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Ep 543: Sales Psychology With Steve Trang
July 04, 2024

Ep 543: Sales Psychology With Steve Trang

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In this episode of the Hive With Us Podcast, host Daniel Martinez, along with co-hosts Kyle Thompson and Anthony GAA, welcomes back Steve Trang, a renowned sales trainer. They delve into sales psychology, the importance of investing in sales teams, and share practical tips for improving sales techniques. Steve shares insights from his extensive experience in the real estate industry and emphasizes the value of professional development and strong company culture.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Recap (0:00 - 0:26)

Daniel Martinez introduces Steve Trang, mentioning his previous appearances on the podcast and the focus of today's discussion on sales and sales psychology. Co-hosts Kyle Thompson and Anthony GAA join the conversation.


Chapter 2: The Importance of Sales Training (0:27 - 3:59)

Steve discusses the significance of investing in sales training for teams and addresses the common fear of employees leaving after being trained. He highlights the value of creating a positive company culture and retaining talent.


Chapter 3: Onboarding and Developing Sales Teams (4:00 - 9:10)

Steve outlines the process of onboarding new sales team members, including ensuring alignment with the company’s vision, mission, and culture. He emphasizes the importance of providing comprehensive training and continuous professional development.


Chapter 4: Sales Techniques and Frameworks (9:11 - 18:11)

Steve explains his sales script methodology, breaking down the key elements of setting expectations, uncovering motivations, eliminating objections, and preventing remorse. He also shares his approach to handling objections by reframing conversations and asking open-ended questions.


Chapter 5: Personal Development and Practical Applications (18:12 - End)

Steve discusses the role of intention in using sales techniques in personal and professional settings. He shares stories about applying these skills with his family and team, emphasizing the importance of listening, understanding, and influencing for mutual benefit.




