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Ep 530: Multi Media Marketing For Real Estate Investors With Culler Media
July 04, 2024

Ep 530: Multi Media Marketing For Real Estate Investors With Culler Media

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In this episode of the High Podcast, host Daniel Martinez welcomes long-time friend and guest Josh Culler. The two reminisce about their shared history from high school to working together in various jobs, highlighting their journey into the real estate industry. Josh discusses his extensive experience in real estate marketing, particularly in Gary, Indiana, and shares insights into the changes and challenges within the industry. They also delve into the importance of content creation and marketing for real estate professionals. Josh shares valuable tips on creating relevant content, leveraging modern tools like ChatGPT, and his experiences working with notable clients in the real estate space. The episode is a blend of personal anecdotes, professional insights, and practical advice for those in the real estate industry.




Chapter 1: Introduction and Background (0:00 - 0:38)


Daniel Martinez introduces his guest, Josh Culler, and they discuss their shared history from high school to various jobs.

Chapter 2: Journey into Real Estate (0:39 - 3:43)


Josh talks about his transition from various jobs to real estate, his experiences in Gary, Indiana, and the dynamics of the local market.

Chapter 3: Marketing in Real Estate (3:44 - 12:02)


Josh delves into his role in marketing for real estate, discussing past methods and the evolution of marketing strategies over the years.

Chapter 4: Creating Effective Content (12:03 - 20:25)


The conversation shifts to the importance of content creation, including tips on generating relevant topics and leveraging tools like ChatGPT.

Chapter 5: Success Stories and Client Testimonials (20:26 - 35:00)


Josh shares success stories and testimonials from notable clients, highlighting the impact of effective content and marketing strategies in the real estate industry.


