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Ep 563: Finding Your Limits As A Land Investor
September 04, 2024

Ep 563: Finding Your Limits As A Land Investor

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In this call, the team discusses a recent land acquisition of 100 acres near Houston for $1 million, achieved through strategic direct marketing and MLS searches. Allan, who found the deal, shares his approach to quickly generating leads through direct contact with agents. The conversation shifts to the team's overall strategy, emphasizing the importance of leveraging resources, raising capital, and the mental and physical stamina required to manage large-scale real estate investments. The team also highlights the significance of trust, partnership, and allowing team members to make mistakes as part of their growth and success.


Introduction and Deal Announcement (0:00 - 1:04):

The call begins with a discussion about a newly acquired 100-acre property, introducing Allan who played a key role in securing the deal.


Allan's Strategy for Finding Deals (1:04 - 3:37):

Allan explains his method of using MLS and direct marketing to quickly find and secure lucrative land deals.


Financial Projections and Deal Breakdown (3:37 - 5:09):

The team discusses the financial aspects of the deal, including projected sales prices and potential return on investment.


Partnership Dynamics and Mental Health (5:09 - 34:01):

A deep dive into the importance of trust, partnership, and mental stamina in handling the pressures of large-scale real estate operations.


Consultative Approach and Closing Remarks (34:01 - 49:15):

The conversation wraps up with advice on taking a consultative approach when working with builders, and the team reflects on their journey and the value of learning from mistakes.


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Introduction and Deal Announcement.)
so welcome to today's call got some good news before we start Anthony should be here in a second but we had a deal with
kingto working shout out to Allan there he is on camera give us a wave give
what's up we just locked up 100 acres for $1 million so 10,000 an acre and KES
to the house that came for free uh Allan just went it's by where he lives in
Houston a little ways out so he went out and took some drone shots drone
overheated and took some pictures of the house and we got those back today but uh
it's really really exciting it's a really good deal we got we got two really good deals one in Tyler and one
out by Houston but this is really really cool to see Allan do you want to say how
you found that deal yeah sure so uh this is kind of something that I've been
finding when it comes to me personally like so like you know I've always done a
Allan's Strategy for Finding Deals.)
lot of direct to sell marketing and a lot of that is like instantaneous right so like you can blast a bunch of text
messages you can blast a bunch of voicemails or you can have code callers
car for you and they insert a bunch of leads so it's like I get to the lead faster right so by kind of going on the
market and and skimming through it it was just something that like I just wasn't so I don't know I just wanted to
like talk to people faster like I just knew that if I talk to enough people with similar inventory of what I'm
looking for I'll find something so what I did was I hopped on the MLS I typed in
some criteria so you know under 20 an acre 50 to 500 acres and then I circled
some areas that I know I wanted to catch something in got all the agents info dropped rvms to the agents and I just
sent them a voicemail I just like hey looking for some land notice you got some stuff listed call me I want to tell
you a little bit about what I'm looking for and I got blew up blew up so many
people and then I just had like a quick photo of like a textbook parcel and I'll
just get back to everybody if I miss their call hey I'll copy and paste you know this is Allan calling you probably
has some land listed I'm looking for this here's a photo textbook you got anything and I would I got a lot of
leads I got a lot of people who send me listings I got a lot of people who had off Market deals and then I ran into
this guy and I ran into a motivated agent oh super easy to work with and
yeah I mean you know I made a handful of offers five or six offers ran into
something that worked yeah that's awesome no uh motivated agents are are
amazing shout out to that was this a pocket listing or was it listed this one was uh listed on the
market but it was listed at like 13 and the agent said you know after I
had a conversation with him he was just mentioned like yeah we listed High just wanted to see what would happen and I
started to you know like I said kind of figure out a little bit more about the situation asked him about you know what
their offers look like because he said oh yeah we got offers I say okay what do they look like why didn't the seller one
he just kind of kind of went on and on and spilled all the beans so then uh
yeah we came in pretty aggressive whenever we came in with our first offer that's kind of how we landed it but yeah it was listed for above what they would
Financial Projections and Deal Breakdown.)
really take they they just inflated the price because they wanted to see what they would get gotcha awesome awesome
thanks Alan I appreciate that uh we did come pretty hard on this deal we're putting in 20,000 non refundable
tomorrow so it's a it's a really good transaction 100 acres 10,000 an acre
Kyle what are we selling what are we projecting to sell these for I don't even know you ask what are we
going to try to sell them for yeah man they're worth about 20 plus per
acre but I say we just blast it out like at 179 169 per 10 and get rid of it it's
like uh if you did 169 you know minus agent fees but just for round number s it's a 69 times a hundo roughly 690
profit you know it's like even if you you split that or you got to pay agent side of that it's still a deal that's
worth your time and energy with with 20 grand out of pocket how what's the return Daniel you put 20 out of pocket
and make back sixo or 500 uh let's do the math here so 20,000
you get back let's say 500 in let's say 12 months let's
overshoot that's a 369 per Roi 369 per
Roi and and hard money lenders get 12% and people worship them 12% and how much
is it 300 what 69 and it's not going to take is 12 months it won't take 12 months so the return is going to go way
way way beyond that but worst case 369 in an environment where where the rest
Partnership Dynamics and Mental Health.)