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hello welcome to the hive with us podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today we have special co-hosts Kyle
Thompson and Anthony GAA today we have special returning guest Mr Steve train
if you don't know who that is go Google him uh he's done other other episodes with us to but we're excited to have him
back today we're going to talk about sales and sales psychology and some good stuff here but thanks for coming back
Chapter 2: The Importance of Sales Training.)
Steve no thanks for having me back on I'm excited I mean you guys were just on the show a few weeks ago or a couple
months ago and you guys crushed it so I'm glad to return the honor dude I think what I would like to say is that
uh I think year sales training is probably the most sophisticated that I've ever seen at least in real estate
and probably even to larger audience than that so I'm excited to dig in today man and talk about some of this stuff
with you it's always great to hear it yeah definitely look forward whatever helps the audience I'm all about it yeah
I think this is something that we don't really pay attention to right we take it for granted as we're out there like getting leads talking to sellers talking
to buyers that kind of stuff raising capital and you take it for granted right that there's you have to have some
kind of mechanics behind you to to actually be able to get these deals to the closing table and then you see there's there's those Superstars out
there like you know yourself uh some that I could think of right away as non and Straton those guys like and they're
pretty heavy on on their their sales psychology and all that stuff it's very important I think a lot of Real Estate Investors Overlook it yeah I mean it's
it's a I think it's one of two things right like it seems like with sales people they kind of fit into one of two buckets one is like they feel like
they're good so they don't they don't need it right which is sadly not true right or you got other people that are
like well that's like you have to have to gift a gab so it's not for me right I
I'd rather have someone else do it and so unfortunately in both instances those people are wrong right like there's
something that can be added something something that can be learned but yeah we we had the opportunity to work with a
lot of like amazing amazing people you know we have amazing guys on our podcast like you guys and the best the best
operators in the country invest in their sales team not just in themselves they invest in their sales team right they
spend money to get their sales guys better so you know but it's up to
everyone right if they want to invest in sales or not so I think I think I have a leading question with this so a lot of people
are afraid to invest in their sales team because they're afraid they're going to leave them I think everybody has their
cycle of long they stay with their company uh how do you how do you kind of
teach or get people to stick around for longer because you know everybody has their life cyle I mean even us in the
business we're gonna we're gonna have some type of exit in the future us as operators but what's what's that what's
that well I look back to Jim row right who was an inspiration for Darren Hardy
for Tony Robbins right Tony Robbins intern for him right and so what he said was like you know the greatest fear is
like well what if I invest in them and they leave to what she says like what if you don't invest in them and they stay
right like if your guys are closing 10% right yeah you can invest it in them
and they leave but man how much money are you losing every day that they're not Killers every day that they're Medi
every day that your sales team stays mediocre how much money is that costing you so I don't look at it as like what
if they leave there's a different different part we'll talk about later on but like it's your responsibility I
believe to train your guys up to create a culture where people want to get better so that they want to make a lot
of money you can help them make a lot of money because if everyone your if everyone of your companies making a lot of money guess what you're making a lot
of money right so I think you got to be willing to invest in your team and the other part too is if you're training
them and they leave I think that's a reflection of your company culture it's a reflection of your vision and your
mission and your commitment to the team I'm not saying that we don't have people leave I have I've had people leave right
it happen I I would argue that our turn is lower because we care about our team and we
Chapter 3: Onboarding and Developing Sales Teams.)
invest in our team right and if you're good if you're real good it's gonna be
hard for them to leave and compete against you so you just got to create a a an environment where people thrive and
accomplishing all their goals working at your company dude that's a badass distinction like what if you don't train
them and then they stay damn that's crazy and I was thinking about that before we hopped on
you know you almost can't afford not to to hire you know and train your your sales people to get them to the next
level because you're losing more money than you would have spent on the sales training anyway it's a leaky bucket it's a it's a leaky bucket right every every
lead that comes in like you're losing I don't know let's just say one in five one and 10 one in 20 either way you're
losing those leads those leades are going right out the door and they're going to Daniel and Daniel's closing
them right that's what happens that's what happens somebody is they do have
their sales team trained up and Bam they close that same sale that somebody else from the other you know company said oh
that that lady wasn't ready to sell yet they didn't have the training in place to get them across the Finish Line
exactly exactly I you look at the uh you look at the dating scene right it's kind of like you know this girl that you were
trying to chase and you didn't have the resources right the knowledge the the the game right and they go to to Daniel
aka Mr steel your girl right like that's what's happening yep some some other closer
along Steve what's what's like your operation when you're first introducing someone new to your team on the sales
side what's like the operation to get them started and what do you provide them for them to want to stay with you for a long long period of time I think
the first thing is they got to be committed to the the vision and the mission I think that's the first thing right like what is the company trying to
do and then the second you got to make sure it's a culture fit like if you're bringing in like I'll give you an example we
don't hire extreme Mavericks anymore right and that Mavericks is a predictive index right but like they're so
independent we don't even want to bring them in because they're not going to be a team player right so there have to be
they have to want to win but they also have to be okay to be part of a team right that goes back to culture fit and
