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Ep 538: Next Deal podcast - Unlock Real Estate Land Secrets
July 04, 2024

Ep 538: Next Deal podcast - Unlock Real Estate Land Secrets

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In this episode of The Next Deal Podcast, hosts Vince and Justin Dossy welcome Daniel Martinez from Hive Mind to discuss land investing. Daniel shares insights on his journey in real estate, the benefits of land deals, and his approach to marketing, acquiring, and managing land transactions.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Podcast Promotion (0:00 - 1:02)

Vince and Justin introduce the podcast, emphasizing the importance of liking and subscribing to help spread the word about their guests and the valuable information shared. They set the stage for the episode by introducing Daniel Martinez from Hive Mind, a land investing expert from San Diego.


Chapter 2: Daniel Martinez's Background and Transition to Land Deals (1:03 - 3:55)

Daniel shares his background, mentioning his six years in real estate with a focus on land deals. He explains his transition from house deals to land, highlighting the benefits of land such as no cash flow and easier seller financing, which prompted him to stick with land investments.


Chapter 3: Land Deal Strategies and Market Insights (3:56 - 11:19)

Daniel discusses his strategies for land deals, including entitlements, subdivisions, and seller financing. He shares examples of recent and ongoing projects, emphasizing the advantages of subdividing land to make it more attainable. The conversation touches on the unique aspects of the Texas market and the challenges and benefits of dealing with larger land parcels.


Chapter 4: Marketing and Finding Land Deals (11:20 - 17:14)

Daniel talks about various marketing strategies such as PPC, direct mail, and MLS listings, and highlights the importance of differentiating oneself in the market. He discusses targeting higher-value properties for larger spreads and the complexities of working with private money while educating investors about the benefits of land deals.


Chapter 5: Long-Term Goals, Team Management, and Educational Resources (17:15 - End)

Daniel shares his long-term goals, including aiming for $10 million in transactions this year and projecting $100 million in the coming years. He discusses the importance of building a strong team and delegating tasks as the business grows, and provides information about his educational resources and courses available on his website, Million Dollar Land Mastermind. Vince and Justin wrap up the episode, expressing their appreciation for Daniel's insights and encouraging listeners to reach out to him for more information on land investing.