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hello welcome to the high podcast I am your host Daniel Martinez today I have a special guest Mr Josh Culler out of
somewhere in Indiana now still still Northwest Indiana still home out in
Cedar Lake now I move a little further south some somewhere in Indiana yeah
yeah so me and Josh have a very long history together and we funny story is
how how circles work but we went to high school together I'm one year older than
Josh but I had a bunch of classes with him in wood shop and we saw each other
Chapter 2: Journey into Real Estate.)
in high school a lot class of 2011 for Josh here but man it's just been a long
time since then I was going to say you missed out on the best part of our story is working in Portage together
I was I was gonna get there I was gonna get there yeah okay okay that's the best part we went we went to school together
so i' I've known and his older s his older sister can't remember Hann I remember your mom's name but I can't
remember your sister Hannah Hannah this is terrible M
at I was gonna say Susan I'm like no it's not Susan that's my mom yeah you're good you're good it's been a long time
dude it's been it's 12 years now for me no yeah 12 years almost no 13 years holy
crap it's been a long time yeah and then uh we went to college together too our
our short yeah yeah but then we worked we worked the
summer job two summer jobs at a place called Tango which is kind of funny um
but yeah I saw a plumber he put a plumber he said he's been working at 25 years now or something like that yeah
he's been there been there a while I still get Bears tickets from him every once in a while do you really season
yeah yeah he still got the season tickets so oh man that's I got I got I gota hit up that connection
yeah like but man I don't know I don't know I don't know about the bears but it's cold I let I I left Indiana and I
don't miss the cold and I'm good but let's let's move on the story
but me me and Josh have had a long-standing history together for a
long time when we were growing up and then even after we grew up and we have a lot of stories that we'll
never mention again Lots
countless um interesting story is that Josh got into real estate after that
point and then I got into real estate a couple years later but you've been doing real estate stuff for a very long time
now yeah like when when did you start that yeah that was literally like I went
from cuz I was working in Tango and ALS Al that cuz that was part-time and I was also driving forklifts in Chicago so
that was like two years out of high school and I went straight from that to working with uh our good friend the
Cavenders and like I was doing all kinds of stuff for them and I went straight to doing that like right afterwards and I
did that for six or seven months and then I got hired by Gary Harper to work with him in their organization their
wholesaling organization so it's been it's 12 years now that I've been in this industry which is a very long time it's
kind of crazy so been a while so you you you've been and you've been in you've
been in longer than I have I started about six years ago I kind of went a different path but you've been in real estate real estate for a very long time
and in wholesale Gary Indiana stomping ground for that yeah
Chapter 3: Marketing in Real Estate.)
yep so a lot of people don't not know Gary can you tell everybody a little bit about Gary and why people love Gary as a
whole yeah yeah I mean so like I I did a lot so to be clear too like when I was
working with these organizations I was running their marketing so there's a lot of like different things that were going
on back then than go on now like it's a completely different even you entering the space six years ago I mean the
changes are crazy so a lot of it does have to do with that but Gary's just such a uh well first of all like it got
hit twice I don't know the Deep history of it but it did get hit twice during
the 2000s of course' 08 was one of those and then it was earlier a couple years before that with some sort of a a tax
bill that got passed or something like that oh wow and because of that they so
Gary was known for being like one of the crime capitals of the United States at that point but it was also a very very
good market for rentals now good Market is subjective because obviously like given the type of Market it was it you
know you're gonna have a lot of crime and stuff like that so you know but it's it's nearly like a very very high
percentage of rental market versus you know homeowners so lots of rental
opportunities there and of course being in Northwest Indiana you know right outside of Chicago and you're so you're
competing with those markets which is you know going to be double or triple whatever the going rate is over in
Indiana 30 or 45 minutes away the price points of the homes were
just I mean you you and I have heard stories of people buying homes in Gary for $1 like no joke $1 they bought a
whole property for there's all kinds of like different stories that are like that you know your average price be 12
to $15,000 you could buy a house for of course you're going to flip it and that sort of thing but you're going to put a renter in there for a thousand bucks a
month and it's just like you're not at the 1% rule you're like two or three
sometimes even 4% roll at that point so just a great market and they got hit with these you know recessions that sort
of thing and like almost all of Gary got cleared out there are what's funny Daniel is there's two markets in Gary so
there's there's a lot of like it's a really big like geographical location a lot of people don't understand like how
big it actually is and the north side of it right on the beach is Miller Beach I
mean there's million-dollar homes on Miller Beach with a Gary Indiana address which is crazy to some people and then I
actually lived my first home that I bought was in Cut Township which you know where that is it's on the very southside of Gary and that's a
homeowners Market there like you know we had a full acre of land we had great neighbors around us it was I would say
it's probably like a a minus neighborhood that sort of thing like just really really good neighborhood but
you have the middle yeah and then you have the middle so the closer into downtown that you got downtown Gary is
