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Ep 534: Buying Value Add Multi Family In Texas
July 04, 2024

Ep 534: Buying Value Add Multi Family In Texas

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In this episode of The Hive With Us Podcast, host Daniel Martinez and co-host Kyle Thompson welcome special guest Paul Montelongo. They discuss Paul's extensive experience in real estate investing, focusing on his strategies, the impact of the pandemic on his business, and his approach to mindset and mentorship. The conversation also delves into Paul's personal journey and his dynamic partnership with his wife, Leticia.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Guest Overview (0:00 - 2:14)


Daniel and Kyle introduce Paul Montelongo, who provides a brief overview of his real estate investing background, including his focus on apartment complexes and multi-unit properties.

Chapter 2: Navigating the Pandemic (2:15 - 10:42)


Paul discusses the impact of the pandemic on his business, including challenges with lenders and the implementation of pandemic provisions in contracts. He also shares how his team managed government assistance programs for tenants during this time.

Chapter 3: Mindset and Mentorship (10:43 - 23:38)


The discussion shifts to mindset, with Paul sharing his journey into personal development, starting with a Tony Robbins seminar in 1994. He talks about the importance of continuous learning, the role of mindset in achieving success, and his experiences with coaching and mentoring others.

Chapter 4: Real Estate Strategies and Market Insights (23:39 - 40:19)


Paul explains his investment strategies, focusing on value-add propositions, managing expenses, and the importance of having multiple streams of income from properties. He also discusses the current state of the real estate market, the impact of insurance costs, and his approach to evaluating and acquiring properties.

Chapter 5: Personal and Professional Growth (40:20 - 1:08:51)


Paul shares insights into his personal life, including his relationship with Leticia and how they work together in business. He reflects on the importance of having a supportive partner, maintaining a growth mindset, and building a strong, like-minded network. The episode concludes with Paul providing information on where to find him online and the services he offers.




