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In this episode of the Hive With Us Podcast, Daniel Martinez and his co-host discuss the importance of team building and the concept that "1 + 1 does not equal 2" in the context of business and real estate investing. They emphasize the exponential growth and amplification of resources, knowledge, and success that come from collaborating and building a strong team. The episode covers the benefits of sharing revenue, investing in team members, and the value of having a supportive network to achieve greater business success.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Team Building (0:00 - 0:30)

Daniel introduces the concept of "1 + 1 does not equal 2" and its relevance to team building in business and real estate.


Chapter 2: The Power of Collaboration (0:31 - 1:30)

Discussion on how combining individual resources, knowledge, and connections leads to exponential growth and success.


Chapter 3: The Importance of Revenue Sharing and Stability (1:31 - 3:30)

Emphasis on the need to share revenue and provide stability for team members to retain talent and ensure business continuity.


Chapter 4: The Role of a Strong Team in Business Growth (3:31 - 5:00)

Insights into the various roles and responsibilities within a real estate business and the necessity of having a diverse team to handle different tasks effectively.


Chapter 5: Exponential Growth Through Strategic Investments (5:01 - End)

Discussion on how reinvesting profits and leveraging team efforts lead to significant business growth and success. Encouragement to always teach and mentor others to build a sustainable and thriving business.


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Chapter 1: Introduction to Team Building.)
all right today's
episode is called 1 plus one does not
two now there was a uh podcast of
Terence Howard talking about one is one
not zle 2 you can watch that but we talk
about it in a in a different way where I
think um a lot of people they they want
to be the
CEO and they can do it by themselves and
then when they bring on another person
it's going to come to two people you
Chapter 2: The Power of Collaboration.)
know one is one and I go two so this is
about team building team building and
importance of a team you get
amplification exponential amplification
when you bring on new people and we talk
about this in other episodes but it's
like knowledge and time
amplification yep so let's just take
example like yourself and myself you
come with a whole block of resources
information people connections right and
then I come with my own unique set yep
so when a team of two comes together
like us it's that's definitely does not
equal only two people contributing
that's a lot of contributing behind that
built this in three years four years and
now there's a lot of people behind us
doing the work 247 like it could be
midnight and sales team meeting chat is
still going off mhm so literally like
we're here we're kind of like not
vacation we're like on a medical leave
right now yeah and um the machine is
going it's been going the whole time
people having conversations running ads
New ads taking ads down showing
Chapter 3: The Importance of Revenue Sharing and Stability.)
properties like there's an awful lot of
activity happening without us even being
there yep roads going down roads going
down somebody setting up ads like
there's there's lot going on and I think
um everybody wants to be the leader
because they don't want to share Revenue
but the thing is you need to you need to
find a game so big that there's enough
Revenue to go around I think a lot of
real estate businesses fail because they
they want to absorb all the profits for
themselves which is fine that's fine but
you're going to sacrifice something with
that you're going to sacrifice your
turnover you're going to sacrifice no
deals you're going to sacrifice what
people stealing from you because you're
undercutting them you're going to
sacrifice a lot of different things just
because you have a maybe a a smaller
mindset I think real estate is a perfect
breeding ground for people to take the
knowledge get up and go away right cuz
like hey I don't need you to sell houses
I don't need you to do this I can just
go anywhere and go learn how to this and
keep more of my own profits right is
what our our vision goes but with with
big land it's like you almost need a
team you have to have a team you have to
you have to there's too many moving
Parts you got Capital raising you got
selling you got development you got
Engineers due diligence lead mining
there's like 50 different jobs here
marketing HR lead management transaction
coordination I think it's the hardest
business that you could possibly select
to uh try to do on your own yeah it's
crazy I I I think the wholesale the
wholesale game you can definitely do it
by yourself but when you step up your
game and you got a lot more going
on you got to go after stuff that have
margins enough to pay your team and
people to keep them around because the
the one thing about Talent is you can
find great talent you got to pay them
you got to pay them and that's the way
to keep great talent around you is you
can keep them keep them fed and they
know they you have a stable income like
stability is important this uh this
business is crazy and when especially
when you're bootstrapping it you have to
provide stability for yourself and
people around you um especially when
they're transitioning I think we've had
a few people quit their job and come on
Chapter 4: The Role of a Strong Team in Business Growth.)
full-time and that's that's providing
stability for a lot of people we we have
a full-time staff now oh full-time staff
lots of people lots of how many Bas are
you running six and they're family right
because three or four of them have been
with us for since day one yes since day
one so we got that and then we have our
in-house people like jazz Gabe Leslie
you know so there's at least three to
four more on salary on my side so
there's 10 and then all the accessory
people yep Mike and Junior and everybody
Daffy Marcy there's like Diego I think a
lot of people think a business is too
small but you got to think about it to
bring good people you have to create big
Revenue to keep the people on your team
fed and to grow so you always got to
keep growing your Revenue um to to
entice that new talent coming through um
and if you don't you're gonna have to
turn over you have Ste stealing from you
you're going to have all those other
things I think that's what's cool about
our business model is that it seems like
there's enough Revenue involved to pay
everybody a lot a lot yeah and there's
no reason for anybody you know like
let's say ourselves to be like oh we
need to make the most of it and our
people need to make very very little
that's what you see in a lot of real
estate companies brokerages somebody's
making the The Lion Share and running
away yeah that's crazy and then what are
the what they the biggest problem is
they have so much turnover turnover
massive turnover turn they can't even
keep an office of three people or five
people and here we are we're brand new
to real estate I feel like you know five
years in and we've had little turnover
very the people showed up still go to
Chapter 5: Exponential Growth Through Strategic Investments.End)
work and now like I said now there's
maybe you know 50 core people with the
sales team and all that like the the
people that are like loyal in here yeah
might have a 50 person team already and
then all their accessory people yeah and
then just the the high mind fans the
subscribers I mean so I'm betting now
we're closer to 500 you know inside of
our Network easy and maybe way bigger
than that that's only what we can touch
and feel and see yeah it's literally
insane it's insane um I always hear
about all these like Goobers about their
turnover is crazy because there was a
big there was a lot of turnover during
Co and I was like man you just got to
pay your people more pay your people
more did ever da on you
like take care of their base
needs yeah then even in deals guys like
like if you take one deal and then you
take that money and you roll it into the
next deal there's another scenario where
one plus one does not equal one because
we're buying on such a huge multiple
that if you took your cash and your
profits from this deal and rolled it
into a second deal I mean now your your
multiple is about to go crazy so it's
another place in land where just things
get Amplified the numbers get the
exponential I don't know you got you got
to invest in your team I think is the
mor of this video is you got to invest
in your team invest in your systems and
um you'll exponentially grow so if
you're stuck in a rut you got something
you got something wrong you need to fix
I think everybody should be teaching
somebody you know you should always be
teaching at least two people always find
two people that will team up with you
partner with you and replace you that
way in case you have to be on for a week
you know there's a lot of activity
happening behind the scenes when you're
around absolutely thanks for listening
hope you found some value we'll see you
next episode go like share subscribe
we'll see you the next episode thanks
guys hey if you have any deals you'd
like to submit to the hiy mine and our
team go to Hive bc. is actually the hive
Buyers Club submit your deals and we can
hopefully dispo your deal for you have a
great day
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More