where it got like really really sketchy but even so to this day that's very vacant however it is still a very good
rental market and Real Estate Investors love it I I you and I you know I know
you know some of the people that uh do this but I still know people that buy properties in Gary Indiana for you know
Pennies on the dollar and they turn them into rentals and you know they're doing really well with them it's still a very
like stable thing for a lot of people you just kind of got to know the market and that sort of thing but I mean you
could take that kind of philosophy and kind of equate it just in a little bit of a different manism to a lot of the
markets in Northwest Indiana because of the fact that it's it butts up against Chicago so you're dealing with a very
very like conservative States and then you have Chicago and Illinois on this
side which is across the state line less than 30 minutes from downtown Chicago it's kind of crazy so you know you're
competing with that a lot of people like liked Indiana for the tax advantages and the cheap cigarettes yes and cheap
gas the cheap the the uh the cheap uh sodas you know you don't get what is it
the beverage tax and stuff like that yeah and Horseshoe don't forget Hors yeah and the Horseshoe yes hey we got
the Hard Rock now so yeah a bur but yeah there there there's a lot of different
I'm glad you want for everybody here that wants to invest in rentals I'm glad he kind of synops Gary a little bit
because a lot of people don't know anything about Gary and this is like something we pass by it every day yeah
well what's crazy is dude I mean it used to be and this is like this is something you could take just directly out of a
history book it's like it used to be one of the most thriving markets in the
country because it's such a prime like you think of where we're at I mean we always I mean you moved away but you
know this is like we always say that you know you really can't not get a direct flight anywhere from Chicago so and
Gary's right next to Chicago so this whole Market this area that we call the armpit because of Lake Michigan you know
literally shaped like this it's very industrial the the the place that you and I worked during the Summers when we
were younger that's right next to Gary Indiana very industrial a lot of the
steel mills a lot of oil factories stuff like that it's just such a great place
for the industrial you know you and then right right next to Gary you have East Chicago that has one of the largest BP
plants in the country I mean it's just it's it's a very like there's a lot of jobs here and there's you know quite a
bit going on even though the city's vacant even though a lot of that area is you know hit with poverty and that sort
of thing it's just it's a really weird Market really weird situation that we're used to but it's like you really think
about it it's like this is kind of interesting the way this works you know so so I thought it was interesting to me
because like I I lived there my whole life but you really understand like the demographics of like adulthood and adult
jobs and all that stuff so you become of age you actually start working a job and commuting and all that stuff and like
everybody that lives in Indiana worked in Chicago at some point like just made that commute it is what it is even my
brother lives in valo he makes that commute every day yeah yeah a lot of people do that and Valpo is what an hour
and a half away even further than that some days with with traffic but my dad I mean you know my dad he's worked in
downtown Chicago now for almost 35 years and we've lived in Northwest Indiana the whole time and we liveed we lived at you
and I both grew up in Hammond and Hammond is like sometimes sometimes if you take the Skyway it takes them less
than 25 minutes to get Chicago so people will you know because Chicago's salaries are going to be far superior to working
even you have corporate world right like and that's where my dad's been is in corporate world and the salaries are
just so much better in Chicago however like the cost of living is so much different from Chicago to Northwest
Indiana so yeah it's interesting yeah a lot of people benefit off of that including my family yeah for sure for
sure so let's talk about you ran the marketing arm for the real estate business let's talk a little bit about
marketing because I think this is you kind of this is kind of like your yeah my nich my special it's your
so let's talk about marketing for real estate and then we'll talk about Marketing in other ways for investors so
marketing for Real Estate I know you said you did that for your other your company that when you worked over there
now you ran like the list skip tracing pulling pulling the data all that stuff you're like the dude you know what's
funny so everybody talks about that stuff when we were in our Heyday we were doing anywhere from 250 to 300 deals a
year and the market was so different because Acquisitions back then I mean
we're talking like 2013 through about 201 late 2017 going into 2018 so that
time frame marketing for us was building buyers lists and it was creating a
reputation in our Marketplace we did very little direct to seller marketing
Acquisitions was a bunch of people in a room and some vas overseas that you know
vas really weren't a hot thing back then so we but we kind of discovered it because we were a little bit of a lar larger organization yeah we were
Acquisitions was placing bids on HUD auction MLS that's what Acquisitions was
Chapter 4: Creating Effective Content.)
so then you lock down a property you know HUD would accept your your offer you lock down a property for $500
earnest money you Market it for 30 days you um try to you know attach you're
you're you're you're wholesaling but it's kind of like what everybody calls reverse wholesaling so like we have a
property we had I mean every day we would come in we'd have a list of like 30 to 50 properties and we would just
spend the whole day trying to attach a property to a buyer property to a buyer property to a buyer and that's all it
was and so the marketing arm of it that's where like what I'm into today is the content marketing side of things
social media YouTube podcast I mean we started social media and podcast to
build our buyers list that's what it was meant for so we would get guests on people that could potentially be buyers
