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Ep 536: Understanding Debt vs Equity in Real Estate
July 04, 2024

Ep 536: Understanding Debt vs Equity in Real Estate

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In this episode of The Hive With Us Podcast, hosts Daniel Martinez and Anthony Gaona discuss their successful strategies for managing real estate investments, focusing on the importance of understanding debt and equity in real estate. They share insights on their significant accomplishments and the advanced strategies they employ to secure and manage large land deals.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Financial Updates (0:00 - 5:00)

Daniel and Anthony discuss their financial projections for the month, highlighting their anticipation of another seven-figure month in acquisitions and sales. Excitement about the market and anecdotes about significant deals, including a potential $10 million deal.


Chapter 2: Understanding Debt and Equity (5:01 - 20:00)

A detailed explanation of the differences between debt and equity in real estate.

Insights into the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each.

Overview of real estate notes and their role in financing.


Chapter 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity (20:01 - 35:00)

A deeper dive into the pros and cons of debt and equity, with practical examples from their experiences. Discussions on foreclosure risks, fixed returns, and the potential for high returns with equity investments.


Chapter 4: Real Estate Notes and Capital Stack (35:01 - 50:00)

Further discussion on real estate notes and their role in balancing risk and return.

Detailed explanation of the capital stack and how different forms of capital fit into the hierarchy of a deal. Practical tips on leveraging seller financing and understanding the different positions within the capital stack.


Chapter 5: Practical Application and Q&A (50:01 - End)

Practical examples and tips on how to apply these concepts in real estate transactions.

Q&A session with listeners, providing clarification on complex topics and sharing additional insights. Closing remarks and reminders about upcoming events and resources available to listeners, with encouragement to revisit the episode for a deeper understanding.


