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Ep 527: Rig Hut - Truck Parking Management Software
June 28, 2024

Ep 527: Rig Hut - Truck Parking Management Software

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In this episode of The Hive with Us podcast, hosts Dan Martinez and Kyle Thompson are joined by Jake Guso, co-founder and CEO of Rig Hut. Jake shares his journey from commercial real estate to creating a property management software tailored for semi-truck parking. They delve into the challenges and opportunities in the truck parking industry, discuss the importance of zoning and land use, and explore the impact of paid parking on the trucking community. Jake also highlights the innovative features of Rig Hut and the future of automated truck parking management.www.therighut.comChapter 1: Introduction and Background (0:00-1:10)Hosts Dan Martinez and Kyle Thompson introduce special guest Jake Guso and discuss their initial thoughts on truck parking and real estate.Chapter 2: The Journey into Truck Parking (1:11-7:20)Jake shares how he transitioned from commercial real estate to the truck parking industry, starting with hands-on management to launching Rig Hut.Chapter 3: Market Needs and Challenges (7:21-14:45)Discussion on the scarcity of truck parking, zoning challenges, and the high demand for parking spaces, with Jake providing insights from his experiences.Chapter 4: Rig Hut’s Innovative Solutions (14:46-30:59)An in-depth look at Rig Hut’s software features, including inventory management, automated billing, and the upcoming automated gate system.Chapter 5: Future Outlook and Final Thoughts (31:00-40:17)Jake and the hosts discuss the future of the truck parking industry, the role of technology in solving parking issues, and Jake’s final advice and contact information for listeners.These chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the discussion, ensuring that listeners can follow the evolution of the conversation and the key points covered. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 📃 Partner with us on your deals: https://submitbigland.com/ 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hey Welcome to The Hive with us podcast I'm your host Dan Martinez today we have a co-host Kyle Thompson and a special
guest Mr Jake
guso thanks guys nice to be here did I say that right you did goo most people
screw it up but you got it right the first time all right I also get the Jake from State Farm at least twice a day
okay okay so I laugh about names because my name is Daniel and it's a very popular name because it's a Bible name
and like I hate it so like there's a guy I work with his name is Daniel too I just call him by his last name because I'm like I hate saying my name so like
because I hear my name all the time so it's just like one of those things so Jake from State Farm or I hear the damn
Daniel I hear that one all the time and I'm just like all right so we here with Jake with State
Farm and uh can you give us like a 30 second elevator pitch then we're going to jump right into it just so people
know who you are and what you do yeah so I'm a I'm the co-founder and
currently the CEO of rig Hut which is a piece of property management software that's purpose built for semi- truck
parking applications so we help landlords automate and manage their inventory invoicing billing payments
Chapter 2: The Journey into Truck Parking.)
driver Communications things like that amazing I I wanted to have you on
because if you didn't know I was ex truck driver who's now I didn't know that so I wanted to have I wanted to
talk real estate and truck parking and the need for truck parking and all the good stuff but um I think I think it's
very I think it's very interesting uh the space we actually had an opportunity to turn some land into some truck
parking and then we ended up losing the deal but there's more deals out there so we're we're going to make it work either
way but um let's talk about like how did you get into truck parking as a real estate guy
because I know how I got into real estate like you kind of went backwards yeah
so I mean I've spent the entirety of my career in the real estate business right and that's kind of the lens from which I
view most opportunities the first the first opportunity that we saw in truck parking or that we identified and kind
of wanted to go after was buying building operating these truck parking
facilities from an actual you know ownership and management perspective down here in South Florida so if you
look at like South Florida from an aerial right on a map we've got the Everglades on the West Side we've got the Atlantic on the east side it's a
very it's very much a you know not in my backyard type of community there's very