for us and we would trap them on an interview for 30 minutes and then you
know chitchat with them for the next 30 minutes to try to get them to be a buyer for our buyer list and convince them of our properties and stuff like that that
was that was the deal it was very much different so to answer your question like skip tracing thing even like you
know I know it's going away but the text blasting and coold calling stuff like we never did any of that stuff there's none
of that back then so I think it's interesting because like when I when I started that's what it was like we were
the seller and I think man that's like we didn't even do mhm yeah right when you were coming in
is when things started to shift cuz I mean our uh there was probably like I mean so that organization consisted of
you know if you're if you're in our industry you probably know you know David RoR Gary Harper guy named Wayne Schaefer Tom olon we were all a part of
that organization running that thing it was a monster machine and then late 2017
it you know when the market kind of shifted there wasn't really a crash per se but it was a big shift and I remember
walking in one day that you know into that Acquisitions room that I told you about and the leader of that department
was like there's no properties on HUD like just all of a sudden there's no properties and I I literally was like
what do you mean there's no prop like at that point you're placing thousands of bids I'm talking thousands of bids on
properties every single week and they said there's nothing on HUD right now and we really can't find anything got on
auction or MLS so then we had a shift and start doing direct to seller marketing and it was a hard shift dude
it it basically like made the organization kind of fall apart at that point and everybody kind of split wet
their own ways that sort of thing but it was different it it definitely like shook the whole organization and rattled
us when that shifted so that is insane it's insane how overnight it just
get shut off that's ins it's insane to me yeah it was crazy we had no clue because like this was like I think this
was a Thursday that that one happened and on Wednesday we had we had locked down like two or three PR properties
because I remember they're getting added to the spreadsheet and that was like the last ones that we really added to the
spreadsheet that we had it was just it was different man was crazy did you stop
doing real estate on that side after that after that after that pivot and
change you straight to the content side yeah so like at that point then so long story short we had all started a
mastermind a real estate Mastermind together during when we were in that organization and this was before like
everybody was starting education you know programs like there was a very small handful of people that had actual
educational program where you could like do coaching with them you could do events on site with them masterminding
that sort of thing now everybody has all that and we had started an event where people would come to our office and we
would teach them how we do what we do and that was pretty much it so the philosophy was like the one who you know
educates the market dominates the market and that was kind of the mindset going into it so we started that we started
events then we had a Mastermind going and at the at the peak of that there was maybe 35 40 members a part of that and
then once that wholesaling organization split up the owners of all the the
education piece the wholesaling piece they all kind of swapped shares that sort of thing and I went to run the
Mastermind because I was highly invested in it at that point yeah and so I ran the Mastermind for two years and all
this during this time like this whole time even being a part of that wholesaling order organization I was
always working on content you could track back to like I mean I could link them here but like you could track back to our first interviews that we ever did
with each other the first podcast and the YouTube videos and that sort of thing and all of those would get sent to our buyers all of them would get sent to
you know building relationships and that was meant to cultivate relationships so I've always been in and around the media
side of marketing and you know took that into the Mastermind and then uh March of
2019 is when I went full-time into doing this so I started I started my podcast
2021 yeah 2021 yeah and I just I saw the
the pivot and change into what the power of the podcast brought in that's why I kind of did it
it wasn't really like uh I wanted it wasn't like I wanted to do it 100% it was more like I saw the opportunity and
I was like let me just run it sure yeah and that's why we do a lot of things that's a good teaching lesson too is
because like you know and and here's the thing is at some point you discovered why you're doing it in the first place
right like that you you you discover that that's the important part so you are actually an anomaly because most
people that start something like that whether it's a YouTube channel they start doing social media content or a
podcast anything in marketing they get told it at a mastermind or like they
they see somebody doing it that's in their industry and like they're like I can do that too so they start it up but they don't really know why they don't
have a reason for it then they stop after a couple months cuz they got excited and bought all this camera gear
invested all their time into it and then realized well this isn't as easy as I thought it was plus why am I doing this
in the first place I'm not getting paid yeah exactly so I'm not getting a return on my investment that I'm making with my
time or my money but for you you discovered that reasoning and that's
like a principle that I try to teach everybody is like if you're going to start any of this stuff don't just start it just because somebody told you to
start it because you have a reason for it you're using it as marketing for H mind and that's the purpose for it so
anybody that's starting a podcast anybody starting social media or YouTube or whatever writing a book I don't email
list it needs to be a very specific reason and you're because you're leveraging it as marketing and that's
