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In this special edition of The Hive With Us Podcast, host Daniel Martinez introduces co-host Eric "the Cameraman." The episode delves into a candid conversation about the value of capturing content, the journey of manufacturing happiness, and the transformative power of a positive mindset. Anthony shares a deeply personal story of finding happiness at a low point in his life, emphasizing the importance of a paradigm shift in perspective. Eric recounts witnessing Anthony's spontaneous acts of kindness, which often lead to uplifting interactions with strangers. The discussion highlights the significance of spreading positivity and how it can impact others, making the world a better place.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Co-host Introduction (0:00 - 1:01)


Daniel introduces co-host Eric "the Cameraman" and discusses Eric's exceptional skills and contributions to the team.

Chapter 2: Finding Happiness in Adversity (1:02 - 4:48)


Anthony shares a personal story about finding happiness during a difficult time, highlighting the power of perspective and mental shifts.

Chapter 3: Manufacturing Happiness (4:49 - 7:00)


The concept of manufacturing happiness is explored, discussing how one can create and share positivity with others.

Chapter 4: Acts of Kindness (7:01 - 12:14)


Eric recalls moments of witnessing Anthony's spontaneous generosity, illustrating how small acts of kindness can significantly impact others.

Chapter 5: Spreading Wealth and Happiness (12:15 - 17:55)


Anthony discusses his mission to share knowledge and create wealth for others, aiming to democratize financial success and happiness.