of the public is playing at 12 to 18 18% is user you can go to prison right if if
you lend somebody money and you go above 18% we're getting 369 per return on our efforts guys and it's very very loose
it's probably we yeah we can turn that up we can turn that way way up we can make some smaller tracks 's a house to
sell on that property came with a free house mhm so it's exciting exciting let's jump
into the the topic of today you didn't tell him yet no I didn't tell him yet I was waiting for you well let's tell him
about the video that's coming out tomorrow and and then maybe that'll be our lead in okay okay so tomorrow we're
releasing an episode that we pre-recorded uh it's let's see how long
it's 12 minutes long that we recorded a while ago me and I were we were at that
fasting Retreat so we might sound a little tired in that video yeah we recorded a couple weeks ago but it's a
12 minute long video I check definitely check it out but it releases 821 but with the episode's cost the episode is
called anyone can do it but it isn't for everyone it's really hard to be us and
me me and Anthony we're kind of in our uh we're kind of thinking like what do we what topics to cover and this is the
good one for us because it's it's really really hard I mean like you said any
anybody could do it anybody could do it but it's really hard to control and lead in this this
organization of what we got here so if you're listening to this let's kind of dive into that what do you mean by that
Anthony hey I'm not gonna lie I was just ordering some Chick-fil-A what what's the last thing you said I said uh how do
we Define being us it's painful what's what's the weight of that
it hurts uh I I told Daniel like when we when we started this thing like if we
got a little mobile home and we could get it for 50 bands put 20 30 into it and sell it and make 60 G's 50 G's man
we thought we were the sh isn't it right 50,000 and uh it was easy I remember it
being easy we didn't have as much cash you know that we could borrow and just for the record we don't have piles of cash sitting around I don't want anybody
to ever think that we're not that stupid we leverage we borrow into our deals and right now we're borrowing a lot uh um
and we're rolling the cash too so yeah we make something we we put we put back in as much as we can because we're
betting on ourselves and then we're going to explain why they say don't put all your eggs into one basket but I'm going to beg to differ tonight and uh by
the end of the conversation I think you guys will appreciate what we've pieced together and and and everybody that on here that's played a role in that too we
appreciate you guys like Allen Allan's a monster man I can't wait to see what that kid's going to do here in the next
few months next year okay so I want want to lead into this so I had a I had a topic of conversation that we kind of
have here today and I hope you all listening today but there was a guy I'm on Twitter a lot that's only social
media I actually partake on and the guy on Twitter says that he's he's invest
he's investing in his 401k self-directed Ira his retirement account he has a a
health savings account he has all these different accounts and he put his balances and it was total like
$100,000 and I'm like what like what like like I don't think
it's wrong in my head like I said maybe I'm a little biased people listen to this think I'm I'm a jerk whatever but
in my head I'm like what I me and Anthony are big directives of betting in ourselves and our retirement account is
in land deals like everything and it's Diversified amongst land deals we got no
money in the stock market we got no money in housing and rentals we have money in land deals and notes that's
where all our money is and we really took a bet on ourselves together but it's all bet on ourselves there's no
there's no uh emergency emergency retirement fund there's no 401k and we
might get there just a tax defer income but all this all all this Roi and future
is literally bet on ourselves so I'll tell you I'll tell you where the safety net is in that because somebody's on
this call that's like man that's a big risk we can easily liquidate any one of these pieces of land and pull out whatever cash we need immediately right
so if we had if we got into a little pin something weird happens I mean we're some of the like some of these properties were into them for you know
5% 3% 1% 0% so our leverage position is pretty strong on all this stuff uh some
land we own free and clear so there's there's a lot of cash Equity is just locked up in land so there's the there's
the joke of uh you're not poor you're just a liquid we we live that daily but
it's one of those things where there's a lot of Roi locked up into the future and
we really we really did bet on ourselves and there's a lot of capitalization and
weight behind that yeah and then what what what are what are the pain points right so what are we piecing together I
think we're piecing together a billion dollar company I think we'll have a 100 million in debt here like in the next five years or less maybe I think it's
going to go a lot faster than that but I want to be conservative you know we're piecing together something that's never been built before right in the network
fashion we're getting really really good at raising capital I think everybody in this room should should practice raising capital and learn how to do it legally
and ethically and you have a vehicle that that can park a tremendous amount of cash to the tune of limited right so
why even say the word billion we can stack we can we can uh stack as much cash as you guys can possibly raise I've never seen anything like that before and
then uh like I said our leverage position our multiple is crazy so when people see what we're doing and they
hear what we're doing they're going to want to get in and we've talked to some very very high level people this week and you know they want to commit a
million 10 million and and they love what we're doing they said as soon as the call was over like an hour call they
said this is the business model is amazing we know we think so too so one
of the things we we talk about this all the time but the the ability to create Jacob Higgins
who's one of rooster students he posted this I think yesterday he said that on Facebook if you can check it out he says
uh when you get to a point where you can the your your allocation of the amount
of money you can make is based off the amount of money you can raise I don't even know if I like the
post but I'm liking it verbally now maybe I'll hear this later yeah the
amount of money you can raise is going to determine the amount of money you can make and it doesn't have to be you it's
just you have to be good with a good money raiser so a you have to have a good product
that produces capital and then you have to have somebody that can produce Capital Money Money to money to Churn it
