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In this episode of the Hive With Us Podcast, Daniel Martinez and his co-host discuss the challenges and strategies for becoming successful in real estate investing and wholesaling. They emphasize the importance of avoiding the pitfalls of bootstrapping a business and instead advocate for raising capital and partnering with experienced individuals. The episode covers the benefits of leveraging other people's money (OPM), the importance of experience, and the potential pitfalls of various investment strategies. They also highlight the advantages of land investing over other asset classes.



Chapter 1: The Fallacy of Quick Riches in Wholesaling (0:00 - 1:17)

Introduction to the common misconception that quick riches can be achieved through wholesaling. Daniel and his co-host explain the reality of reinvesting earnings back into the business.


Chapter 2: The Challenges of Bootstrapping Your Business (1:18 - 3:09)

Discussion on the difficulties and limitations of bootstrapping a business. The hosts share personal experiences of reinvesting all profits and the resulting financial strain.


Chapter 3: Raising Capital and Partnering for Success (3:10 - 7:00)

Importance of raising capital legally and ethically. The hosts emphasize partnering with experienced individuals and leveraging other people's money (OPM) to accelerate business growth.


Chapter 4: The Advantages of Land Investing (7:01 - 11:29)

Comparison between land investing and other asset classes, highlighting the high ROI potential of land deals. The hosts share anecdotes about successful land investments and the benefits of minimal management and capex.


Chapter 5: Building a Strong Business Model and Team (11:30 - End)

Insights into building a robust business model and team. The hosts discuss the importance of having a skilled and dedicated team, the significant work involved in real estate investing, and the value of continuous learning and adaptation.