so they have to be bought into the mission they have to be bought into the vision they have to be bought into the uh the culture which are core values and
then after that we want to see that they have we want to give them the skills
right this is the training we offer right we want to give the onboarding show them like how to do their job and
after that we want to we look at some principles where uh where I used to fail as a leader is I would just say all
right Kyle here's what you need to do it was up to you to just execute right now
our standard is I got to teach Kyle what to do I got to test that he understood
it I gotta make sure he understands why it is that way like why is it important
to do that way so not just what but why is it important and the last thing I got to get you to commit to Excellence like
I'm going to do it this way every single time and we're going to and after we're commit to doing it that way every time we're also going to get you to commit to
Excellence which includes training right so what what I used to do is like all
right Kyle and here I know other teams do this right like here's my login to the John Martinez program go log in go
watch the modules and now you're gonna start getting leads next week right that doesn't work that doesn't work so you
gotta know what to say you have to know why it's important to say it that way you got to commit to saying it that way you got commit to the
training so that you can hit your goals right your higher purpose whether it's
to retire your spouse put your kids in good school travel more take care of
your mom whatever it is so that you can do those other things right so like that
all goes together for making Kyle want
to stay on my cell team right absolutely I love that so you're also instilling so
would you say that you're using tactics and psychological things to help almost like close your close your
closers 100% so the tactics we use right as far as like I'm talking to Anthony I
want to buy Anthony's house hey tell me what's going on how did this happen how long's been going on what you tried to do about it when's the last time you
know something one of these things occur what happens we can't help you who else about like all those questions same
exact questions with your C team right hey Anthony I appreciate you wanting to work here I'm curious why
here what are you trying to do let's pretend we work together and it's successful what does that look like how
much money you're making what are your goals what What's the progress look like how can I help you do that can I hold
you accountable to it right like these are all conversations to lead a sales
organization and it's no different than raising your kids right like we got to
keep everyone committed to the bigger vision because that's what helps us commit to The Daily Grind if we don't have a clear
vision of where we're going then why would we get out of bed what are we grinding for right absolutely love it
Chapter 4: Sales Techniques and Frameworks.)
dude I like that that uh yeah you kind of you're going to use those same I don't even I hate to use the word tactics but there's not I don't know if
there's a better English word for it but you use that same those same principles on your people too to make sure that you're actually really going to be a fit
for each other because the same way you don't want to close every single cell you probably don't want to close every single person like you said like you
don't need a Maverick like you don't need somebody who's just so full of themselves they're not going to be conducive to the culture yeah we had a
guy right who was a great salesperson in his own right right like allegedly you
know in a prescreen right he's like yeah I'm making 150k a year it's like great awesome like why do you want to work here right and the guy's like well I'm
tired of you know co- calling all day and like having to sell all day every day it's like okay right because he had
to Source his own business and then work it right and in the interview he was
like coaching my guy on how to be a better interviewer right it was like okay this guy's not gonna not
yourit oh damn all right I see where this is headed yeah right like look
you'd be great for a small team that doesn't have like coaching but like in an organization where we have what's
what I'm looking for where we're all pretty clear on what we want to accomplish right where you have to like
actually put notes in your CRM where you actually have to follow up consistently where you're okay with being called out
for not putting your notes in or not doing the follow-ups that guy's not
going to make it he's gonna lose his mind yeah you're gonna get a lot of push back from that person right away yeah
like it's every day it's like Anthony why don't you put the notes like because I already know like okay I already know what I'm doing yeah like okay well
that's not gonna help like if you have to talk to this guy in four months and ask him how it's going with you know his
his foreclosure situation or his divorce whatever like that's not in the SEC how are you going to follow up with him in four months at least I know I can't hire
Anthony or I can't hire myself like this is bad potentially very much
so right but we're not trying to hire people like us exactly no right if we're
we're the reason why we work for ourselves because we can't work for anybody else that's that's funny one
thing I liked about your program because I I participated in your program is that you have a sales script can you talk
about like the methodology of your sales script because I think you kind of mentioned a little bit in the past 30
SEC two minutes or so but what does that methodology look where you kind of push sellers through or even when you're
hiring too because I think you have your process and it comes out very naturally to you it does it does because I've been
doing it for so long right so we look at it our process for for at at a high high level right we set expectations
beginning the appointment how the appointment's going to go right and then we find all the reasons why we should do business together or not do business
together right what's the pain what's the gain what's the motivation what happens what the success looks like what happens we can't do it for you and then
we eliminate all the potential objections right so price time frame
other decision makers uh and after we do all those things we negotiate all that and then we get a commitment hey if we
can do the if we can pay your price if we can do this today like you know what happens next and they say oh I want you to and let's put it all in writing okay
great the last thing we do after we sign a contract is we prevent remorse right so that's our process which is borrowed
borrowed very very generously from another significantly wellknown training program I just can't asite it anymore because they sent me a CIS notice right
so so that's our process that we follow is prescribed by other uh uh training
other trainers right uh and that's the same process if I'm GNA have a difficult conversation hey Daniel step into my