essentially there's people that they raise money I'm not going to say
unethically but they raise money for things that they that don't produce
Roi and they can raise it in the millions and they get paid because they have the ability to raise millions and
they still they get paid for that ability because we're talking about the ability to raise money is what produces Roi they don't actually have to produce
an Roi and that's I think it's I think it's unethical people do it but there's that level
of there's a balancing act you have to balance that that ability to raise
Capital but the ability to produce a good Roi to your investors and a lot of people we had even with that even with
those investors we talk earlier this week they're like why don't you invest
your own capital and like we do like we just have so much opportunity
that there's there's a imbalance there's an imbalance and we need more capital
resources and there's plenty out there so we're we're making we're voicing that concern and it gives you the ability to
scale so having the ability to scale and take on more opportunity it gives you
infinite opportunities per se for instance you want to talk about
R's P Anthony uh the big one or the little on
the big one um we're a little we're a little early for that one I think right yeah
okay so we have we have we have a couple things going on but essentially we have
a lot of projects like every time I I I had I had dinner with a family
friend and I was just going project after project after project it's going on and we have a lot going on there's
that's what I was going to mention about the pain like the load that we're carrying like as it as it tremendous enough how many calls did you have the other day when you sent me that
screenshot that was one day last week I had 57 inbound and outbound calls in two
meetings in a day it was literally insane I don't like I don't I don't call sellers I don't do nothing it's like
usually and some of those were 20-minute calls some of those were two-minute calls so it's it's a it's a very a lot
of brain activity bro that's a lot of brain lot of brain activity absolutely um this is part of the thing
where me and Anthony are almost somewhat unreachable during the week because
there's no time I literally I literally answer my DMs for social media at like
midnight Central hey and and for anybody in this room thinking like well why don't they just Outsource all that stuff
this is not Outsource stuff this is pretty high level internal like this is making making the machine move making
the hive mind do what it does Tak a lot of work yeah lots of lots of very important decisions you know to be made
all day long we just had a meeting for two and a two hours and 10 minutes right like eight minutes before this dad was like I got to go I got to eat something
real quick like I mean we're burning every minute we have available uh we we do have like 20 or 30 accessory type
people that are doing like internal like corporate type stuff with us now that are working a lot closer with us so it's
not about us not leveraging people we have all the leverage people we can possibly find but and we continue to
push we continue to grow we continue to build the machine and then at the amount that we're leveraging in like coming
into deals with 0% 1% 3% down half a percent down we have there's no almost no risk what the way we're carrying all
this debt there's almost no risk little risk little risk there's no no investment that has no risk Anthony we
talk about this okay you're very true no investment has zero risk but we we we
have about a million leveraged into 20 million in profit yeah you want to talk about that
yes yes there's there's a million there's a million leverage our pipeline
to this point is probably over it's over 20 million and I haven't done the
projections I stopped counting at 20 million because it was it was kind of like yeah this much going
on like the project like everything's projections I'm like I don't even want to count anymore past that it's just
insane and stuff even even with like Allen's deal
potentially we could sell it for $300,000 more but sell it a discount and sell it
faster I don't know yeah so do you that's another qu that's something that you have to weigh out right so you have a deal where you're picking it up for a
million and can you sell it for for two possibly you want to sell it quickly sell it for 170 right broken up but if
you want to sell it tomorrow maybe we you know sell it and and just like Daniel said only just grab three hundo and get onto the next deal but our
leverage position is only 10,000 in Earnest maybe what 10,000 in surveys or something 15,000 in surveys that's a lot
so when your leverage position is it's 20K and you could pull anywhere from 300 to to 700 there's not a lot of risk
involved at all so it's like said even though we're growing and scaling at at a we're not scaling on for no reason like
just to see if we could scale like we're find we're able to track these types of deals and leads now at such a scale that
you know it is this it's scaling almost by itself and then our leverage position so small we're never going to be overleveraged we're we're not going to
ever have $10 million of cash into 5 million in deals it's never going to happen so it'll never go upside
down yeah it's uh we we have some lenders in here that they've invested on some of our projects that we're buying
over the next few weeks I then we have like two or three closings that we're buying that have six figure profit on
each one of them over the next few weeks I think we have we have like one closing tomorrow one closing next week how much
do you think we raise this week oh I don't even know I two of my meetings I I meeting yesterday and meeting today for
an hour each and I don't know it's it's been crazy I know over the weekend I
raised 250 and potentially they want to get into a a nine fig plus transaction so I
don't know I want to be I want to clear be clear on something right here in case some people just came in or they haven't been paying attention we're not saying
all these big numbers to try to impress anybody to say oh man we're doing Guru stuff we're just saying like why where's the tremendous load of coming from so
like I said if you want to be comfortable and you want to flip little Builder Lots in Florida and you you're making 50 Grand a month you'll kill it
you know and you can hire two vas to run that whole company but if you want to piece together something special something crazy something that's never
been done before I mean you you get to select the amount of load that you want to
carry okay okay so side note my lender just text me right now Anthony's gonna
laugh at this one so he text 5 zeros so I'm replying to him right now literally
as we speak and he's like you understand what my message me he's like I have I have so much money in the bank and it's
