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Ep 541: Development In Multiple Markets With Dale Wills
July 04, 2024

Ep 541: Development In Multiple Markets With Dale Wills

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In this episode of the Hive With Us Podcast, host Daniel Martinez is joined by special guest Dale Willms from Centra Companies. They discuss Dale's extensive experience in real estate, including home building, land development, and a unique cattle operation. Dale shares his insights on managing multiple businesses, the importance of finding top talent, and the current challenges in the real estate market. They also touch on creative financing, investment strategies, and the future outlook for real estate amidst economic uncertainties.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Dale's Background (0:00 - 0:24)

Daniel Martinez introduces Dale Willms, who shares his journey from construction and banking to managing various real estate ventures and a cattle operation. Dale highlights his experience across different states and industries, setting the stage for a discussion on his diverse portfolio.


Chapter 2: Managing Multiple Ventures and Talent Acquisition (0:25 - 1:39)

Dale explains his approach to managing multiple businesses by outsourcing specific tasks and focusing on top talent. He discusses the importance of hiring skilled team members and how he has successfully integrated new hires into key leadership positions.


Chapter 3: Investment Strategies and Market Insights (1:40 - 3:49)

The conversation shifts to Centra Companies' investment strategies, including their real estate equity fund. Dale shares his insights into the current real estate market, addressing the impact of inflation, interest rates, and economic uncertainties on investment decisions.


Chapter 4: Creative Financing and Long-Term Vision (3:50 - 5:15)

Dale elaborates on creative financing strategies and the significance of having a long-term vision in real estate investments. He discusses evaluating investment opportunities by considering best and worst-case scenarios and the importance of being prepared for economic shifts.


Chapter 5: Cattle Operation and Personal Interests (5:16 - End)

The episode concludes with Dale discussing his cattle operation and how it complements his real estate ventures. He offers insights into the cattle market and shares his philosophy of improving everything he touches. Daniel wraps up by encouraging listeners to like, share, and subscribe for more valuable content.




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hello welcome to the hyp with us podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today we have a special guest Mr Dale
[Music] Wills what part of the country are you
from Dale I'm in Minneapolis Minneapolis Minnesota awesome I haven't talked to
many people from Minneapolis but uh guess it's the first now you get a treat
we get a treat have you ever seen the show Fargo by chance yeah yes yeah it's there's unfortunately there's a lot of
Chapter 2: Managing Multiple Ventures and Talent Acquisition.)
accuracy to that in the winter time okay I didn't the the my wife like
always likes the Fargo accents from like almost like Canadian and so it's so
funny yeah when you when you drive further north you hear a lot more of the accents the the cold that they depicted
yeah that's just reality every day in the wintertime the accents you do have to get a little bit further north and it
is a little bit humorous you don't hear it as much in the Twin Cities that's funny that's that's quite hilarious so
you are can you give somebody like a 30 second elevator pitch I know you have it ready so 30 elev very pitch and who you
are what you do and we can jump right into it yeah so we uh have a company Centric companies we do anything that's
real estate related we got a real estate Equity Fund we've got a Home Building Company Land Development company we do
some apartments small commercial if it's real estate we do it we love it uh I'm I
also have a small cattle operation which is just I do for entertainment because I love animals and six kids wife grew up
in California and just keep moving a little bit further east we spent some time in in Nevada Utah and now Minnesota
Chapter 3: Investment Strategies and Market Insights.)