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hello welcome to the hive with this podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today I have co-host Kyle Thompson and
special guest Paul Montelongo how are you doing today good man how about you guys we're all right we're all right
apparently I'm we're ready to Hive we're ready to Hive that's right we're ready to Hive you getting it you're getting
yeah yeah yeah nothing gets by me [Laughter]
man so I always like St I always like appreciate you coming on the show we met a couple weeks ago in Phoenix and we're
already working on a deal with your wife so it's kind of exciting yeah that's right it's crazy how connections happen
and you don't even know who you're going to meet and what's weird about that us talking to you and your wife we didn't
really like communicate till the end of the event right when everybody's walking out the door and like oh I have this
yeah that's why you got that's why you gotta hang around that's why you gotta you got to work a crowd you know you got to work a room you gotta work the room
100% you can't can't you can't be invisible in a room that's right that's right 100% I know that very well with my
cowboy hat oh that's true that's true I like who's that cowboy in the
back so for people that don't know you can you give us like a 30 second elevator pitch on who you are and what you do and then we'll jump into the show
sure longtime real estate investor I'm from San Antonio Texas you know I've been investing since I was a a teenager
over the last 11 years I've been buying apartment complexes and multi-unit properties so our smallest property is
70 unit or largest property prop is 200 units and we have everything in between about 6570 million under management
currently all of that was purchased in the last 2 and a half years postco right and uh prior to covid you
know I'd cycled through several deals but uh we really ramped it up postco because during that time there was you
know about a year and a half two years where everything was kind of status quo but after that we you know we hit we hit
the ground running We Buy in the South you know Texas Oklahoma Kansas and we
buy value ad properties put improvements into them raise the rents create the value and
dispose of them five years later pay back our investors on average right now
above a 2X return very nice very nice let's talk about like your your you've
Chapter 2: Navigating the Pandemic.)
been doing this for a long time but you said you you kind of picked up during Co what was that transition and what was
that boosting factor that made you like let's let's turn up right now during Co
well there for there for a minute lender stopped loaning money you may remember in fact in March of 2020 when you know
when they closed the doors we had three contracts under deal under three Deals under contract with earnest money
deposits in them and we really thought that we were going to lose the earnest money deposit because no Provisions in
any contract at that time that I know of in real estate had pandemic Provisions they do now kind of like after 9 11 they
have that they you know they had terrorist terrorism Clauses now they have Pandemic Clauses and so there for a
while we were just kind of on a bubble we did buy a deal during uh during the pandemic and turned out to be a really
good deal but then as it wound down and Society opened up more and people were
moving now through jobs and our society became a more stay-at-home work from
home Society we saw more people you know being in apartment complexes and apartment units and and so we just you
know we went on a buying spree and we you know we have all these assets um in
fact I just submitted an a third revision of an Loi this morning on a deal that we like 174 units so we'll buy
a couple more properties this year in 2024 and we think we think that in four
or five years when we start selling off these prop properties that hopefully will look real smart
we're gonna look one way or the other put it that way it's always how how it isul do you raise on a on a deal by deal
basis or do you have a set fund these are deal by deal raises it's interesting you mentioned that because we are
contemplating the fund does seem like it's probably time for us to put together a fund so we have more more
latitude you know more more uh mobility in acquiring deals but as of this moment
they're all transactional raises yeah they're a deal by deal yeah no I wanted to ask you I didn't
know about the P pandemic pandemic Provisions that's the first time I'm hearing about this uh can you cover a
little bit about that like if pandemic happens what Pro what Provisions are in place whenever you're doing Ty contct yeah there's some language in these
contracts now that say something to the effect uh in the in the event of a of a pandemic um then you know you can
renegotiate or you can return your EMD or various things like that they also
Provisions in them that in the event that we don't have uh access or we're
not granted access to a property then that could either extend the due diligence period or cancel the due
diligence period or replace it or something you know during the pandemic we actually did look at properties and I
recall going to properties and Property Owners property management companies requiring that we sign a waiver for each
unit that we walked in so if we looked at a 60 or 70 unit property and we were
G to walk all I I sat there at a table and signed 60 waivers to go into these apartments and
that was not an uncommon thing at that time and uh then they and even then they restricted you it's like only one person
from your team could go in at a time so you know one person would go in come out the next person would go in come out and
because we you know when we go tour a property and we're inspecting it we have four or five people from the team so that we have plenty of eyes on on the
property so it was weird times that all yeah well like in like I mentioned
to you the contracts that we had or the deals we had under contract that got pulled so technically speaking it was
not uh there were no Provisions in there uh like uh contingencies for Lo lenders
on those particular contracts but since the lender pulled out because they had no longer had funds there for a minute
then it would have been a a financing contingency Clause that could have executed but that wasn't a provision
then so yeah you you you know you learn and and these things get included in contracts now so I I have a quick
question about pic this is a good pandemic question so I heard people that had like multif family units or property
management companies they had pandemic assistance from the government did you have to deal with that sure did okay did
that was that a big issue or minor issue during the pandemic with the pandemic assistance it was an issue that we had to work really hard through okay so so
on our properties fortunately we maintained a mid90s occupancy ratio during the pandemic okay that's great
because just in in in normal times you you'd like to see a 94 95 96% occupancy
ratio challenge was that there was a moratorium a lot of these tenants thought that that moratorium uh applied
to them and in rare cases it did it actually apply to them but
psychologically it applied to them like oh there's a moratorium we don't have to pay our rent okay that's not really the
case okay what was the case case was is that courts were closed down and you couldn't sue someone for eviction
because there were no Courts open to hear eviction cases so what we did was
we put our team on finding government money Municipal city state federal money
to participate in the rent and what we discovered was fortunately to unbeknown
to us is that the actual payments from the government were a little bit better than Market rent and the mark and the
rents that we were charging so if we were charging let's say $900 on a unit we actually got like
$1,010 or something so we were you know we were getting a little bit more than we were charging but we had to put in
the leg work we had to literally sit down with a client or a tenant at in the office and go okay let's open up the
computer and let's fill in the blanks and we'll push the application for you because a lot of tenants thought they
didn't have to so yeah and from that we we learned a lot we learned that you
know there was assistance available and we were able to our properties were able to survive not only survive thrive
because there was there was more more money for in rents than than we' planned
yeah I remember you talking about that at the event that you literally sitting with every single
tenant applications and uh what would you say did you know anybody else in the
industry that was doing the same thing because you guys went above it and Beyond doing that well I've heard since
I didn't at the time you're so absorbed in the moment and trying to fix stuff that's going on you know I didn't I knew
great I know great operators and I knew great operators that were you know surviving and thriving I didn't know the
exact details but since then yeah I've learned that good operators did that and we just we literally sat next to
residents at a computer helped them fill it out did all the followup work with
whatever entity they were getting the these matching funds from or these funds you know we did the work and all that