not making me money because it's in my bank account that's what he just like this said this is the
conversation this is the conversation we have we have put together regularly days
these are conversations we put together regularly these days go ahead Anthony yeah yeah these are these are
types of conversations we're having now so Daniel said it earlier like we're not talking to sellers anymore just not and and again this is not on some Guru stuff
like oh man we're moving up in the world I would love to talk to I don't mind it but now we're talking to lenders for
hours right and then what's happening now this is really cool this is the first time we've ever seen this people that have gone into our deals before and
got cash back they're going and grabbing their friends and bringing them back and they're actually like setting up meetings like Daniel was on Zoom with
like 10 or 15 people twice with the same person because she's so excited she's going out and she's raising capital and
she's getting people in front of us and that's something that I mean imagine how long how long it took us to find our very first lender our very first big
lender our second big lender now people are starting to grab all of their friends that are connected and bringing
them to meet us so now it's like instead of us looking for land leads now like money leads are starting to look for us
it's pretty cool it's interesting Dynamic you couldn't have told me this would be my future probably two years
ago three years ago I I think about my past and I thought I know Anthony does too cuz we we we we grew up very blue
cish I mean I was a truck driver Anthony was doing construction so dude I could build I could build a marble shower and
polish the edges and make it look all like amazing I'll build you the most beautiful marble shower you ever seen in your life like 10 feet tall 20 feet long
and uh yeah we've been there I was not prepared for the life I'm currently
living and it's exciting to see and exciting to partake in but it's one of those things where you don't know what
your future holds for each each of you individually and you kind of have to be open-minded to what that future future
may look like and I like having these conversations with everybody here because your future could look like this
100% years in the future I was talking to a family and my my oldest daughter she turns seven this year and I quit my
job and I've been self-employed since she was born so I always use that as a metric like she's turning seven this
year I've been self-employed for seven years seven years is a long time so I
every time I think about that I'm like man I I've come a long way to where I'm at today and where I'm at today I would
have never projected myself into that position no way no way I would have
foresaw it ever I did I went when I was I'm working in
these Custom Homes right these million dollar $5 million doll homes and I'm building these crazy showers that are bigger than most people's house and
stuff and it's my company I'm the construction company got all my workers that work for me but I'm still like actually really Hands-On like putting in
the stone mixing the mixing the mud bringing the buckets of water and these big giant houses that are brand new so there's no air conditioner in they're
right super humid with all your materials drying and uh as I'm walking through these houses I'm like I'm GNA do when I
build mine I'm going to put my shower like that those are the cabinets I'm going to use I'm going to use this flooring too like so the whole time I'm
there like as a you know slave labor making a th000 2,000 bucks a week I'm designing this freaking crazy mansion in
my mind as I go like I'm definitely using those windows I definitely want my pool to look like this after walking all these amazing houses like I just always
knew like something amazing was going to happen I remember in elementary I'm like in second grade or third grade and I'm
in the class and I'm just sitting there and I'm seeing all these kids around me just being kids and I'm like huh like I
wish all these people knew what I was going to become in my life just always known it man and and for some reason it's never been about myself or you know
how much money am I going to make or what am I going to put together it's always been me like in the service of others in the least cheesy way possible
having construction workers they always need favors they always need rides they always need money right and running these big Crews and and having all these
contractors everybody always needed favors and I really was in the service of others and and my my business always
grew like that like the more people I helped the more I was able to make and I wasn't doing it as a business reason it's just kind of the guy that I am so
so I knew I was going to put something together tremendous now we have some uh some charitable right aspirations that
we want to piece together and this is not talking [ __ ] this is literally like I'm walk with my daughter right before
this call so I came on late and uh she's looking for a job right now like just to go get out of the house go do something meet friends all that cuz she's been
homeschooled uh since now she's already finishing high school so she just wants to be out doing things so she's looking
for jobs to keep her hands busy we don't need money at all I told her go work for charity go work for the biggest baddest like charitable organization that you
can find in San Antonio and tell them you want to work for free that's what I would want because I wanted to have exposure to those types of uh you know
large organizations that do that type of work because like I said hi mind has some some things that we're going to piece together so I don't want anybody
to ever hear these calls and say man these guys are just thinking about how much all this money they're going to make and all this crap like we have things that we want to fix and put into
place globally and uh we're going to need a lot of capital to do it and I I think I think there's a lot
of there's a lot of capital out there but I think it takes a leader to say
what they want to create in the world and then people follow and I'm not
saying people are followers or people are leaders I think it's up to you I think you have your seasons of Being
both and it's that's okay I always think I always think about this like I I was never a leader in school never a leader
in college I think I I started becoming a leader at work when I I was just doing the work so I enjoyed the work that I
did back when I was back when I started actually working a job at no point I I I
didn't want to be a leader at work but now I see myself as taking on a whole
leadership role and all that responsibility that comes with it from A to Z and necessarily wasn't in my plan
it kind of just mold it kind of opportunity came about to become a
leader and then the followers came Alan says in order to be a great leader you must be a good student and follower