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so welcome to this Tuesday in June first week of Tuesday we we're looking at me
and Anthony we spoke a little earlier today and uh we're looking at our numbers for the projected closings for
this month and this may be another big month for us this month so we're excited
to kind of say it bro say it say how big we're looking we're looking at another seven figure month in Acquisitions and
sales this this month we had one in February and we're looking to have another one this month in June but as
far as this year looks out we might have a couple this year so number two isn't a big thing but it's number two for us but
it's exciting exciting to hear but I know there's a lot of people out there that are making way more money right you
know there's some guys out that are doing oil and we might have a property with oil on it right now we're still getting some tests done yeah man I know
there's a lot of people doing big numbers but a lot of the gurus that you guys follow online they they they'll brag like oh six figure month had
$100,000 month we're trying to have our second million dollar month this year so
I I just say I hate the the guru part of it like the numbers even talking about the numbers because I just I don't like
talking about big numbers it just sounds cheesy but it is what it is right it's the only scoreboard that we have that we
can share with you guys to say hey is what you guys are doing is it working yes or no right because you could be following a fake Guru right how would
you know right everybody's talking everybody's talking everybody's making money selling courses they're not even doing deals but what we're doing
it's working it's working in a terrible effing economy and it's going amazing and it's only compounding and getting better right we can't tell you that hey
you know it's been a little slower this year and and uh you know things they're just not as hot as it was last year like no we're freaking smoking this year this
year has been terrible financially for like the whole planet so just want to let you guys know like what we're doing is working so please don't deviate from
what we talk about on these calls and we're trying just so you guys know we're trying to negotiate at least
Kyle is trying to negotiate a $10 million deal so that Kyle guy he he's
responsible for about $4 million in contracts in the last couple months and uh yeah now him and who brought who
brought it who who's he working it with uh Tanisha yeah I own tiisha again uh1
million doll deal we don't have it so you know you want to cap on something that that that we haven't even accomplished yet but it see the buyers
get pretty damn close it sounds like it might go down $10 million deal creative Finance um you want to talk a little bit
about the structure Daniel it's like three minutes just to kind of give everybody a brief overview because I know when we're out there making offers on these big ranches and we're getting
shot down we're like oh man you know maybe it's not going to happen it's not working this strategy he not working but
I think this this deal structure is just sick I can't believe that somebody would give you a $10 million property with this with this structure yeah so we'll
do maybe the deal breakdown on this deal uh once we get another call right yeah another call okay okay yeah once we get
it contracted or what yeah I mean we show what the structure is but essentially it's like a 18% down deal uh
with um 18% down is what 1.8 million 1.8 million um it's a year to close so we
ask for a year timeline to close and then we ask for no payments for 12 months and then we have uh five years of
seller financing technically but one of those years is no payments so that's where we're at right
now but I think we need to rewind that right now so we're looking at putting 18% down 1.8 million right so everybody
on this phone call you're like man Daniel anthy you just have $2 million laying around no that's not how it works nobody has $2 million laying around you
borrow it right we we always leverage when you're going into a new deal but the magic here is that we have one whole
year to close so we don't have to put 1.8 million down we have we're going to be marketing the land for a year
whatever we don't have sold that's short of that 1.8 that's what we're going to put down so we sell 600,000 or a Million worth of land in a year then we only
need to bring 800,000 on the closing table that's crazy leverage right so that brings us bringing less than 10%
down of our own money to the closing table super easy and then no payments for a year on top of that a year no
payments so I just want to let you guys know yeah does that deal structure right there insane no interest on this one no
interest oh my God this is crazy absolutely crazy guys I mean and I guess
unless you've been doing this for six years you don't understand the gravity of that but we're it's a debt play so we're we're
creating uh we're not getting into there yet not getting into there KY wants to take them deep Kyle's
trying to take them to deep Waters no we're not going to deep Waters we're going to jump into today's call though so any deal pretty much will be a home
run deal if you get five years slow of financing with 10 to 20% down and you have some type of timeline to sell Lots
any deal so and these crazy offers that we're asking you guys to make it freaking Works guys and is it
frustrating yeah is it a lot of hours yeah is it a lot of nose yeah but how in the hell else are you going to come up with a deal where you can make
$125,000 a month cash flow all right you ain't gonna you ain't
gonna do that in single family promise you not even in multif family all right here we go we're going
to Jump Right In into it this is speaking speaking of deep Waters this is uh this is g to be a
Chapter 2: Understanding Debt and Equity.)
little high level if you understand what's going on today you should have uh a good understanding but I
wasna even if it seems like it goes over your head the more times you hear stuff like this then uh the easier it's going
to be for you to remember it and talk about it later so you have to put it on your ears sooner or later to be able to get to stage one and then when you start
to understand it then this is exactly how we fund the back end of these deals this is where the magic happens and I
think we're pretty much selftaught in this department aren't we Danny we didn't learn this from anybody right no we didn't learn this all self taught
yeah this this is just Blood Sweat and Tears guys so this is super high level game we all the high level conversations
and meetings we've ever been to I've never heard anybody talk about this so I'll let you take it away Daniel shut up
yeah so um I got my chat open if you guys have any questions I'll address it Anthony's gonna come on here and help
with any stuff here too but a lot of the stuff we learned just by doing this stuff Angie is excited about this call
like I said we're we if if you hear it over and over again you become better at it and this become makes you a better well-rounded investor so just one if you
you understand key terms and key key phrases you get really dangerous in the game all right we're going to jump right
into it so this is understanding debt versus equity and real estate a comprehensive
guide all right here we go so um a lot of people don't understand what debt and
Equity means and what are what's at stake whenever you are having that conversation with somebody so they do do
they do hold different weights depending on where they are in real estate so this
is kind of generalized to all asset classes but since we're land guys we're going to cover land um and how we use it
in land so uh we're going to cover real estate notes debt in equity Cas tricks of debt
in equity uh how to use investment strategies and debt and Equity investment kind of C in a nutshell what
is debt real estate real estate refers to borrowed money that it utilized to finance the purchase development or
Improvement of a property involves obtaining funds from lenders or financial institutions with agreement to
repay now a lot of debt this might be this is going to be like your hard money
lender he's going to be your mortgager on a flip it could be a bank it could be Chase it could be Wells Fargo they're
going to be your mortgager so they're going to be debt on whatever asset class so if it's houses multif family Storage
Land and they're going to be your debt so they're kind of in a position on the
property not a tax the owner of the property but they're secured by the property it's kind of debt in a nutshell
now Equity is a little different because this is where us as investors we play a
lot in the equity side and as you grow as an investor you should end up on the debt side which is kind of where some of