office we need to chat real quick hey you know when we spoke before you were saying that you weren't hitting your numbers and you weren't making progress
toward your goal you said you gave me permission to hold you accountable okay great so let's have a conversation how do you think you're doing what what are
you seeing here's what I'm seeing what are we going to do about that you know if you're not making progress on that what should we do right and it's that
same thing about like setting expectations talk about the pain talk about the game what success looks like so on right and how and if this doesn't
work how should I get back like you know what should we do next time that's the preventing remorse it's same same same
framework and then you look at like the old school you know I put something together the the old school traditional
sales process right is you build phony Rapport right and then you you push your
company or yourself you promote Futures and benefits you do some trial closes
you handle objections and then you do the hard clothes and you handle more objections and then maybe you get the deal maybe you never talk to them again
versus our process like hey let's build a let's build professional trust let's figure out what's going on
what's going on in your world let's figure out what the perfect outcome
looks like for you and the end help you buy that perfect
outcome that's our sales process right and that applies again buying someone's house recruiting somebody leadership
conversations conversations with your kids it's just yeah everything
everything's sales everything's negotiation so you're you're like painting a picture for everyone and explaining you're just telling stories
the painting pictures telling stories lots and lots of stories 100% I love
that yeah that's what I I love I love the story closing the story is one of the best Clos it's just so notorious it
works it works so well yeah you know why it
works um I think it's like more of a relation things because they can relate to it you tell them a story they start
to paint that picture in their mind they're like yeah you know what that makes sense I could see myself doing the same thing and then they they start to
the rabbit hole in their mind and then it's just like a giant like dopamine dopamine receptor like damn imagine
myself in that situation imagine me getting that 150k cash for my house or whatever it might be um so it's just a
psychological rabbit hole that they go down when you're telling the story yeah but you you nailed it right they can see
it and that kind of goes back to and like I don't know how people much people care about this right but you look at like physiologically what how how we
communicate um like you got to remember for most of History we were all
illiterate right for most of History yeah we couldn't read it right so then how do we pass stories right how do we
pass these stories with like the Bible with gilgames with um uh odius right we
all we all read The Odyssey in high school a lot of us had to read The Odyssey in high school right yeah I was passed along from Greek mythology these
people couldn't read or write how do these pass how did how did we pass all the knowledge and information the morals
and the fables and and this and that by telling stories right the Bible is just another story I'm not disregarding the
religion I'm just saying like that's how they communicate right it wasn't until King James whoever like made like this like consolidated version like this is
like the official version or one of the official versions and before then right people can read or right yeah right
exactly so H H how do you tell your compelling story is it Factor fiction or
is it a combination of both so if you have the truth use the
truth right but my coach I've heard two different versions of this so my coach
said never let the facts get in the way of a good story and then I had another guy another
Mentor who said like just because it's not true yeah just because it's not true doesn't mean it's not real to
me yeah right so do we exaggerate sure and I know like some people it's a
turnoff right like why would you be not per not completely transparent with the other person right
and look perfect world like Integrity is one of my core values perfect world I
could be 100% transparent with you right perfect
world it's not how it works like I wish I could just walk into Daniel's living
room Daniel how much do you want for your house great I can pay it and close
them in 15 seconds I wish that's how the world worked that's how I would like to
work it's not how it works right we got to do the dance hey tell me what's going on hey by before our time together is
over if I can give you a price that make sense for you and I can answer your questions would you feel comfortable working with me if we can't if you feel
good telling me no great right hey tell me where it hurts how long's been hurting gotta do the whole dance right
and then I got to do like hey you know how much are you hoping to walk away with wow that's a lot we could do that
what happens next right well I mean what you're asking for that that doesn't make sense you know cash buyers your buyer
paying between X and Y right and you're like you know what if someone offer you that and then we go through like well
you know you got some other people people that aren't here okay what are we going to tell them man well the price you ask me for I don't know if I can pay
it it's more than I was allowed to pay how about this go talk to them see if that works for them if you tell me it
works for them I'll go fight with my boss see if I can get this done for you like we gotta do the whole dance
Chapter 5: Personal Development and Practical Applications.End)
otherwise Daniel doesn't feel good right so we got to do the dance because the other way what's the alternative right
Daniel walks into a dealership says Hey I want to buy this what have I seen read
recently I want to buy the Cyber truck I want to buy the Cyber truck it's all over social media it looks great but I
want you guys to know I'm not paying a dollar more than $90,000 for it and the
guy's like done like did you bring a checkbook like how are we gonna do this what's Daniel's mind going
through yeah I PID too much I overpay right because we didn't do the
quick yeah too quick to a decision so we got to do the story we got to do the not
showing all their cards part of the human experience I think too Steve like using the the training and the
Frameworks that you have it's like it's the best possible framework that you can have it reminds me very much of the
sales process that I've learned in time share and there's a lot of reasons behind every single step and if you
leave one out you kind of blow the cell it breaks if if you put every single step in at the very end of the
conversation they almost have to close they almost have to say yes if you do it correctly yeah it's the what was it um
one of the things I learned from a different program was a signed contract is just a natural conclusion to a well grown appointment boom right like I have