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Chapter 1: The Fallacy of Quick Riches in Wholesaling.)
the hard way to get
rich yeah this is a good one man this is
something that I've been wanting to talk
about for a while because U I think
early on in your real estate investment
career or wholesaling career in your
mind everybody's mind when they first
learn about wholesaling they're thinking
that they're going to get a bunch of
sales yeah take all that cash $10,000
assignment Fe I'm going to be rich every
week from now on and then you're
planning on taking that money and that's
going to be your money that you're going
to buy houses with and buy other assets
with and that's how you come up right
mhm but I think that's a fallacy that we
should talk about before somebody gets
too far along into into their career cuz
then they'll do what we did yeah what
did we do reinvested we went all back in
everything we had every done it didn't
matter if that money was for Christmas
presents or a new car and went back into
the business let's go let's roll it
let's roll it so it's painful it's very
painful and a lot of people they I'm a
bootstrap it bootstrap it bootst it
boot it don't do it
so that's another title the hard way to
get rich bootstrap your business don't
bootstrap your
business so the reason why bootstrapping
your business is is hard and sometimes
you have to you have to do it for a
certain amount of time I think that's
that's the that's the true part about
this is you have to do it for a certain
amount of time but once you get to a
certain point what do you need to
Chapter 2: The Challenges of Bootstrapping Your Business.)
do I think no matter what yeah you cut
your teeth however you have to first
things first close deals but at any
point that it makes sense for you
quickly I would say start raising
Capital raising Capital legally and
ethically learn what that means um we're
not going to teach on that channel on
this channel you know that's that's like
legal advice I'm just saying get out
there and learn how to how to borrow
money against your deals so I would
think stage one right before you can
even do that really is you have to have
the deals or else this doesn't work at
all you can go raise all the capital in
the world you don't have anywhere to
place it then uh you know then you're
raising for nothing yep and there have
been instances where people have gotten
big trouble for it and also um um just
had to give the money back right to one
or the other and I think that's a best
case scenario if you have to just give
it back with no loss yeah but um I think
what what we do as we're like in the
lead generation the lead engine business
yeah is uh we get the assets all the
time right so we get these deal on the
time that we can borrow against to to be
able to correctly place that Capital
yeah and I think that's that's the key
the key is get your marketing cut your
teeth get your marketing order get deals
and then you can raise deals and
whenever you're ready to I think it's
different people it's different for
everybody but whenever you're ready to
to start raising money I think that's
the key is when you can raise money and
borrow against whatever assets you're
trying to take down that's when you're
in the money and that's the easy way to
get rich but the hard way to get rich is
reinvesting every dollar for for years
that that that's that's the hard way it
get it gets very mundane and uh what was
the meme is it's like I'm not poor I'm
just a liquid yeah and I think that's
where it leaves you because uh yeah all
the extra you have that you could use
for like vacations Comfort automobiles
healthy food you know the important
things in life uh you don't you there's
Chapter 3: Raising Capital and Partnering for Success.)
no cash laying around for that because
you keep rolling it back in so knowing
what we know now early on we would have
initially started with just putting the
deals together for learning how to do a
profitable deal right so that's stage
one I could there's a little learning
curve there but also going out and
actually raising the capital so what can
a person do to shorten their learning
curve and not have to wait to learn how
to do a deal start to finish before they
go raise partner with who people that
experience partner with people that
experience so one thing that's
interesting is that you as individual
have your own access to your own lenders
but you can bring your lenders to your
deal and partner with an expert and
still do that
deal and that's the way to do the deal
without having
to put put your neck out and possibly
lose it MH cuz you're working with an
expert yep and so that's that's I think
our business model is beautiful and you
if you don't for whatever reason don't
think Danny or myself is handsome enough
for your deals find somebody that knows
what they're doing stay as close as you
can to that person for as long as they
will let you right sometimes you're
getting too close with people they kind
of shove you out um I think what we the
way that we do it is we give away all
the information right and we help raise
the capital for these people so we're
we're again a concerted effort let's say
we only brought the expertise but you
guys went and raise the capital well we
would see if we had a deal to place it
and sometimes we do sometimes we don't
but more likely than that we can put it
somewhere nice and this is one of the
things where you have there there's
three there's three points to a deal you
need the deal you need the capital and
you need the experience and knowledge to
know how to do it we don't need to fill
all three of those points yes we'll buy
the deal yes we'll bring the money and
yes we'll you can Source the deal but if
you could bring capital or experience or
knowledge and justce money who's going
to give you money anybody and everybody
I me we'll give you money yeah and
that's what I'm saying if you're
experienced on what you're doing we
we'll find the money for you so it comes
down to the you if you if you can fill
one or two of those things you can
leverage your position no matter even if
you're just starting hey bring a deal
boom now we're going to share the
information with you and bring you along
for the ride that we learn how to do the
deal so I think that's the ultimate
trade-off as a new person you go out you
contract something you don't know what
to do now you don't have the resources
you don't have the finances you don't
have the attorneys in place yep they
come to us hi M
University they they we analyze the deal
we say yes this looks like there's a
decent amount of profit here what are
you trying to get out of this and then
really it depends on where you are with
the deal how much you participate but
normally it's a nice fat whole selfie
you know sometimes six figures and you
know around there the one I can think
about is Tanisha Tanisha found the deal
we bought the deal and now she's trying
to find a buyer for a deal but she's
it's her deal yeah it's her deal and
she's putting her own SW equity on her
own deal to come fruition so when
whenever that deal finishes she get paid
even more cuz she put more Sweat Equity
than everybody else yep and she just
didn't sell the deal to us yeah she
didn't have a dime out of pocket so now
she can participate in the upside but if
somebody says Hey I just want my 100
Grand or my 50 Grand I'm out of here we
can yeah we'll pay you up front like
that we can move it around we can
partner with you like I said so it
really depends on the ticket on a deal
by deal basis but if the deal is strong
enough we'll find the capital but if
you're just good at finding capital or
it's always around you then we'll have
we'll have a deal for it where it just
makes sense for everybody and they're
really strong deals yeah very very
strong deals um I T I had a I talked to
a CPA lender that's coming on and he was
amazed at the returns you know you don't
say you know and this this is uh we talk
about this about like what's a good Roi