our lenders come up a lot of our lenders have a lot of realistic experience and try to transition from Equity investing
to debt investing and that's where that's where we find a lot of private money lenders um so Equity Equity set in real
estate refers to ownership interests or value that individual or entity holds in a property after accounting now this is
direct ownership this could be a re this could be a fund this could be a syndication whenever somebody raises
money for some type of uh fund structure they're actually offering shares um and
just did a podcast with Corey Thompson and he was talking about how people that buy into Deals they have Equity
ownership it's not debt debt is tied to the property through a mortgage or a lean ownership if they buy and as Equity
Partners they get ownership they get shares so a lot of people they get that mixed up of what is actually debt and
Equity whenever you're trying to raise money when you're offering Equity as an investment you're offering shares of
ownership I really want to get that stuck in your head because it took us a while ought to learn this right
Anthony e Equity equity and Deb took a little while yeah it took us a little
while so we're we're we're having our own little conversation here and like I said a lot of the stuff we learned over
time and distance but it's uh Equity is
ownership all right here we go next slide is the characters of debt usually
debt has fixed payments and they have priority and payment over equity which is very important so usually and this is
so funny because we've worked with investors on our deals where we give them priority over payment in uh an
equity technically if you have debt debt is supposed to get paid off first in
most cases so a lot of times like we're thinking of our first uh sub we did we
purchased a million dollars 107 Acres we paid off that debt because that seller
seller financed 100 acres with 200,000 with $200,000 down he positioned himself from owner into
debt so we had to pay him off first for many sales of the property especially when we subdivide we can't get a full uh
release of lean on all the property till we pay off that initial debt obligation so when you convince a seller to go into
debt you have to pay them off first in most cases unless you negotiate but
secured by the collateral of the property in most cases it's usually fixed payments I think that first big
creative Finance deal we did we negotiated 2500 a month so we convinced a seller to go from ownership to debt so
you have to understand uh what position that goes in and who gets priority
whenever you're raising money and pitching sellers to be a certain position on debt Equity so you have to
really know what you're talking about when you're asking the position because a lot of times you're going to talk to their attorney next you're going to have
that conversation with the attorney and the the attorney is going to ask you about if they debt or equity and
sometimes we might do an equity partnership with that seller and what does that mean Equity partnership is means they're they're getting paid last
they're waiting till the deal is done to get paid whereas a debt you might have to make some type of payments and if you
do sell some type property you have to pay them off in that certain amount uh care SS of equity um it
usually has uh variable returns ownership stake and it's last in line for payment Anthony how many deals have
we done that we got paid last almost all of them up to this point
so we got a little bit more creative almost all of them so a lot of times a lot of times it's like oh when am I
going to get paid like well they're GNA pay if you're doing what we do you get paid last sometimes a year later six
months later six months later it is what it is but it's one of those things where uh you when you when you take on Equity
when you be the equity partner in a deal you sometimes you don't get paid never somebody steals a deal somebody steals
your Equity sometimes you got to sue somebody for $350,000 because they didn't send it
to you yeah so it's one of those things where you have the most risk when you are
Equity um and you take on the most risk because you're not secured um whether this your your Sweat Equity your
personal Equity or your cash Equity like all these things are it's variable you
can you can make 100% returns or you can make 0% return or you can use negative return and lose your Equity at 100% use
have ownership stake and you're last in line so it's a
eventually as you go down this equity and Investments investments in real estate you should want to become debt
because debt is always secured debt always gets paid that's one thing I want you guys to understand about this debt
always gets paid Equity gets more Roi but that always gets
paid all right real estate notes there you go dead always gets paid
there you go J Jose all right um real estate not is a a
type of debt instrument that represents a legal Promise by a borrow to repay A lender a specific amount of money
typically used to finance the purchase of real estate um there's performing and not performing so real estate notes a
lot of what gives us uh an advantage in the marketplace for what we do is we seller our finance now a lot of
investors especially a lot of land investors they buy cash sell for cash
they buy on terms and they're always trying to uh sell whatever way they can one of our biggest advantages is we
create real estate notes so if you're diving into that space of creating real estate notes you have to understand what
real estate's notes what's their what's their equity and what what do they what do they mean what do they hold what's
their weight you know a lot of a lot of like we learned about real estates notes after we got probably about two three
years ago we learned about real estate notes and the power they have especially in our space because we're actually
creating that instrument we're creating that financing so one of the big ad of
that we have in land especially land flipping is that there's no access to
debt you can't go to Wells Fargo and get a bank loan most people can't so if we create that debt instrument which is a
real estate note to service that seller we have the advantage over the marketplace because we're creating that
value with that debt instrument hey guys think think about how powerful that is right so you have
these big companies multi-billion probably trillion dollar Banks right Chase Wells Fargo all the guys that
everybody like thinks are icons they won't even give you a loan for L unless you have excellent credit and like 30%
down or more right so there's no there's nobody servicing this piece of the
market so there's a obviously there's a big crowd of people out there that want Len and they want they can't afford to
pay cash so they're willing to take a loan on it nobody's willing to service those people so there's a whole like
Bank missing like there should be one master bank that does all that and there's not one so think about what
we're creating here here you know that's what we're up against and opportunities made where there's no service think about the
electric vehical space or think about like movers and shakers that were first to Market there's no Finance there's no
financing in this whole real estate landspace as a whole like nowhere um no
one that do no one's doing it mainstream at a high level so if you can if you can offer that as a service you're you're
already Above the Rest you have over hand so I have quick question so so you
guys so the way you guys act is um in a way kind of like land Banks or
or like helping people get into land easier right yeah absolutely absolutely
that that's why that's why we sell a lot of land that's what gives us the advantage is we provide financing to
these owners or to these buyers Bank we essentially provide Bank financing to
these through seller financing yes we can acquire through seller financing and have the seller be
a bank for us but we can also if you acquire seller finan or if you have a big enough spread of Arbitrage you can
actually offer seller financing to your end end user
that's yeah it sounds really really good good hey like so what
do you end up with right you get a million dollar wrench we think we're going to be able to sell it for like5 eight we're going to try to make five or
800 Grand on it that's probably not all going to be in cash right it might be like half in cash and then half on credit so instead of us making 800,000
we end up with 400 grand in cash and then 400,000 in notes at 12% interest which is obnoxious 12% interest people
are crying like losing their houses over 8% interest and 9% interest right now we're charging 12 so think about that
you don't have to take all the cash what if we did that same deal we made zero cash and we only end up with 400,000 in