the important thing at the end of the day so yeah I I think a lot of people they over complicated it and they do I
I've if you go listen episode one it's terrible like a lot of people and that's
okay yeah look up your favorite influencer and go back to their very first like piece of content they ever
put out and that'll give you a little bit of confidence go go look up an Alex Orosi or a Ryan pan and see what their
very first piece of content was that they put out and I promise you you'll die laughing and be like okay I get it
it's a commitment you get better over time I get it thanks that's how it
works so let me ask you this you your your business model now kind of
coordinates with manag management producing of podcasts how do you come up
with ideas with topics to cover with your guest because a lot of a lot of
people they may struggle with like I don't even know what to talk about sure yeah no it's a great it's a really good
conversation to have there's a you know my my answer like we had this interview two years ago I would have given you
some good pointers and tips on doing it then even today or last year or whatever like the answer changes because of some
of the tools that we have and I'll get to that in a second the quick short answer is depending on you know for
instance like hi mind you guys have customers generally speaking the type of topics that I would be doing and that's
not just on podcasts you know that's on social media it's on you know maybe you're again you're GNA write a book
like this is all dictation of what topics to do is the hard factual data is
Chapter 5: Success Stories and Client Testimonials.)
answering questions that your you know your prospects your leads and your clients have so a great lesson for if
your marketing's motivated seller leads you're a wholesaler and you're you know you want to put some video content out
you don't want to start educate like I get this a lot Daniel like people say I don't want to start education I don't want to like be a guru or a coach or
anything I just want to get deals that's all I want but I know I need to do social media I know there's opportunity there but I still don't know what to
talk about because I don't want to just tell people how to do what I do because I'm creating competition that sort of thing my my go-to answer for that is you
probably know if you've been in this industry for at least six months to a year you've done a few deals you've talked to sellers that you have
questions that these sellers have asked you that's your topics so a topic might
be if you're on a phone call with somebody and they say so Daniel what's the difference between you as a wholesaler and a realtor Bingo that's a
video topic that's a podcast topic whatever Daniel like I know that you say you you can buy with c what does that
mean like you actually bring in a bag of cash to closing and stuff like that what does that actually mean that's a topic
right there so the video there is you're explaining what cash offer means you're
answering questions that your potential clients or your clients have and so with podcast it's very similar now a little
bit of a ninja trick Daniel that I actually just discovered like a couple weeks ago that's really really cool to
use is chat GTP obviously like that's one thing you just say like you know I'm Dan and I do this and I'm an expert in
this give me 25 video topics or 25 topics for for podcasts and then it'll give you you can say a thousand topics
then I'll give you a thousand topics but a better method to do this is that if you you know hopefully you have your own
website hopefully you've been on podcast hope you know you have your own podcast or whatever take links let's just say
for instance like I wanted to do one on Daniel and I said like I need 50 topics
for Daniel to do podcasts on here's his expertise I'm going to take your bio on your
website the link to that page paste it right there I'm going to take your homepage copy that link paste
it and then any P like if you've been on a YouTube video you've been on a podcast with another post I'm gonna have the
link for that and I'm gonna paste like as many links as I can of Daniel being
the core of that like kind of centerpiece there on the website or the piece content that I'm linking to hit
enter give me 50 topics that Daniel talks about a lot and it'll give me 50 topics right there that is solely based
not just them guessing what your expertise is but they're actually going through all the data and the content
that's on your about me page it's on your homepage it's on the interview you did with Josh all of it and it's gonna
list you out 50 topics right there bang easy easy money so I'll do I'll do you
one better so this is with the new update with the GPT 4 that was just like this is this is hot hot off the presses
information so uh I just brought on a new co-host and he he was messing with chat gbt and he did it and he
essentially Google searched me in there and we did this with a recent guest and
one of I didn't I usually I usually free flow all my episodes yeah but he kind of he's like it was his first it was his
first episode doing it was a little research yeah he did a little research so he did Chad research and a partner
came up from the research on chat gbt that came up organically through the conversation and after the episode he's
like dude look at look at question number six I was like dude how did how did chat GPT find
this oh it knew that there was a part oh okay it found something that we came up
organically yeah in conversation that was totally off the wall but found it
and had it as a question yeah yeah that's it's crazy you get super creative with it but that's what I'm saying too
is you like you asked that question and my thing is like dude think about it a
little bit be resourceful like there's an infinite amount of ways that you could create topics first thing I do is
like just think about like I tell people this all the time obviously you have these tools that can create you those lists and then you need to edit them
like make them you know kind of curated to you but if you just sit down and write like one or two topics down it'll
start to flow you'll be able to do the next one the next one the next one normally the hard part is when you get
like 20 25 pieces of content deep and you're like I don't like I've already talked about this but you got to