two I have two like so I learned from I heard from Alex heros right it's their
job to say no it's their job to say no because it was their job to say yes what the hell do I need sales people for
right it it's their job to say no right but at the same time I believe every
homeowner that's motivated or land owner for you guys or whatever private money lender they want to say yes but we the
sales people screw it up we insert doubt we insert insert uncertainty we come
across as not listening we come across as pushy right we screw up the sale
because we're saying things that are getting in in the way of them saying yes dude I love that man so let me here's
one example that we see very often and I'm sure you've seen this a million times too is where uh the this one
person keeps on running to this same objection the same person keeps getting the exact same one objection that I
never get MH what's the objection their belief system they just think like oh
every nobody has money or they just they're thinking just this one thing and it keeps keep running into it until they can move beyond that for themselves and
you know why that objection is so hard for them to overcome why is that you said it it's
their belief system they believe it yeah it's from it's from inside of them they they plant that seed of out
and then people they see it and they call it out so it's always there yeah well if you look at like for for example
myself right the first 10 years of my care I was actually a pretty bad salesperson right I the only reason why I got sales well there's two a couple
reasons I got sales because I was trustworthy I came across as competent I came across this caring right that's the reason why I got sales but I was a
crappy sales person and the one I could never I could never overcome for the longest time was I need to think about it and why I can overcome it because
that's the one I would use and because that's the one I would use it's hard for me to overcome just
like if you got a guy who's like his wife makes all the decision right as a salesp person like
his wife makes all the decisions and he comes into I need to think about it he's just gonna accept it right he's not going to be able to
overcome it because that's his life yeah okay I see what you mean yeah
the objections is the hardest for you to overcome are the ones that you believe in yourself oh dang okay I never thought
about it that way but that's very true yeah so like if I'm gonna I know I'm GNA have to think about it because I need to talk to my wife
anyway right that makes sense yeah hey so how's
your training work man how is it set up so you do you highlight particular objections like that and then you the lead up towards crushing that objection
before you ever get there uh so our training it breaks down to two different parts one we go over the principles of
sales which we go we cycle through about every three or four months and the reason why we cycle through every three or four months is because we need to
stay sharp right we need to stay we need to remember the important stuff because like when we don't stay recycle it then
people get sloppy they forget and they don't use it and then it starts breaking right that's the first part the other part of our training is overcoming
objections and we don't have a set list of objections I'm going to create something because I was someone asked me
last week to make it uh I'm going to create it but here I'm creating it reluctantly and here's why I believe if
you need a list of objections to overcome like a list of objection handles if you need a
list that tells me that you're not good at sales because if you're good at sales
you wouldn't have these objections right so I'm actually creating as a lead magnet to tell people more sales training okay so it's a fra
because if you're good at sales when you hear the objection you can overcome it because the objection the way to overcome objection is to have the seller
tell you how they would overcome the objection right can you give us an example of that so so I'll give you an
example I I'll do like a a scenario here right so let's say you have a situation
where like let's say you're you're you're buying a coaching product right and it's 10K it's like I've never spent
10K on it before right I say it's interesting okay so and by the way our program is not 10K it's more expensive
so but let's just say it's 10K right so say you say I've never I've never spent more than $110,000 on anything before
for for personal development okay hey I understand that you know it's interesting Daniel was in our program
many many years ago yeah and you can see that success he's had in the last few
years right and he was really reluctant to sign up as well to buy the to buy a program because like 10,000 that's a lot
of money but he did it anyway why do you think that is oh I wanted to do better
you know yeah he wanted I wanted to do better for his wife yeah I want to create a better life
you know for his wife for his kids that's exactly what he said so I don't know but does that make sense for you
like does that line up with what you're trying to do right now now about 10,000 it's about
like oh I want to live a better life right or the other one here's the
classic one I use all the time and people laugh at it but actually have I've kind of made this joke like hey
Daniel it sounds like $30,000 more important than your grand kids right I've made this joke at forever right and I'll share with you how we say it softly
but then I actually came up in an appointment where literally it was $30,000 like we were 30,000 apart and I
basically said like so here's the way I would say hey D uh Anthony you know right now it sounds like what's really
keeping us apart from working together today is you're looking to get an extra
$30,000 I get it a moment ago you were saying it was really important to be
there with your grandkids because you know they were just born and like every day they do that with them you know it
just pains your heart kind of sounds like right now you're saying getting
$30,000 is more important than being with your grandkids right now
well no and no no my kids grandkids are more important than money no like freaking out sign right now right but
like that was your objection but there were your reasons and now you have to
sell yourself I don't want to be with my grandkids or I want $30,000 more that's
not like a script right that was like me listening
to you you said you want 30,000 some more you said you want be with your grandkids right now well which is it
Anthony and look if you told me you want more money who am I to judge I would pick money too over my grandkids right
me personally right but that's not my choice this is your choice you gave me the words you tell me which one makes
sense makes more sense for you but did I give you an objection Handler or did I ask you to make a decision between those
two things you they were important to you I like that man you take the numbers out of it so you're like helping them