see I did the opposite see I started in Chicago and then I went South to Atlanta and then I went West to California so
next I'm gonna go to Seattle just for for for for jokes and Giggles yeah that's why I'm wondering if I'll end up
in New York next yeah I after I've moved so many times I'm just like I I could
live anywhere want this at this point you know and once once you left home it kind of makes it easier it's kind of the
beauty of living today you know 25 years ago I couldn't imagine just living wherever you want based on your business
now today it's you know with the technology we have and airplanes just go
that's it that's it so uh how long you been in real estate I've been in it in some form most
of my life I did construction at a young age then worked in banking that we did construction development mortgage
lending uh worked for ay that we created a city from scratch spent a little bit
of time outside of real estate and did some retail was involved in some Radio Shack franchises then had a Home Building
Company then worked for a national company and then went back to work for myself again that is a name I have not heard in a very long time yeah Radio
Shack yeah it it was a lot of fun and I'm glad it's in the rearview mirror oh
man Radio Shack that's funny but okay so this you've done quite a bit of things
quite a bit of things how do you position yourself to the next thing because I think a lot of a lot of real estate people they get stuck in like a a
a single line rut that I'm just going to flip houses forever and it's kind of what they do but you like mortgage
lending you're flipping you're developing you're now messing with with cattle like how like what what's your
like mindset on like doing all these things to diversify or is it just for fun yeah I I think it's you know it's a
really good point that's really an important one I think that anybody that's in business I've Got a Friend Keith cunning he's written several
really great business books and you know one of the things he says is the biggest
problem for entrepreneurs is not lack of deals it's lack it's uh indigestion from
having too many deals which I think is a really good point see you have to be really careful we're involved in a lot
of different things and if you're not careful you get involved in too many things and then nothing becomes important and uh so you know I'm
Chapter 4: Creative Financing and Long-Term Vision.)
involved in cattle because I love it you know I live on the farm that we have and we raise the cattle here and it's fun
but you know for the most part we're related to real estate and we try to build a business that has some stability
and some great leadership before we jump into that next one otherwise if you're just doing a mediocre job at flipping
houses and a mediocre job at building apartments and a mediocre job at developing you just are mediocre at a
whole bunch of stuff versus really become excellent at flipping houses and for a lot of people flipping houses then
turns into well now I'm going to flip apartments or I'm going to build an apartment complex you know so we can
mature in that as well I do caution people don't don't be too quick to do diversify too quickly and in too many
things yeah that's a it's a really good point we've kind of we kind of Diversified into things out of necessity
not necessar because we wanted to it was just out of necessity so we got into land land flipping when you do land
flipping you get into seller financing and notes and you kind of once you do that for a while you get development
development opportunities come across so it kind of grows as you grow but it was never like the intention to do all the
things all at once but I I think what you said is is right to that point you know you've matured in your experiences
and you've said oh okay hey we've learned we've had this experience let's move into this next phase that you know
Chapter 5: Cattle Operation and Personal Interests.End)
that natural progression that you talked about I think it's fantastic yeah so how
many you said mentioned a couple companies how many how many employees do you have across all your companies we
run pretty lean I think right now we're around 25 oh wow that is lean that's
very we yeah we hire out we contract out a lot of work you know as much as we can
we we do as little as possible inhouse you know and utilize outside Talent is
there a specific reason for that to you'd rather hold the contractor accountable versus it in-house team or
is what's the methodology for that yeah I mean part of it is what the margins are you know Focus where the
margins are the greatest where you're going to get at the greatest greatest return and you know HR there's a lot of
a lot going on a lot of moving Parts a lot of risk with HR you know it's harder to control as
your business es and flows you know what do you do when you have those employees
so I think it's pretty easy in real estate to get really laser focused hire the best of the best to do those things
you know so we don't do any architecture work in house we we don't do any development work in house you know hire
those people that are really good at their craft and and let them do it and it's okay to let them make a little bit of money but there's Ben Hardy wrote a
book it's called who not how and and I love the principle and the whole principle is stop worrying about how you're gonna get something done and