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but he's like dude try land see what happens did the land deal has been super easy and I've been doing it ever since
nice so what what do you like about land I I know there's a it's becoming a little more popular it seems lately more
people are kind of getting interested in it from moving from single families or small multis over to that but for you
particularly what's the what's the appeal with the land that keeps you coming back um I like it because doesn't
Chapter 3: Land Deal Strategies and Market Insights.)
cash flow um a lot of people they like real estate because of cash flows I like it because it doesn't cash flow um most
people that own it own they negative equity the negative cash flow every every year because that to pay taxes so
most people that own it don't borrow against it they own a ton of equity in it I did another podcast and I told
there's trillions of dollars of debt equity in land so you can get seller financing a lot easier you can create
value a lot easier a lot of people they do multif family and they try and value ad through increasing the noi I value
add by adding paper to land and that's it so that through it could be through subdivision it can be entitlement or it
could be through seller financing got it okay so you're taking that that was going to be my next
question is what are you typically doing with the land so you're doing entitlement subdivision type stuff are
you ever like taking that land and wholesaling it to somebody else or flipping it or are you more on the like
entitlement subdivision side of things um my my model's kind of been wholetail so all my deals I sell to the retail
Market so when you wholesale you cut you take a haircut to send to your end buyer make
sure there's a profit spread um we just take it straight to the market so either we get creative we get private financing
to close on it and list it and then we essentially whail it it's kind of our our base model but we try and take
everything to Market that we contract okay so even on seller finance deals you're doing that too where you're
you've got the terms and you know then you sell it at at whatever rate you're selling it for absolutely
it very interesting you typically targeting land deals more um right now I
only do Texas only yeah uh I only do Texas only uh the reason why Texas is a
growing population state and there's a lot of land there so I can focus on solely doing Texas only and I can kill
it yeah lots of land in Texas I don't know if you've ever driven through Texas
but that state takes forever uh to get through never never never driven through
Texas but always had an airplane thankfully okay okay I it one time and I
think I was at like 14 13 14 hours and was still in Texas geez
y i I used to be a truck driver and I've D it took me it was like I drove from
literally I was right outside Texas Arcana and I drove all the way to El Paso it was ridiculous long long drive
yeah that's that's a whole day drive dude I um I took my son one time to like
uh it was just like at the community center was like where big trucks are on display and the kids can like get in
them and you know there's like tractors and ambulances and fire trucks and there was a semi TR there U like the front you
know the front end not the not the back and I've always wondered what it looked
like in the cab you know in the back where you could sleep and stuff this dude was like absolutely tricked out man
had this bed in there mini fridge he had like Xbox you know all things you in there in
there bathroom like a little you know little mini sit down you know toilet and stuff in there it's crazy um on the back
of that semi like a little camper yeah yeah those those get up to like a quarter million dollars because
essentially an RV that pulls that pulls Freight that's
crazy um well cool man on the on the land side of things I'm curious like if
somebody's getting new you just getting into land right what are what are some things you would or someone who's
interested in getting into land what what would you recommend for someone to get started on where to target how to
Market um things like that like what are some recommendations you could give to somebody who's interested in land I do a
lot bigger stuff these days um I'm closing on a $600,000 60 acre land
parcel next week maybe this week it's supp you know it's delayed I'm waiting on title to clear it but um a lot of it
is small the smaller stuff it's you have to sell to builders there's a lot of
people in Florida they do like 10 15 deals a month and all they do is they
look at comps hey if I can get a 5,000 square foot lot and sell it for 30 grand I'm going to send out blind offers for
10 to 15 and I'm gonna make you some want 20 you still do it and you you essentially reverse wholesale to $10,000
assignment fee so there's guys that do that all day long all over Florida it's very predictable in Florida um I would
say if you're doing small Lots uh sell to builders do small stuff a lot of land investors as a whole they
usually do that $100,000 price point or less I like half a million and up I like
bigger properties with bigger spreads because we can make bigger profit um it's been an interesting journey to get
there but uh I've kind of moved up to I try to make at least 50 Grand per deal that I do okay
nice and how are how are you finding these deals like so maybe not the big ones that you're doing currently except
I'm assuming it probably takes a little bit of time to get there and to get comfortable doing that but for that's
someone that running a marketing company we've always had that question right like what list do I pull or how do I how
do I Market specifically to land so I'd be curious to kind of what see what your experience has been with that so I initi
when I initially started this I was doing PPC I did PPC for a very long time it works really great you get a lot of
lay down sellers that come in and you don't really have to negotiate um when