get out of that numerical part of their brain like wait a minute we're not talking we're not you're making this about the money I thought you said the
important thing was the grandkids so it helps redirect away from that too it's a reframe of the conversation
beautiful I I I like I like the a lot of sales is listening yeah you have you
have to actively listen to what they're saying and what they're not saying and then you you bring it up in conversation
and that's all it is active listen so one thing whenever I train like Acquisitions
to make offers I was like you always make your base offer and then you negotiate off of whatever their counter is and that's it you don't you don't
build and create other scenarios on top of it you just counter what they countered on because other things might be good so you have to actively listen
and figure out what what their motivation is on their counter and count go back to help them figure out what
they want and sell them that yeah yeah that's good that's good
it's getting it's getting good K I know you got another question go ahead no I
just this this is so much juice I just love listening um I just like how it's
everything is about you're the salesperson in that situation if you get a if you get a no
it's on you if you get a yes it's on you so I I just like that you you frame it back to it's it's it's always and you
have to kind of pick the client apart based on already what they're what they're telling you everything that you need to close them on already like if
you're sitting down with someone motivated they're telling you everything you need to already you just need to listen and not think about the four
pillars and like all these different things like yeah great those are important but you have to to ask them in a certain way and you have to like yeah
I I just love it man you're you're you're killing the sales game yeah I appreciate it right and like yeah you
have to say that delivery about like it sounds like money is more important in your family yeah that has to be delivered very very very very uh softly
right but like you were saying you know like the that mindset like they they want to say yes and I'm screwing it up
right so you know if you met me 10 years ago and I didn't get the sale I was like yeah you know it was unfortunate I guess
I guess they didn't like me you know like and that was it it was external right like I didn't get the
sale but it wasn't because of me it was because of them right so I want to say it last year I went an appointment you
know and I met with the homeowner and I didn't get the contract right and I was pissed and my wife's like what's wrong
with you right now cuz she she knows this version of me it's the same version
of the guy that comes home playing basketball and just stinks up the gym right like I screwed up I didn't play
well right she's like what's wrong with you right now I was like well now that I understand
sales to the level I do if I don't get the S it's because I failed I want to
close 100% of my appointments so I don't get the SES like I know I missed
something and I'm trying to figure out what it was that I
missed I think using a a program like yours Steve is uh it makes you not miss
it's impossible to miss if you follow every single step all the way through and uh so if you have a let's say we
have a lot of sales people on our team there's probably 40 of them now um you know you don't know where they're dropping the ball unless they're going
through every single step then you can see where their whole process comes apart but without it you're shooting in the dark and they can't get better you
can't help them get better because there's no framework there's no framework right so like and this is not I didn't mean to plug this here right
but since we're talking about this if you have the Clos marcel.com you buy the book it's $5.6 one of the free bonuses is a call review
sheet right which I created because one of our students like hey can you give me a sheet like what you listen to ons
because they listen to me do call reviews like Steve what are you listening for I like oh let me write down everything I'm listening for and
it's three pages right of everything I'm listening for in a call right and it's
so like did you say uh did you um step over your silence or did you have your
pauses did you say right a lot did you say Okay a lot when you're not supposed to you
ask yes no questions when you should have been asking open-ended questions so like I have three pages of these things
and basically what it does is it helps you figure out what you did wrong on a call review and what you did right okay
so like if once a week you went and listened to one call and you listened to like here are the things I did well here are things I did poorly and for the next
week you just focused on the things you did poorly and just work to improve that like how much better would you be in
year and so yeah we have a call review scoring sheet on our website it's one of the free bonuses if you if you spend a
$5.60 for a book which I basically feel like I'm giving so much away but that's what why you pick such a low price point
man just like get it in as many people's hands as possible or what yeah so I have a coach right um I I I hired a coach see
a little over two months ago and like I've got my own Ambitions right I'm trying to sell a company for $100 million so I hire a coach and so his
philosop phos ophy is you need to get as many people into your
world that are willing to spend a few dollars because those are your best people they are going to spend more
money later on so we used to do the lead magnet things like let's give all this stuff away and you build an email list
right but a person that gives you their email address is very different than the
person that's going to give you a few dollars to be in your world so now I'm building a world full of people that are
giving me a few dollars yeah we we have have a dollar product we've been selling for probably a year and a half it's
literally a dollar I want you to pull I want you to pull out your card and pay me a dollar
yeah and then that's a personality type that's willing to whip the card out on on impulse it's a different person right
person that's willing to invest in themselves is very different than a looky lose right because here's what I've learned about
myself I suck at coaching people that have never done a deal before yeah I don't have
I mean as I'm I'm a flawed person I don't have the patience to work with a
person and hold their hand if they've never done deal before right you tell me hey I locked up this deal and it's it's
a dumpster fire I will work with you to fix it but you took action I will Coach
you on how to clean it up but the guy that's like man Steve I I
made 10 10 phone calls today I didn't get any contracts like I can't do it caus me causes me too
much stress I can't help you if you can't help yourself exactly you know I'm I'm
the same way dude so people ask us all the time like why don't you guys have scripts I don't want them to memorize a