little land that's appropriately zoned for truck parking and we started driving around looking at sites right and we saw
huge price dispari some guys were charging X some guys were charging 2x um
we just saw you know we thought we had an opportunity to to capture a lot of that market discrepancy so the first
thing we did was we spun up a management company right we were like hey let's go learn this business with boots on the ground management you know the hard way
so we started knocking on some trailer doors of of landlords down here in South Florida we got thrown out of a bunch of
them but we convinced one guy to give us a shot and basically what we told him was like We'll guarantee you more or
less your current Revenue so he was at somewhere in the neighborhood of like 450 bucks a month average rent and we
thought we could take him to like 500 or 525 I don't remember exactly what we pitched him and he bit right and we did
it and we thought we were going to lose a bunch of drivers in that first month because we basically gave them like seven days no and we said hey your rat's
going from this to that we thought a bunch of them were going to turn and they didn't you know to our surprise I
think we lost like three guys maybe four guys and we backfilled them in the same month so that guy was very happy we
built that you know kind of management gig where we were boots on the ground showing drivers were to park sending license agreements sending QuickBooks
invoices writing down what spot you're in in Excel and my co-founder Jose's got
a uh you know software technical background so we started building some systems behind that and it it evolved
into what righ Hut is today awesome awesome what year was that that was
20 end of 20 was when we started looking at it okay so 2021 is you're three years
in yeah now in commercial right
commercial yeah primarily retail down here in South Florida okay so three
years into this game how many of U things do you are managing for
you how many clients you kind of work with versus like how many spots that is because I know each each each thing's
gonna amount of truck spots so like how many how many how many you have like a what's your AUM now so we don't we don't
manage anything anymore I should clarify that we converted everybody to the software model but we've got 111 facilities uh how many 37
111 uh operating operating on the platform so most of the most of the customers I
get utility from righ Hut are are either portfolio operators or they've got like one fairly large facility I think our
small our smallest yard right now is 36 parking spaces or so but our average is probably over a 100 in terms of quantity
of spaces per facility um so we've been able to build some you know a good critical mass H we're happy with the
progress so far and we'll keep adding more 111 is amazing congratulations I want to say
that that that's that's no no small feet and I love the model because like I said it's there's such a need for it now I
want to hit on a tone where you said there's not much inventory for truck parking I want to kind of hit on that
tone because this is us as land people let's go down that path yeah so
um I know when I was in truck driving I lived in Atlanta and there was only one
yard that was within 30 minutes of me and it was $250 a month and it was
terrible but I had no choice and I had to pay
whatever it was and I had to go wherever I had to go because I had no other other opportunity I think this is where you
had the price discrepancy thing is there's no other choice to go if you want a permanent spot so what year was
that uh 2018 2018 so pre craze right like now it
seems everybody's you know kind of in the truck parking business or iOS launching a fund trying to buy them build them there's a lot more presents
but yeah that was I wasn't in the business back then but even from if you look at like 2020 or 2021 when we started looking at these
things to now like just go on Google and type truck parking there's at least 10 times more results than there was when
we first started now is there a saturation level you're reaching or is there still plenty of opportunity I
don't think so I mean everywhere everywhere where we have a
presence right we try to provide a really high degree of service to our customer which is the landlord right our
customer is the landlord not the driver but by association we provide a high degree of service to the driver because
if they call us we want to keep them happy we want to keep them in our customers's yard all that absolutely and
it it just so happens that we get some calls from drivers that are looking for space our number just gets sent around
these communities and our phone rings off the hook during the day with drivers looking for space I mean in pretty much
Chapter 3: Market Needs and Challenges.)