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hey guys this is the very special
edition of The Hive with us
podcast I now have my co-host
Eric the camera aka the cameraman sup
how's everyone doing I think for one
Eric is the most talented individual
we've ever worked with he has an
excellent immediate amazing drive so I
don't know why he's shooting unless he
just loves camer but he's a really good
guy and I think ever since you've been
shooting for us man honestly I didn't
want to pay a cameraman I told Daniel no
well and uh he's like no we need camera
we need camera okay whatever so every
time you've been hired I was against
it I mean I appreciate the honesty
because I kind of don't see like the
value like I'll do my cellone but that's
how efficient I am yeah so I didn't see
the value of hiring a a professional
camera person and you know Daniel's
obsessed with it yeah no definitely he
wants to squeeze out every every bit of
Chapter 2: Finding Happiness in Adversity.)
information he can record and I respect
that he's a Content monster I am not but
if you've been watching our content with
the hive mind for any respectable amount
of time Daniel and myself we did a talk
at our event last year in San Antonio
we're having another event this year in
San Antonio this year is going to be
free so hit this up get you a ticket
before it fills up we did a talk called
manufacturing happiness and uh I feel
like I'm one of the happiest guys on the
planet planet and I have my days where I
feel depressed I'm not going to lie and
act stupid like I don't but I'm happy
bro like and there's nothing that I need
you want me to tell you when the
happiest moment in my life I was
separated from My Wife and Kids I was
living on my sister's couch I had about
$7 on me like to my fortune that's all I
had was like seven bucks I had 224 oce
beers and I had about an ounce of
Wheat and that was happiest that was the
best day of my life I feel like we're
sending bad bad signals to the people
listening negative no think about it bro
I'm I'm living on my sister's couch I'm
depressed I'm broke I'm like I'm done
son I'm at the worst point of my life I
F like I thought I was going to die of
depression like I thought like I was
going to lay down and yeah so unhappy as
SM I don't know if you can die of
depression but I was already I was like
you di from a broken heart I was going
to do it yeah I was going to die of
depression like in the next couple days
and at that moment I started the feel
very happy because I was like man if
this is the end of my life I at least
want to appreciate the last few days and
it was it
went and I thought about it I said well
if this is my if this is the end of my
life and this is how it ends then
um damn I got some things I want to do
real quick yeah it was a paradigm shift
because I was like
dang I'm going to do this I'm going to
do this and I start thinking about it so
if my life is over right I've already
donated it to the dark side then what if
life was just a game and I could invest
in whatever I wanted to invest in and
make it amazing and become the most
famous richest most well-connected guy
that ever lived what a hoax that would
be if I went from this to that yeah and
I immediately got happy bro I was like
so if I started if I'm starting at zero
with seven bucks and a beer and weed and
this is the I'm the happiest guy on the
planet imagine if I became a billionaire
yeah watch this and I got really excited
bro really excited and from then on
happiest dude you ever met so the choice
of just to be the choice is to just be
happy like regardless of wherever it is
that you're imagine I mentally committed
suicide like I was ready to die and so
in that moment I'm like well then hang
on real quick give me two more days yeah
and from there for so now I try to share
it with people just because like damn
everybody should have this so when I go
to home deep uh home HB the cash
register like that's a badass shirt dude
damn man can I have it like oh dude my
my oh man my wife bought it for me like
oh dude I'm just kidding it's bad [ __ ]
and now you're like [ __ ] you just feel
better about yourself like you're just
in a good ass mood and so like I learned
that you could just give happiness away
as a product like you can make it and
then give it away but you first you have
to manufacture it so that's why the the
the the podcast or the talk we did was
called manufacturing happiness because
same thing with anger right if if if I
want to start an argument with you I
become very
mad I got to get myself real mad and now
you mother mother mother but first I had
to make some anger first so I can share
it with you yeah right so same thing
goes for happiness if you make some for
yourself first then you can share it
with other people I didn't know that was
a thing like little happy seeds and so
Chapter 3: Manufacturing Happiness.)
now me and Daniel do it me and Daniel do
it all the time just out here throwing
happy seeds in the people and watching
it grow inside of them come on in here
Daniel yeah for no reason yeah for no
reason why it makes me happy like did
the girl like or the guy at Home Dep be
like oh cool when you left yeah good for
them that's their problem it made me
happy right so it's it's equally as cool
to make yourself in a good mood and then
to share it with other people
intentionally and then you see them
light up and it lights you back up like
damn and this doesn't cost me anything
so I've been doing it for like 10 years
now or 20 years or something me and
Daniel we we we we do it as a business
model now so when you came to that
Houston EV right mhm uh we went to the
store right and I just paid for some
random people's things yep what did you
learn that day like what did you see
like how does manufacturing happiness
with me as a lifestyle because I didn't
do it to impress you or anybody that's
just how I live but then you you were
there and you were like what the hell
just happened like so what what was your
take on that well Mo first of all
moments like that seem to follow you
around like the more that I follow you
with the camera the more I'm like
synchronicities fall in front of this
dude like ants you know what I mean but
