deals and we were still growing and now this year we are on paste to eclipse 200 deals , since we started in 2020 our business has now grown into multiple entities. We wholesale we flip we buy and hold we build portfolios further investors, and we are part of a retail real estate group.