every Market I couldn't name one that I said that I could say you know this place is crickets what's do you know what your uh
occupancy rate is that you're stuff that you're managing on average I couldn't tell you
but take places like Miami and Broward County it's effectively 100% right like
there's some churn but they get back filled very fast yeah that's that's the thing about Trucking no matter this is
truck parking this is so crazy this I want to have this conversation if somebody left the yard somebody was
there taking that dude's spot like there was a weit list to get his spot yeah especially if you're well
located right or you need to be in a certain area absolutely so I think there's still a ton of opportunity ton
of opportunity I agree and this is from my six I'm down to real estate which and I just knew there was such a problem
with the the C the counties were very sparing giving out zoning for this and
there's just not much space for it in the right locations because they don't want Trucking in residential areas you
have to have some type of commercial zoning that you get a variance to get light industrial like there's this has
like its own specialty troubleshooting to solve the problem and there's just so much need for it it's everywhere it is
it's tough for sure well we've seen some municipalities Implement is you know if they're if they're vague in their zoning
code like it doesn't say you know truck parking is allowed in zonings x y and z a lot of people will try it and then
what we've seen municip municipalities come back and say is like okay you know we can't ban truck parking but what
they're trying to do is only allow it as an ancillary use to the primary business occupying a building for example which
doesn't really help right because no it doesn't help you're not providing any parking for the owner operator or the
small you know Regional local kind of guy that uh that doesn't occupy that
property already yeah it's it's so the the municipalities are they're they they fight it and then you have to go through
the the light it's like light industrial zoning is that everywhere if you know by chance if I were to give a blanket
statement I'd just say industrial industrial industrial zoning commercial typically doesn't work if you're backing
up to like even if you're industrially zoned or you think you can get it zoned industrial if you're backing up to a residential area it's tough but
Industrial in general yeah it's it's such a need and like I said I know I'm I know I'm gonna
I'm gonna get up I'm gonna create one eventually just because I come across so much land and it's gonna happen and I'm
gonna make it happen just for fun Just for kicks and Giggles because I'm I'm an ex truck driver so we're going to have a
conversation soon I don't know when but it's going to happen I already foresee it which is why we're having this conversation but I'm curious if you
could get something done outside of a municipality right like I'm not this going to sound like an ignorant
statement but aren't there certain municipalities in Texas where they're more Loosey Goosey as to what you can do and get approved so this is this is a
great question and I'm gonna answer it so you have you have What's called the etj which is your uh jurisdiction I
forget I always forget the first word but it's your jurisdiction your city jurisdiction you can be with within the
jurisdiction or outside the jurisdiction so like main main markets like Atlanta Texas whatever you're going to have
every everything in a populated area is going to have its own etj and their ejs are going to rub up against each other
but once you hit like ra you're outside the etj you probably don't have have to
fall under that certain parameter you can kind of do whatever you want but it's something it's probably G have to be outside the atj and hopefully get
grandfathered in and they bring you in you don't have to sure whenever the city expands into your area you don't have to
deal with it go a new law um where for the most part you can get removed from
any city etj um there's there's a couple rules but they've definitely gotten
super loose on it because counties are very very more favorable in regards to approving stuff and obviously in the
more rural parts they're promoting you know development and stuff like that so that's why we're working on one right now it's an entitlement we're going to
be removed from the city etj of city of San Antonio because we want to go County because we know they're going to be more
loose and uh you know they're not going to be as stricted when it comes to potential
development got it yeah so my advice is anybody listen to this that wants to get in the truck parking I would find
something outside the etj yeah whatever local etj municipality you're in of the
city or something wherever your nearest city is and you you have some like sub cities too so you got to make sure
you're not a part of any etj that's going to be the trick so um
that's you guys are looking at rural pieces all the time right I know we're answering the questions but tell me a
little bit about what you guys do that's all we do is stuff outside the etj in most cases um we're usually doing with
rural vacant uh large land and uh I have that Jesse's deal might be a good deal
we can lease if we sell it to him that is true that it's a little good little spot that's like expanding that
way so I have a deal right now that could be potentially truck parking it's 50 acres of commercial between Houston
and San Antonio off that little corridor and it's probably an hour outside I just met a guy that that has a
yard there he runs it as an RV storage facility and he's interested in converting a pad I think he's got like a
one or two acre out parcel that he wanted to do like overnight parking on um I could connect you to I don't know
if you think that would be helpful hey let's do it I'm I'm always on for connections so let's talk let's talk about revenues because I know you're
you're kind of on the software side but you know this stuff because you manage it so what's the max you seen for a
truck parking and what's the minimum you seen because I when I was paying it was
150 minimum is free right there's some there's some guys that'll let you park for free MAX what do they what do they
sell you nothing is for free you got to use their truck you got to use their mechanic or something I have no idea but
there's some guys that give it away for free you can even still get free parking at some of the major truck stops right like what we're seeing now is say a
truck stop truck Stop's got 30 spaces they'll make 10 paid 20 unpaid most
expensive so let me start with this most expensive on our platform is North New Jersey $850 a month right outside Port
nework we've seen some yards quoting ,00 bucks a month this was like Peak
pandemic over in outside of uh Port Long Beach but I I don't know whether they
were actually achieving those rates or not most expensive rate that I can verify is 850 bucks a month Port nework
that is crazy and cheap would be free so that's you brought up you brought up a really good point so truck stops do have
free parking and since as that paid prer spots whatever are you working with truck stops themselves as well not yet
there's actually good timing because there's been a big debate in my like Twitter sphere today I don't know if you
guys have seen that but there's a bit of an uproar in the driver Community today
about about paid parking and whether it should be paid or unpaid and it's kind of you know I think paid parking is
what's driving development for for these sites right and ultimately that's alleviating the supply demand imbalance
so I I have an opinion about this because I was a truck driver so this is my sense and I did not see the debate I
try and avoid like Trucking topics as a whole so when I came across you I was like okay this is a little bit real
estate I can kind of blur the lines a little bit sure but I try to avoid Trucking comp Trucking like Twitter
feeds Tik toks because once I start getting it it starts coming in and I'm just like I'm I avoided this for a
Chapter 4: Rig Hut’s Innovative Solutions.)