remember too the thing is that like if you pick any of your favorite influencer that's out there putting content out
they normally only talk about a core like four to seven things it's just in different messaging different context
different stories just kind of like you know reframing it in a different way contextual to the person that they're
talking to or whatever it is but it's all centered around like four to seven core topics that they talk about and the
thing is that creates consistency it creates consistency in the audience that you're trying to reach it creates that
consistency in their mind that like oh Josh said it this way before and you never know like if I say something to
your business partner Daniel a certain way but it didn't make sense to you but then I say it in a different context the
same story same thing I'm trying to get across about different context it may click in your brain because all of our
brains work different they receive content slightly different from everybody else so you continue to put
that consistent message out there so even if you think like I've already done a video on the difference between me and
a realtor we'll do another one use a different case study use a different context different story and that's all
fresh content so no one of the things I I love about this is that as you as you
do this more and more you come up with like your own internal script that you you you create on the fly whenever you
have certain questions come up right and it comes out the same in your mind but
you said it totally different and then the the color of your shirt might have
exactly yeah you just change your environment the color of your shirt different hat like it changes it all
yeah you're right it's whole new content from there like I might have said this 10 different times but I said it 10
different ways right exactly yeah and like I said go like seriously if you're if you want to fact check me on that go
to your favorite like top three influencers consume like 10 pieces of their content and it's all going to be
centered around some sort of form of messaging that they try to get across as a whole topic and you can do the same
thing so yeah i' I've been I've been targeting I've been teaching like
different things in different places yeah because of the of the audience type
right yeah and and you're going to curate that you know obviously the thing the thing thing about that too Daniel is
that like like you specifically asked like podcast topics and then I kind of went
into like video topics so the thing is is obvious ly you know if you're
marketing to motivated seller leads you're not going to start a podcast directed towards motivated
seller leads because it's pointless that's not the that's not the medium in which they're choosing to consume
content from you typically it's going to be search based or it's going to be based upon like like either popping up
in their feed or you have content on your Facebook page because you know they're going to go check you out there after they you've you've told them your
name and that sort of thing but YouTube content it's SEO driven so like putting
the titling out there of the difference between a wholesaler and a realtor and then somebody searches that your video
comes up because it's geot targeted in your Market or whatever you're instantly building credibility with them so it's all about the medium too like I'm not
going to be putting a podcast out directed towards motivated seller leads trying to tell them you know how I can buy their house like it's not the medium
you know so I'm really glad you said it's it's SEO and targe inv base so this is something I've learned is sometimes I
have guests come on and they'll be like hey I want to get leads in my market like I got you don't worry about it I
got you so then we'll do the whole episode I'll kind of frame it around these these these questions but what
I'll do is I just I done I've done it a few times now the one that comes off hand right now is the last one I did was
the dude's out of Tulsa so I'm like investing in single family homes in Tulsa
Oklahoma yeah and that's the title of the episode with his name yeah I like it
again like even podcasting is SEO driven it's all based on the titles it's not necessarily like because the way social
media and like if you take social media as a whole and then you take podcast YouTube as a whole the the algorithms in
which you get found are so much different from each other because social media is all based on the content which
is dictated of the retention rate The Click through rates that sort of thing that does have a factor within like the
reachability on YouTube and podcast but the way you found is by like your your titling the
show notes that are in your you know in your content in the description the body of the of the podcast show notes and
that sort of thing the tags and and that sort of thing that's how you get found and then it's now the consumer's choice
to continue to consume that or whatever but getting found is like one of the hardest parts of content so yeah I mean
that that's good I'm glad you did that that's it's kind of clever it's it's funny because me as a
host I have to I have to know what I have to know what their end goal is and then whoever is so I'm always trying to
no that's good me as me as a host I have to produce a good product you know yeah so what whatever that end goal is let's
let's make it happen I got I like it I got so let's talk about this I know
you've had you've had some I I I've heard some of your client list that have
had great success with you can we talk about some like testimonials for you from your current Client List through
your social Med Med podcast all that stuff yeah for sure well I've dude I've
gotten to work with some absolute rock stars in our industry some of the biggest names in our industry that you
you can imagine that even I look at I'm like whoa I got to work with that person that's insane and a lot of times too
like what you'll find dude is that like big name is very subjective so
for instance if I say the name like Ron Legrand I've worked with Ron LR on his
content that's a big name to hell of a lot of people that are in the real estate investing space but then there's
some people like yeah but he's an older guy and he he typically works with like