didn't it didn't come in on by the way it didn't come in on the 1 like it's supposed to it usually came in 30 to 60
days later right because you know it had to run through the government system yeah but that's okay we you know we we
just we just learned and we just adjusted and wein to got all of our
money wow you gota you gotta adjust in markets like this because I I it was I'm
glad I didn't like deal with like people in Property Management during Co because I'm a land guy but like literally when I
was hearing all the stories I'm like oh man it's Gotta Be A gota be like a mini nightmare yeah it was interesting times
we bought a property and there was somebody there on that property who hadn't paid for 19 months and his excuse was pandemic
pandemic pandemic and his case was on the docket at court his eviction case was but court
was closed right so when it finally opened up after we bought the property
it opened up like like once we bought the property I think he'd been on our delinquency list like maybe three months
but prior to that 16 months okay and then we got on a zoom and you know the
court found found him that he could should be evicted and okay and it was you know a normal eviction I feel like
Chapter 3: Mindset and Mentorship.)
whenever crisis like this happened people get get away with a lot of stuff I heard a story where during 2008 like
foreclosure crisis that a person lived in their house for like five years
without making a payment and then oh yeah got forclosed on like years later
and they just ended up selling the house yeah yeah no during during 2008 2009
2010 I bought a lot of properties in the Inland Empire and in Orange County California because those that that was a
a hypermarket in other words there were a lot of foreclosures the values in
California as you know were typically very very high but the values have been driven down and so we went and bought
undervalued properties fixed them up and you and still resold them at a much lower price than they were used to so
you know just random example the house may have been worth $750,000 but at that particular time
with all the improvements and everything we sold it let's say for $550 so buyers in California were going wow this is I
can get a $750,000 house for $500,000 what a steal and so there was no trouble
Selling Houses and there were plenty of plenty of foreclosures and preforeclosures available during that
time yeah so you just you regard and this is all the mindset I think regardless of the times regardless of
what's going on in the economy and in the world if you got the mindset that you're going to adapt and if you got the mindset that you're going to make things
happen well then then you just go figure out the parts and the pieces and and you just make it happen you're big into that
into the mindset stuff you said you you have Retreats for your own Mastermind right that you do I do um like mindset
stuff can you kind of talk about that and what you what you do for mindset and and everything like that your
health yeah well I think it starts with my started with my own Journey you know I came from a a a home that was um
pretty Middle America typical you know we didn't have a lot of money and that
that sort of thing um and and you were kind of told what to think and what to
believe and what to know and how things are like this is the way the world is
and so you better fit into this world and then as I grew a little bit older that didn't make sense to me and I was
like there's there's there are people out here in the world that that are doing things differently how do I get
involved with that and then I began to learn that okay it's really between the ears and I I actually attended a Tony
Robbins program back in 1994 yeah 94 and that was the first time
that I ever really learned that you can
orchestrate the things you think and create a life from the things you think I'm like whoa that blew my
mind who does that right and so uh it was new to me and so then that set me on
a path and and in our masterminds you know we talk a lot about wealth and wealth mindset and the limiting beliefs
that we all carry with us um from our upbringing from our environment from our
religious influences from our familial influences from our friends from our first employer all of these are just
influen that we just carry with us through the life and if if we're aware and here's the main thing Kyle if you
come from a place of awareness like you're always thinking you're always evaluating okay why why am I responding
this way why am I thinking this way how can this be better is this a result of my thinking then you go to work on your
thinking and so in our masterminds we deal a lot with um wi with wealth
awareness with mindset with health and fitness because it's a everything's a reflection of everything so if you're
health mentally you're likely going to be healthy physically and vice versa if
you're healthy physically and mentally you're likely going to be healthy financially and emotionally and
relationally so it's all holistic it's all tied together and if one area of your life seems to be suffering well
then that could be a sign that you need to maybe pick up some of the area other areas of your life so that it can pull
this this suffering area along you know yeah and so yeah we deal a lot with that
and and in my mentoring and coaching I deal frequently with mindset and I don't I don't sit around beating people up and
you know I don't I don't go David gogin on people right but you know we all need reminders
and and so I'll remind somebody is that is that a Is that real is what you're telling me real or is that a function of
your thinking right right yeah i' I'd say that's you articulated that really
well so I agree everything is just it's almost like we make things up in our
head we make a lot of things up in our head we make excuses up we make scenarios up we make a ton of things up
that hinder us and they and they stop us would you say that Tony Robbins event was like your breakthrough or would you
say you had like almost like would you say you had a real estate deal that was your breakthrough to where like I'm maybe thinking a little too smaller and
limiting myself no that was my breakthrough because at the time I was doing okay in life in fact I was doing quite well right in life and and you
know I had a a relative come to me and say you got to go to Tony Rob and I'm like why well because you'll make more
money I'm like I'm cool I'm good yeah your family will be better I'm good your health will be better I'm like I'm good
I was running marathons at the time you know like everything all these bullet points right this will get better this will get better this get better I'm like
check check check I'm good I'm good I'm good and they're like and plus we walked on fire I'm like
what I want to do that so I initially went to a Tony Robins program only to
walk on fire that was my that was my that was my sole purpose for going I didn't care about all the other stuff
and of course once you put yourself in that kind of environment and you get opportunity to do some self-reflection
you're like oh the firew walk is just a metaphor you know the firewalk is just a
thing that's representative of the rest of the way I live my life and so that was really the first time yeah that was
in 1994 I'm about 100% sure and that was the first time that I really ever
thought I did not realize that you could think of about what you could think about yeah you know Tony maybe I can't
maybe I came late to the game I don't know but at least I'm glad I showed up yeah Tony Robinson has been doing events
before I was born I didn't know he was uh doing events like that for that long oh yeah yeah yeah no he's lot of things
he's OG he's he's the real he's the old school yeah he's still out there still doing it of course obviously crushing it
and yeah crushing it and and and the the cool thing is that you know I've I've been able to
follow him along right and and see how his life has kind of evolved and twisted
and turned and gone through its you know different phases and the and how how
he's been able to help people by his example of you know I don't think he's
had a perfect life in fact I know he's not had a perfect life life you know so I mean who could who gets to describe
perfect right who who's who gives that definition but by that example you know
none of our lives are perfect it's just a matter of are you going to show up at the game and are you going to put your full effort in every day year after year
after year 100% 100% that's awesome is
is is there a is there a common issue you face with your mentees and how do you address it I yeah I think the most
common issue is is not thinking big enough and I
don't mean like big enough dreams and big enough goals and aspirations you know because a because a student could
come to me and they go like I want to have $100 million worth of property okay well that's that's a that's a big dream
that's a big goal okay but the mentality that it takes to get there like who do
you have to have on your team who do you have to partner with who do you have to collaborate with you know who do you
have to affiliate with those kinds of things are are always surfacing you know like how do we improve our Circle and
raise Elevate our Circle so that we can achieve those those big things that's the most common denominator because the