reason it can be a little combative the the trucking the trucking space is very
abrasive very abrasive and you dealing with truck drivers is probably the worst part of your
job look we it's honestly not because we just try to be you know this my theory
with everything just be a normal be a normal person man let's have a convers if there's an issue like we'll relay it we'll try to work something out you know
we like I said in the beginning we try to Pro like provide a really high degree of service to the drivers by association
to the landlord so we want to keep them in the yard I got you okay so here's my here's my two cents on paid part paring
cuz I've done both I've had to pay for parking and I hate I I always tried not to pay when I was driving so if you're a
local driver I 100% agree you should have a local parking spot especially if you have the truck if you're owner
operator you need to find your own truck parking spot and I think that 100% should be paid now truck
stops in major metros it's Hit or Miss because I think they should provide free
parking because parking is such a major issue there and if they're providing gas and other services I think they make money in other ways just by providing
main basic services like because this is the whole QT model and and whatever they
provide food uh entertainment um AC showers all these
things amenities and they got free parking so I like that model better but if they're not providing amenities or
anything like that I don't know I you it's it's Hit or Miss but I I ha I hated
doing I hated paying parking I never paid for parking I would I was that truck driver that I was cheap cuz I was
an owner operator so I was like I every dollar every dollar spent was money from my bottom line so I I used to Park Drive
pull over I'd be the dude parked under under on the on the ramp right on the ramp that was me because I was I was I
was cheap so I think that's just cost benefit analysis right if you in your case I think the answer was
no but you know would most people be willing to pay 20 25 bucks 30 bucks if you're in a major your MSA to know that
you have a space in a safe place where you can get diesel you can go inside have a meal like I think they would and
like I said the the revenue is what's driving the development of truck parking so if you really want to make an impact
right there's got to be there has to be some incentive for the guys that are going to put up the risk and spend their
time building them I agree I my my whole thing with Trucking this is why I got out of the business is I got I got
cleaned out by Trucking that's why honest honest to God why I left Trucking cleaned me out because the rates and pay
wasn't there to even support like it's it's a tough business like Trucking is a
tough business right in general so I think I think it was it made it harder for me to pay for parking to even
justify paying for it no matter what it came with because I had a bottom line of taking care of my family 100% I was was
I put myself I put myself in in the bottom line over everything else you
know right so now you're buying ranches so it turned out okay it turned out okay for me but I I still think about the my
my my past driver because I had I had like 10 drivers at one point when I was running the business so I still think I
had to put myself in their position when I was there and like sometimes I had to buy hotels and sometimes you pay for
parking sometimes you pay tolls and you have to kind of take on that part of the business just because it was part of the business I think it's just got to become
this is my opinion obviously but I think it's just got to become normalized it's got to be blended into the rates right I
agree you guys need to be charging enough to to pay for parking yeah I agree and that's that's where I'm
at I I if we got better rates and this is why we I'm not even in the business anymore if they got better
rates I think it it be it's okay and it's Justified and I think it would bring more it would fed it would feed
the ecosystem better because what's the the you have the regular individuals like oh there's trucks everywhere
they're parking everywhere and I'm like be put yourself in their shoes they have
no choice not only put yourself in their shoes but like you want your you know
Bark Box delivered next day for for your puppy like you need the trucks yeah you
need you want the goods and services overnight you gota you gotta pay in some way in some inconvenience and it is what
it is Kyle you have a question because I've been talking for the last 10 minutes good I just wanted to ask Jake
how did you transition from doing retail like commercial retail to getting into
Trucking like what was that transition like yeah I mean I've always kind of been like it's gonna sound cliche but in
my mind my mind is very entrepreneurial right so I'm always I'm always kind of looking at different opportunities I
started my first like little business before I could drive I was cleaning boats we built a business in college
so real estate's always been like been a passion for me I really enjoy that business I like anything to do with real
estate I like you know bunch of different facets that I won't go down but I was in the world of real estate