notes so all we're doing is taking de Equity from this land and then just recycling it back into the marketplace
for cash and debt and that's it I think I'm muted am I can you guys hear me yeah
I can hear you okay trying to find the mute button I was muted okay so one of the advantages too is if even and if if
you do find Bank financing it's even to more to your benefit because if if I
have $100,000 property and I have a bank that's going to lend on it I can get 100% of the value just like imagine you
think of Like Houses people people that buying some houses every day they have a $100,000 house they get a FHA loan they
put three and a half% down the mortgager will bring 975,000 at closing to cover
the full purchase prod so if you have if you have the ability to find a loan or a
loan person that can write the loans you can essentially get paid in cash but it's just loan you have to wait for the
loan process to go through which is another reason why when we're doing land deals we asked for extended closings we
sold a couple deals where they they went and got Bank financing CU they put a large down or they they had some special
Bank whatever not everybody has access to that so we always account for it whenever we're getting due diligence
periods on the front end because if we if they can bring in if they can find their own lender that they qualify for
we get paid 100% just like if it was a cash buyer so I'm all for it but if they
don't have that ability I'm provide I'm GNA provide my own financing to them through a real estate note all right
moving on all right advantages of debt in real estate it's predictable income it's
lower risk and it's secured by the property this is what we tell sellers we tell sellers about this advantages of
real estate debt so the reason why we're talking about this as a whole is because you might position a seller to be the
debt you might have you might need some type of debt instrument to get a buyer on the thing so all this like oh this is
over my head you need to learn this stuff eventually because it helps you do more business in the real estate
business as a whole if you can get more sellers to become de hey you can get predictable income it's
lower risk you're secured by your property like a lot of times we have that the um that thing that comes up
like oh how did I know you're G to pay me back well one I'm gonna put a large down payment two it's secured by your
property is your prop you think your property is not worth that much well yeah it's worth that much okay then it's
secured by your property you're always secure you as a seller you get a large down payment and you're secured by the
property what's what's the what's the what's the risk you know so it's it's having that conversation with the seller
and tell them the tax advantages of this what books do you recommend that goes into this further invest in debt by
Jimmy Napier is a great book 100% uh Victor I recommend that book all the
time but yeah this is one of those things where you con convince a seller to become a Deb instrument on on that on
their own property all right can I do a can I do a real world example Daniel to make this real absolutely absolutely hop
in okay so think about this guys let's say you go to Chase bank right you go to
Chapter 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity.)
Wells Fargo you go to one of the big boys and you say hey I need to borrow $100,000 right they're like okay hell no
ain't gonna happen right unless you have excellent credit crazy financials they want to just like they want to know what you eat for breakfast right so you're
probably not going to get that loan for starters so if you if you don't have cash on hand
right and you're trying to borrow some you're not going to get it from a traditional institution it's just not going to happen right but you you find
this listing that's listed on the south side of San Antonio for six months that nobody's hit up you go in there you set
up a deal with this with sellers where you're going to give them a down payment and they're going to release a certain amount of the land to you and you take
out $1.3 million out of the property in 60 days right so when you're out there
getting these loans what what what how does that benefit you like who cares I got I got some debt on the property lady
Finance it to me great but now you just gave yourself a $2 million loan or a $10
million loan that you can share the equity with right you can actually pull some of that live Equity out of that
property now so that's what we're doing here you're going out and you're giving yourself multi-million dollar loans and
then uh taking some cash out of that loan so let's say one of your Rich homies goes and takes out a $10 million
loan from the bank you help facilitate it and they're like here let me kick you down a million for taking that 10 out for me so that's what we're doing we're
asking you guys to go out there get millions and millions of dollars worth debt so we can take the cash out of that
debt another another way to put it to is is think of like a cash think about the Burr method you buy you rehab you
refinance repeat imagine essentially we're doing a refinance on land that has
Equity at 0 per. we're doing a refinance on Equity at 0% on Equity we create
through subdivision if you need to listen to this again you need to listen to it again that's the
power it's huge all right disadvantages to of debt
in real estate uh limited upside potential for closure risk and fixed return so a lot of times you have a
limited upside but it's less risk I think the next slide is coming do you want a guaranteed return I say
guaranteed I don't say guaranteed do you want do you want a do
you want a a a a steady return or do you want a higher return with with more risk
when you are as a debt you have foreclosure risk when you borrow when you have debt and you borrow you have
thatb against your property you have forclosure risk if you don't make the payments we sell this 2008 they got underwater foreclosure boom boom boom
thousands forecloses everywhere uh fixed return and a lot of times you cannot change your Roi if you are the debt like
the bank can't change the return the only way debt they get a higher return or lower rate return is if they're
always secured by the property but if they pay back sooner I did a whole thread on this on Twitter there's a whole like Dave Ramsey people were like
hey if I if I pay extra payments towards my loan I'll knock out my loan in in 10
years versus 30 right you hear that all the time right what you don't understand
and it's it's it depends on who you are not not going to who whatever whoever teaches that or whatever it is but whenever you pay back that loan quicker
you're actually accelerating the ROI to the debt and you're actually paying a higher effective interest rate so on
Twitter I did a whole I did the math of like a 10% interest loan essentially if somebody paid off that loan in 15 years
by making extra payments they effectively paid like a 15% Roi to the loan because they paid back sooner so
when you get a 30-year loan at at 5% that 5% loan is across 30 years so if
you shorten that loan and pay it back whether you move your ref Finance you sell the bank gets a higher yield which
is Roi on their money invested which is why Banks like when you sell they like when you refinance they like when you do
all those things because it just recycles their money and they get a higher yield on that debt
so that's the that's you can only increase the ROI when son pays back
sooner all right I think okay uh disadvantages of equity in real estate
or the advantages sorry advantages of of equity in real estate you can get really
great returns I think me and Anthony have done really great returns we get to property appreciation of whatever div uh
subdivision value ad we we we increase and then if you if you doing like some type of fund you get dividends so I kind
of generalize this for a lot of different type of real estate transactions but you do get a lot of advantages to equity for being an equity
position on real estate all right let next slide
disadvantages of equity in real estate all right so this is the disadvantages we kind of talked a little bit earlier
but attire risk you might have Market volatility I I I so many gurus that were
in houses they all had a bad year last year all of them so your your Equity is
whatever Equity you might think you have is subject to the market we saw a bunch of the equity go
away we saw people lose houses I have an Amigo that lost that lost two apartment complexes so I don't know you I don't
know which asset class is the best but we haven't had any losses anything like that at all so this is a pretty safe
game that we're playing you're last in line for payment like you're not going to get paid if you got a bunch of leans