people that are doing like those type of deals and stuff like that it's not it's not really my my flavor that's the thing
you'll hear right so like that's there's subjectivity to this right um I think
one of the like one of the biggest highlights that I could give is like M
and I think I think you know who uh Michael Zuber is he's he's out of Fresno California I believe and he has a brand
called one Rent All Out of Time and he started that literally so he is my first
client I ever had and he's still with me to this day five years later and we have
gotten his podcast we're about to cross 10 million downloads on the one rental at a Time Podcast he's built a really
good YouTube uh YouTube you know Channel and that sort of thing but like his model too this is where I come in and
say like everybody content models are just so much different from each other like every single one of my clients
they're they they do different deliverables like I literally build when I get on a call with somebody that's
potentially going to work with me I ask all about what they're trying to accomplish first and about their business as opposed to like if people
say can you send me a package like what what does your packages look like like I don't got a package because what I do
for Daniel won't be the same that I do for Ronald grah won't be the same that I do for Michael Zuber like it's different
for everybody because it's all built around what you're trying to accomplish and so like with with Michael he his
model is uh volume so he puts out two to
three core YouTube videos a day two to three core podcast episodes a day and
you might think like that's a lot that's a lot of content and it is it's a lot
but it's the model that works for him and has done extremely well so he he's a
he's a golden child of M somebody that I I really have had the pleasure of working with he's gotten on some really big stages he's gotten some really big
names to be on his podcast and that sort of thing and he's made some really big Headway with that you know we work with
uh what like if you're in the real estate investing industry chances are you've probably heard of collective genius they are a great you know
Mastermind to be a part of in the real estate investing space and we've worked with them now for three years I believe
three and a half years something like that and there you know the purpose of their content is it's very simple like
you know Jason medley is a CEO of collective genius and when we were onboarding them as client this is again
where I come in and say like it's all about the objectives and the goals that you're trying to accomplish with what you do and he was very clear he's like I
don't care about views I don't care about subscribers I don't care about followers I don't care about clicks or
anything like that I just want qualified leads to fill out applications to be a
part of the Mastermind that's it and he was very clear too that he didn't want to be the face of the brand like he
wanted the members to be the face of the brand because ultimately in a mastermind the members is what sells The Mastermind
it's not it's not necessarily a CEO the guy running it it's the members part of it now Jason's a rockstar himself as
well but that's a that's a client that we've worked with for quite a while that I'm like you know they've had some
tremendous success because of you know being very clear of their objective is
to just get qualified applications through the door and it works it like the methodology works really really well
so those are a couple that I point out but we worked with many many people people in our space and you probably
know a good chunk of them may maybe over even half 75% of my clients that I've
worked with and all great people so but all in the real estate investing space so every every person that I work with
is in this space we are starting to make efforts to go into different Industries but there's just so much to go around in
this industry that at this point I've been in it for you know 12 going on 13 years so it just makes sense to stay
here so I I like I like the niche part of it because you know you know the
creatives you need to make based off of whatever they're trying to do like right if you did a restaurant business you might not think of everything you might
not that customer that as well because they don't know the creatives need to do for this but for real estate you're like
boom boom boom boom boom because this is what you've you've known for the last 10 plus years so I I think I think you're
100% spot on to Spa stay in the space and just Target these people yeah it's important and the other thing too is you
always want people you always want to service people that pay yeah I mean that's a big part dude
like I I heard something I'm not so I'm not a huge fan of Grant Cardone but he
said something one time that like really rattled me and it was early on in my business career where I was like that's
extremely it's it's one of those things like Grant Cardone says a lot of things that like are really like blunt
straightforward and simple that like okay that's like a very bonehead thing but it makes a whole lot of sense and he
literally says like who's got my money that's that's what I kind of AD I'm like who who has the money that I need to
support my business and go in the direction that I want to early on it was like and no offense if you're a realtor
but early on it was like I would work with just about any realtor but then I would have to chase them down to pay their invoices they would nickel and DME
me they would negotiate the services I got to a point where like I'm just not going to work with any Realtors ever
again unless they're the broker owner and they actually have the money to deal with it and so now as a real estate investor
they they have money they have the ability to expand their marketing budgets because the the the you know the
um the profit margins are so much bigger than almost any other industry you could deal with so that's the truth in it man
it's it's a hard truth but like for me I'd rather work with as small amount of
clients that bring in the most amount of money as possible as opposed to a lot of clients that bring in a little bit of
money you know absolutely absolutely I really want to highlight that because a lot of people they there's a lot of
