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Ep 553: Starting Real Estate From Nothing In 2024 With Henry Washington
August 09, 2024

Ep 553: Starting Real Estate From Nothing In 2024 With Henry Washington

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In this episode of the Hive With Us Podcast, the hosts catch up with real estate investor Henry Washington to discuss the shifting market, strategies for success, and the importance of collaboration and social media presence in the real estate industry. The conversation touches on market adaptations, the value of strategic partnerships, and the benefits of building a social media brand to share knowledge and attract opportunities.


Chapter 1: Market Shifts and Adaptations (0:00 - 2:30)

Henry discusses recent changes in the real estate market, including how rising prices have influenced his focus on fix-and-flip properties. He shares insights on how he's navigating the market and adjusting his strategies to maintain profitability.


Chapter 2: The Power of Strategic Partnerships (2:31 - 6:00)

The conversation shifts to the value of partnering with other investors and leveraging relationships to find deals. Henry emphasizes the importance of working with local banks and understanding their lending preferences to secure financing.


Chapter 3: Leveraging Additional Assets (6:01 - 9:30)

Henry talks about his experience acquiring properties that come with additional lots of land, a strategy that adds value and opens up new opportunities for development. The hosts discuss similar strategies and the benefits of targeting properties with extra land.


Chapter 4: Building a Social Media Brand (9:31 - 17:00)

The hosts and Henry discuss the importance of creating a social media presence, not just for business growth but also for sharing knowledge and helping others. Henry shares his journey of starting a brand on social media, the benefits of sharing his experiences, and how it has impacted his business.


Chapter 5: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing the Journey (17:01 - 31:00)

The episode concludes with a discussion on the challenges of hosting events, overcoming personal setbacks, and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity. Henry and the hosts reflect on their experiences with organizing events and the lessons learned along the way.