people that come to me they already have big goals and dreams and aspirations like you just
like you you I told somebody the other day he he's like I want you to Mentor me I'm like you're not ready dude you're
not ready I need you to go put in work for another couple of years and then let's talk and and I think I'm doing
them a service by that because because I'm going to Mentor him at a level that
he's not ready to grab and and I know this because I've mentored so many people so in two years oh he'll he'll
just soak it up like a sponge okay so so the people that I Mentor they're they already have an elevated thinking and so
it's like who do we put in your way to help you get those
things I 100% agree with that I think some people aren't ready to receive the information at that time and time is the
like the wisdom Factor well they may be if I may they may be ready to rece reive the information but they're not ready to
digest it and to do something with it it'd be like me saying okay you know um
I'm going to train you to to run a marathon and tomorrow is day one and we're going to start with 22
miles you know yeah like like the chances of you of you being successful
at that are slim and none okay but if I say tomorrow we start with two miles all
right and then next week we move to four miles Etc now now those now these chunks
can be digested yeah they're manageable this is good this is good stuff how many
co do you do like a certain amount of coaching students per year or do you kind of rotate people out over year over
year or month over month or quarter over quarter it varies I don't have a set number I think with what I have right
now and what I've done the last 12 months it's um probably my most measures it's not many it's less than 50 it's
probably in the range of yeah 35 5 to 40 but they get a lot of my private time they get my you know my personal
mentorship and that's more that's more for me really for me to feel good about
what I'm doing for somebody and with somebody instead of handing them off to a coach or handing them off to a you
know to a virtual event handing them off to a series of videos I I want to be involved there's uh you become a better
Coach and teacher when you take a lot things more Hands-On personally because it actually molds you to become more
more not professional but you get your you get you you recognize problems and
errors faster because you're sharpening your skill of becoming a better Coach no that's exactly right and the the things
that I share and teach and mentor on I'm either going through those myself yeah
or I've been through those recently or in the not too distant past they were a
very intense event yeah right so um I I frequently well I always will with my
students I'll say okay this is the deal I'm in currently this is the phase I'm in currently and so this is how we got
here you're going to be here soon so this is what you need to look out for so I I do teach from experience and you are
correct that the more I teach the sharper it keeps me in my world in my business world yeah that's crazy one
thing I I when you when I heard you speak at the Phoenix event was you're you're very Diversified in your
purchasing uh you talk about your your your um what's the word I'm looking for
the doc the Marina Marina so I I I can yeah you can say I'm
Diversified but you can also say I'm not because I have one overriding uh metric and that is
multiple checks okay okay so if you if you do a flip you know you buy a flip
and you fix it up that's one check you buy a d duplex that's two checks but if you go buy 100 units that's 100 checks a
month so my first transaction was a marina uh back in 2014 2013 into 14 and
um it had 115 boat slips and it had 24 RV spaces I removed those 24 RV spaces
and I put in 38 tiny homes so that gave me 153 streams of Revenue just off those rental spaces and
then we had an event center and we had boat parking in a lot and we had some storage and we had U airbnbs and then we
had like I had motorcycle rally there and so we had all of these various streams of Revenue that were always
coming into the property at one time I had 13 different streams of Revenue going on at the same time so that's when
Chapter 4: Real Estate Strategies and Market Insights.)
I really learned the power of of multiple units and so then I started buying apartment complexes and now we're
developing a storage and so at the moment we're around 1150 units and so
that's 1150 check checks and then by the way in an apartment complex you have the
base rent that's one stream of Revenue and then you can add on some other things as you guys know like your pets
and your pest control and your parking and those all the little things that are parment complexes add on so now you take
one apartment unit and it alone can have four or five streams of Revenue so you
see the the the the multiplier there um and how it diversifies you and how it
also mitigates your risk uh because if you have 10% of your people leave you
still have 90% income coming in so that made sense that made business sense to
me i' I've been hearing a lot of uh value ad propositions for multif family
of like adding like a TV internet package have you dealt in that yet sure sure we've done all that yeah smart how
do you set up how do you set up those uh packages you just reach out to the the the service provider yeah yeah there well
there's a couple of ways first of all there there are vendors that do this that will do this for you on your property or you go you can go buy the
components and have your maintenance staff put it in right so um and there's
some value there we have one property that has a what do they call it fiber fiber what do you call fiber
internet yeah but the the high whatever it is stream fiber internet yeah it's a
gigabyte speed internet I think yeah yeah it's a Class A property and it's got you know Star Wars um internet in it
right so so you you know we can charge extra for it right so um and that was
put in there by a service provider and you know we took over the property and so we can charge for it so yeah there's
just those those those kinds of things you take a look at the market what the market uh needs what the market demands
what the other properties comparable to yours or providing for their tenants and what your competition is and then you
make a decision do we want to add that Tech package or Internet streaming package to our our rent as an option or
as a base rent yeah yeah or your uh your the the marina deal didn't you you had a
you had to raise a a certain amount of money in a in a quick period of time right I did I did so that again that was
my very first deal um multi-unit deal I don't I've been flipping houses forever
and so part of the deal was I had to raise excuse me $1.4 million and man I I I ra i i i hustled
for months and months and months and raised absolutely zero and then we reached out to a guy
that had been in the space for a while and he raised the whole $1.4 million in nine days and I'm like whoa that okay so
it is possible right there's a great example and how did you do it and so he
taught me he mentored me and you know now we you know we have a pretty good system for raising capital on on our
deals yeah but you know I just first of all I had never owned a marina I had
never even owned a boat I still have never owned a boat but one day one
morning I woke up and I had 115 boats right and a week after we got the place
a snowstorm came and crashed six of the docks and all the boats under them and
you know that was my welcome to the marina uh uh business uh we eventually
fixed all those up of course and then we you know we monetized the place but I I
think that's been a characteristic of my life if I look at my life I go like okay what what business did I have getting
into a marina I had no track record you know I had zero track record I you know
I zero and um but I had business
experience and I had personnel and management experience from the businesses I had owned through my course
of my life so I thought okay I can apply those and as it turns out yeah I was able to apply a lot of that a lot of
that Acumen and those skill sets to this new business because when you buy a marina or you buy an apartment complex
or you buy a self storage or you buy a mobile home park or you buy a hotel you buy any of these
multi-unit and multi- income producing properties you're not really buying real estate
you're buying a business the real estate happens to be the underlying asset on
the business but it's the business that you're buying you're buying the marketing you're buying the Personnel you're buying the website you're buying
the tenants we call those customers you're buying you know good Google reviews you're buying the crappy Google
reviews you're buying everything that goes along with that business and it's your job to go in and put your footprint
in that business and it's your job to go around and turn it around that business and make it profitable to your your way
of doing business and so yes these are real estate transactions but more importantly
they're mergers and Acquisitions yeah uh I don't think we ever covered but uh you
said you bought Class A are you buying Class A and B or what's your like your B andc right now B andc because that's
Middle America and that's where the workforce is and that's where the workforce will uh pay for apartment