on your property whether that's a a mortgage HOA lean you got private money
hard money lender private money lender like you're last in line if your Equity disappears you're you're out there goes
your potential Roi all your effort that you did so this is what I was talking about now higher risk return high
potential low risk return it's low risk so you have to figure out where you are
in life based off of how much money you want to invest and this is something you you maybe pitched like once you
understand this part of it you can pitch sellers you can pitch private money you can pitch you and your in your own
investing career you can choose what you want to do so a lot of times people that
have more money they're willing to do they they want low risk low returns
because they just want to beat inflation when you're broke and you're trying to turn a nickel into a dollar you ought to
do highrisk high return things this is this is how this is how me and Anthony got out of out of the gutter like we
we're doing high risk higher potential returns of doing we we're putting our equity on the line to make more money as
a whole as as an investment company on our side but we might tell a seller like hey instead of holding on to this for
whatever I can give you a low risk low low rate return on your property so you can kind of formulate this whatever you
are in your position some of our lenders they're they have a higher net worth and
they want to double it up so they're willing to put high risk for higher return on riskier stuff so it depends on
you're where you're at in life and your risk tolerance and your of course your current capital position but if you're
broke you gotta you got to turn a nickel into a dollar as fast as you can and this is one of the things where you got
to understand your position and this is why I think wholesaling is great this is why I think I think H like any type of
basic real estate investment I love wholesaling me and Anthony are product of wholesaling because we understand we
had to turn a nickel into a dollar as quick as possible so as so for someone
who doesn't have a lot of starting capital and you know they want to turn nickel into a dollar like because I know
large acre usually you know you're looking for the long run you're looking because you I heard like it you guys
were talking about how the closings usually last like six months to a year so then how would uh like what
would be like another advantage of you know going through land or large Acres if you're looking to like maybe close
within two months or maybe a month right if there it depends on where where
you're at like all this all this stuff is very subjective we we like big land because it's faster than Apartments we
like big land because it's it's more value than houses so you kind of have kind of take on different
valuation risk and exit potential so like think about this you can you can
contract the house and wholesale a house in a week you can do it under 30 days you can do a land deal a small land deal
in under 30 days I've seen people do info lots and they contracted one day and sold the next day so you can do
smaller stuff to accelerate that Capital but when you do when you start doing bigger stuff you got a longer time
Horizon we're buying a deal from we're buying 60 Acres next week that deal took
90 days to close it just took 90 days to close we had to wait for surveys we had wait for T commitment we had to wait for
like finalizing surveys at the end cuz we're a subdivide on it like there's just a lot of time that happens in land
deals when you're doing bigger stuff so was to say Daniel go ahead we we have the Ten Commandments for this group
though that addresses that right away so that's kind of one of the rules for our group it's just don't only do big land deals like of course that's the the
biggest best money that you're going to make but if you're only well hunting like anything else and you're only getting paid twice a year you know it's
going to be a it's going to be a long year so we encourage you yeah go out and get little stuff and then I was going to uh add one more thing if you do have
some amounts of capital to invest like a grand two grand five grand I mean you can do like gator lending with us so
that's something that's very simple to place small amounts of capital into deals so we had a lot of deal flow but there there's a lot of different ways to
cut this thing up but I would recommend that everybody stay focused on what you're going to focus on if you're going to do Apartments do Apartments if you're
G to do storage do storage but if you're trying to do land and houses and storage and all this other crap you're always gonna be chasing your tail because
you're not going to get momentum so the the recommendation that we have for this group it's commandment it's not a recommendation is uh do big deals and
small deals yeah all the time the small deals have a shorter time Horizon to make money the big deals have a larger
Capital outlay but they have a longer time Horizon so our whole thing is we
switched to doing larger deals about a year and a half ago and we didn't close very many deals for like six months just
because we had that long time Horizon now that we're in a year and a half closing closing closing closing closing
we're having a lot of closings line up and we're stacking them all up in a month we're having million dollar months like there's a lot of things happening
right now just because we built up that momentum months ago so I I think 100%
you need to start small depending on where you're at but keep an out for bigger stuff this is why we teach about bigger stuff because we're looking for
bigger stuff so if you if you see something a lot of times you can't see what's out there if you don't even know
it exists so we're trying to educate right like what the big stuff looks like and you just you kind of keep your eyes
open's a perfect example he sent us a bunch of deals that we shot down because he didn't know what a deal look like and
now he's bringing some of the best deals we've ever seen before yep and he did it quit a few yep absolutely knowing how to
identify a deal in this business is everything and then once you get better at it it's a superpower I mean it's magic I was with my friend at lunch and
we were just talking we to barbecue place and uh he's like yeah I know where there's a little track over here it's a couple acres and he told me the area the
price and I'm like man that doesn't sound like a deal let me check it out so at the table I opened up land Glide and it was cut into two pieces I drove
straight from uh the restaurant by the Dominion by Bernie all the way down there towards Pleasanton like an hour and 10minute
drive as soon as I saw what it was I didn't even have that on my radar but that's how what it feels like you can
identify a deal then you can go from nope that price isn't going to work and then you take a look at the property and like okay this is a deal I'm on the way
right now we're coming out with more education here in a little bit to to train you
guys better on what to look for like I said the the whole point of this call is
to kind of understand just like a lot of key terms and where you position sellers where you talk to lenders and you have
to understand these things to most of the time to get a seller to take on a debt position or to get a lender to lend
on your deal like you have to understand this stuff next combining debt and Equity so
this is I think this is a huge Advantage It's a combination dedic used by company
to finance silver operations and growth uh balance portfolio use of Leverage and examples of M Investments the and
Anthony are big components of Comin combining debt and what do I mean by that so what's the
term you use the I forg I can't what the term you use Anthony Blended Capital no
it's the yeah Blended Capital that is right yeah Anthony calls it Blended Capital now what is Blended Capital so
Blended capital and somebody asked what Gator lending is a little while ago but Blended capital is using every and every
type of of capital so let's do an example so let's say we're contract ing
we're buying 100 acres from 10,000 an acre and it's a $100,000 down well you
need EMD usually 1% you're going need 10 grand who's going to put up 10 grand
well if it's you that's your Capital if you use a lender that's
private Capital if you uh if you put it into your purchase price that's seller
financing so you can use different types of capital for different things wholesalers use Blended Capital when
they're wholesaling they contract the property for $1,000 EMD and then they'll make the wholesale buyer put 5,000
they're using wholesale Blended capital in that transaction so it's Blended
Capital so you can use different types of different types of capital so if you have hard money you have hard money