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Chapter 1: Market Shifts and Adaptations.)
Henry Washington I'm glad I'm glad you come to our event once a year at least fun we
don't cross paths very [Laughter] often but I'm excited man I think
um i' I've been trying to get you on the podcast like even separately I know when out we in person this I'm like let me take this opportunity to at least get it
in person cuz we haven't talked in like forever yeah been like a year it's been
like a year so um one thing you did in your presentation is you're talking about how
the Market's shifting a little bit and you kind of adapted um we pivoted I mean
it's it's we're still doing the same thing in our business but it's kind of very there's a little variation uh what
have you noticed on your side that's changed a lot in the last like 12 months
because I think there's been a lot the change yeah I mean financially things have changed but fundamentals are still
the same mhm it just depends on what your risk tolerance is and what your
exit strategy is and so since we are traditionally going to do buying holds and fixing flips the market is either
better for one than the other and so this year we've done a lot of fix and flips because prices have remained
fairly High yeah and so I can flip a property and make a profit easier than I
can buy a property and get cash flow cash flow um yeah and so we've just been
doing that capitalizing on the flips when the opportunity is there still keeping them if they're in great
neighborhoods and they great long-term holds it's just we're not I'm not expecting to make money in year one
right now on a Buy and Hold and so we've bought several properties this year we probably bought 30 doors this year right
uhhuh but the majority of them aren't making a ton of cash flow off the top they're making a little bit they're
paying for themselves they're making a little bit of cash flow and and then I'm able to do cost segregations cuz I'm typically buying properties that are mhm
already active so I'm not having to go and do a complete gut job rehab before I can rent it that saes a lot so I can get
yeah so I can get the tax onits and and so I guess the point is I'm buying properties that make money as they sit
or at least pay for themselves and then as I get tenant turnover I can do a light renovation and get rents close to
the market so cash flow comes a little later so are you coming from like tired landlords most of those opportunities
most of them this year yeah they have been they've been either retired landlords are landlords that were looking to you know Monopoly up so I'm
Chapter 2: The Power of Strategic Partnerships.)
buying their small houses that they're selling to go and buy their hotels yeah yeah yeah okay okay that makes sense
that makes sense um now I know you use a lot of like Bank financing is that did that tighten up your restrictions or no
no um they change the rates a little bit and that was it yeah the rates have gone up but when you think about small local banks like they have to lend a local
businesses and they typically have a sweet spot that they like so you got
local Community Banks who own only like doing large scale multif family deals like that's their bread and butter that's where they like to lend on the
same hand you've got uh commercial lenders who like to lend on small single family and small multif family because
it's a safer asset and on the other hand you have some banks who were into larger
multif family and Commercial who are now trying to balance their loan portfolio or hedge their wrist by getting more
into lending to single and small multis and so the lending is still there you just have to go have a conversation with
the bank and understand what they're on is and what they like and if you're buying the thing that they like and you're buying it at a good discount
they're going to lend to you did they actually increase volume because of the tightening up and they sto deling to
other people no I mean they have to lend right if they don't lend they go out of business and so I think what what they're doing is they're they're
protecting their portfolio so they're looking to get in lower risk Investments typically but they have to lend to same
business no matter what the rates say they got yeah they got to lend or else what are they going to do so um one
thing you mentioned in your presentation which I love is that you started picking up houses with lots when did that iteration come and who's who's to than
I'm hoping it's me I'm C no no no unfortunately it wasn't you but um I've
been preaching this for years yeah no I I bought I've done this a few times just by happen stance andent yeah I was like
we buy a house and they're like well we have the you know here's a house but we have the extra lot and it come with it and so I've done land deals and every
land deal I've done has been because I got free land m right and so that's not even a bad way to get land no it's great
it's great and so I just was like well what if we like strategically market for that so that you're more intentional
about finding them and so I mean I've probably done in the past two years maybe 10 or so deals that came with
extra land it's such it's such a it's so funny cuz like literally I I teach my students how to find those yeah because
I'm like I know the value of the land not really most the house cuz I'm not a house guy but if I can get the land and I know what the value of the land is if
I can if I know that house is worth at least X it's worth it's worth it yeah you know so I've been I've been
targeting stuff and even with us um with Texas you get 10 acres or more so I'm looking for houses with 10 acres or more
cuz I can just cut it off yeah 20 acres if it's 20 acres with a house boom cut it in half you have a house 10 acres then you have 10 acres by itself and