complex you know apartment units the the the big percentage of people uh live in
a BNC and so we're buying bnc's we do have an a it's doing well you know the
numbers on it are good but uh B and C you just you set yourself up better for
Success D's we don't buy D's that's the gun that's the Gun Zone we don't buy those um are you is is is Insurance
becoming a problem in your space as far as multif family yeah um yeah it is can we talk about insurance because I I
don't know anything about multif family and insurance and stuff like uh what's what's what's causing the insurance
rates to go up is it like just the market in general or is it based on different states Market in general
losses uh you know we buy in Texas okay so and we buy we buy properties down on the coastal bin so they've experienced
some hurricanes there in like in 2017 2018 and the residuals of those higher
premiums is still in existence um we do see a little bit of a
leveling out over the last 12 months um our most recent policies on those
properties seem to level out a little bit so we think that maybe over the next three to four years we're going to see
at least a leveling out and not so much of a big jump big spike so that's good
um and the other thing is we uh uh we
when we evaluate a deal okay insurance is an expense yeah
it it's a none of us like it it's like taxes it's like property taxes
it's like Property Management it's like employees they're it's an expense so if you factor in the expense you know your
cost and you factor in the expense you write a business plan to factor in the expense okay it's it's an expense and
and you just cover it um and you make an offer accordingly so this is what's
happening in the market sellers you know what sellers are selling because they don't want to be faced with the new and
updated insurance ins premiums okay I get it but you don't get to pass that on
to us you don't get to pass that fear on to us right we'll make the evaluation of
what really is like you're not going to absorb that risk it's okay we'll absorb that risk and as a result we're going to
pay accordingly right so it's just it's a there's nothing fancy about it it's a
straight business evaluation that's good that's good um so
as majority of your units in Texas yes yes um Mar Corpus Christie San
Antonio uh our partners have some in Austin uh we have and then we go up to
Witchita Kansas okay okay um and you said you're you're
looking to buy right now you're currently buying what's your end end end buy because this is June right now so
how much you trying to buy this year in this fiscal year um I'd like to buy at least two more units two more properties
and those properties typically are 150 to 200 units each so um we we have one that we think
we're we think we're going to get so it'll close this year obviously and we get another one on top of it uh we like
we we we like to have all of our buying done by November okay you know and
because raising capital in December is is you know we're competing with Santa and man he's a tough competitor you know
and so uh he usually wins so we
like yeah we we like to well you you know he's a he's a baller OS Santa you
know he'll draw that money out quicker than we can so anyway we try to wrap everything up by by Thanksgiving on our
purchases that's very interesting perspective I keep that in mind I keep that in mind yeah well and that's again
dudes that's from experience a couple of years ago we were raising I I'm pretty sure if remember
right it was like $17 million if we were in middle of raising $17 million in
December that you know people are not mean they just don't want to talk to you it's like I'm over
here hanging out with my family I I don't want to talk to you about you know putting $250,000 into your property talk
to me talk to me in January right so you know that's just a learning experience
there very interesting um how how are you raising capital um right now
currently uh mostly through retail investors okay so the majority by far of
our investors are business owners trucking companies Physicians meat
packing companies roofing companies uh let me think what else
um technology company so they're business owners in their own right and
they understand that their Surplus cash needs to be invested in real estate but they don't want to do the work
yeah so they turn to an experienced operator like us and they go okay here's the investment go over there and manage
the property send me my returns and I'll keep making money the way I make money
you guys handle the real estate part like okay we are uh working with some
private Equity groups now so we're we're we're cting them and we're working with getting them to invest in our properties
so that we can have larger checks yeah and fewer investors that's a process you
know that's a work in progress that's a relationship building process and so
we're actively involved in that right now and uh we think it's going well yeah
well yeah you got to leverage the track record and continued business in the future you do provide that Insight like
this is where we're going this is where we're going yeah you do you do Paul have
you ever thought about doing um construction on maybe like an entitled piece for multif family and building
some units on on some land I have I've been down that road and backed
out I've been down that road um let's see two years ago I guess two years ago
we had a a piece of property in Austin uh tied up and we were going right down
the right right down the Fairway to get this thing entitled and to build 192
units and uh right at the end there we had a a sewer connection problem and um
that was going to uh extend our project by another two years and so we're like
we we just you know we we can't do that so I'm not opposed to building new and
developing new um my real background my original background is in construction
so I owned a construction company I owned a fire restoration company I owned a high-end Remodeling Company so I did
that for 25 years while I was buying you know flips and doing flips and and and
those kinds of properties um so you know I have a very deep background in construction and I'm I love the
construction piece of it that's why we love doing what we're doing with the um uh with the storage because it's a
groundup development right so yeah I'm not opposed to it at all it's just it's just that there's so much out there
right now in terms of existing properties that can be renovated and
value added to it that we're going to stay focused on that for a while AB
um what does your value ad proposition usually look like whenever you're value adding is it like a rent increase is it
remodeling because I know um if you're buying older units especially class BNC you got to fix up the you had to make do
of a bunch of make Rees and units yeah so listen if you're in a
multif family space out there right now here's here's your uh here's your master class okay here's your free Master Class
hit me hit me I don't about it when we evaluate a property we're evaluating for
one thing and that is missing rents okay so does the market say you
can charge 1,200 for that unit but you're only charging a th000 right
verifiably does the market say you can charge $1,200 and are you only charging
a th000 as an example all right that $200 Gap there is our
opportunity because that $200 Gap is not just one unit it's the or the 150 or
whatever so that's our opportunity the other things that we talked about earlier the other income you know the dogs and the tech package and the
parking and all that stuff we do not evaluate on other income ah okay okay
okay we only evaluate on what's called loss to lease so the the the the unit is
losing money because it's not reaching its potential lease value and then that's how we evaluate a
property and then secondly we look at the expenses are the EXP expenses upside down or the expenses out of whack and if
they are that's perfect opportunity for us because day one you can fix expenses you can't fix leases day one it takes a
12 month staggered period to fix all those leases that are going to come due
correct but but expenses you can pretty much Start slashing the minute you get
the keys so those are the two things that we really really evaluate heavily
on a property and you're selling me a property and you're telling me that that it has a $200 upside but and you're also
um asking me to buy the property based on that $200 up upside I'm not buying
your property I'm not paying you for work you didn't do that's my money that's my opportunity okay so that's how
we're evaluating properties now in 2019 2020 and parts of 2021 operators were EV
valuing property and buying property based on the proforma based on what they thought it would uh it what they thought
it would get in years coming and there is an element to that but but properties
were being bought strictly on perfor properties were being sold based on performa and that's how a lot of
operators and a lot of owners got caught in the current crisis that we see in the apartment business so um I'm glad it's
where it is right now because it feels very old school it feels it feels it doesn't feel it actually is
just like when I was originally trained you're you're negotiating you're
establishing a value you're selling me a property because you created a certain amount of value for it and nothing more