uh but yeah we we got we were walking up
to the cash register we were about you
were about to buy like sodas for
everybody that we were coming back to at
the Airbnb and um we got approached by
this random dude that was asking us
questions about uh I think he started
asking me about my gauges he was like
hey bro like you know that those hurt
and all that I'm like I don't know what
neighborhood we're in I see that there's
bulletproof glass on the on the register
last year register yeah so I'm like I
don't know if I just you know let me
keep some distance but let me you know
be cordial and be respectful and you
walked into it and immediately just dove
into to speaking this dude speaking to
this dude like you had known him your
entire life you know what I mean it's
like yeah you know this and that here's
what we're here in Houston for how you
doing today bro he started asking us
about like testosterone and you just you
gave him all this free game bro like
game that some
people pay monthly subscriptions for to
to learn how to be fit and you know what
I mean you just shared all of this
knowledge that you had and time I mean
Chapter 4: Acts of Kindness.)
we were out there talking to this dude
for 10 minutes that's 10 minutes that
you could have been on a on a land call
with but you chose to to spend it with
this complete stranger we bought him
some beers yeah bought him a beer bought
him both of his beers actually two tall
boys and uh and homeboy was just like
man like wow bro like like who who are
you like why why did you choose to get
me this beer man you're just like I'm
just I'm just a l Cowboy bro just run
around spreading happiness to the world
and I'm like God like I need to I need
to be a little more like that you know
what I mean I feel like I used to
definitely be giving like that but you
know you live life and life kind of
kicks you in the face a couple times and
you you become a little more
uh a little more keep your distance from
people you know what I mean and had I
kept my distance from that gentleman
then he wouldn't have walked away with
the smile that he walked away with now
he's going to go and share that
happiness with his family you know what
I mean and I certainly didn't contribute
to that but watching you do that made me
want to do that a little more you know
what I mean and then this weekend in
this weekend this week in Lafayette you
know we got approached by this random
dude coming out of the uh out of a
restaurant he was like yeah I actually
just quit my job and I see I see Anthony
immediately like oh oh it's
time I like hey like this like it's like
there there we are baby this is a
perfect opportunity to change someone's
life like this dude just looks for these
opportunities to to be like no no I'm
going to be the person that it's like
you felt that paradigm shift in your in
your darkest moment right and it's it's
almost like you're looking to shift the
Paradigm in other people you know and
that's that's good that's a beautiful
way to be I think more more of us need
to be like that it's it's really cool
you know because if you have the power
to change your own life you have the
power to change other people's life so
what if you just did it as a game a
silly game like hey I woke up rich this
morning what if you could too yeah
nobody thinks like that nobody thinks
like that so when I find somebody that
seems to be in distress or or in a not
good place like I'm that cold cup of
water it's
like wake up yeah like hey endorphins
yeah it's like You Can Do Magic you can
do something amazing and they're like I
can't I'm at the lowest point of my life
like excellent because once you're that
low there's only one way to go and
that's how I felt when I was going to
die of depression I felt like wow I'm
the richest man on Earth because I don't
have anything and I'm super happy and
I'm super stoned but I'm super happy and
broke very broke yeah and I was so so
happy and I was like Dam D if I can have
this and Ultra Ultra ultra wealthy
people don't have this then I should
tell people how to get it yeah you know
and if it just helps one person well
awesome so I made a YouTube channel I
said I have information inside of my
brain and if I don't give this to other
people I'm a selfish bastard so I got on
YouTube and I just started recording
videos of myself making money I'm like
hey I'm on here on this big ass roof
make like a million dollars like I I
need to to tell somebody can I have this
information in my own mind and not share
it uh so same thing with like the
happiness thing like if I'm broke living
on my sister's couch and I'm the
happiest guy I've ever met before then I
should tell people how to find this and
so now going around like I just like
just throw happiness on people like Bam
Bam Bam and it's cool to see them go
from like down to like and you have this
like little packet of powder in your
pocket and then and it never runs out
yeah so you see somebody that's
you just wake up like damn have some
happiness take it and I got a lot of it
I got a lot of it that's good it's cool
man it's a cool way to live it's a fun
way to live but we wanted to bring you
on to just talk about like because you I
don't I don't know if you ever oh you
shot the happiness conversation I was
say I don't know if you've ever seen it
but you were like the video guy yeah on
the happiness conversation probably and
then now that you've been hanging around
us enough you've seen it in action we're
not so that conversation was not like a
a a marketing ly like we're really like
that so we wanted to bring you on here
to be like tell them yeah no like like
eyewitness bro eyewitness yeah yeah no
you're uh you definitely lead by example
man we we brought up the guy in uh in
Lafayette but didn't even mention like
so homeboy comes out tells us that he
just quit his job you know he asking us
how we enjoyed the food said that he was
you know sick of working there and was
looking for a change of pace and just
like but what are the odds that you
would just happen to walk out and run
run into Anthony of hive mind CRM and
it's like well buddy let me show you how
you can change your life you know and
just started giving him so much game