it's the same play but it might be all together packaged at least for us but we can still cut that 10 acres off and
still monetize it yep so it's very similar but man and this one of the
things I think if you do enough deals and you're like hey I'll take the extra thing it's hard of negotiation yeah and then you get it and you're like okay
okay that makes sense now that makes sense um I I think one of
the things I I love about I think all the speakers from yesterday they were all talking about like um the the Allies
that people they work with in their Market that that you teach because everybody wants the experience and
you're teaching people in your local market to find deals in your local market because it comes back to you
essentially not every deal but every once in a while you pick one off here and there and that's everybody's buy box is a little different and so yeah I may
Chapter 3: Leveraging Additional Assets.)
compete with compete with some of my students um for deals but for the most
part we don't like everybody kind of markets to their own specific lists yeah
and then uh like buy boxes are different so like I had a deal a couple weeks ago that I ended up essentially wholesaling
to one of my students nice than you because I had I was closing on several deals at the same time this one had the
the biggest renovation of all of them and I was like well it'd be nice to be able make some money on this and not have to do that renovation yeah that's
talk about pass it to one of my students who has great connections with contractors so she's able to get a good
deal to get that work done she'll make money I made a little bit of money it's a win-win it's a win right so it's not
it's less about it's less about competition it's more about collaboration because if we're all working together in the same Community
then we're going to be able to pass deals back and forth that makes sense for us absolutely I think it's it's it's such a great business model and I I
think it's the the collaboration effort and I I think this one of the big things I think we can kind of lead into is like
building a social media brand yeah uh Chris hit it yesterday like right on the nose like everybody needs to build a
social media brand I I love it I I know the benefits of it um but I I recommend
everybody go out there and start creating something yeah I think when you
think about social media so yes there are benefits to your business if you have a social media brand for sure yeah
I think if you truly want to have a legitimate brand on social media you
have to not just exist and put content out there because you want a brand to exist but you truly have to want to help
people the more you want to help people with your content the less you'll be
concerned with how to grow your social media brand because it won't be about oh I need to do something that's going to
get me so many followers right all you're doing is like oh I need to do this because someone needs to hear this
yeah right and so and it can be overwhelming too if you're new to
investing and then thinking well I don't want to start a social media brand cuz I don't want to teach somebody something I I barely know yeah it's not about
teaching right a brand on social media I tell people if you're brand new to the thing that you're doing you don't start
a brand on social media to teach you start a brand on social media to share your journey there's other new people as
well who are considering doing it and they would love to watch somebody else brand new start down that same path even
if you're a month advance or weekend Advance you're not teaching you're just sharing your journey like that's what I'm doing with the residential assistant
liit okay so like I teach people on my page how to do single family and small
multi family real estate because I have the experience and the and the and the lessons to be able to teach but on my
page I'm also doing a vlog on my journey to opening my first residential assisted
living facility and so in that Vlog I'm not teaching I don't know residential it's going back to the basics it's going
back to the basics I'm not teaching I am just showing the journey that I'm on SO like the very first week the very first
video that I put out there was was me literally going to a 3-day training to learn about it cuz I didn't know anything about it the next week was me
um uh the next week was me meeting with the city my local city and talking to them about how to do this locally and
like the the next video is me walking proper looking at them yeah each every
week I'm putting a video cuz I'm moving towards my goal every week and it's goal just yeah small goal so I'm literally
just capturing it as I go and sharing the journey I don't know if the steps I'm taking are right or wrong but at least I'm putting it out there for
people so that they can learn right so it's not in in that capacity with assisted living on my social media I am
Chapter 4: Building a Social Media Brand.)
not teaching I am sharing my journey um one thing I'll tell you about anything is everything in real estate is very
well documented and you just got to talk to your local municipality yeah that's the
trick I think it's not new it's not new and this is this is the crazy thing anything you want to do in real estate
let's say you want to build the first Niche studio with 12 units on half an acre yeah somebody did it already
somebody did it already and if they haven't done it you can go to the county and ask how to do it yeah
and they will tell you how to do it somebody did it already or somebody did something similar already there's a path to follow there's a path to follow so
then the county will give you ABC instructions you need ABC you need a fire marshal you need sprinkler system