business opportunities out there but some of them are meant for you and you got to find out you got to find your own
Niche clientele that are willing to pay your pricing that you're willing to serve that you're serving to the community so I think it's 100% that's
what is a quote that is yours or somebody else is that you resonate with that I resonate with oh man that's a a
pop-up question there man I wouldn't say it was I wouldn't say so like I I'm horrible about memorization like the
school we went to like when we had to memorize the Bible verses I would fail that every time I would read it like
literally right before I was supposed to get up make sure I had it and then do as best I could but one of the things again
that I learned early on in my career is that and that I've experienced where I
stopped doing this and needed to make sure I started it back up because I started to see things slide a little bit
is never stop learning and growing because as soon as you stop learning and
growing you think that you've made it to the destination you're at and you're like this is where I wanted to
be and then normally like and I did this like early last year I got to a point where I was like I'm happy man like this
is great I'm gonna chill for a little bit and I did and things started to just
kind of come back down and I got humbled a little bit my my good friend Gary Harper is like you need to get your butt
back in gear start like because he's like I haven't seen you on a stage speak in a while you haven't been on podcast
you haven't done much content yourself like make sure you get back out there so that was that was something that I like
made sure that I kind of I'm glad didn't last as long as it could have but that's
important and the the second thing I would say too that that I'm thinking about this is my good friend Trevor mock
um CEO of carrot investor carrot website um hosting platform he's also a clan of
ours but he's he said something one time I went to a they have this uh annual event called carrot camp that they have
like 10 to 15 people go to at a time out there at their headquarters in Roseberg
Oregon and I went there and this was like the first time I ever heard this said and it was very humbling but this
was like two years after I went into business this is now three years ago three three and a half years ago and he
said remember when you had what you or remember when you what remember when you
wanted what you have now remember when you wanted what you have now and I
thought about that and at that point I was like it was it was towards the end of the year and as a service provider
you know you kind of you start to lose a little bit of clients at the end of the year just like they're making changes budget shifts stuff like that and then
normally it ramps back up after like January or so and that was one of my first dips in business where I was
starting to feel a little bit of pressure and I was like man this so like I was playing you know this the sori
game and that sort of thing and then Trevor was teaching and it was just perfect timing and I was like yeah you
know what like I should be grateful for what I have because there was a time where I really really wanted these
problems and it's the whole thing of like you know that what's I forget what the statement is but it's basically like
you know if you gather up a bunch of people and you throw your problems into a pile you're going to chase yours down
to go get it back you know like because you know your problems you know how to deal with them and that sort of thing so
that was something that was really humbling to me that was like you know kind of a slap in the face that I've
tried to stick with like my entire life you know so there you go
no I think I think it's good man a lot of people you don't you don't want other people's problems you really don't I
don't I really don't I don't want your problems Daniel sorry sorry I I won't
tell you I'm then for everybody here I think go want to here I appreciate you coming on I got colar media.com
definitely go check them out doing a lot of good good good service for a lot of good people any final thoughts no man I
love what you're doing here like I appreciate you getting me on the show you're going to be on my show so if it's cool if I plug mine coming up we're
we're going to be relaunching it so we had a podcast going it's called the REI marketing weekly that went for a good
150 episodes I believe and it's still there so if you want to go check it out all the podcast platforms it's still
there REI marketing weekly um still a lot of relevant conversations and uh content there but we're starting that
back up um depending on when this interview goes out it should be like the middle of June like a couple weeks from
now that we're going to relaunch it so Daniel's going to be on that show I think we have a recording later this week for that so go check that out the
REI marketing weekly but I appreciate your time man it's been great seeing you
get to where you're at and you know given the stories that we we both have come from a lot of fun stories but it's
been great seeing you like I love seeing my friends succeed and continue to you
know grow in what they're doing and my only regret is that you and I don't work together more so we'll have to or we not
even just work together like we don't get to hang out and talk you know that much anymore just you know because you
you have to you had to move away from Northwest Indiana because you're cold for whatever reason
so it was it was time it was time you know I feel you I feel you time for everybody here go like share subscribe
share with a friend we'll see you next time thanks for tuning in have a good day guys bye hey if you like to meet us
in person we do it annual event every year the hias live.com Summit we'll see you there have a great day
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Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

Josh Culler Profile Photo

Josh Culler


Josh has been in the real estate investing industry since 2013 and has been apart of hundreds of deals as a marketing director. CEO of Culler Media, a service provider that offers full social media management along with YouTube, Podcasting and other forms of content marketing. Primarily working with those in the Real Estate Investing education space.