private money seller financing uh Gator lending Gator lending for somebody asked a second ago is about like lending on
like EMD it's usually two to 20,000 maybe it's uh putting up surveys
maybe it's putting up a water study cost like it's it's something we need $5,000
for and we can give somebody an Roi it and we don't have to use our own money like you can use Blended Capital so you
have your seller financing Kyle's deal he's negotiating seller financing as a
form of of debt and Equity now when you value the property you have your own Equity you're putting into the property
so you have private capital like hard money Gator Gator lending seller
financing you got we use as many capital resources on every deal that we
can and one of the big one of the big components of of Blended capital is every deal we're trying to buy hopefully
has some type of seller financing on it especially the bigger properties because we want to leverage that seller
financing because we cannot get Bank capital or hard money Capital it's a lot harder because they're fighting over
first second position so you have to understand the capital stack we're going to cover Capital Stacks I think it's the next slide coming up but you have to
Chapter 4: Real Estate Notes and Capital Stack.)
understand what type of capital position you can provide based off of where you're raising the money on the capital
stack we'll cover that in a second but Blended capital is important
um I think it's a slide after this all right real estate notes and a note would be some type of capital as well Blended
Capital uh real estate notes investing can be profitable and valuable in addition to your Investment Portfolio by investing in estate mortgage notes you s
should become the lender and receive payments from the borrow over the life of the loan and it's a it's a role of
diversification balance risk and return with notes so one of the biggest reasons why we're doing this type of call is
because we're trying to educate people on investing in notes if we get one one
of the big reasons we're raising a lot of capital we're raising capital for we're raising capital for we're
raising capital for Gator lending we're raising capital for priv private lending who's going to be maybe put help us put
two like we raised $200,000 for a for figer deal that was Private Capital we rais money for that we ask for seller
financing we got seller financing a lot on deals where that's that's asking for it and then whenever we create those
notes because about creating notes a little bit earlier sometimes we'll sell those notes to end buyers when you when
you create a note and you sell it you have a very you have a very big cash
burn problem so let's say hypothetically you create $1,000 note at 10% and for
for 10 years right if I create that debt when you do that with a bank FHA
comes and buys that loan and knocks out they repay back that lender when we do it we have to find a note buyer to buy
that note and now they put $100,000 into this this debt instrument and now they
receive payments from that that buyer so we're always looking for
different types of cap Blended Capital based off of different things so like a lot of our private Capital they want big
portions of equity this is all coming together throughout this whole call so if you need to listen to this again
we'll release it live and you can listen to it again but we're looking for all different types of capital so we have
private Capital investors not that they're sharks but they they want a big portion of our equity and we give them a big portion of
equity give them big portion of upside but it's a lot more risk right we whereas there's my people that don't
want to take on that risk they want to saay for investment I had a conversation with one of our lenders he might be interested in notes because it's secured
by the asset there's it's very passive compared to active actively investing on
on a private and there's a lot more risk he gets a flat rate of return monthly cash flow and it just kind of comes in
so there's different appetites based off of your risk tolerance and your current
capital position and everybody's different completely different you might know an aunt that has a million dollars
sitting in the bank account she would love an investment like a note you might have a your cousin that has 100 Grand
and he's like I want I want to retire in five years I need to flip this 100 Grand as many times as possible boom we'll put
him in a private money lending situation so you have different positions for people in different phases of their life
and notes is just one of those things so it's a way to kind of spread out spread out your your Capital risk and your
folio anything for this
Anthony yeah I don't know what you're going to cover on the presentation but I wanted to talk about how it's pertinent right because you have lenders that
don't want to be into a deal for two years or three years and then so how we use this strategy to uh to to work with
different lenders for different time frames yep you want me to cover that or you g
to cover that I don't know if that was part of your presentation I could just briefly mention go ahead and mention it
okay okay y So Daniel was talking about the different types of lenders that we have um so just take a a prime deal
right like the one that we have the 243 Acres down there and a South of San Antonio so we've got 1.6 in debt from
the from the property owner themselves at 0% interest then we borrowed a million in private money right and now
that that private money he wants to be out in 12 months and uh so we we told him that give us 18 Max and we'll get
them out right so we have somewhere between 12 and 18 he's fine with 18 month that's what he signed up for by
the way but at at that point we're GNA we have a lot of lots sold right so to pay off most of what we owe him but at
at that point we can look at bringing in hard money right to pay the property off and possibly even the property owner we
could bring in somebody else some other private money from somebody else to get everybody out of the deal and a fresh
lender yeah we can bring in a bank so there's a million different ways that you can you can use these different
types of capital and uh you know and I think most of us think hey hey I'm just going to borrow private
I'm just going to go to a bank I'm going to go to a lender right or I'm going to get seller finan but what we've been doing is we've been combining all of
these and it's been easier to raise Capital again because of the ask right the size of the ask hand b a million dollars three years and most private
lenders are gonna say hell no I could just flip it faster myself I'm good so what we're doing now is we're able to swap lenders out to to navigate a deal
like this so Kyle has one South of San Antonio we're probably going to need about a million dollars for engineering
costs right soft cost um so you know from London one
about to 350 um they'll handle the engineering right so let's say after all the approvals are done 12 months from
now now we have a subdivision we don't have raw land anymore we have an entitled subdivision that's ready to go ready to break ground so we can bring in
a fresh lender at that time from a different Capital source to keep the deal moving lender one gets out he's
happy he got his profit lender two comes in he's fresh he's ready to go so we don't have to we don't have to have one lender waiting for years and years to
get paid on a deal which I think is tremendous so think about this now we've recently learned about this recently but
imagine think about all these people that they're investing in storage they they they buy unstabilized storage or
multif family and then they stabilize it they hold it for 3 to five years in the exit imagine if you raised another
entity that was just a holding company like they want passive low rate low risk
low returns like when you value out a property it's a lot of risk entitlement
flipping subdividing all that stuff you you add units you rem model units on of multifam storage like that's a lot of
risk but if you have a lender that would uh not a lender if you had another
entity that you created yourself to buy your entity you can wash your hands with
your left and right hand to the next entity so you have Capital One actually
entitles the property Capital 2 might be the one that actually builds the property this this is what we're trying
to do with potit so we have entitlement Capital that's entitling the land and most people just sell it to a builder
we're actually trying to raise money to entity two that's us again that's actually going to build the
property versus selling it to another person so we can make money from our own
deal in multiple stages by bringing in this Blended Capital this is high level for you I
understand I'm in the weeds a little bit listen to it again listen over and over again this call alone will cover a lot