you need fire doors you need a firewall ABC and they'll tell you everything you need and then you do that and that's it
you just do it well you need some money but well you need some money do it but
the the steps to do it are laid out there no matter what you want to do they're all laid out there there's and
there's a path to that resolution so now it's just capitalizing that's another benefit to sharing your journey too on
social media when you're new because you're not going to know some things so if you make a video saying Hey this week we comment tell you the right way to do
it yeah and I struggle with this and somebody be like oh go talk to this person go talk to that person right like you'll absolutely get help so there's
value in it for sure it's just you got to want to help people the more you want to help people the more organic your
content is and the more organic your content is the more people will actually be attracted to you because you can tell
when somebody's doing something they get views or whe they're doing something because they generally care about you care about it or or they're generally
doing something because that's just the way they are I think I always think like Cory Cory is just that dude he's doing
crazy stuff and that's that's just life he lives and it's not even faking because
you can see the realism in it yeah he's he's a character he's a character he's a character he's a he's a he's a main
character in his own story as we all should be right like do you you you
shouldn't be afraid of who you are and your mannerisms and what people think of
you I think as we do stuff like this you you get thick skin because people will mock and make fun of you oh yeah and
it's G to happen I'm like yeah bring it on I I need more haters that's right ha haters is what's I'm doing I know I'm
doing something right you know if people if people care that much about what you're doing then you're doing something
that's to see it's motivating you know yeah it's motivating the more haters you get
but uh H what when to give people like refresher like when did you actually start like you made a point to like
start creating in general uh right after I bought well yeah right right after I
bought my first property really it's been that long yeah I mean I didn't plan
on it being what it is like I bought my first property and no one do it was so life-changing yeah um that I just like
so had a panic attack because I wasn't making enough money in life 90 days later bought my first house and then
took out a helck and had access to 25 Grand so I had a house that was paying for itself I didn't pay any money for the house it was paying for itself
paying me and then I got a helck and had access to 20 something thousand like that's crazy in 90day Span and so I was
like there's got to be more people who are in a tough financial situation who have no idea that they can do this and
so I just was like I felt like God wanted me to share it with people and so I didn't know what to do I just started posting pictures of what I was doing
that was it how long ago was that 2017 2017 okay yeah I mean you can literally scroll back on my page and go all the
way back and see like the first post I put up it was to like before and after pictures of houses is what we're looking at so overnight success yeah exactly
2017 exactly yes yes no I I think I think every everybody wants results now
and they're afraid of the time it takes to get to get to where you want to be Y and I think um I think if you make a
decision just to you'll get there when you get there yeah it it could be four years for Henry and it could be 10 years
for me and that's okay yeah absolutely and that's okay you you got to be okay with dealing with it um my I always tell
people is that um I I think I do want a bigger audience but I'm glad I'm going
at the pace I'm growing at because maybe I'm not mature enough or emotionally mature to handle that thing but I know
it's coming but I need to go through these growing pains that I'm going through right now yeah you know um so
it's it's exciting and I feel like everything everything's going to come in time and I'm okay with that that's sure
everybody's time is different it's hard not to watch other people in the space and see yeah their success and feel like
you should be a part of that or you should have something similar but everybody everybody gets what they get
time frame they're supposed to get it that's a fact that's that's the main thing you don't the the worst thing that
can happen is that you get something that you think you want and you're not ready for it o cuz then cuz you squander
it you squander it you mess it up yeah I think I mean I think about my my wife like
if I would have met my wife any sooner than I met her IID have screwed it all up I wasn't ready I agree with this okay
I agree with this cuz um I was immature yeah I was immature and my wife is younger than me and she was more mature
but when I met her I was like I don't know she had something that I need I did not want to squander this opportunity
yeah yeah dude I was I was not ready for her prior to when I met and all of the things that I went through was God
preparing me for that for being able to have her and keep her and and have the
honor and privilege of being able to be responsible for her like if I would have met her any sooner it would I would lost
it man it would have lost it I I think a lot of people I think I think a lot of people have regrets over that too yeah a
lot of people have regrets over that I I I don't have any regrets over that I think it was perfect Tim for me too and if you think about like if you're somebody who feels like you missed or
lost an opportunity well maybe you did but also maybe you were supposed to yeah like a lot of the times where when I'm