script I want you to get your butt on the phone and I want you to go to work right so it's just you know sink or swim type of thing but I think uh for our CES
team immediately we need to implement uh your probably your sales training right away dude because I do feel like that I
feel like there's some of them that they just stand way way way out and they're just going to crush it no matter what but for other ones are like lost little
puppies running into each other like we definitely we need to have some kind of framework for them to to be able to just go and grind and then we our own scripts
and they have goals and they have Ambitions and wouldn't it be great if everyone that worked for you did really well in life if everyone you worked for
you had cash flowing properties how awesome is that right yeah yeah right so we do that by
investing in them so I have a controversial question so us as natural
salese we get drawn into using our tactics on our family and
friends yeah um where do you draw the line on that because I I was talking to a good
friend of mine and he said uh he used one of his sales tactics on his girlfriend and it worked and he didn't
even mean to do it on purpose so he said he felt he felt bad because he kind he felt like he manipulated her to the
outcome without her coming to her own decision about it so
I feel totally fine using all these tactics and techniques anywhere and everywhere okay
and I used to not so here's my like Journey so I signed up for sales
training in 2018 right I signed up for the c training I'm using it I'm using it
on calls where I'm selling people programs I'm using it and my team is using it in living rooms buying people's
houses right so we're using it anywhere and everywhere but only for work and
nowhere else right and then one day I have a big
blowout fight with the wife right and what happens well I wasn't using the
skills I wasn't listening I wasn't mirroring I wasn't seeking to understand I was just having a
conversation right so I have a blow fight I like what happened well Steve screwed up because he assumed things
because he didn't understand what she was trying to say right and so then I
realized like oh it's not just high stakes conversations in the living room or on the zoom it's also high stakes
conversations with the spouse right and then I have an employee a value team
member blow up on me and quit right um and then again introspection and
reflection why did they why did they feel that way well they didn't feel hurt they didn't feel validated as a team
member right and we kept her right we're able to work through it um but I was not leading effectively and so
what was what was going on I wasn't listening well so then I learned okay so not only is a high stakes conversations
when I'm selling coaching when I'm buying houses and when I'm talking to my spouse it's also with every conversation
with a team member and so I understand the the colleague you mentioned he was concerned like you know when is it too
far I would say it all boils down to intention are you manipulating for your
own personal gain or are you influencing because if you're influencing for someone else's benefit
it's fine right so right now we're about to hit election season right it is just massive negative
manipulation and that's it both sides there's no side that's like better and above it they're all terrible right so
it's just massive manipulation but if for example you're buying someone's
house how many people have we tried to buy their house and they couldn't get out of their own way and they screwed
themselves they made a horrific decision because no one can help them to understand the consequences of those
poor decisions in that case I'm influencing them into a direction that
actually benefits them and makes their life better so long answer your question
it's intention is what it all boils down to Boom man I think that that word right
there kind of unlocks the whole thing for me because in in my mind and kind of the way I was taught is to never use
this on your friends and family but I like the way that you put that in there it's the intention behind it then I can
use these these tools and skills to drive you somewhere that's beneficial to you and that's that's that's powerful
man yeah I mean look here here's the most recent use I've used with my kids right so my kids are now the oldest two
are 11 and 13 so this is about a year ago or half a year ago so maybe they're 11 and 12 at this point right so anytime
they do something I don't approve of I'm unhappy with I'll just ask them hey what
happened here and they get to share with me what happened and then I'll ask okay so what
did we learn from this and then answer that okay and how
can we make sure this doesn't happen again those are all sales questions they
opened questions great questions right the problem only problem using on my
kids is now they use it on me right they learn quickly they learn quickly I was
we were for school one day and they asked me what happened D I was like I stayed on the basketball cour a little too long so you know like what happened
we're late what what what caused us to be late well you know I I stuck around the basket cour just a little bit too long how can I make sure this doesn't
happen again it's like damn [Laughter]
it I think kids learn this quicker than adults do man oh for sure for
sure yeah yeah but that's intention right I'm using it with the right intention with my kids I'm not manipulating them yeah helping them get
better I'm influencing them to be better better people and that's amazing and then they're going to have those skills
already ingrained before they even hit the business world they're already gonna be like born with that stuff oh they're using it I feel bad every time they use
it on my wife right it's like I'll P my wife aside every once I was like Hey so um here's what they
did yeah yeah yeah kids and they don't have any filter too so they're just so damn
good at it yeah I do I do a lot of this just so I can I
record all these conversations for my kids because like my kids are so young they can't enjoy this you know I hope
they enjoy all this stuff in the future so hey their future kids these conversations are good I I
think it's it's very important to have them um it helps you more round well well rounded in your
relationships I think all these things help out in your own your own little way
that I think once you know your own flaws and you can address them or somebody holds you accountable to
address them yeah it makes you a better parent so I think you're better parent better communicator and look I want to I
want them to be able to communicate with me when they're going through something tough right so if we're not using the
active listening skills why would they come to us when they have something difficult that they're going
through right so like I do the labeling I do the mirroring I do the reversing right I asked them like hey like you
know perfect world how do we get this and they know what I'm doing they get it
but they also know that I better understand their perspectives when I do
this it's mutually beneficial exactly that's beautiful man that's