and I'm buying it based on that value that you created and I'm haggling with you and that feels very cool and very
old school to me um it's kind of funny because like uh
people that buy out performers without actually doing their own homework just because they could raise money like they're getting washed out I've SE I've
Chapter 5: Personal and Professional Growth.)
heard so many uh people getting losing their their part Ms recently over the last 12 months um and it shows that the
the the steady TR and true always wins wins the battle Yeah well the tragedy there is the investors are losing that's
the tragedy 100% yeah that's that's the tragedy because because these inexperienced operators and
inexperienced syndicators went into the market and they go like oh it's easy to raise money and let's just go you know
let's just go Corral a bunch of deals and so um you know unsuspecting and less
than Savvy investors get caught up in that yeah it's always a tragedy is
investors are caught in the crossfire always Paul what's your main
way of finding deals right now Brokers 100% of our deals come through broker relationships that we've
established over the last 10 years um Leticia my wife she found one
deal on Loop net WoW and loop net is Loop net is the what do they say it's the it's a place
where deals go to die or something like that but she actually she actually found this deal uh from a broker who
intentionally list his property on loopnet so this was not a leftover property this was an intentional listing
and we happened to have she happened to have seen it Saturday morning at 8:00 a. like five minutes after it came out we
went to see the property that afternoon and we made our offer on Monday so you know speed money loves speed and so that
was that's the one example of a non- broker uh and it really was it was represented by a broker but your
traditional brokerage houses is where we get all of our transactions based on a couple of things we've built
relationships with them and we've actually closed deals with them in the past so anytime you close a deal with a brokerage house and a particular
brokerage well guess what you get on their speed dial so right for whatever's coming up next yeah performing exactly
correct I love how you said time kills deals can you talk about um a scenario when time kills something for you bu a
deal for you every day like there's so many deals you know
we have a deal tracker and in 2023 I think I don't think I know we evaluated
over 400 deals okay right so we put in offers on about a dozen we got
three uh because they just weren't penciling in 2023 because of the crazy debt market and we bought one those
other two the seller backed out but guess what they came back around last week Soh four months later five months
later they came back around but um the question was about you know deals I lose
because of money loves speed and you know those those deals those
transactions probably could have been taken down had I had all of the capital
already you know raed raised spoken for committed
um on those deals where I could go produce evidence to a seller Hey listen I've got my Capital stack ready to go
let's go just don't don't pay attention to those other buyers pay attention to me because here here's the evidence
right think towards the fund side of correct correct that's GNA that's going to solve those kinds of things you know
um and as it is we you know we since we're raising on a transactional basis on a one-off type kind of basis um we
can put together the capital stack on a one-off basis I'd like to be able to put together the capital stack on multiple deals at a
time because we have the capacity internally management wise to handle multiple deals we just we just continue
to grow the the capital raising part of our business how big is your team and I'm sure you do in-house management too
right we do in-house Asset Management we do in-house construction management we do third-party Property Management we
think that if we buy another 500 to 600 units will probably go internal uh you
know on a property management that's when it seems to make sense but up until
then we'll use third party management we have two MA two asset managers we have Underwriters we have a of course Leticia
she she does The Branding and the investor relation part of it I do the
negotiations and the U the legal and the accounting you know deal with the the
lenders and so forth like that so that's that's basically our team and then we've got some other you know like vendor not
vendor but um um people that we collaborate with that take other pieces
and parts of of each transaction I want to ask you about um
Leticia since you brought her up a couple times how has Letisha changed your business as a whole oh man you're
going after it aren't you I'm going I'm digging in I'm digging the shovel well I need to know if this is being recorded
first of all I'm just kidding we are being recorded well so you know before I met
Leticia the story is we've been married five years in fact next month we will been married five years we met and we got married in 10 months I'm trying to
get you some points here yeah I feel you I feel you all right we're we're going there and it's the best thing that's
ever happened to me thank you for asking so H how does how does uh your
relationship with Laticia you kind of mentioned a few times how does that affecting your business as a whole I'm trying to get you a few bonus points
here yeah appreciate that appreciate the wingman here okay yeah no I mean seriously so Laticia and I met six years
ago we've been married now five years and the two of us each of us were single 13 years prior to that okay you know we
found out later of course we we didn't know each other but we found out that we were both divorced many years ago in the
at the same time you know so we gone about our lives for 13 years and and I
had done some business obviously you know uh bought some properties and so forth and so then we get married in 2019
and 2000 in March of 2020 which is just uh what six months later or something
seven months later that's when you know the world shut down the pandemic so during this time I'm doing
virtual mentoring with about 28 people I'm meeting every Tuesday morning I'm
teaching a multif family um and and as I mentioned earlier we did buy during that time and she overhears and she's like
tell me more about this and I'm like well you know this I I explained to her she sits into the classes she learns to
underwrite she learns the principle of what we're we're teaching and she goes out and she finds the first deal and so um as it turns out 16 months
later we sold that deal for a $2 and half million do profit and that's when she was really
hooked she's like okay I got this and as it turns out also you know her skill set
you know she's from corporate she had a she had a a really big corporate job and
then after that she was a Serial entrepreneur on her own so you know she's been a a driving Force to me and
it's funny you ask because we're we're going through a uh we're going through like a branding session branding
sessions right now with a coach that we've hired about how do we really crystallize our message and one of the
things we keep coming up with is that we're demanding greatness from each other and we're demanding greatness from
ourselves so even though we don't sit there and go I demand greatness of you
you know it's it's inferred by example and so what she's done for me me is that
she's reignited my my love for the business and for real estate because you
know when I I did deals as as I needed I did deal as I wished right and now now
we have a plan and we have a Target we know how many doors we want and so on and so forth and so now there's a
discipline to it that she has really um ref fired up in me and so you know I
appreciate that and because the main thing is when I when I when I got really
really in touch with you know who I am and what I want for the remainder of my
life is like I want to be relevant like I have skill sets I have
experience um I have knoow and so I to to let that just die on the vine or to
Let It Go unused I believe would be wrong of me yeah so it'd be wrong of me
to our family it'd be wrong of me to people that we teach it'd be wrong with
me just like cosmically not to maximize everything and all the abilities that
God has blessed me with and the experience that I've been blessed with through the course of my life no I I I
think it's really important and I've noticed you especially you and your stories that she was like a it was a
trajectory pivot point in your life for sure 100% so I I always like making the important the importance of your
relationships and in business and personal life because it can really change your trajectory in a good or bad
way in your business life yeah well I I needed I needed to I needed to meet and
marry my match you know or or or better I need to marry up right and so
not that I needed to get married but I just I you understand what I mean it's like I I I I needed to be with somebody
that was going to push me and drive me and remind me of
the the the fire inside yeah that's important it's very
very important yeah and when when you when you find it it's it's like man I listen this my whole
life and listen listen I mean let's talk candidly here you know not every day is a better roses you know sometimes