texting was in its boom we did a lot of texting uh now that it's not in its boom We pivoted to uh MLS uh MLS and
wholesalers is where we get most majority of our deals now um a lot of stuff we picking off the MLS but I know
Direct Mail still works really well um I would find a way to different differentiate yourself in the marketplace there's a lot of people that
do direct mail in the land space as a whole just because our demographic but um you have to find a way to
differentiate yourself in some way shape or form so I think if you go after higher valuation properties it's kind of
a Blue Ocean strategy right now um a lot of people are scared of that multi6 fig properties including seven figures so
yeah I think you go off to bigger stuff it's it's your fishing in the big in the ocean essentially lot lot less
competition in that as well absolutely okay interesting very cool um cool when
so walk walk us through kind of when the deals you're working now
right through an entitlement process or wh tailing it or you know you know
having someone build a subdivision what what does your process kind of look like to go through that um I can do a couple
different examples so right now we actually bought a $2 million 250 acre parcel back in January this year uh
we're turning that into 180 dwelling units uh whether that's it's unrestricted land so we might throw
everything and everything up on it um this is our big big biggest entitlement deal we've ever done um we've done
smaller ones but this is be the biggest uh that's going to be approved in October so we're that's should be our biggest
project to date that we're working on currently but it's still in process um on we have another I try I I try not to
entitle too much entitle is like the the way of increasing value through paperwork I try not to entitle too much
because it takes too long so we've done a couple of these um in different sizing I've done uh we're working on a five and
Chapter 4: Marketing and Finding Land Deals.)
a half acre we're turning into 11 Lots uh we purchased for 225 on market and
we're turning into 11 Lots we already have an offer for 60,000 a lot but we're
putting housing on it so we're trying to turn that into a million dollar deal just as a good case study um and that's
5 and a half acres uh I bought another 11 10 acre lot that was turning 11 Lots
we're in the process of throwing mobile homes on that and um we have three going
on in the next 30 days out of the seven lots and then we're going to roll the cash into the other mobile homes but um
the the we try not to untitle because it takes too long our our our basic bread and butter what what we like to do is
just subdivide so in Texas there is a law that you can subdivide 10 acres or
more without having to get County approval so that's the secret sauce the secret sauce is that I can buy 100 acres
I can turn it into 10 10 acre lots and find 10 individual buyers and sell that deal and make money and it's the Costco
model when you buy in bulk you get a cheaper you get a price per acre discount and when you sell in the
smaller Parcels you actually make it affordable got it so I don't know yeah I don't know anything about land so what
how do you why do you decide what gets subdivided and not the person who's
buying it um because I control the deal so I make unobtainable land obtainable so
yeah I did that through a couple different ways so 100 acres might be our first seventh bigger deal we did was
about two and a half years ago it was 10,000 an acre 107 Acres it was a million 70 million 70 is lot for for
anybody that buys so who's your buyer when when you when when you sell land it's usually cash buyers because most
people take care of the roof over their head number one people that buy land is usually excess as an investment or it's
a um it's uh they're they're land Bankers which we we might cover that later but they they buy and hold or
they're building out their dream home or whatever that is right so they're usually cash heavy to buy this
now um that that parcel we picked up for 10,000 an acre with two-year seller
financing um it was like 2500 a month we put $200,000 down we ended up selling
all the Lots off of that uh in nine months pay off the seller and we made uh 200k in cash 200k in notes
wow super cool I like that you said that make the unattainable attainable yeah
cool unable attainable that's the whole strategy so the thing about land is that there's no financing in place so we
create we we lot of our lot our land through seller financing so we do a lot of notes we probably did three to four million in
notes last year very cool we always talk about neon lights behind us that's that's got to be
your neon light Daniel is make the unattainable attainable it's out there and if if you
understand that like we're we're the a lot of people that do what I do we're the we're
the the variable that makes affordable housing in certain areas because a lot
of people they can't buy seven figure properties so we come up and cut it up
and that now it's 200 Grand a lot like it's and then we sell it with 20 grand down now now you're talking now now you
can move that property pretty easily so it's one of the things you got to find your your P your your value to the
marketplace what uh what types of like headaches do you see in land oh everything I mean all the
above it's just like there's there's headaches and everything anything that's anything that's worth doing there's headaches in it yeah let's be honest yes
oh yeah so I mean we we deal we deal with title problems we deal with uh flood
zone we deal with a lot of different types of stuff stuff that's might not be with every house person like a lot of
people like oh do you deal with perk tests no I don't do small land if I do small land I have to perk test a lot to
make sure I can put a setic system if I'm doing 100 acres or 10 acre lots I really don't care I never do perk test
in most cases um I I'm doing it now when I'm doing smaller stuff now but I really don't care when I'm buying big because