amazing do you have an exact turning point where you're like dude I just need to get better at sales like do you have
an exact remembrance of where you were because you said you sucked at sales do you exact remembrance for like this is
my Turning Point yeah I would I mean very early very very early the problem was I didn't have a way to get better so
I so I got my license in 2007 and I made it not well right just
pure hustle and grit and the willingness to spend money on marketing dollars I I
will spend as necessary to win however um I always got stuck with I need to
think about it let me get back to you right let me talk to him so and so and I just take it and lose sales and so I
want to say it was around 20 in in 201 2010 2011 I was like screw it I'm
just goingon to hire sales people right uh and then uh and I'm just they're going to work with the buyers I'll work
with the sellers and I want to say it's like around 20 uh 14 or 15 I was like
man I need I'm just going to hire pushy sales people for my appointments too right and so that was my solution and it
again it wasn't until 2018 I actually found a sales trainer that could actually help me right and
that's where I found my coach who just happened to be Pace Mor's coach right and
so once I found that I was like oh like this whole world open up for me because
you can read the books on sales there's there's a lot of books on sales right but it's only a handful of them that
really good uh can't teach a kid a r bike at a seminar is a good one uh Gap selling never split the difference these
are three you know like critical critical books but those books aren't like haven't been around forever right
and so like for most of my career I struggled and it wasn't until I hired a coach that helped me understand
reframing and tonality which most sales books can't cover well reframing and
tonality so you mentioned uh the coach that coached you and Pa Mory who's that
coach can't say gas e and assist oh that's the yeah it's wild like I want to
promote them because they were so instrumental to my journey matter of fact I actually reached out to my old
coach it's like hey we're starting a new podcast is close more sales right um and
I wanted to invite him on but he was like I want nothing to do with you like okay all right because in his mind he's
older so it's kind of a scarcity mindset right in his mind like I stole all his clients right like we're going to
completely disregard how many referrals I sent him just completely ignore that part right he's just focused on like oh
yeah you took my stuff and and and sold it yourself like not factually wrong
right um at the same time though like I don't see as competition right we're all about cooperation because like there are
people that are not gonna be good fit for me go over there yeah absolutely yeah I think that that's kind
of our our our hive mind mindset is that they're just there's too much of everything so collectively we can go
further faster as opposed to like you versus us doesn't make sense bro I've never thought about it that way because
in marketing there's just too much of everything yeah like there's so many sales trainers out there like I am the
least of his concerns yeah yeah no man I think too it speaks to your audience man you've given
so much to the real estate community over the years like you know uh I know that's your channel is the first one
that I ever started watching when I first got into real estate and really got me fired up and watch every single day all day long stopped listening to
music you know that kind of stuff so if you have like products and services all these years later after all the value
you've provided and somebody still feels like oh well Steve's trying to sell stuff like yeah but look what he's giving away too bro you know I mean made
I don't know how you probably made way more millionaires than you know of already I suspect that's true I would
suspect that's true I don't know we created 100 but if I were I would say it would not I would not be surprised if
you know uh something happens today I go to the Pearly Gates and they're like here's how many millionaires you created it was over 100 wouldn't be surprised
right so you're sure dude I think I got a I think maybe by the end of this year I put all my books together and I'm gonna send them to you so I know for
sure that I'm one of them yeah yeah I look forward to it man so get you back on you know get you in town get you a
plaque all that fun stuff sick Bro super appreciated man yeah everything you you've done for for us I don't even know
if you know the extent and I'm sure there's probably hundreds of thousands of more people out there too that have gotten so much value from from your from
your Channel and now with your sales training uh I'm sure that people are going to be able to crush at using that stuff because if you don't have it at
all you're missing something huge yeah I mean just you know we have we've trained
hundreds of people the best house buyers in the country use our program talk to
them what they what they want to do with that information yeah dop well this was a fun
one Steve like always man uh yeah it would be awesome to see you again soon and yeah anytime we can ever do anything
for you any anything at all bro you have an event anything you call us we'll be there all right it's my pleasure man appreciate you guys having me on uh
great doing this again good meeting you Kyle and yeah I'm glad we got to spend this time together all right everybody everybody
here go like share subscribe you know what to do we'll see you in the next episode thanks guys hey if you have any deals you'd like to submit to The Hive
mine and our team go to Hive bc. it's actually The Hive Buyers Club submit your deals and we can hopefully dispo
your deal for you have a great day

Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

Steve Trang Profile Photo

Steve Trang

Nationally Recognized Sales Trainer | Real Estate Wholesaler & Flipper | Podcaster | YouTuber

Steve Trang is the founder of the Real Estate Disruptors. He started his podcast in 2018 to inspire wholesalers and
real estate agents to double their incomes by adding a second leg to their business. The podcast has grown to tens of
thousands of followers, with new members sharing their success stories every week.
Steve also created the OfferFast Homes app. The app helps wholesalers quickly jump-start their careers by putting all
buyers in one convenient place. Steve hopes to minimize the challenge of building a buyer list when getting started in
Steve’s goal is to create 100 Millionaires. One of his favorite quotes is from the great Zig Ziglar: “You can have
everything you want in life if you help other people get what they want.” He heard this quote when he first got into real
estate, and it has stuck with him throughout his entire career. It’s one of the core values Steve lives by.
Since starting Stunning Homes Realty in 2013, the brokerage has grown to over 130 agents. Stunning Homes Realty
has almost a 1% market share and sells one out of every 137 homes in the Phoenix metro area.