going through a tough situation it's easy to get like emotional about it and in your feelings about it and get the wo
is Mees and why is this happening to me and I deserve more than this all all the things when I feel that stuff because
I'm human so when I feel that stuff start to come on sometimes I have to like ground myself and say all right
what is it that I'm supposed to learn from the from this situation because a lot of the times we go through these
storms because we're being prepared for something else so the sooner you can learn that lesson the sooner you can get
on to the thing that's really meant for you and so if you're in that boat whether it's in a relationship ship or whether it's in your career or whatever
it is that you're struggling with like stop worrying about what you're dealing with and start asking yourself and
praying about like what's the thing I'm supposed to learn yeah and open your eyes because what that does it's it's a
it's a mindset trick what that does is it t it takes your brain out of a state of of it's really not helping you your
brain's not helping you solve any problem when you're in the well with me y right but when you stop and you tell your brain you get perspective to pay
attention to what's happening and help me find what I'm supposed to to learn you just turned your brain on to help
you start to look for things and then now you'll start to see and hear things differently and you'll find the lesson
and then you can move on like you know I talk about this in my talks all the time that's how I started to invest didn't
know how to invest but I just told my brain that I was going to be successful even though I had no idea how to do it I had bad credit I had no money but once
you turn your brain on to it you start to hear things you overhear a conversation or you hear something on the podcast and go oh snap that's it
that's what I need to be focused on right it's the I don't know what they call it but it's the red it's the red truck Theory perception right perception
Chapter 5: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing the Journey.)
and every time you buy a new vehicle you didn't know that you never saw more of those Vehicles until the day you drove it off the lot and now everybody in
their mom has one right and it's there's no more of those there were than there were the day before you bought it your brain's just now turned on to the idea
that they're existing and you it picks up on them so do that to your brain for learning lessons and you'll how do you
get in an environment to be open and perceptive to receive new information in your opinion uh um the same thing like
is it is it your family friends is it if you want if you want if you want to learn something new right then you need
to set yourself up to be able to learn something new right so if it were me and I was doing this all over again first
things first is make a decision that you're going to learn that thing right and write it down three times every morning if you write if you wake up in
the morning and the first thing you write down is like so let's say you're going to do real estate just say I will be a successful real estate investor I
will buy one rental property and the next x amount of days if you wrote that down three times every morning all
you're doing is telling your brain what's going to happen and to help you look for the things that are going to help you get there that's step one the
second thing I would do is to remove everything that wasn't associated with
that goal from like my social media feed so what I did was I started a social
media page like um and then I only followed people in the financial or real
estate space so that I didn't have anything else on my feed so when I would want to scroll I'm not seeing nonsense anymore I'm only seeing this is an
underrated I I do I love Tik Tok because I might like Tik tok's all trash like no
your Al learn the craziest cool stuff your algorithm is trash and that's what it is you need to reset your programming
because I love Tik Tok because I learned so much amazing stuff from great creators on Tik Tok and it's just boom
boom boom I get new ideas I get inspiration so take your start a new page or take your current page and
unfollow everybody and only follow people in that Niche who are who are teaching something valid so that when
you're wasting time scrolling you're still learning like in it's in you're subconsciously training your brain to still look for that thing that's going
to help you that's such an underrated one that's that's a good one the third thing I would do is not to be so because
what we want to do is we say I want to learn something new and the way to learn something new is to go figure out what all the steps are I need to do and then
we overwhelm oursel with all this information and trying to figure out how to piece it together y that's hard
what's easier is just to say you tell yourself I'm G to do X here's what I'm going to do it create so you what you're
essentially doing when you do the thing we talked about on social media is you are surrounding yourself with successful people but you're doing it virtually
virtually so now do the same thing in person right think about the people you spend the most time around and be super
intentional about finding people who are good at the thing that you do so the thing I did was I just went to every Meetup real estate Meetup I could find I
went to every Meetup like religiously consistently I didn't know how to do anything but I figured if I'm around
people who were doing it I'll start to understand what's possible cuz my brain is telling me my common sense and my
logic is telling me this is impossible I have bad credit I don't have any money why would buying houses be the solve for