it's like yeah you were just working at
a restaurant well here's how you make
20,000 a month for the rest of your life
you know hop on the Clause we do them
Chapter 5: Spreading Wealth and Happiness.)
every Wednesday y y and I'm just free
access and I'm just watching I'm
watching this dude's uh you know he he
must have walked out of that restaurant
thinking like what the what the hell am
I going to do next you know what I mean
like now now I got to go to Craigslist
or whatever have you and and start
trying to find a way to pay these bills
and on his way out runs into the perfect
person to to speak this knowledge into
him man and you can see his eyes getting
wider and his Aura glowing if you
believe in that type of [ __ ] uh he did
have a mood change from now right you
could you could see you can see the
change in him so much so that he went
and called his brother from out of the
car he's like bro you got to come and
listen to what this dude is saying and
you start talking to the brother
like bro you're always getting us into
some [ __ ] like yada yada but the brother
didn't even want to come talk to us yeah
he didn't he didn't want cuz he thought
like man you're on your [ __ ] again
just some random dudes like who the [ __ ]
are these guys but you know you started
speaking and I can see the brothers you
know the glow in his eye start to grow
as well because everybody's looking for
this next thing you know what I mean
like especially if you're a nino5 worker
I was on a n i was a Nino five worker
for a long time and uh people people
don't want to have to trade that much of
their life just to stay alive anymore
you know what I mean like people don't
want to have to have to give their life
away to be able to pay their bills so
the the stuff that you're teaching
people is definitely I can see it not
only changing their lives but changing
the way that people think about how to
succeed in America you know what I mean
or I suppose in life this is what we got
man we've captured a way to make Average
Joe into the wealthiest person he's ever
heard of before yep and that's a
superpower so the the business person in
me would say uh you better not tell
anybody about this because once
everybody knows your business is over
you're going to train your
competition and me this is a that's a
good ass idea I want to crash the market
my atttention is to crash the market
yeah just make everyone a millionaire
not to make a lot of money yeah my
intention is to commoditize being a
millionaire and I'm already doing
so somebody's going to be mad at me for
this and I already knew this I had the
vision I could see the future baby I've
already seen the future a million times
people are going to be upset that I'm
teaching Average Joe how to become super
wealthy because it resets the machine
yeah when I don't need your help at all
I don't need no government assistance I
need no
Direction so somebody's going to be mad
at me but I'm ready for it I mean like I
don't intimidate I don't intimidate well
yeah yeah so I know I'm putting my life
on the line by doing what I'm doing but
I'm Ready for War baby yeah ready for I
feel like the people who are getting mad
it's like you deserve to be mad you know
what I mean like why why do you want
everything for you want the whole cake
for yourself you know what I'm saying
let some other people get a slice and me
like I said I don't have no fear
bone so I'm going to do whatever I'm
going to do and then I'll let the chips
follow where they may but in the in the
doing so I become one of the wealthiest
people on the
planet but I'm going to hit the reset
button no matter what yeah but you're
bringing an army of wealthy people
there's going to be quite a few there's
GNA be quite a few people in my corner
yeah agre that's what we're doing man
we're manufacturing happiness we're
manufacturing wealth we're changing
lives uh touching people changing
people's lives we don't even know who
they are yeah some girl hit me up and
she's like asking me about land and I'm
like download the landglide app and I'll
walk you through something real quick
and she goes I don't have $10 to spend
on that
and I said send me your cash app I'm G
give you 10 bucks I don't even know her
name to this day I don't know her name
yeah and now you have no excuse though
you know I don't know her name but she
needed ll I'll pay for it and we should
think like that as
entrepreneurs if you're not thinking
large enough like to help large volumes
of people you're hurting your own self
so the same thing goes with like
emotional if you're happy if you're a
happy person share that with other
people and then you get way more
happiness as well
like right now like I feel high as a
kite I feel high as a kite we ain't
doing nothing we're sitting here on the
couch talking yeah and uh I feel very
elated like if I'm at a Super
Bowl that's not fair because most people
are depressed so uh yeah I want to share
it I want to share it dude so I'm glad
you got to witness it firsthand we
appreciate what you do uh your videos
have been super fire super super fire
apprciate it and I'm glad that I don't
hate you anymore yeah I mean I'm I'm
glad you don't too remember when I first
told you like oh he goes his name's Eric
man [ __ ] no he's a camera guy he don't
have a name oh bleep me out I don't want
to say that on camera his name video
yeah but I said uh he's video guy he's
not Eric he's he has a name bro Daniel
felt bad but now seeing what you've done
uh dude yeah thank you man it's been a
cool ride and uh yeah we we we hope to
bring you on fulltime if you're
interested that's one of our big goals
man yeah definitely definitely keep me
busy you know what I'm saying you guys
are going to be seeing more of me but uh
Daniel's giving us that look like we got
to move on to the next thing so hive
mind signing out I don't know how you
like the Indies like
subscribe don't do drugs unless it's
weed see hey if you have any deals you'd
like to submit to The Hive mine and our
team go to Hive bc. it's actually The
Hive Buyers Club submit your deals and
we can hopefully dispo your deal for you
have a great day
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More