absolutely absolutely and like I said I I I have high hopes for a lot of people in this room I really do um I think it's
uh it's very aspirational to to follow 100% but I
hope dude I I think that everybody in here you have a 100% chance of of of doing something tremendous in your life
and and the cool thing is is that your life will be so successful that it's going to rub off on your friends and family members that are around you the
people that you're in contact with most often are going to be able to glean some of it so I think that's the coolest part but anybody that sticks to this business
model and you just stick with it and you don't move you just stay here I know it's hard to stay focused in real estate you see all these guys making a ton of
cash over here this guys making calm down focus and and learn this right here and you can command any amount of money
you want for the rest of your life and then you can put it into whatever trash project you want if you want to do a flip house or if you want to buy a
storage or do something you'll always know how to make the money to to Arbitrage those assets so you can pick whatever you want now you can pick
apartment complexes later you can do whatever you want get good at this and you can put together large sums of
capital in very small amount of time I think we didn't even turn on this million dollar land deal uh room maybe
like two and a half years ago or something Daniel I think it's been years ago year and a half a year to year and a
half I feel like it's been two years because uh we went to this River with Patty's mom for birthday or something
and then we just went back again so I feel like we're at the two-year Mark or so but you know we're get we getting close to it could
be we didn't have millions of dollars assets two years ago when we started this room but since we kept Focus for
two years straight like crazy people no matter what all the noise around us like I said right now if we sold everything
we we have on our books right now we would have at least 20 M 25 M and and we're not counting because we don't care
we just keep stacking and stacking and stacking fresh new deals with very low debt on it and someday yeah I don't know
it might be a year we look up and it's 100 m but it's happening faster than it's ever happened before so stay
focused par said it was August 2022 so it has been years if that's right boom
yeah that's crazy I didn't think it's been two years so think about it we we if we stacked up 20 or 25 M of paper
right I'm not not talking [ __ ] we don't it's not we own a lot of stuff outright but if we sold everything we had in one day then yeah it was already over 20
million then it's going to go like I said it's happening faster now so that happened in two years and it's happening way faster so it's pretty cool and
everybody that's in this room is is you know who you are that you're playing a part in it Suarez is you know you know
there you know there's a bunch of people that are doing cool things I mean Mike Flores what is what I meant to say there's a bunch of people that are
putting this machine together it's not me and Daniel right you know this is a lot of concerted
effort yeah that's the biggest thing I think uh I tell a lot of people like I'm
doing amazing things but I couldn't I'm not definitely not doing it alone definitely not doing it alone
there's there's a lot of aligned effort that happened behind the scenes that me and me and Anthony can't even fathom
what's going on behind the scenes because there's just there's there's so many good things going on like I'm not
even privy like I was talking to somebody in this room uh earlier maybe
yesterday or today I can't remember it's all blending together but I was telling them that there's I I don't communicate
to certain parts of the team because they're just not in my realm of influence or management currently so
there's people that I that work for us that I don't even speak to even semi-regular
and it's just that I I'm not in that that that Department per se I'm in doing different stuff but there's just a lot I
haven't talked to the hym vas in like three years yeah there's there's a lot going
on seriously man none of them stuff just happens it's it's and
it's really cool too because like I can there's just you wake up and stuff happens you you you you miss the day
you're out on vacation you go to the beach one day and stuff happens like there's just stuff happening all around you whether you part whether you partake
in it or not there's just stuff happening I was just telling my daughter that right now man we have so many good people in place around us and this this
is also if you're listening to these words right now this is also your same support system all these people that are working with us and hi mine that's those
are the same people that that are going to work your deals go raise capital for your deals so if you're on this call like this is not our people these are
your people literally yeah I I gave I gave Kyle a list today to gory money and it's not
that I'm not raising money and he needs to go raise his own money you know oh my my 17-year-old daughter just sent out
her third contract today cuz the first deal blew up but my 17-year-old she's she got her second land deal today that
looks like it's going to be good I sent it over to DeAndre for dispo she's doing Florida uh no it's here in Texas okay
cool yeah yeah I had no idea so that's what I'm telling you man I haven't done a deal with DeAndre in never probably
forever it's been a long time and uh boom today what's up he's in Florida he got he got the buyer in Texas let's do
this so everybody can make money on these same deals nobody's alone in this room well the last deal we did with DeAndre was the the mobile home the
mobile home deal in Florida which was like last June damn yeah see it's been a minute
but I think having access to these people in this room that's that really is the game that's what makes this really interesting and fun and cool it's
like if you got a deal let's say tomorrow and uh you know Kyle man if you guys have a minute to hang out with Kyle
Thompson you should do it he's hard to get a of these days but like he's the fastest learner I've ever seen before
probably aside from K it's like he's like he just hears things like a robot and he just remembers it forever and you know I had
to question myself for a while like hey how come more people aren't getting these big deals like I I can clearly see there's tons of them in the marketplace
me and Dani can find them in like five minutes and uh you know but so maybe something's wrong with my training maybe something's wrong with me maybe
something's wrong with the way I teach it and then bam Kyle comes on board he freaking just starts getting more deals and we can possibly fund so it's amazing
to watch yeah if you pick up all the people is the way we're instructing I mean you could be a violent violent land