worry about who you're G to help get something done and in business we really focus on that how do we get it done
versus who's gonna do it yeah absolutely how do you keep an eye out for talent
yeah that's that's probably the hardest thing we deal with is is is having top
talent you know we we have two people we've hired just within the last year that it's like they're really good I
really like them and said why didn't you come on board and they said what am I going to do I said I have no idea yeah I
don't know what you're going to do and we're going to find something and both of them it was a pretty big leap of
faith to say yeah I'm gonna join your team when I have no idea what my job description is and both of them now have
really one of them is the president of Center companies the other one's the president of Center Capital Partners
which is real estate Equity Fund and so they're both pretty key people and in
both cases I Saidi I really like you I think you're really smart join our team and we'll find a spot for you later and
in one of the cases it took us four or five months to figure out exactly what we wanted to do uh the other one it happened a little bit faster so if for
us it's always be looking for really good talent and you'll always find an opportunity to place that Talent if you
bring them on your team and you know you got to be a little bit you know your business has to have some experience and
and uh some time behind them you know before you can do that that's harder to do when you're first going but you know
in time it's served us really well it's funny you say that because we just did that recently with a guy I was like he
was available so we hired him but we're like I don't even know what we're going to do with you yet but we're we're working on a place for you so I've been
brainstorming of different best suited positions for him based off of his
knowledge and skill set and it's one of those things where you have to you have
to bring on those people people even when you're not ready to just because you have to catch them because if you miss them they're they're off to the
next yeah and if they're really good they're going to provide value to the
company sometimes you just don't know what that value is when you first start out absolutely no that's a great Point
that's a great point so they ended up being two managers for different businesses I think that's that's a
really that's a really good foresight to at least catch them yeah yeah yeah
because that's that that's hard you know there's a a lot of average Talent out there but you know I want to be
surrounded by people way smarter than me so I saw something yesterday that I
think kind of ludes to this let me pull it up it says a there a tweet it says emphasis on exits is weird build
something awesome you want to piece of indefinitely yeah are you offering uh
these people Equity we actually about two years ago you know I'm trying to
figure out you know in the United States really cool thing is you know if you're in real estate it's the ultimate tax
advantage you know Congress has created the tax code to incentivize us to invest
where they want and they clearly want us to invest in real estate when you're in real estate you get all these tax
advantages one of the benefits we provide our employees is they can buy houses periodically at Cost yeah so we
have employees that'll buy them and turn them into rentals and it's fantastic and a couple years ago I'm talking to one of
them with he doesn't get the same tax advantages because he's W2 he doesn't get the same tax advantages I get yeah
this is terrible how do I help them build wealth well in time we ended up creating this real estate Equity Fund
that people can invest alongside with us that we can uh invest that money so we've created that with now you know not
only can anybody in the public can invest alongside us to build wealth but the original intent was our employees we
have bonuses that we can give and we can also Al do it through a simple IRA that we offer that with the goal being is
they could invest into that fund pre-tax funds and now they're investing right into the same Investments we have and
then eventually when they take the returns that's when they have to pay taxes but now we can compound that
return much faster because it's it's pre-tax money that we put in and uh you
know in our industry it's a little bit harder to give equity in the business because most of our Equity is in assets
not necessarily the business itself and so that was the mechanism that we found
that we could give people equity in the business without it be in the business because the business doesn't have much value without the real estate assets
which we hold in special purpose entities so it's working pretty well you know it's very new that what we're doing
allowing them to do it but we like the direction so far yeah uh we we do we dealed a lot
with notes like real estate notes and mortgages so that's one thing we were thinking about creatively is giving them
positions and that through partial but it's a way to not even give them W2
income it's more of it's it's a different form of income in general yeah
notes I mean that the idea is how do we help everyone around us build wealth right with us absolutely absolutely what
was like a pivot point where you've like what what's your favorite business let me ask you this because you you got you
run multiple things you got to have a favorite one yeah I would say I don't know it's a favorite business as much as