me having bad credit and no money that sounds stupid right but it's absolutely what needed to happen and if I would
have followed my logic and Common Sense which tells me that's dumb I wouldn't be where I'm at today so instead get the
logic and common sense like don't worry about that go find surround yourself with people who are doing it and then
the thing that you think is illogical or impossible seems a whole lot more possible when everybody you associate
yourself with on a daily basis is already doing it I I I talked to a an investor we interviewed him on a podcast
one time he his very first deal was like a 200 unit apartment complex very first deal never done a real estate deal
before and so we were like what made you buy a 200 unit apartment build most new investors they buy a single and then
they buy a duplex and then they buy a small multif family and then they move on to a big multi family like they work their way up why did you start there and
he was like all my friends buy apartment buildings I didn't know I wasn't
supposed to do that right he I had no clue I wasn't supposed to just buy an apartment everybody around me was buying
apartment building so that's what I did so he didn't have the mental block that we all have that tells us you can't
start with step D you have to start with a b c and then get to D he didn't have that his step D was his step a in his
brain I think this is I think man your environment controls where Step A and D
are MH and I think I I grew up in a very poor not very poor my dad made good
money but we we didn't have everything that other kids had growing up I tell people I didn't have
everything I wanted but I had everything I needed I yeah right there that's it that's it I have everything I needed and
a lot and most of what I wanted I had a pretty good life I did too I did too but I think a lot of people might handicap
themselves because like I I never owned a Game Boy in my whole life yeah and everybody I knew had a Game Boy when I
when I was a teenager everybody had cell phones yeah and cell phones were coming out and Mom's like just use the kid next
to you that has a cell phone like like to them it made sense and I'm like I have a cell phone you got to pay your
own bill I'm like right oh man I don't have a job I'm 715 you know right you w
doing land deals at 15 no no I missed that opportunity you know yeah you you loser I regret not buying land in
2010 it's been hard hard rough Journey right but um I think a lot of people
they they handicap themselves based off of their environment and it's it's
literally a mindset problem that they have to mind hack their brain to start
at a different level and you can skip all the steps you can literally do whatever you want you can do whatever you want if you want to buy multif
family as your first deal you can absolutely do it there's nothing stopping you from do it there is a way
to do it that's the coolest part about real estate is you can do whatever you want everything you've heard about real estate and people making money it's true
it all works you just have to figure out what's the path to get you in your current environment to that first deal
but there's a way to do it it may not be easy I'm not saying it's easy to do any of it yes it is easier to buy a single family when you start out than buying a
200 unit apartment building but that doesn't mean you can't just do the 200 unit apartment building you can get there I heard a story a couple years ago
when I first started that um a couple they they were doing houses the no luck at all and they ended up doing multif
family they walked into they ended up negotiating a a seller finance deal with like a 50 to 80 unit apartment complex
with no experience 100% seller finance no money out of pocket yeah I'm
like what yeah Walk Into Cash like that you walk you find the right seller in
the right situation and build the right relationship that's absolutely possible and I after I heard that I'm like okay I
can do anything I can you can do anything you want do whatever you want you can do whatever you want you do whatever you want it ain't going to be easy it ain't going to beasy you want
ain't going to be easy it's not supposed to be easy I think uh the the hard part is what makes it fun yeah yeah yeah it's
the journey I think that's what a lot of people talked about yesterday is is like
you got to enjoy the journey because we get so goal focused yeah that you hit a
goal and then you realize that once you hit the goal you just subconsciously picked a new goal to hit and now you're
on a New Journey and you didn't and you didn't even realize that you you know struggled through this last one and take the time to enjoy it and so what what
what I've realized in my old age is that like it's the the journey is the fun
part like the goal it's cool but once you hit a goal you literally go hey I
did it what's the next one and then you move on like the goal is not the cool part like you can enjoy the journey for
months at a time and then once you hit a goal you celebrate for 30 minutes an hour a day two days and then you're on
to the next goal like enjoy that Journey um one one thing that I I've even fourth
annual event just completed and I I always joke around like I told Anthony we're going to do this every
year whether was just me and him show up like I don't care it shows up I'm
still GNA I'm still going to run the play um I think it's the consistency and yeah it's been it's been it's been fun
doing it it really has we've kind of adapted from like a two day two half days now we did one day and we kind of
did it in different parts of the states we were we're planning to do an overseas one and see who shows up I
don't know all come on it's going to be in Puerto Rico or Dominican Republic or
I don't know I don't know we'll find a place but we're going to do one overseas and see who shows up sounds good to