investor like Kyle never seen anything like it before yeah it's exciting it really is
exciting I think C's been with us since April six
months yeah I think I think yeah I think six months April so it's four I think
it's four am he's laughing at my violent but I mean like somebody could do something so aggressive ly and so quick
it's like fascinating right I used to box when I was a kid and my my hands have a they you know they move very
quickly right you can so you can disassemble a person in pretty short amount of time right with a great amount of violence like Jiu-Jitsu teaches that
but yeah so that I feel like that's how Kyle's moving through the land game right now he's like destroying everything there's blood everywhere like
calm down Kyle Allen came out of nowhere alen's coming with some heat already we we we
did a deal together this year for 180 acres and then now we're doing 100 with Allen the same person and very short
window yeah even even rooster too rooster yeah we've done probably four three or four with rooster I think we've
Ned over a million profit with rooster so far yeah yeah it's it's been very
intriguing very intriguing the best I could say is is keep keep putting put putting working and there's going to be
opportunity around you no matter where you're at in your business keep raising money Daniel says counties is a hold to
zoom to spread some of the knowledge he does he is starting to have them every now and then like I said
maybe he might not make one special for somebody but somehow ask him if if he can be added to some kind of list and
I'm sure he would add anybody to the list and he's really giving guy he's just running out of time and then of course me and Danny were putting a
bigger load on him so you know how we going to do it yeah Flores Flores has Flores has a
maximum load Jasmine's pretty stacked up the Octavio is stacked up so if somebody
in this room has nothing to do during the day like we can usually find an activity for you to do to try to help
you move the needle and we don't have any hourly positions but we can give you a workload where you can earn your keep
somehow absolutely let's talk about um mental stability with the
workload oh man I want to have a whole entire like 58 podcasts about this one topic because for me myself personally I
have been pushing myself to limits and also we're not stupid right so I don't want anybody to think on this call like we're just like being hazly terrible
with with our health we actually went to a like a a medical facility in Northern California IND Danel and we did 7 Days
on water medically supervised with no food at all and um you know that's we owe it to our people we owe it to our
lenders to to keep our mind and our body healthy right but but I mean inside of a realm of reality where you're not going
to like get into a race car and just stomp on the gas until it like bursts into flames right you're going to be careful with it hit the brakes when you
need to same thing with your body right you can push it so hard but there's a there's like a red line and there's a
yellow line right right before you get to Red so I think we managed to keep it out of the red but I think it's very easy to get there especially depending
on your personality like myself I love to Red Line it I like to go fast I like to to make moves and and put things
together quickly and it could be at the expense of your own mental health and and lately I've been fasting I've been
eating lots of salads greens uh vegan protein still lots of intermittent
fasting I'm taking exogenous ketones I have a you know a bunch of different things that I take that are very high
level like one of the best people I can find in the world and U I'm just trying to make sure that this machine runs
Consultative Approach and Closing Remarks.)
efficiently for as long as possible Right without running it into the ground but yeah even me I'll hit a wall some days like like today I I had to take a
nap it was probably 3 or four o'clock and I laid down for about an hour I was done I could not go any further right
and I got to be careful not to always get myself there but I I will Redline you know sometimes depending on how the
day is going and uh but but again lots of damage control lots of water lots of healthy decisions throughout the day to
allow me to perform at that level what do you do Daniel to keep your your energy up cuz you can go for hours
nonstop like what are you doing what are you eating sometimes nothing sometimes I I forgot to eat
today bro forgot to eat U that happens on busy days it's insane if you haven't
missed a meal because you're working I don't know if you're working hard enough dud that's a tweet right there I
I don't do it regularly like I said it happens every once in a while um
we don't do it on purpose too don't do it on purpose it's just I literally I even today I uh L luckily this is why I
I think having I love my spouse my wife she takes care of me CU like sometimes I'll forget to eat and then she'll like
like even today I probably wouldn't ate lunch today if my wife didn't bring me lunch to the office and I ate it in
between a call and I had like 10 minutes to eat between the call so it was one of those
things where like I I think um there's you have to have good people around you and that that help keep your best
interest in mind like I said I couldn't I couldn't do any of what I do without my wife I think I think this the the
All-Star player to to to the hve mind the unsung heroes is M and Anthony's
wife yeah I'll tell you that as far as like mental health goes like because uh I have teenagers and uh you know they
have activities and things to do and you know of course chores exercise all kinds of stuff so that's a lot to maintain and
my wife is she's a great Steward of that man she hold really does hold down the fort and she'd never complained she just
I mean so she's like giving it everything she has in her realm and then so am I so that support system is insane
man you know that's the OG hive mind and yeah she allows me to go further faster
like I say hey I got to run to Dallas for a couple days like you want me to start packing like yes please you mean like she I don't have to get hit with
that wall of like you're always gone you're always working like in that in that regard she's just my biggest I have
cuz she doesn't give me that stress you know and I think that allows me to to both push myself harder and and then
also not have to get beat up on the other side because of it uh somebody asked a really good
really good questions have you guys ever talked about how the partnership uh has helped Reach This level I will answer my
my thesis on this and an answer is I think it was just finding somebody in
the same field that understood the pain we're going through because we we were
we we Anthony were Anthony and I were always Partners but it was it was Mutual