it's a favorite task okay you know one of the The Guiding principles in our
company is we improve everything we touch okay and that that really is true
for me I've example you know we own a home Building Company I've never lived in a new house in my life you know the
house I'm in right now was built in 1937 and we totally rehabbed it because I just find that fun turning something
better than what we had and so you know for me it's the challenge of creating
something and improving on it you know so whether it's we're developing a piece of land that were you know used to have
a school on it that was abandoned or you know whether it's building a new company that we could say all right you can
invest with us and build wealth um you know so it's it's anything that we're
creating and building you know and as soon as I get bored that's when I get in trouble so we've got to be building and
improving it or I get bored pretty easy yeah well that's that's always a problem
yeah yeah yeah yeah and then when I get bored everybody's in trouble because then I'm coming in with new
ideas yeah absolutely I think I think leaving something better than what
you've than what you received it at is is it's it's powerful but it shows the
intention of doing great things you know that most people most people are just I
I think it's the consumer versus Creator mindset is everybody 90% of the
population just wants to consume everything around them and consume all the resources and then there's people out there that just create and there's
more internal pleasure from creating than consuming yeah and you know you touched
on this earlier you know one of it is we look at everything as though it's a long-term investment for us you know
whether we're rehabbing an apartment complex we're building a new building whether it's you know people that we're
working with we're looking at a long-term investment we had a couple apartments complexes that somebody
reached out and said hey would you be interested in selling them I said well we hadn't thought about it but we could look at it so we went and toured the apartment complexes you know we didn't
prep them we didn't clean them up to get ready to show them and you know they're classy Apartments you know it's it's for
affordable housing and we're walking through and you know they're asking about things we did we had totally
rehabed them they said why' you put such nice windows in or why'd you do such nice decks for Class C and I said well
the intent was I might hold these for another 30 years and I don't want to H have to with Decks that weren't done
right and uh well you don't get as much a return I said well yeah but we improve
everything we touch so right or wrong that's kind of we look at everything as a longer term investment you said you
have a fund how big is the fund right now and what's its uh intention with his
uh use of the funds the the original intention was to help all of our team members to build weth alongside us and
then that evolved into why don't we just open it up to anybody that wants build wealth can do it with us and so we're
we're early on we've only launched it a couple of months ago unlike a lot of funds our initial steps a lot of funds
will say all right this is a 30 million 50 million fund we'll invest in in a diverse assets we decided it would be a
Project Specific investment initially and we're doing it with projects we already own so example we have a project
that you know we got we're doing phase two it had about 89 homes Phase 2 is about 40 and so people can invest in
those 40 Lots we already own the land we're developing the land somebody can invest in that and then they get a
return on their investment on the houses that we're actually selling in there right now due to what we're seeing in
the market most of our energy is in new for sale housing um we're waiting to see
a few things pivot before we jump back into the apartment game or or uh some of the other development plays and so all
the Investments right now are for sale housing and they can invest in a specific project
H what is this in Minnesota or you what states are you investing in currently everything we're offering is in
Minnesota we're we're predominantly in Minnesota but we are working on we've got uh some Roots now in Utah we've got
some down in the LA area and other locations that we're we're going to slowly start branching into those other
other markets to be able to diversify the portfolio as well I got you I got you so new construction builds what's
your like take takedown schedule for stuff like like that like what's the what's the entitlements take for stuff
in Minnesota yeah it really depends on the project you know we have some we had one
that we were about eight nine months incredibly incredibly fast that's good
you know we had another one that oh I think we're about six years you know there was a lot of complex things now in
contrast You Look at California six years is Rocket Fast yeah absolutely
yeah I uh I talked to a lady in California she was entitling like 10 acres and she held it for three years
and she just got approval so now she's starting to build like on her year four I'm like that is a long time to wait to
I've got a good friend who bought a project in Northern California he bought it in 2010 and last year they started
developing it so it it was a 13-year entitlement process which is just
nuts he's probably making a killing now because the I'm sure his prices from then to now have been as rical he's