right and I was kind of presented with a bunch of different opportunities some of them I took some of them I didn't I'll say truck parking was
first opportunity ever that was presented to me and I said wow this could be enormous and I just jump ship
and pursued it that's awesome man that's that's the same same way I felt with L moving from
I think what you guys do is super interesting I don't really understand all the complexities of it but that's
that's what I was asking earlier can you explain to me your business model other than like you know buy by the bottle sell by the shot give me a little more
meat than that uh I do that but I provide financing
okay so you're a credit card company too well so think think of like the used car market the use car market they turn
inventory because it's it's no one can really afford it at that price point but we're dealing with higher price
valuation so like we're the used car market of land so buy seller finance
because think about this you get 100 acres 10,000 acre it's a million dollars how many people can AFF a million dollar
piece of land few there's there's few but very few people but if you cut it
down into 10 10 acre tracks and sell it for 20 grand down you're you're getting seller
financing on the buy and then you're seller financing the exit as well is that correct we do sometimes cash
sometimes both but sometimes when you when you buy by the buy by the gallon and sell by the shot you create an
Arbitrage of pricing right so you can afford to do that and then we sell we do
part of the note game so we create debt and sell debt got it but how does your seller get made whole right I assume if
he's seller financing your purchase there's some sort of like do on sale clause or well sometimes we have to sell
the notes to pay off the seller got it got it got it or cash sales we because like our our whole business model we
looking for 2x playay so if we're buying that 100 Acre Farm for 10,000 acres a million dollars we're looking at a
projected exit of two so we only need to sell five ranches to cover the purchase price and the rest is profit so if I can
sell five of those uh seller finance I'm GNA have to Discount the paper to sell them but
still have I still have Equity to play with and who in that example who's like your typical buyer on the 10 acre piece
is it like a primary residence um it's everybody it's investors it's buying holders it's uh people that are looking
to build truck parking it's people that are looking to sit on it for 10 years and just land bank it and anyone anyone
that's just buying land custom home builder it could be literally anyone just something random it doesn't matter
there's a buy there's buyers everywhere um I I heard someone say this they're they're putting ads out they're doing uh
what we're doing in Colorado and they're putting ads in like Kansas City and there's people moving
from Kansas City to Colorado just to get a piece of 10 like 10 acres to put a house on I'm like there's buyers
everywhere for it and and that's what we love about it it's like everyone there's like a cultural almost like a cultural
shift happening where like people kind of want some more land want to kind of relax from that City lifestyle and seems
to be that shi well that's why I ask hunting too
hunting I've seen that shift too right like my generation I'm 28 I grew up in
Miami a lot of my peers have left right because they're priced out or you know
they want to go live in more of a rural setting right and then if you look at my parents generation so my dad my dad is
60 right so that generation they're also moving out because they want a slower you know pace of life so if you if you
look at the Press it's always like oh Florida you know tremendous net migration blah blah blah number one state number two State Us in Texas
always but if you look at Miami Dade right which is us and Monroe County which is the keys it's one of the
highest net migration losses in the country right and that's a combination of people
being priced out right and looking for more of a of a rural setting my thing is fishing and hunting
so you know know working is a means to an end for me I enjoy what I do I love it but I do also you know I'm part of
that group that would move to more of a rural setting but I was just curious so would you say like would you
say more or less than half of your end buyers are users or some sort of
investor or like recreational property I'd say it's 50/50 50
recreational and 50 investor type holder Builder ad value at person got it 50
but yeah it's Hit or Miss but everybody's everybody wants land but land's getting more expensive so they're
trying to control whatever they can afford so you guys have to give them utilities like in that same scenario 100
Acre you divy it up into 10 10 do you guys have to feed each of those properties of Power Water Sewer Septic
it depend septic can fit on anything over 3/4 Acres so we never even talk about sewer or septic because every lot
can have septic uh water most the time we're we research it to if somebody
wants it we already know who to call whether it's they need a drill a well or if you need to connect to the