of your real estate invested thesis and once you understand it you get a better
picture to pitch investors pitch sellers pitch buyers like one I had a guy in the
podcast one of his lenders one of his buyers out of his property end up becoming one of his best lenders like
this stuff happens and people switch positions not everybody fits in one box and that's all they do they eventually
move in migrate into different Equity positions and they might turn into different other forms of
capital all right uh next slide all right uh dead
investing you have real estate notes Roi and you get a a fixed interest
periodically Equity you get dividends it's uh funds you get a lot of different
stuff I think we covered a lot of this slide is you have different types of setups for different types of positions
and you can have sellers or buyers or or even lenders move to different positions
based off of uh when you're move the way you're moving the deal so I think the
next slide is when I get to okay this is the slide I wanted to get to this is the slide I wanted to get to okay so this is
the capital stack we talked about Capital stack a couple weeks ago this is so important when you understand your
position based off of your uh when you're raising with sellers this is kind
of the Perfect Graphic on the right here so let me go through the points here and then we'll kind of cover the
graphic so the position of capital stack s finding sell financing typically sits behind senior debt but before equity and
the repayment hierarchy so this is kind of like for multif family syndications we might not have senior debt or
mezanine debt preferred Equity like those are like high Lev terms we'll cover that in a second character de
access secured loan with the fixed rep payment terms and interest providing income streams for the seller
and uh for buyers it's easier to access to financing reduce upfront Equity
requirement and for sellers it attracts more buyers and generates interest income the risk comparison seller
financing lower risk than Equity but higher risk than senior debt due to subordinate position so the debt
position is very very important when you're talking about seller financing when you're talking about hard money
loans you're talking about partial seller financing when you're raising money for a partial Equity position on a
deal you have different positions um an equity is higher potential returns but
stands last line for payment so let's talk about what that left means and we'll talk about the right just pay attention to the right
so senior debt is let's say let's say you have a multif family deal multif
family deals I was talking to a guy I think yesterday or two days ago he said he usually buys uh
6535 um so you have 100% of a property that say it's a million dollars the bank will fund 6 5% of it he has to come up
with 35% so if it's a million dollars he has to come up with 350 the bank will come up with 650 and that's how you kind
of get your purchase of that property so think of the this little stack on the
right as your different positions so senior debt could be your first position
loan it could be seller financing it could be the the person that's putting on the biggest tranch on your on your
rays they have higher hierarchy in that position preferred equity might be your private money lender that
gives you 200 Grand to untitle a deal he might be the person that puts up uh EMD he might be the person that puts up a
lot of that uh due diligence cost so usually for us we give a lot higher
Equity position even for small amounts just because we know the risk get in in the transaction so you have to
understand where you're positioning sellers like one thing we always try and do is we always try and make sure
sellers aren we we sometime pitch second position but we usually get Flack because they're in second position so we
found if you don't get anything off of this call we'll give you a little sauce here on this but if you have a deed
let's say a Deeds on the left and you have your mortgage the mortgage in theid are connected through Aida trust so if
you ask a seller from become who has who owner to become a mortgager how do you
offer positions so if you need to raise a lot of money usually what happens is the money let say you raise 50% of a
deal and they want first position you can't you can't ask the seller to be
second but most time they're going to give you push back because now they're in a lower position than the equity and they have potential to lose that that
Equity position on the debt side right because they're in a lower position so one thing we've learned is you can
actually keep them on as an owner just not a ownership position that way
they're still in common common Equity side on the deed and you still can get a
first position loan on the debt side if that makes
sense I know I'm into the weeds I apologize but I tell I'm telling you there some people eating this
up Anthony any any any anything from that I know I'm in the weeds you have to listen to that again
sorry okay so your if you you if you understand real estate you have the deed
which is has ownership of the property and then you have your mortgage or your
debt right you have different positions on your debt you might have your bank loan Chase Chase Chase bank and then you
might have a HELOC which is Chase Bank again and you might have this is might be leans so you might have a HOA lean
you might have a child support lean like anybody that's deal with like dirty title problems they got all these leans
that stack up under this Equity under this Equity stack on the debt side right
so if you ask a seller for seller financing you're bringing a significant amount to cover the deed you can leave
them on as an owner that way they still have ownership but you can put them in second position so they still have
ownership Equity stake but they're a lower tier debt on the debt
side yeah I know crickets what what can can you repeat the benefit of that
please the benefit of that is you're putting when you're getting seller financing you can put them in a lower
tier debt position but they still have hierarchy on your ownership position so
you can you can solve you can uh hit two birds with one
stone because no one wants to be second position debt behind a bank or a hard money lender no one does but if you give
them ownership stake essentially shares remember we talked about ownership shares you can give them ownership
shares to cure their second position debt that's how you can get first
position debt hard money Bank financing and still have them seller finance in
second position I'm still confused but thank
you yes uh the lower position leans have more risk
Jose so I know it's a lot I apologize I knew was going of the Weeds on that one
but it's it's once you understand this it gives you perspective and you can negotiate better
Chapter 5: Practical Application and Q&A.End)
when you have perspective when you're actually doing Acquisitions so Kyle do you have any two
cents on this because Kyle's learned a lot about this in the last 120
days and it helps to become a better negotiator now you just got to keep an open minded uh and be a sponge that's
really rewatch this recording a couple times and um just start to think about it then
you'll come across scenarios and then that's really how you learn is just through the action but just keep an open
mind and and and keep it in mind when you're negotiating and and as you keep hearing it and as you listen to this
recording over and over again you'll look at something you be like this is when I can use
it yeah all right yeah that's I was going
to say no say no no matter how high level this is even if you only grab 2% of it or 5% of it that's a lot and then
you know a lot of people have asked us since we started this whole company why don't you guys have a script why don't you guys have this why don't you guys
have that because my philosophy has always been I don't want anybody sitting down reading a script I want you making
phone calls because that's how you learn this this stuff by putting it to use and that's what Kyle just said again he said
you know when when you see the opportunity pop up when you're negotiating when you're in the middle of a conversation that's when that that
muscle memory is going to come in you're going to remember oh this is what Daniel was talking about on the call right or at least you'll have a way to make
multiple offers uh we refer to it as a pushing all the buttons on the elevator right you get in with a kid and he
pushes all 40 buttons that's what we do to the sellers right we talk to them and we mention a lot of different things and
see what they bite on right so you don't need to learn all this tonight but just at least being introduced to the