still doing all right yeah it's hard to say you know I don't know because you got to look at you know you you buy this
asset and now you're sitting on that money and it's not giving you any kind of a return so down that return over a
13 period that's true so you know I've asked him that and he's like I I don't
think I want to do the math and no he's like I plead the fifth yeah
exactly I plead the fifth um I think I think a lot of
people they have this bias of producing like us as like operators
you want to protect and produce Roi but sometimes things are out of your control
that happen and you have to deal with the reifications of that how do you handle like internal biases like that
because I've seen I've seen a lot of people online recently get slandered for different reasons and it's producing
subp power returns but I think with Mark conditions shifting and you always have to adapt and do the best you can how do
you deal with that internally one of the things we do is we have a little exercise you know what's the best and
what's the worst case scenario and so we'll we'll look at any asset and say
you know we'll often take the room and if there's four people I'll say all right you two need to argue in favor and you need to argue against buying this
asset and then we'll switch and if if you can't come up with a good argument as to why you shouldn't do an investment
well there there's the answer right there it's absolutely no because there's risk in everything you do if you're not
seeing the risk there's a big problem and then obviously if you don't see the upside then that's an equal problem and
so you know you need to be able to see what's the downside what's the upside once we've established that then we say
okay this is the upside this is the downside and is the upside could we live
with the downside for the potential of The Upside and if the answer is no you don't do the deal you know we we don't
look at you you see so often people will say well okay we've got this inflation so I'm going to do this deal based on
inflation continuing at this pace for the next three years or I'm going to do the deal based on what I think interest
rates are going to be and we just do deals on what are we dealing with today what's the upside what's the downside
and can we live with that downside if we can't you pass on it there's a lot of deals we've passed on over the years
that I regret and go man I wish i' would have done it but some of the best deals we've ever done are the deals we never
did because there's a lot of deals we passed on that I look back and go I'm very grateful we didn't do that
deal and it comes back to your methodology and experience to kind of discern what that is how do how do you
translate that to your investors on the on the on the buy side as far as your experience do you kind of show them to
the exercise what you're going to buy and what you're not going to buy yeah we've got a pretty pretty lengthy performa that we share with investors
you know that they that that really shows us modeling it out you know what what is what is the likely scenario what
is the positive scenario what's the negative scenario and then you know that gives an investor
the opportunity to say you know can I live with this worst case scenario and
you know and never do your investment based on our best case scenario you know that's just something we all give high fives at the end if that happens but
never invest because of that how do you feel about the future of the current market because of interest rates and
inflation and possibly World War I H how's that affecting your decision-
making currently yeah we're in a really really tough Market you know if you look
at the history of real estate housing and construction are first in and first out of every recession in the history
that of of keeping this data and so if you look at that you say okay we're
short 7.2 million houses in the United States right now that's how many homes we need to build to be able to keep up
with demand you know whether it's houses Apartments but you know residences we're short 7.2
million well the challenge is right now is if you know people aren't building
that because of inflation you know the commodity prices are such and so I'm competing with somebody that's got an
apartment complex down the street at 3% interest rate and I'm having to go get it at 7% not to mention all my commodity
prices have gone up and so if interest rates drop what's going to happen to our economy is all of a sudden we're going
to take off like a rocket again because interest rates are down and so now I can afford to build my apartment complex I
can afford to buy that next house I want to buy well if that happens then all of
a sudden we're going to see inflation Skyrocket again and and so we're in this terrible cycle you know it's it's going
to take it's going to take one of two things to get us out of this cycle time which you can look you look back in the
the late 60s interest rates were were uh relatively low and all of a sudden they
jump and so people in the early 70s are saying hey I'm going to wait until the market stabilizes well guess what that
was 1993 before that happened so they sit on the sidelines for over 20 years well people are Building Wealth because
plenty of people built wealth in the 70s and 80s they sat on the sidelines waiting and so we have a similar
scenario of some of the the decisions that we made collectively as a society