waterline we it depends on the deal but some cases you know we we'll pay for the water study and application and get
their Taps for them because typically sells better too when you're like hey we got a meter for you set up you know we
got electric for you set up you know you want to come on come in and dump a mobile home or come and build your custom home like it's ready and a lot of
times it can move quicker that way how fast do you guys typically close on your exit like to the end user um our
projects are usually like we do we have some quick deals that move quick but
most of our stuff's like three to nine months got it that's not that slow you
see some you see some stuff down here that takes years you know 12 18 months it it depends what the it depends what
the strategy is so some lot we flip so we buy low sell High We value ad that
might be subdividing we buy big and create more inventory or we'll um
entitle entitles us our last bucket which we try not to do we're trying to like do more of that quick stuff and
then we'll do like an entitlement deal every once in a while so we have like 100 180 lot housing community we're
working on we have another one that could be like 400 Lots how big is your deal the one you got that could be like
400 LS right if you can get a sewer access we could probably do about 400 homes and it's less acre than the other
one he was just talking about too just because you got higher density and we access to sewer so and that one we are
in the TJ so we're kind of breaking our stuff but our most our bread and butter is stuff outside County stuff stuff
outside the city in the in the path of progress that people are looking to and we don't we don't mess with like desert
or the middle of nowhere properties we like we like buying just outside of the city so we think of like on the edges
the edges we're we're we're feeding we we get a lot of inventory the edges that's you keep any of
them we have it's a turn it's a turn process man we have we own like 400 Acres right now
but we're selling them sure it's a you own it you sell it you own it you sell it you own it you sell or Finance it
sure like I I one of my things is I'd rather own payments on dirt than the actual
dirt I'd agree with that I get paid I get paid to hold it so sure wh why why why why hold it and get
paid to do it so interesting business it's a very interesting business we
we're Wheeling dealing and we're just moving but it's it's a fun business but we have fun how'd you go from Trucking
to that was there a Gap in between there somewhere I no I fell into it it was it was a straight pivot from Trucking I was
I was going down the trucking route I literally ran it to the ground just because if I if I didn't I wouldn't like
I didn't go all in you know I'm all in just like you're all in in rig Hut I'm all in I went all into right into the
ground and then I was looking like okay when my when I hit when I started hitting the brakes I was like okay I got to find something to Pivot into and I
heard about real estate and kind of went down that and I'm in real estate well good for you it takes tones oh yeah it
definitely does definitely does but it was it was it was a fun journey and I I think it's uh I I'm always looking back
at like truck drivers that they can really do whatever they want they just don't know what abil what what they
don't have a future set for themselves besides truing sure most people see themselves doing that forever but um I
was looking for a quick exit but beyond the point I always like I always know the need for truck parking just because
I went through it and it's it's a painful it's painful when you're in it so let's talk about your products and
services what you're doing for the driver landlord um and what kind of
includes with your software just kind of help me better understand yeah so rig
Hut at its sort of basic form is is just a software right so landlords get access to a portal with a dashboard where we
populate kpis that are automatically updated based on platform activity you know occupancy vacancy Revenue metrics
things like that um we automate the inventory management process right so what that means is instead of a driver
coming in and asking you for parking and then you quote them a price you show them where to park or give them a space
number our system does all of that right so as long as we have 100% of the Yards capacity up front the entire parking
spot assignment and vacancy process is automated right so if you come in and you create a request for Five Truck and
Trailer spaces right our system will check that landlord's inventory if it's available we assign the spaces based on chronological order and we give them
access instructions however the landlord you know decides to give them access and
terms of billing and payments most of the C most of our customers use the autopay feature right so they require
most drivers to go on autopay for monthly parking we do give land landlord is the ability to accept what we call
offline payments if you've got a you know large customer that's going to send you a wire a transfer you can still put
that customer into the rig Hut system manage that relationship from there and record the payments offline it's got