pain we b b over Mutual pain and it really built a good relationship from
there from that on I think the timing more than anything right because we both started real
estate at the exact same time we were both a blue collar I think I found somebody in a group that I
paid the be in 500 bucks Danel paid for the exact same group 500 bucks so we were both in the same head head space
like hey I'm willing to spend 500 for some kid to teach me how to wholesale and I think I posted in the group one
time where Daniel did like hey is anybody doing land and that comment that had zero lik zero comments zero nothing out of hundreds of people and uh I ended
up calling him on the phone and me and my wife were out hanging bandit signs and we were just talking on the phone and we talked for like an hour or more and I was like this guy's cool and um I
noticed like hey what are you doing for marketing you know do you have any leads and I would send Daniel a deal like I would say hey man like [ __ ] I got to
stop I got to read coms out like slamming bandit signs literally jumping off the car and slamming Bandit sign smoking a joint and um I would ask
Daniel can you run these comps for me on this property real quick and he's like yeah let's check it out and then bam he'll text me back like in three or four
minutes I'm like what the hell just happened cuz I would have had to sit there and look at comps for 10 15 minutes and then I say hey can you run
numbers on this you know send him some kind of other like what I thought was a complex math problem that I could obviously do myself cuz I was but he
would do it at such a like a fast rate of return I was like this is crazy so I I kept on leaning on him like this guy's
like kind of like a math Wiz or something so I noticed that at technical operations like hey we let's put this website up he'd have it up in like an
hour or two and I'm like what the hell did you just do I mean that's something that I would have been promising myself for a month and never did it and he
delivered it instantly so I was like man this guy has some kind of gift where he can produce things that are massive for me he can produce them in seconds and
minutes and hours so we just started to lean on each other like that I noticed that uh he wasn't as good as marketing so I always had excess leads so that we
could work on together and then he would have a lead and he would shoot it over to me and like can you call this lady she said said she's interested in selling and he didn't really like
talking on the phone and I didn't mind I call the crap out of him like I'll call him right now bro D him in let's do it and I would call four or five people in
a day it didn't matter so we just both leaned on each other's strengths and then one question we never asked each other is like hey what do I get out of
all this you know like what's my split and that was interesting to me because I'm the only person that I've ever dealt with it's like that but he never asked
like okay well I'm going to help you but what do I get like he just started he just went to work like if he was part of part of the same team and I'm obviously
looking to build a team and get support and he was looking for the same thing at the exact same time but yeah he was just
always there for me and so I just tried to do the same for him and we just never stopped working together and uh it was
it was late one night it was probably like 1 or two in the morning where I'm at the kitchen table and uh I was telling them about
this idea that I had for this like Each one teach one MLM Style real estate company and he was like dude that's a genius and I was like I know let's do
this and we launched immediately we launched like in 90 days or something or 60 days but yeah I just noticed that he
could bring things to fruition quickly and then so the partnership I guess the way that it it benefited both of us is
it allows us to both go in our own Direction like a th000 miles an hour and I never have to look back to see if he
gots my six or not like he's back there going probably harder than me I'm like damn so that's that's a pretty cool
Dynamic where we don't we're not doing the same thing where we have to step on each other's toes and getting like Petty arguments right we're not even working
on the same projects so we don't bump heads we don't question each other's judgment like I just know he's making good decisions at a very high rate and
I'm doing the same and that's it we just trust each other's judgment and it did it just came organically there was never
a formal like hey you do this and I'll do this we just hey I'm good at this you're good at that I'm going to give it
everything I have if you do the same and that's it and now more people are coming and doing the same thing when they join Hive mine they're they they just
specialize in one thing and then boom they just start contributing that to the machine and then that's like that's I
guess I callau me in Daniel the original Hive mine right we're the original brain share but now that there's three four
five six 20 of us the machines becoming smarter by the day now I really want to touch on something
you just said is uh G giving giving Grace to your partners to make decisions
me and Anthony we do make decisions together but there's things that I handle that he he doesn't even hear
about and there's things that he handles I don't even hear about so there's there's a lot of uh
synergetic trust that has to be had amongst people that partake together and
one thing kle how asked me this recently I'm going put C into the bus but he asked me of how how do I manage and
delegate as a as a operator and it's my
thesis on this I don't know if I told him this but my thesis on this is allowing people to mess up because that's when they get better
no one wants to mess up over and over again forever no one does it so you have
throw Mikey under the bus real quick do it Mikey cost me $120,000 last year and
you know what I said you know what I said to him let's go keep moving can't slow down now that's it there there's no
who cares like you said you got to allow people to make mistakes it might be a big one it might be a small one but now Mike is one of the best players we have
so it's like I invested 120,000 into his education and he's a monster now and that's that that he Anthony
didn't even tell me about that I don't even know what he's talking about that's the funny part but
oops it I I you gotta allow people to mess up and it's okay I I tell I I tell
my my even my virtual assistants when I when I first hired them and I have one as a manager role I told them I was like
I don't care if you get it wrong if you get it right I just need you to make a decision that's what I told him make the
decision if it ends up being wrong we learned if it was right you learned was
that Jean yeah I told Jean that yeah he's one of the best we have yeah so I