if I sell it in 510 ACR Lots they can kind of pick wherever wherever it perks and place the house there so you have
nuanced stuff that you deal with uh Florida has um a lot of flood zone flood
land but they also have endangered species endangered turtles birs about that yeah you got to deal with stuff
like that in Florida whereas in Texas you might have um what some we deal with Texas you might have oil wells we deal
with oil or oil yeah minerals yeah minerals we deal with a lot of that stuff in Texas
where you might not have to deal with that in Florida so it's depends on where you're marketing and this is where you have to understand your Market is what's
what what are you what issues you're going to deal with and how are you going to overcome those issues depending on whatever it
is makes a lot of sense yeah no I mean I you like you said you said it 100%
accurate right there's always going to be issues that you're going to come up with there's going to be no matter what kind of deal you're doing self storage
single family land whatever it is there's something you just got to understand what those unique niches are
and and what you're going to overcome and how that's going to work um so you
said you said earlier too that most of your deals you are funding through private private money right um getting
those deposits how how has this is something I I know I've had people ask before but what is your
typical if you're just starting out to try and build those relationships with people for for funding bigger type deals
and stuff like that how have you guys gone about that process it has been extremely difficult there is there is
billions if not trillions of dollars for houses and storage and multif family all
the money in the world you can talk to anybody and everybody understands single family when I have to when I when I
Chapter 5: Long-Term Goals, Team Management, and Educational Resources.End)
raise money through land I have to build I have to like educate them from A to Z
how we do it because a lot of people just don't understand it doesn't make sense to them why would you buy land it as in cash flow it doesn't make sense
you can't you can't lease it you can't put a tenant in it like that doesn't make sense to most people's brains so we
have to like educate them and then we have to put them in small transactions early on to build that credibility and
relationship and then we can kind of roll them into bigger stuff but um it happens very slowly and we've been
focusing really heavily on raising Capital um recently just because where
we're heading we need a lot more we're looking into funds and syndications and doing stuff like that just to kind of
fill the gaps as needed but um it's been it's been extremely difficult to raise money for
land that Mak I mean that makes a lot of sense people don't understand it as well it's uh interesting yeah I wouldn't have
thought actually would not have thought about that until just now asking about it so that's that's very interesting um
cool what trying to think of how to phrase this What's
um I guess what what's what's like your your guys's long-term goal with land I
you're you said where you're heading right like is that something you guys are able to share just kind of where
where you're heading what your goals are absolutely absolutely um I think we're projecting to do $10 million of
transactions this year we probably did five last year um we're trying to do 10
I I was telling my students um but the goal is 100 million I don't I don't think we'll hit it next year but I think
2025 or 2026 should I say two years for not we're going to try do we're trying to do 100 million and it happened
pretty easily with bigger transactions just because um my 180 lot deal is a 30
million dollar deal hypothetically once it's entitled and all we need is the we
have seller financing through the seller and our Capital Partners on for 18 months so we're trying to push that deal
out where we can sell $30 million with the land without having to actually sell the deal um or refi is the other thing
other option too so if you have the ability to raise your own money you can
stabilize a deal and sell it to yourself hypothetically so yeah that's a good
point interesting that's very cool yeah I mean that makes sense too with larger deals you're you're doing three Deals to
get that right 180 absolutely yeah most of our deals we
buy like my Acquisitions team is like two people and my dispo is like 30 because I create inventory whenever I
sell so there's a lot of I need a lot more sales people than I do Acquisitions
and I have I just hired a new acquisitions he's killing it he locked up like $4 million in deals last month
oh nice yeah that doesn't suck at all um how big did you say your team was I have
right now it's about 35 okay okay so got got a lot of lot of parts moving to make
that make that happen I mean that's pretty similar to our team with ballpoint and call Porter combined um a
larger team on there so um how this is actually a good way to kind of take this
how how have you guys managed that as you've grown right like you didn't start with 35 people right um from starting
where you were five six years ago to where you're at now how has that kind of transition for you as as the leader in
the company it's been interesting this is the biggest organization I've ever run
or help run in general um you have to especially when you're early you have to
hire people that have multiple hats to help carry some of the hats you're wearing because when you're when you're
first starting out you have to wear you have to wear all these different hats which is okay but um as you get bigger
you have to like delegate and release a delegation and release Factor so um we
started our CRM company uh three years ago and I don't operate anything in the
CRM CRM company anymore like I have virtual assistants and admins that kind of control all that so I just focus on
real estate now so I've really honed in trained and optimized and I I