built-in reporting for revenues and accounts receiv receivable you know think of you know any property management software that you would use
it's just purpose bill for truck parking so it's got some unique things where you can relocate parking spaces with a
couple clicks you can change rates with a couple clicks change quantities a we accommodate daily reservations obviously
so short-term nature stuff that's cool yeah that's huge that's cool and then on
top of that so the software is kind of like the base package right we're rolling out our AGS automated gate
system this month so we'll be able to Grant drivers access to facilities that participate in our AGS program without
getting out of the truck they'll be able to open the gate from their phone um so that's Tech and then on top
of that if if a landlord wants a an additional level of service right like some guys sign up with this that have
Chapter 5: Future Outlook and Final Thoughts.)
either many facilities you know more than six or they've got one really large yard is they'll sign up for our
receivable service which is basically we leverage our existing customer support team to act as a landlord's receivables
agent so once they get past once a driver gets past the grace period if there's a payment failure we're the you
know our team is the the one responsible for for calling those drivers and and
figuring out how to get them paid up wow so you are you it's Property
Management it's asset management at this point that's that's pretty cool sort of someone else the other day called it
Remote Management which I guess you could say it it might be if you're if
you're engaged in the receivables component of the business but a lot of it's automated right I mean if you sign
up on the platform and you run you're operating a facility you're not really looking at it all that much you're
looking at the beginning and the end of the month and the middle of the month you're not really doing too much are you
the only one in the marketplace that's doing this right now no well there's a lot of guys doing the truck parking
Marketplace thing right like the facilitating driver to space transaction
we don't play in that space like it comes as part of rup but that's not the core functionality truck parking Club
does a great job with that stuff I don't know if you've talked to those guys but they're you know good marketers and they
seem to drive a lot of traffic to landlords and then you know there's some other guys in the marketplace game there's only one other guy that I know
of that's building parking management software for semi-trucks
um I've never I've never met him I don't really know anyone that uses it so far but that's the only one that we've
encountered that's it's amazing I think you're you're very early on in a market you can definitely control the market share I think you've had huge success
very quickly off of that just because you're the first to Market um not quickly but thank you no no no I
mean it it's still it's very commendable are how are you protecting yourself on the copycat like trademark people are
going to copy us I know that we actually had a guy the only time I've ever you
know been upset at something like this because look my theory with this is and
I tell some guys that are thinking about launching startups that are worried about the copycat thing is ideas are a
dime a dozen right the execution is really what's going to separate you so I I I almost dare anyone to you know try
to replicate this to the degree that we have and and the relationships that we have are are so ingrained at this point
that it would be very hard but I do have a problem with someone that you know
pretended to be a prospect of ours and we did a demo and we sent him a recording and then we later found out
that he was trying to launch a competitor like that's the only thing that I have an issue with but other than that I mean good luck so I have I have
the same with what we do because we what we do is very like people do what we do but they don't do it do it what we do
right like it sounds great yeah I buy land 100 acres I split it up and I sell 10 10 10 acre pieces sounds really easy
I would say the same thing good luck good good luck copying it yeah I I definitely have that same I
have that same thought process but it's it's really cool I I love I love the I love the the mindset about it because
there's definitely you definitely have a a great idea and I think it's it's very
needed in the marketplace as a whole have you thought about adding like uh in like I think you said Marketplace
Marketplace feature where you get referrals or um inbound leads to help your landlords even more because if you
have overnight parking in 111 locations now you have your own you're building your own little mesh network of
essentially overnight parking yourself we're trying to do one thing really well
so I'd rather be the number one truck parking management software provider then be you know two or three at a
couple of different things so I see a world in the future where you know platforms like ours and the inevitable
competitors that will come out I they will come out and I think it's good for the industry oh yeah where where those