think for everybody here if you're trying to build leaders if you want to be a leader make mistakes and be okay
making mistakes because that's where you learn that's where you learn that's that's my two tips for uh make make it
making a making good leaders and making good operators you you let them make
mistakes n good good good questions guys I think this is more this is fun I I
enjoy the stuff like I said a lot of the expertise I
built um in the current strengths I have is I allowed myself to make mistakes and I got better over time um and that's
with everything so you really have to have uh Grace on yourself Grace on your on your team um Grace in the people you
deal with Grace on your sellers um Grace on your buyers there just has to be Grace I think a lot of people they hold
people to a higher standard than they than they even hold themselves and it's not realistic everybody has
flaws and and they make mistakes and it's okay dude I was going to say something about that too people are so
afraid to make a mistake that they don't move they don't take action and I think that's the worst place that you can possibly be stuck in if you want to call
me privately or talk to me privately I believe that you should even if it takes chemical motivation like I said like smoking a joint taking a shot of whiskey
something I'm not recommending anybody smoke or drink or do anything stupid to your body because that's you know [ __ ] but you know if you have some
kind of chemical problem where you're just like so stuck in analysis paralysis that it's hurting you and your family you might think about some kind of
chemical existence like like a pre-workout an energy drink like something to make you get on the phone and take action so if you're stuck I can
try to help you get out I won't spend a lot of time with it but I'll give you some pointers but don't be afraid to make mistakes I make mistakes every
single day every single day I'm driving around like I can't believe I just did that the hell with it but I'm my my
winds are going to far far far outnumbered mistakes so don't ever let that stand in your way that makes you
say hey I'm just I don't know what to do therefore I'm not going to move so I don't mess up plan if you mess up 400
times you'll be the best one in this room because you have already had that many experiences and you'll have a bunch
of wins behind those 400 mistakes we're getting really good at land because we make a lot of
mistakes literally yeah I feel like we're probably some of the best land investors in the game and we're getting better by the second and and more more
high level people are starting to gather around us that are teaching us a lot more stuff so it's just it's a cool experience but it's like yeah every day
we're messing up we're learning and then 10 years from now guess how many mistakes we're going to have made in the
next 10 years but by then like yeah we'll be world class land investors you know I mean it is what it
is all right we're towards the end anybody got a good anybody got a good question we had a few good questions
during this during this call I appreciate every here for partaking I hope y all learned something today yeah
I hope everybody knows these calls are not about cap like oh look at all this amazing stuff we're just telling you like hey it's impossible it's reality
like we're just as surprised as you are and it's fun it's cool to experience but but take some action make something
happen don't be afraid if you got to pray pray pray get the strength what you got to do and make some magic
guys good course hey so I have a question it's
it's kind of what we've been talking about all night but I have a meeting with a builder tomorrow and I have a
property identified here in Long View and and I already got a like a seller
finance situation to with the seller as far as the land goes but I'm going over
to talk to the building tomorrow have no idea how I'm going talk to him but I'm just going to ask him hey what are you
looking for blah blah blah and kind of get through it so would you have any suggestions on that part of it is this
an infield lot or is this a subdivision Builder well it's a it's a subdivision Builder what he does he builds town
homes and I I saw that he builds town homes and I had been looking at this slot over here it's like plotted for
25 homes right but the survey is like 3 years old uh he probably could get it re
reone or whatever for Town H home yeah and and build it but I got the guy that
said give him 990,000 now and then like 90,000 in six month or three months I
think he said so I'm going to go over and talk to the Builder and ask him hey
what are you looking for is this type subdivision that you're looking for because it it's listed on the MLS and
I'm just trying to figure how to go go about doing look I'll tell you something the power that you possess right now is
that you're a consultant right you're not a land buyer not a land seller yeah I do that because I like to make money
but I'm not here to serve I'm not here to I'm not a realtor trying to impress you by this property I just need to know what are you looking for um and I can
help you find it and so you're coming in as a consultant so you can say hey look this these this paperwork is outdated
you're probably going to have to get it re-engineered you're going have to do a bunch of stuff I can even I can raise the capital I can put the capital in for you on that side we can part partner on
this thing you can buy it yourself you know and you keep all the profit so you're coming in as like I don't care where in the totem pole I lay maybe
we're just the money lender on this deal right and when you when you provide like services like that they'll look at you
differently because they'll know that you're not a wholeseller you're not a small player that you know a lot and you're saying hey I'm willing to bring
my expertise I'm willing to bring Capital only I'm willing to bring capital and expertise how can I help you with this you want to partner on it do
you want to buy it for yourself what do you want to do here so like you're qualifying him he's not qualifying you or the property okay
good good that's it man you're doing good dog what your first deal 163
Acres yeah yeah keep on roolling we keep on roolling oh his first pop 163 Acres
that's cold because that's what my leaders do right you see people doing it around you
yeah exactly yeah no you killed it man good job dude y yall negotiated a hell of a deal on a badass piece of property
uh plenty of sales happening there quickly and I think you're going to do well man you're going to you're going to make your grandbaby proud I already see
it you already did it yep all right bro we appreciate y'all man any other questions before we get
out of here I think that's W all right guys y have a blessed night man we'll see y soon go to work
everybody back to work [Music]
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!