tell my team make a decision I don't care if you're right or wrong just just make the decision yeah nice is the CRM Hive mine
is that specifically for land or is that just a CRM for General it's for it's for
I mean every every business should have a CRM I I I try not to push it now it's not really my main focus now it's still
optional people can still sign up for it um but uh it's built on a platform called ghl and I I was one of High yeah
I was one of the early early agencies that came on like I said I've been around three years most agencies popping up have been under six months or a year
so I was one early agencies that popped up um and I just I I wanted to build my
my place in the marketplace but ghl as for all agencies out there you have to compete with other agencies so I try not
to compete with really too much I still have my own clients I still use it myself personally but it's just it's not
my main focus anymore so I'm just focusing on actually doing real estate itself yeah yeah sure because I because I always you know with call Porter I
talk to a lot of people who do land they send direct mail they do SEO PPC all that stuff and they always ask for you
know CRM recommendations specifically for land um so yeah that's that
basically what I was asking yeah we have a lot of land investors that currently use us because that's who we get tracked
because we're land investors ourselves yeah so we do we do help with that Nuance but I mean it doesn't matter what
you use or how you use it um like I said I'm trying I'm not really of push G or hive mind or whatever AG you are it is
what it is but um like I said the biggest thing is is find something that works for you and just use that I don't
really care whatever it is yeah agree you need just something right it's better than a pen and a paper even if
it's like a Google sheet right just start somewhere have some have something to track all your stuff abolutely
absolutely it's very very important like I said I I've kind of pivoted away from ghl just because of all the competition
that came up and it's not really my main focus so yeah love land game and that's what I've been like if I can do I've
done I've done seven figures in the ghl space uh agency but I'm just like let me
just do land I can do that yeah yeah yep less less work I would imagine to
overall would be my guess for the same amount of numbers L less headache less
headache yep 100% um you mentioned a little earlier about your students so I'm assuming you
do you teach people how to invest in land is that accurate okay tell us a little bit about that and how people can get in touch with you so um I have a
website called million dooll landmaster mind.com um I just I I teach I do weekly calls
education I have courses out there they're from $1 to a few hundred bucks
um I I've helped students make six figures on on land deals I have a student that's currently working a deal
he's actually doing a bigger deal and he's making like seven figures projected on it so there's a lot of opportunity in
land space and if you're trying to make bigger bigger money you have to do bigger transactions and usually bigger
transactions are capped off based off of whatever asset type you're going after so that's why people graduate into other
asset classes because they're trying to taste bigger bigger fees with bigger fees you can pay people more you can
bring better people into the business so I think going after big stuff has kind of changed my business on its head um
because you can actually you actually work with bigger professionals as it goes yeah that makes a lot of sense
that's cool yeah if you guys are interested in getting into any sort of land investing make sure you reach out to Daniel's team and and get that get a
call set up you guys do like a initial caller people just go online and sign up people just go online and sign up um
like I said I have a lot of people if you find me anywhere online I'm Daniel H mind on YouTube I mean Daniel H mind on
Instagram and Facebook um you just follow the follow we call it follow the right rapid so yeah there you
go awesome well cool man yeah I uh V did you have anything else you wanted to run
through at all man yeah I'm just um you know land's just so foreign to me I'm trying to like think of all the the
questions to ask like I yeah I'm thinking of like you know like down the
street for me there's probably like six acres and there's always a four sale sign on it and I've seen that four sale
sign change over companies probably like eight times you know I'm like like how does that work out what's going on over
there why is it not selling you know um yeah I don't know there's I see land and
you got one house on it like I'm uh I'm actually trying to work a deal um a guy
responded to our postcards he's trying to sell his house um but everything around him got sold to a developer and
he doesn't want to sell to them and I'm like dude you arear a horseshoe just sell it to him and he's like no I'm not
selling it to him because they're offer me way too low and I'm like I just don't know how all that stuff works you know um but those are all like things I'm
trying to think you know just thinking of in my head as you are talking just kind of what around me and you know what's happening with
those yeah you should get them to sell it to you and then you sell it to the developer that's what I'm trying to do
yeah so so I even answer that question so there's a lot of land everywhere you look I mean now that hopefully you hear
this conversation you're G to pay attention to it more every every everywhere you go so you can mon think everything's for sale
literally everything is for sale in real estate and once you understand that it's the the billboard to the to the multif
family to the the office to the single family to the restaurant so there's a everything is for sale even and I don't
know if you know this but even the land that restaurant sit under is for sale because the restaurants don't want to