like PM Systems can kind of sit as like a middle layer and use all the other marketplaces to drive traffic right
because if you look at any other traditional real estate asset class it's like if you have a vacancy that thing's
on multiple marketplaces because you want to get as many eyeballs on that property as you possibly can but when
you're managing that property with the vacancy you're doing it with a completely separate platform right you're doing that with a yardi a
buildium an AppFolio kind of software and that's that's what we are I Goa no
it's really it's really cool you got another question Kyle I've been taking on this this whole conversation you're
good no it's a lot of value what were what were some of the struggles that you kind of encountered when you guys first
started the software like
gonna pull a list no just some of like just just
outlining a few like major ones that come to your mind quickly just just as a software
company I mean the the changes evolve right so when we first when we first made the true pivot to software it was
it was really hard to find these facilities at the scale you need to sell
an affordable product right like our product starts at 49 a month you've got to sell a lot of licenses to make money
right sell a lot of licenses you got to get in front of a lot of people it's very hard to get in front of a lot of people in truck parking especially three
years ago um so I I would say that was probably our original biggest challenge
and the way we solve that was one cold calling obviously but it wasn't how it is today where it's a little more
standardized we would literally fly around on Google Maps and get on street view and see if there was a phone number and if there was no phone number we'd
call the neighbor and see if the neighbor had a phone number and if anyone told us they were willing to meet with us anywhere in the country we were
on a plane the next day to go and meet with them Inc um that was kind of the first Challenge and then as the
technology evolves right like I'm non technical I told you I spent my whole career in the real estate business so
there's there was definitely a learning curve there in terms of archite architecture and the priority in which
we should build products so it's always going to have challenges right they're unique and interesting and it's part of the fun but those are you know two that
I would highlight have you uh have you bootstrapped this or did you take outside funding we bootstrapped it
originally which kind of got us off the ground we partnered with uh some guys out in New York who have been incredible
partners for us the company name is RIS Ventures uh rist with a z a they operate
in kind of two different um playgrounds one is real estate one is technology in
their in one of their real estate businesses they built a like secondary and tertiary Market self- storage owner
operator and they kind of pioneered the unmanned Self Storage model so they don't they don't have full-time staff at
any of their locations they have some Rovers and then they built technology to automate the rest of the process amazing
so you're hand in hand right there yeah so we we felt that was a really you know appropriate fit and that's the direction
that we see truck parking going so that's been a great great relationship that's huge that's that's a really
strategic partnership for sure yeah that's cool yeah the the automated
automated technology space I see it's it's a very telling you Trucking needed it let me tell you this my truck parking
when I was doing it if I got there after business hours I had to unlock the chain
roll in yeah lock the chain there's still some yards like that there's a yard like that that one of our customers
has in uh where is this one in Broward still manual gate uh it's not a chain
lock it's like a the ones that are like a stretchy kind of I don't know cord
cable with a combo lock sorry combo lock on the end oh man it's a it's a it's it
was such a pain I hated going like I literally hated this is why I don't talk about Trucking like I have like a bad
taste in my mouth PTSD I got PTSD from Trucking but I
think I think it's funny I think we're gonna end it here this is oh what is a quote that is yours
or somebody else's that you resonate with quote yes curveball the only time
success comes before work is in the dictionary oh I don't know who said that
but I've had that quote my whole life in my head there you go there you go that's good where can people find you online I
got the righ hut.com and you are rig Hut Trucking on Twitter and uh where can we
F funny online online and Twitter I mean if you want to email us it's info theer
hut.com but find us on Twitter it's truckpark king or call me I mean my C's everywhere
all right don't call him delete his number in like a
year he's gonna delete his number for everybody here thanks for coming in thank you Jake for coming on Kyle coming
on for everybody here go like share subscribe you know what to do we'll see you the next episode this has been a blast thanks guys uh if you like this
video go like subscribe and please follow us for more informational content [Music]
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More