me sounds good to me but it's going to be it's going to be fun and I'm excited about it I don't think it's going to be next year maybe two three years yeah CU
um I think we're going to bring our whole team and it's going to be a business six months but um I think it'll be I think it'll be a fun experience and
see who shows up yeah I mean I think that's what makes events good too is
like you're less focused on trying to fill seats and more focused on trying to
add value to people you want to do it you want to add value you don't care who shows up well that's how you do a valuable event if you're so focused on
who shows up and and the content that you produce isn't good or organic then
people you may get bucks and seats because you're good marketer but if they get there and what they're learning is
trash you won't have another event or you you you'll lose the energy to do
another one absolutely because you did it for the wrong reasons and events are hard I people realize how hard events
are they are hard um I think I've gotten better the more I do it yeah events are tough
man I definitely got better the more I do it but it it it was it's been a fun experience and I I I literally remember
this cuz I remember like let's do an event I'm like I don't know how to do event we'll figure it out just figure it
out and I remember that first event like it was actually it was like painfully fun yeah to do my first event oh dude
I've done one event and I remember the second it was over I just had this big emotional release cuz it's so intense
all the way up and through it making sure everything goes right and people are where they're supposed to be and people are getting what they need and
yada y y and then the second it was over I just remember feeling like when I was like I don't know that I
want to do that again that was a lot apparently I'm a glutton for punishment yeah man more
power to you so that's what I told my wife like I'll just do other people's events I don't know that I want to do my own oh man is there something you did in
your event that you would do better if you did a second event uh number one you think yeah yeah for sure um um well I
say that I'm going to do an event this year because I started a higher ticket Mastermind and I told my students I would I would do one for them so we're
going to do one and uh we're recording
bye bye thanks for coming thank you uh yeah um I mean we learned a lot
in terms of like how to Market it how to price it like we didn't know anything we
were just throwing stuff together um how much money did you lose
oh maybe about five grand we think we lost 20 hour first of that yeah yeah I
mean you people say that you do you can you typically are going to if like a break even event is a solid event it's a
solid event if you break because you monetize your events well after the event yeah it's not about day one day two it's not about
that it's the it's the names email addresses you capture and continue to Market to you'll make your money from your event in the long term but in the
short term they cost money um I don't know if you heard but uh from last year's event one of our
speakers that spoke with the last year event he brought us $25 million of deals yeah amazing from one of the speakers
that's dope that is dope we had a million dollar a week because of that guy that's amazing from the event I
think we lost money last year's event but we make it up in the long run like just like you said you lost money last year's event you got a free venue last
year I know but I think I don't even think we charge for tickets oh did you yeah and we had we had to pay for food
that'll do it we had to pay for food and then we paid for flights for some speakers yeah um there's hidden cost you
don't think of there there's a lot of we have rid chairs run a projector yeah I think we bought like new marketing
materials the banner the banner that we used again Banners are expensive man they're expensive um but that we got a
year two out of it now yeah right one time cost it's a one time cost
but I think we bought that last year um there's just a lot of like hidden cost yeah hidden costs I think we had uh I
don't know events are fun it could be very disheartening like it's like you you ever you ever have a birthday party
has a kid and no one shows up yes yes okay so I have I have a s
situation I remember this is me getting vulnerable I was a teenager and I told my mom I wanted a birthday party and
she's like she's like okay we'll set it up and you invite all your friends whatever I invited all my friends and no
one showed up I was like 14 15 years old a bum I don't know if it was the date I chose I may made it Market it right I
had no idea and my mom made a bunch of food and it was just it was just terrible so I had like blash from that
man I'm going to do it on a bigger scale and see who shows up well you've had people in a full room
every time I've seen it so um but like I I think I think about that like you have
to like overcome those and I'm sure not everybody has those stories but some
people do and I hope that inspired you my pain is your
pain We're All in This Together everybody's got trauma man we all got trauma everybody got tra what time is it
I don't know how much time we got left uh my phone's over there it is 11:55 oh we got to go all right thanks for
listening guys great talking I meant to tell you to look at look at the clock earlier cuz we got to go we got to go to
lunch all right we'll see you next episode thanks guys hey if you have any deals you'd like to submit to The Hive mine and our team go to Hive bc. it's
actually The Hive Buyers Club submit your deals and we can hopefully dispo your deal for you have a great day

Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!