hold that asset so they sell the lease so um there's everything's for sale I I
talked to a uh Old Land investor when I was in Georgia and he owned a grocery store he did not operate the grocery
store he owned the land the grocery store sat on the grocery store sent him a check for 50,000 a month just for
owning the land the grocery store that I did not know that that's very
interesting it's almost like renting the land yeah yes the reason why is because
maybe that that parcel's probably worth anywhere from 10 m $10 million you know
to have that on their on their books as a as a location they can't really leverage it so what they'll do is I'll
just pay rent rent rent rent rent so now they can build locations versus having
one location on one parcel yeah so commercial ities they they usually lease
the land um from you and you can sell that lease usually it's a 10 to 20 year
triple net lease double net lease and you can sell that because it's predictive cash flow you can sell it on
a cap rate just a commercial property interesting is there is there a good
resource that you have found for if somebody wants to like research a land
parcel right and find out who owns it or you know like for me I know I can can go
to deal machine at any time because that we're we're good partners with them and work with them but like single families I know I can go and look at it find all
the details on the property who owns it back taxes what the mortgage amount is all that kind of stuff is there a a
similar type resource for land or how are you how are you doing that running
comps or you know just finding out all the details about it because I'm I'm thinking through my head like there's a
plot of land down the street from my house that like fire Firework tents rent
out every year right so you know as an example if someone wanted to reach out to the person who owns that land how do
you how do you figure that out it's it's the same process so you you uh we use a
we one of my favorite tools is land Glide um it's like 10 bucks a month I love L Glide okay um you just find the
prop property owner and skipt Trace the owner and call them directly um that's that's the easiest way we do it um a lot
of stuff is in County records and deed records if you want to get that granular if you're find trying to find like a specific property it's in a trust or
anything like that yeah it it gets this just all the ways that we we normally do it in real estate
it's not really anything different I mean you can pull a list you can got it do drive for dollars and do all the same
things that everybody else does but um a lot a lot of what I do is there's a lot
of land doners as a whole so I want to find ones especially right now I want to find ones that raise their hand and are
ready to sell so what's that to me it's stuff on the MLS so usually we we find we try and find a a price variance in
the acreage that we know we can cut up so one of the things we we do is we're looking for this this is one of my
Acquisitions guy does all he does is going on Zill red fin looks for 2 to 100 acres that has Frontage that you can
just cut up in 10 acre tracks and we'll do that deal in 90 days 120 days and that's it super easy super simple and
you just got find the price discrepancy so if I can buy 50 acres for let's say $1,000 acre and if I can sell 10 acre
tracks for 15 an acre you now have a one and half X multiple got it interesting
okay that makes sense it's it's it's it's it's easy but it's hard right yeah
what's the term it's it's simple but it's not easy or something like that or it's easy but it's not simple however
you say it but that that makes perfect sense how how did the uh conversations go when you skip trace and call you know
folks that own land is it pretty similar to single family small multif family where a lot of people get pissed off or
does it seem not not to be as emotional involved they're not as emotional most of our land sellers they've they might
have owned it for 50 to 100 years it's been passed on generation to generation they might have just inherited it there's no sentimental value like I love
land because there's no they they have no options they really don't like if they have a house they can rent it they
can Airbnb it they can sell it they can leave it vacant they can burn it down they have all these different things
they can take an insurance claim like all these different options withl it just sits there like it's just there
like yeah I own this land uh one of my first deals actually uh I was in Atlanta lady owned a property in Florida she's
like I keep on getting uh citations from for people dumping on my property can
you help me and I'm like absolutely so a lot of the stuff that we deal with is people that they have no attachment to
it they've just owned it and it just sits there that makes a lot of sense very
cool well awesome yeah me Daniel I really appreciate you hopping on and talking about this today this is something that we haven't really had a
ton of uh ton of guests talk about and super insightful and very very informational for for a lot of
people I think that just don't know anything about land so I really appreciate you hopping on and talking about it today absolutely absolutely
thanks for having me cool absolutely we'll post all the links and everything you mentioned in the show notes and everything so if you guys are interested
in learning more about land make sure you check out Daniel uh you look him up at Daniel hivemind or what was the website again for the Mastermind million
dooll land mastermind.com million dooll landmaster mind.com so we'll put that on there as well and yeah appreciate you
guys and hope you guys all have a good rest of your week yeah thanks Daniel bye
hey if you have any deals you'd like to submit to The Hive mine and our team go to Hive bc. it's actually the high
Buyers Club submit your deals and we can hopefully dispo your deal for you have a great day
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Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More