like you could do crazy rois in land
like crazy rois we're like you we IAL me
and a we have a video that Mike Flor is
recorded with the Uber driver and she's
living in San we're in San Francisco
right now if you don't know and uh she
says she's she's investing her
Chapter 4: The Advantages of Land Investing.)
California money into Section 8 into
into uh good states that have good
rental property and like what type of
return you're getting well I don't know
and I'm just like like if 12% return
boom like we can handle that you don't
have to do none of that like hands hands
off investing 12% return with no
management capex or like to her like I
don't know what type of return she was
getting but when you really think about
ownership of these assets you got to
think of the cost cost literally there's
a video on Twitter I saw yesterday
they're like uh these are these are the
things that replace the Last 5 Years of
ownership owning this house and I'm like
oh more reasons to invest in land
because like you you really don't
understand what you're buying when you
buy a house yes I'm buying cash while
I'm buying a passive investment but you
have all the
downside something somehow some way you
know you find a way to break even and
then I think the ultimate play is for
for collecting houses is is a
depreciation and then of course like
long-term appreciation nobody I don't I
don't know that anybody buys
specifically to make a million a month
but um yeah I think it has its place but
with what we do it's just so it's so
different it's so different and like um
we talked we talked to somebody like
we're giving a minimum like 15% return
or something like that and they're like
they're they're raising money like 7 8%
because their deals barely yield 10% Roi
or 12% Roi there's something else right
there so on our deals we have people
that we could pay out 10 20 30 40% you
know depends where that in the deal and
and a lot of deals um that people are
used to going into like 99% of deals out
there um you're going in real
heavy very heavy yeah you're not you're
not uh maximizing The Leverage and
you're not really in a good position so
let's talk about this this is a great
this is a great caveat so like let's say
you're buying a million-dollar apartment
complex a million dollar comp complex I
don't I never bought a multi family but
you're going to usually the banks going
to finance 60 to 70% of that who comes
up with the 40 you and your private
investors the reason why is because you
might have a 3 to five year exit if
things go wrong there goes your Equity
we're seeing it right now with
Apartments everybody's losing their
apartments right now it's going crazy
and the reason why that's happening is
because your Equity position on the
capital stack disappears and everything
go wrong
so the thing we thing where we
differentiate is we're creating so much
value even if we have to liquidate at a
at at a cheaper price in our exit we
still have a great buffer margin and
that's the difference when multif family
cap rates shrink or interest rates go up
or down you're going to feel that in
your Equity position and there's not
enough Roi that it just shrinks your
thing and now you lose
it yeah I think that's why these deals
are so good is because we can we can for
we can value at a lot of layers yeah not
just like one or two different ways and
it happens pretty quick so I think we
being that we can afford to uh value out
that many times over you know then we
could always pay a great return and then
also there's a lot of buffer between uh
the profitability of the deal and what
the investor is supposed to get back so
there's such a wide Gap you know it's
hard to imagine that so I was talking to
somebody and they said they invested
$50,000 into a multif family and they B
like 400 back now that might s good to
you but my head immediately went to how
long was that that was my first question
how long did this take and it was it was
like five six years which comes out to
like a 12% annualized return oh man so
that guy's a superstar cuz he 8X his
money but he was making 12 12 12 12 so
you have to look at whenever you see
this is this is my my my pet peeve
online is like oh I bought it for x and
I sold it for X but what what was the
time invol how much did you have out of
your pocket how long did it take how
long did it take cuz every everybody's
like well I bought it like my grandma
bought this house for 40 Grand and now
they're selling it for 400 well how long
has this been it's been 50 years
oh my goodness that's like a 6%
return and everybody's like oh that's a
great Buy and Hold Buy and Hold you're
going to make a lot of money buying and
holding yeah that's what I'm saying so
and again like I said maybe it has its
place if you have excess capital and you
can find really good deals on houses and
Chapter 5: Building a Strong Business Model and Team.End)
you got a strategy you know more power
to you um but if you're just looking at
straight acceleration of capital to go
from a new guy that has nothing to being
in control of of a million dollars in
cash I can't think of an easier way to
do it then with land you you could do it
in a day or in a week or in a month I
this is this is the point where I I want
to get into is that um what what's the
work involved to do that what's the work
involved to do that in other asset
classes like you have to do you have to
know underwriting for one right underr
it's it's just insane it's insane I
think people people want to multiply and
amplify their money but they don't
realize the work it takes to do
it and other in other spaces so I think
we got two good things going here for us
is that for one we have the work ethic
of freaking robots like aliens the hyp
work of the hyp yeah we have a work
ethic of of some animals but then also
now it's a very very fine skill set that
we've pieced together yep you know
that's really cool if we piece together
something that's tremendous and uh it
seems like everybody notices it already
yeah and like I said it is a lot of work
it's a lot of work don't even tell you
it's not that's what I was going to say
so as beautiful as the machine is the
hours that goes into it is just
unmatched yeah we we have like 30 people
working right now so yeah we're doing we
can we can show the hugs we can show all
the things but there's 30 people working
at minimum and more coming and more
coming by the second you know so there's
there's a lot of man hours and we'll
talk about time that's P that's pushing
this thing yeah so lots of
hours lots of uh uh concerted effort
making this machine move that's why but
yeah lots of good smart people working
in the background making it
happen petarian me me and an we we're
the janitors of this thing because there
there's a lot of moving parts and we
have to clean up clean up and create we
clean up a lot of messes we out a lot of
fires we create some fire sometimes you
know but we're human too and we love
this business if you guys have been
following us for any length of time I
just want to say that we really do
appreciate you guys yeah you know
there's people that have been here since
the beginning but we've just never heard
from them or spoken to them so yeah if
you guys reach out you know just say hi
we'll be glad to see if we can look at
some deals for you or just you know
invite you to one of our calls or
something like that but yeah I say get
out there and raise Capital guys because
if you don't start there it's going to
be a long painful Ride Like I said and
of course you want to learn how to do
deals I think that could even be
secondary if you're really good at
raising Capital then said you partner
with us on something and we'll teach you
the rad start to finish but I would
start don't don't do not wait to raise
Capital don't wait one more day your
business will struggle for it and you're
going to what you did earlier anyway yep
we'll see you next time thanks guys
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More