sometimes we push each other to a point where we're like no not today you know back off you
know and and that's I think those are the Dynamics of relationships anyway absolutely and and we have Partners we
have partners that that push us and we push them and sometimes we're like you know it's gets a little a little spicy
but we keep in mind the big picture we keep in mind the big The Big Goal we
keep in mind that we're Solutions oriented and go D driven
individuals and the other stuff is just it's just filler yeah you you got you got to
understand and have patience and understanding in a relationship ship for sure for
sure and then of course you know we have we have our families and I have two children and uh two sons and two
grandchildren she has two daughters and five grandchildren so we Blended our families perfectly like everybody gets
along really nicely and famously and we vacation together and holidayed together
and we have the kids over the grandkids over like a house full of grandkids which is craziness so we've Blended our
amilies very nicely and that is really the bigger picture of what we're doing so that we can make sure that we leave
the right Legacy not just financially but as an as an example of who we are as
people are your children older they are they are they are and they're not in the business they're not in the business no
they not H are you how old are they by the way my oldest son is 40 my youngest son
is 34 and her oldest daughter is 41 I believe and her youngest daughter
is 30 35 so our kids are about the same age okay okay I got you they're not kids
they're adults right yeah 100 per. i i as me I don't know it's I'm trying to
think of the right question because of me I'm trying to mold my kids to try and go that direction but you as having
older kids I I don't even know how to ask this question that I want to ask or even potentially ask because I'm not in
that perspective I'm not even thinking about having a four-year-old kid you don't you don't have kids now
you do have kids I do have kids they're 643 so they're super young my wife dentist today they got cavities so yeah
so I I'll tell you this about what I what my belief is about children and I
had this conversation with my father many years 30 40 years ago right and I said you know what's important he goes
what's important is that you raise your kids so that they stay with you yeah and I said I don't think so I think it's
important to raise your kids so that they leave you and that they are productive and
dependent Society contributing adults on their own right yeah so to me if they'
and that doesn't mean they have to be in the real estate business whatever business whatever their chosen field is
whatever their chosen field is as long as they do it responsibly and they do it well that's that's a characteristic that
you put on your children and you do that by example they see your hustle they see your grind they see your ethics they see
you the way you communicate with people they they see the way you treat mama they see the way you treat your parents
and it's all an example because they observe everything everything nothing
goes unnoticed with your children so to the extent possible you you you have to
be that example that model example 247 which means let's go back to let's go
back to the very beginning of the conversation which means you got to do your personal
work you know you got you got to you got to do your personal development work
so that especially as men we're emotionally physically mentally
financially strong with big
shoulders absolutely uh what is a quote that is yours or somebody else is that you resonate with Oliver wend Holmes The
Mind once changed can never go back to its original condition the mind that wants change can
never the Mind wants changed I'm paraphrasing the mind once changed can
never go back to its original condition or or or words close to that
in other words once we once we've had a conversion of thought a transformation of thought and it's a true
transformation we can never go back to the old thought we will always be influenced by the new thought and that
new thought will generate another new thought and that new thought will generate another new thought so once
those once those thoughts are there the old thinking is Left Behind I I think I think a lot of people of relationships
as a whole when it comes to that understanding they they they think people don't grow and what they what
some people don't realize is that new thoughts create a new version of you over and over again as you get older and
a lot of people can't grasp or come to reality of that re of that reality as a
whole and it's an interesting Dynamic that I've noticed even in in my in my 30s but I'm sure you've noticed as you
gotten older is that a lot of people can't grasp the reality of who you're becoming versus who you were in the past
yes and that and that's why we move through life and sometimes we we have friends or family or acquaintances
that that that don't go with us because there's an evolution of
thought and actions and behaviors that is not in harmony with their current
existence and so as you grow then some people get left behind doesn't mean you
have to be mean to them it doesn't have to mean you you know totally ignore them
they're just not they're just not with your crew you know you got a different crew different running buddies and I'm
sure you know in in your life you've already experienced this and listen that can be family too that can be blood
absolutely H how are you building your circle and how do you keep your circle based off the direction you're going in
life as a whole that's a great question because building the circle is an on ongoing
thing we consciously and I say we Latisha and I
we consciously look for individuals that have a mindset at or way above
ours and you can typically see this by the way that they move through the world
not the way that not the things that people have cuz listen people can have things and
be uh be bad people absolutely so so we
we're in we're in constant I don't say search but we're in constant awareness
of being around people with uh that that we share similar likes and dislikes and
similar mindsets and it seems like they're you know they're always reaching
out to to get a better perspective and to grow personally and grow individually
and so yeah that's that's how we establish our Circle mhm can you talk
about I and I'm I'm sure you've had it m multiple times but I want to ask your opinion on this where a mentor you've
surpassed a mentor in that relationship Dynamic when you're moving up that
Ladder rung because it happens more often as you like as you as you grow uh
can you talk about like that Dynamic and that relationship you have with that past Mentor yeah well you want me to
name names dates and places no places it's intellectual question of like how
do you I get you I understand I was just giving you grief yeah I got you there
was this guy okay no it's it's it's happened and and by the way I'm sure
it's happened in Reverse too you know I I've I know it has you know I've been
people that I've I've mentored that have gone on so I can I'm thinking of a
couple of examples in my head internally and we still have a good relationship a very good relationship and I have
acknowledged these people publicly that they were mentors to me absolutely and I have acknowledged that to them privately
I'm like dude you know I would I wouldn't be here you know if you hadn't grabbed me by the throat that one time
and told me such and such you know so that's that that's a function of
humility because I'll tell you what you know whatever you have today it can be gone
tomorrow and whatever you've accomplished today something weird can happen and that accom accomplishment is
nothing tomorrow so there has to be in my belief there has to be a certain humility with where you are in the world
and where you are in your journey and I I don't you know somebody asked me a while back they like you know
aren't you really proud of all the stuff you've done and the answer is I don't really hardly ever think about the stuff
that I've done now if you put it in black and white in front of a piece on a piece of paper in front of me I'm like
who is this guy oh that's I don't believe that's me okay so I don't really go around in the world
thinking I've done this that and the other because I'm always thinking about what else can I do how else can I
achieve how else can I make an impact what's you know what's where's my drive going to take me next and who do I more
importantly who do I have to be to get there okay and so it's it's the the rare
time that you know when I go give speeches they'll give my bio you know they give me the introduction I'm like
wow I who wrote that you know but but I say this in hopes that people really
listen to there's a you can be proud and you can you can be authentically proud
right and you can but but to be haughty or to be arrogant about what you've accomplished that that that shit's going
to go away tomorrow so you got to be ready for that so you know I think that
helps me preserve relationships with people that have mentored me through the years sure and I never ever say oh well
I'm better than you now because that's just not the case that that that you know they're somewhere different than me