took you know a decade and a half to be able to recover from and we're in that similar situation we now need to have
wages catch up to inflation we now need to have all of these things
stabilized but if we start building those 72.2 million houses at an accelerated Pace we're going to see
inflation go up so we're in a really tough situation the other way we resolve it is a massive recession which I don't
think any of us want to see that but you know if we see unemployment rate going to double digits that's going to correct
inflation and we're going to see a negative inflation all of a sudden which which isn't healthy either so I think
it's going to take some time to to dig ourselves back out of this and with that being said for everybody that's
listening that's in real estate there's plenty of deals to go out still go do deals just find deals that make sense
absolutely no there's plenty of deals out there I know this is kind of off the off maybe off topic but it kind of
alludes to this but are you familiar with the the dollar being dropped by Saudi Arabia this last no I'm not no
tell more okay well the the Dollar's been traded the dollar has been trade
for oil pricing in Saudi Arabia with I forget what's it's called but they've been trading on the dollar for the last
20 years and they just switch to to trade in whatever dollar people are buying want to buy from whether it's
rubles Yen or or the dollar itself so they're kind of opening up that thing so
the the dollar there's a dollar devaluation happening because oil is being traded in other currencies now oh
that's interesting yeah that could have a huge impact on us so I don't know if you know anything about that no that's
interesting that's worth all of us taking note of yeah it's it's just like there's uh I I I talked to a person way
smarter than me and they said that the dollars the the number one product of
the United States is its US dollar and that's how we control the world is through the US dollar and it's no longer
backed by gold it's backed by the military oh
yeah so kind of makes sense it's it's an interesting Dynamic that we face as
Americans that you always have to look at what's going on in the world because it does affect
us micro and macroy yeah so I don't know like I said
different different questioning but I don't know if you knew anything about it and now you gotta get an expert on that
on the show so we can all learn more hey this this is one of the things where like I said I'm I'm this one thing about
podcasting you know what conversation you're going to have in general so we just kind of we kind of free flow and figure it out but um in your bio you me
it mentions that you've done like, 1500 homes and like $500 million in projects
uh what's that timeline is like last 10 years 15 years five years uh that that
part would be over the last 10 years last 10 years have you seen in the over the last 10 years what have you seen in
the marketplace since you you have that experience level doing a lot of bigger projects over the last 10 years because
that's $50 million a year you know that's a lot of it's a lot of Leverage it's a lot of uh effort going out into
the world producing yeah it's I mean there's been a big evolution you know in the uh you know 2011 12 13 14 a lot of
our Focus was helping banks with distress assets you know they had foreclosed on so many things and so you
know we were working with banks to help them work through those distressed assets it was a ton of fun because it was complex it was hard and uh we did
really well and and made a lot good Partnerships as a result of that well
you know that started working through and in uh 1345 there wasn't so much of that to
work on and uh so then we we did we started doing some uh rehab uh apartment
complexes office rehab some of that because that's where we saw the
opportunity uh you know but every Everything evolves you know Co not something n of us you know could have
predicted or planned for and you know I can remember that kicking in and we all hunker down say okay let's look at this
if if every deal we have in the pipeline falls apart how long can we stay in business and how do we keep our people
employed and so we we pivoted pretty quick on creating a plan to be able to navigate that well it took us about a
month to figure out that all of our worst case scenarios weren't going to happen and we had the
opposite problem you at that time a lot of my energy was invested we have a we had a professional Equestrian Team that
would travel of United States um for equestrian shows we also you know a lot
of real estate and construction well the equestrian was considered a so that was exempt from any covid Rule and
construction was exempt so our life didn't change very much and it actually got busier because now people had
discretionary income to be able to buy professional jumping horses because they weren't spending it on other things and
and uh you know construction well people are bored and they wanted bigger houses and they wanted bigger apartments and so
all of a sudden we took off and you know that that was really fun for a short period of time well now today it's you
know nobody has discretionary income you know we've had you know our average is 5.21% inflation for the last three years
and you know people haven't seen a 15% increase in their wages so now they have less discretionary income and so you