vocabulary and the ideas it's going to help you in the long run big time is your Capital stack laid out in
each contract a lot of times we don't lay out the Capital stack but we try we
we have we've had had conversations with their attorneys just to have them understand where they lay out in the capital stack and that's a conversation
we're willing to we have with attorneys like you have to learn this stuff when you do this at a high level because if
an attorney asks you a high level question and you don't have the answer like the better you can answer that
question the more credibility you have so this is why me and Anthony are really good at this type of stuff
because we can answer these questions like you got you got to deal with the the objections you're going to get when
you're asking for seller financing on a $10 million deal you got to deal with that and if you don't know how to answer
that you're never going to get it so a lot of the stuff it's technically defined B it's in the it's in the
purchase and sale agreement but it's not necessarily signed in like a capital stack format if we're asking for seller financing hey you're going to be in
first position usually in most cases we're trying to get give them first position but in some cases we've had
negotiated them to be second and give them ownership shares essentially it's a JV and secure their ownership Equity is
secured by their own position in second position because we've had to a lot of times sellers don't have half a million
dollars or a million dollars to Value add their property to a $5 million
valuation so that's that's where you kind of have that conversation hey I can raise the money half a million dollars
or a million needed to make this property worth $5 million are you okay
being in a lower position and be on this ride with me to make this
into a $5 million property and a lot of times we're having conversations with sellers is hey if we're doing s seller
financing me and Anthony are like hey we we need me and you need to Vibe because we're going to be in this transaction
for a long time and me and you need to get along this isn't a buyer seller relationship this is almost like a
partnership because now I'm bringing in my capital and my resources to Value add your property and if if you really want
that high number you're going to have to work with
me and that's where we get seller financing is we're we're bringing in our
negotiation expertise and our Capital that we raise to value of the property
and we're willing to pay their price hey Kyle want to throw in a curveball how much was that listing for
don't do the exact number because it's it's still out there but how much did we raise the price
um like 550 or 600 or something like that okay so there was a $9 million deal
on listed on the MLS we offered $10 million so we actually raised the price
of the purchase price just in just in turn to get our terms so the bigger the
value we can actually increase the price of what we're willing to pay for it so a lot of times these sellers like oh I
want 30,000 an acre 30,000 an acre is pretty crazy for cash like it's just
crazy but I can give you that 30,000 if you let me value at it okay what does
that look like well it's going to take AB andc it's going to take me entitlement it's going to take me to subdivide it it's going to take me six
months it's going to take me 12 months and I'll get you your 30,000 an acre but it's it's not worth 30,000 acre cash
okay what what do you what do you exactly bring to the table well I'm gonna raise my own money or put in my own money I'm going to value out your
property to 50,000 an acre and I'll give you 30 oh that makes sense how much time you
need it's a totally different conversation so a lot of times on the bigger properties we're not even
negotiating on price we always and most of our most of our properties we're making full price offers this is why
we're picking up properties off the MLS um two Kyle let me think about this the
three properties you contracted are full price right every single one yeah their
full price offers I'm the MLS think about that guys actually 99 invest out
of 100 out there are out there making lowball insulting offers and then you come in and you offer 600,000 over
asking I mean on on the one I locked up the uh the agent didn't even think the seller would be open till took terms and
then he said he talked to the talk to the seller and and the seller was open to terms so a lot of times the the
agents don't even know either that the sellers will be into it so this this is the value if you're
still here right now that's the value TI's $4 million he locked up were
all full price offers all full price offers it was just asking for the term and timelines that
we need to Value ad the property that's it I don't care what the seller wants as
long as it give me the timeline to value at it that's where I make my money that's where I make my money hey I think
that's about a wrap right there and I think Kyle wanted to have a quick announcement too boom good job thank you
man I think have this conversation a lot more often too guys I know there was a lot
and if you were on this call we will send you the recording but U you got to hear it over and over again and then
ultimately guys you got to play the game so if you're just on these calls just listening listening listening and not taking any action that's G that's going
to be hurtful because you can be like stuck in analysis paralysis forever Years grab somebody else on this team
there's PE the people in this room are willing to help you there's a lot of people in this room that are having success and they're willing to help you I don't know where else there's not that
many other places where people are willing to just give you their secrets and their time to help make you money and this environment is perfect for that
what we cultivated it for so take advantage and and you know make make friends and you know talk to other
people in the group are here to help you so one thing I want to say too is that we're doing we're having our event July 31st we're actually going to dedicate
some time to kind of cover our organization and setup and Acquisitions so you can actually act our acquisition
you can ask our conjection coordinator you can ask our underwriting questions live on our panel
so we're going to dedicate a good 30 minutes to an hour to a panel uh to ask our our live team about anything and
these are like I said this is we're going to have our we're projected to do our seven figure month in June uh second
for the Year and hope I think we have we have many more lined up for the rest of the year so I hope you all can make it
we'll hopefully see you there it is the hive is live.com event and that's the where you
go to get the URL this will be put as a as a podcast episode so this episode
will be out there and if you need to watch it again it's okay like I said it took me a long time to learn all this which is really I want I want to do get
it to you guys like in this format and I wanted to release it on YouTube and put it on as a podcast and all that stuff
because I know it's valuable information this is the information that we use currently every day to do big deals and
this a lot of this educational stuff that a lot of people aren't willing to learn this is what separates you from
doing bigger transactions as a whole is knowing this type of frame framework
terminology negotiations you can negotiate big deals so I have a I have a
two questions just regarding like what do
what do you mean by value ad when you were talking about like uh the seller
how how does that work or what is that what does that mean so value ad is a as
throwing in money into a property to increase the valuation so uh storage
people might add more units apartment people might remodel units fix up the roofing fix the AC put a driveway and
fix the paint in the in the in the in the parking spaces put a signage out that's how they increase value to
increase their rents we do it by adding paperwork so we subdivide we entitle
that's how we value add land so different things it kind of reminds me
of like a Novation in a way um you know you remember what that
was yeah we're we're doing we're doing a form of inovation by leveraging
financing yeah okay that makes sense okay and then the second question was
regarding um what was the second question again
wait okay oh yeah it was regarding this recording so like do you are you guys
going to need like our emails if you're going to send the recording to us or we'll post we'll post it in the group oh
okay okay got okay hey guys we hope you're enjoying this content if if you
have leads that you need to dispo anywhere in the country please visit Hive bc. like Hive buyers club. and
we'll help you move those deals that you need to get into the marketplace [Music]
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More