that may be true but it helps me keep a good perspective of uh the people that
have helped me along the way yeah and and you know even people that criticize
me let's I I I get criticized you know I
you get to a certain level people are going to criticize you I still I still have the belief that we're all in our
own Journey so that's why that's why it's very rare
if ever you know Leticia likes to tell the story that I don't talk about people so I appreciate her saying that but
that's because I'm so focused on the the the actions and the things next instead
of the human conduct surrounding those I'm also sure there's some sort of
you know some sort of that you're proud if if one of your Mees passes you because you're the one of course course
should be any like ego involved with it it's almost like a happiness thing I that that's the way my mind works um so
I love that you think that way as well yeah they had something that I didn't have or they had something that I'm not
ready to have let's put it that way okay so great okay cool cool maybe I'll get
it you know maybe I'll watch them in whatever whatever path they're on currently and I'll go oh
that was The Missing Link okay now now the student becomes the teacher perfect
great yeah and going back to the inner circle thing that once you start to have that mindset that you want to surround
yourself with with people either at your level or or um preferably above you
there's such a feeling of separation of the people that you don't want to be with and then there's such such a
separation of feeling for the people that you do want to be around and you feel it almost like instantly it's very very quick at least in my eyes from what
trying to do the same thing you are it's very apparent to me now in the separation that is very insightful of
you to say that because when you the moment you come become aware you also feel that you have to take action on it
yeah 100 because if you don't take action you're going to feel like you're being left behind and you're not Liv
you're not living your full potential exactly yeah you know there's putting
putting your place putting yourself in a place where you're are around people
that think bigger are happier are healthier are more
relational those sorts of things it what's wrong with that there's no
downside to that yeah why are you why are you around people that are bring you down or don't believe in your dreams or
don't want to go go with you on those dreams so yeah I understand right in in my in my mentor programs Through The
Years you know I've actually been coaching since 19 99 i' I've actually been coaching since before coaching was
a thing okay so but I will never you will
never catch me telling a a student or someone that I'm mentoring you can't do that right I will tell them you know
evaluate evaluate the situation but I will never tell anybody that they can't do something you
know it that's not for me to decide
that's for that individual to decide can can you imagine telling Elon Musk what
you can't you can't blast a rocket ship up into the space give me a break
dude he wouldn't care it's almost like a to me it's a why not mindset instead of like so why not like why can't why or in
the case or in the case of Tony Robbins what you Canna have hundreds of people walk across burning coals give me a
break dude yeah you know and I'm sure that he had his naysayers right so so I don't think
it's on me to tell anybody what they can or cannot cannot do well let me rephrase it it's not on me to tell a person what
they cannot do because we can all do everything yeah right um but yeah it's
notop my it's not my role it's not my responsibility Paul have you used creative Finance in in any of your deals
before yeah from time to time we'll do um a bit of a seller finance now in our
world the kinds of property that we buy they're not real um candidates for seller finance because we get agency
loan and the bulk of the loan is with agent you know bulk of the the debt is with agency loan but occasionally
there'll be a small piece that a seller will carry for a little bit just so that we can get over the hump and get to the
closing table and and get their property from them we've done that several times we've actually had a couple of sellers
let me think two yes we've had two sellers reinvest back into the property
that we that we bought from them they liked our team they liked our business plan they liked our projections for
profits uh they had a little bit of little bit of emotional ownership in their property and so they asked to come
back in we're like yeah sure so they they came in as a limited partner so that was that was kind of a cool thing
to see happen I it's since we're dealing in this bigger world it's a little bit tougher to have a lot of types of
creative financing so the creativeness comes in the in the equity and uh in any
kind of Bridge debt that might that might need to take place right yeah in
the cases that the seller carried it was it was more in a second position second position they got paid
off usually within 60 to 90 days it was just like I said just to get us to the closing table and uh you know get our
transaction done you're always here's part of the master class again you ready Daniel so um you anytime you have a
property under contract until you actually close and you guys know this until you actually close you are at risk
for not closing and you are at risk for losing all of your Pursuit cost your due diligence cost your legal cost your EMD
all of the things that it takes to play poker at the table yep you're at risk for losing so the the the sooner you can
get to the closing table and sign those documents and take the keys the sooner you can mitigate those kinds of risks so
sometimes we'll work with a seller to get to the table quicker so that we can
have the keys begin the operations and then we take care of those those people
absolutely where people find you online I got Montelongo capital.com um I think
this has been a great episode um any final thoughts and your final pitch to where people can find it
online yeah Montelongo capital.com there's plenty of resources there for investors and for for students and uh
people that'd like to be mentored and all of our deals our portfolio the latest deal we have going whatever that
is and then of course anything social media under Paul Montelongo Facebook in
Instagram YouTube I'm not on Tik Tok not yet does that surprise you you will you
will be I know I keep tell they keep telling me I need to be on Tik Tok but I'm like all right whatever so but but anyway
Instagram link LinkedIn oh you hooked me up thank you very much appreciate you LinkedIn your major social media sites
all under Paul mango.com excuse me Paul montelago and mon montelago capital.com
also has my speaking services and mentoring services and that sort of thing thanks for putting that up there
and and the other thing on all these sites you know I post plenty of content I post free educational stuff tips
strategies things that we're doing you also get to see behind the scenes a little bit with the lifestyle that Leticia and I live and how we're always
uh very active and very engaged with our family and with friends and in Social things and we we really really believe
and try to live a holistic life in terms of Business Health Fitness emotional
well-being um material Goods those kinds of things yeah absolutely everybody here go check
them out mon.com you know what to do go like share subscribe share with a friend hope you found value today thank you
Paul for coming on and thank you Kyle for helping us out everybody here we'll see you next time thanks guys yep thanks
hey guys we hope you're enjoying this content if you have leads that you need to dispo anywhere in the the country please visit hibc doio like Hive buers
club. and we'll help you move those deals that you need to get into the marketplace [Music]

Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

Paul Montelongo Profile Photo

Paul Montelongo


Paul Montelongo
Paul Montelongo is a lifelong investor, entrepreneur, and business owner. Paul has built, owned, and operated eight multi-million-dollar businesses in his 40-year career. These companies have generated over $90 million in revenue and have employed well over a thousand people.

He invests in underperforming specialty properties in emerging markets including marinas, resorts, apartments, event facilities and residential properties. Currently, Paul has invested in 582 units in six different markets throughout the US.

In addition to his personal investments, Paul works with Real Estate Investors and Real Estate professionals to help them balance their life, extract more profit from their deals and design their lives from the inside out.

Paul’s businesses have included high-end construction and remodeling, casualty management, flipping residential properties, sales operations and a mentoring program.

Paul has made hundreds of professional speaking appearances at Real Estate and Construction Industry conferences around the world. He has authored three books, hundreds of training videos and audio programs, and more than two hundred trade journal articles for the construction and real estate industry.

Paul lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife, Letitia and is an active father and grandfather to his family.