know now we're seeing that you know people are buying less house than they would they're buying less toys than they
would which is affecting everything and so you know I think the big thing is you just have to stay really agile and be
ready to Pivot really quickly when the market does yeah that is a great answer um that
a great answer I didn't realize uh construction picked up in uh equestrian
picked up during Co I think it's very uh it's very Centric to you yeah I I I've
gotta say it's not we weren't that smart it wasn't like hey let's get more into
uh equestrian because is going to come and we'll be exempt and you know we weren't that smart we were just really
fortunate to be in businesses that you know we were able to really take advantage of the
market it's uh the the smartest people are just in the right place not that they did it on purpose yeah I mean
interesting you know we got a small cattle operation and you know I'm in that business because I love it it's
it's fun you know it's just something I enjoy being part of well cattle prices
you know is an example of feeder calf you know was selling you know that's a calf that's about six months old that
you're going to grow into into processing we were buying those for a buck 40 a pound three years ago today I
can sell them for $350 to $4 dollar a pound for that exact same calf and and so just it's the you know the
circumstances the economy you're in and so you just you adjust and so using that as an example you know three years ago
was let's take these cows up to processing date and and we sell the meat
well now it's let's take them to six months and sell those things because I can make a lot more money selling
six-month old calvs than I can selling a two-year-old cow wow okay let's talk about cattle
operation I've never I've never we we own some cows but we're not like in the business of cows so how many cows do you
own uh right now we've got about 60 head okay okay we're pretty small operation
okay okay I'm I'm I'm negotiating a deal right now I'm trying to get 10 free C cow 10 free cows yeah yeah we we we when
we when we buy deals we try and negotiate with whatever's there so like there's cows on property da d d da they
come with the deal well yeah okay all right I'm getting free cows then yeah
yeah you know that's the thing is cows are worth some money you know different cows are you know we don't want to bore
everybody that that's here for Real Estate Learning About Cows but you know I like it a dairy steer is worth
significantly less than a beef steer okay because the the meat quality is so different and so you know depending on
what you're getting but you know 10 cows are worth something absolutely absolutely they're worth something they're worth something to somebody yeah
your your worst case scenario you know a cow's going to be worth in a worst case scenario you're GNA be a buck 50 and
that's if you're getting the worst thing possible well a buck 50 a pound if it's a 1,200 PB cow well that's 1,800 bucks
time 10 bus that's 18,000 bucks I wouldn't turn away 18 Grand and that's your worst case scenario and see I'm
glad I was do my math right because I was like I was thinking of like 1,500 two grand a cow and that's kind of where I was where was that so I'm like hey if
anything we'll get some free ribe eyes yeah if it's a lousy cow well if it's a lousy cow you don't want those ribe eyes
send it to the auction and go buy a good one but if they're good cows what color are they oh I don't even know I I don't
even live there I was GNA send my partner go check it out because it's all in the negotiation so we're we're
sometimes if you can tell me what the color of the cow is I could tell what breed it is oh yeah well like I said I'm
I know the value of them and if I get it for free it's still a win absolutely if you get them for free your worst case
scenario is like you said at500 well that's 15 grand you know on the flip side they might be worth four or five,
thousand a piece there you go that's interesting I
thanks for the little segment way into cows I appreciate it because like I said I'm looking to get some cows and we
already own a couple so it's just a little side conversation for I think I think it's a lot of
fun um I think it's been a great episode uh where can people find you online I have Sentra capital partners. and uh I
appreciate you coming on and just sharing information is there any other plac people so you can find you yeah
link LinkedIn DLR Wills uh Sentra Sentra companies.com and then the investment
arm is Sentra Capital partners.com which are all great places to contact us uh we
love helping people and you know our goal is to help everybody build wealth with with us I do have one last question
what is a quote that is yours or somebody else's that you resonate with a quote that's a great
question I I really love our motto as a company we improve everything we touch
yeah that's good that's good N I think we'll leave it with that thanks for coming on Dale for everybody here go
like share subscribe go check them out Central Capital partners.com we appreciate you coming on and uh we'll
see you on the next episode it's been great thanks for hey guys we hope you're enjoy this content if you have leads that you need to dispo anywhere in the
country please visit Hive bc. like Hive buyers club. and we'll help you move
those deals that you need to get into the marketplace [Music]
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Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More