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Ep 526: Meet the hive: Kyle Thompson
June 26, 2024

Ep 526: Meet the hive: Kyle Thompson

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In this episode of "Meet The Hive," Dan Martinez welcomes Kyle Thompson, who has achieved remarkable success in real estate within just 90 days. Kyle recounts the meticulous process of negotiating a seven-figure land deal with excellent terms, highlighting the importance of patience and strategic negotiation. The conversation explores the benefits of entitlement deals, which, despite their longer timelines, offer substantial returns. They also discuss leveraging MLS properties and creative financing to maximize investment potential. Throughout, Kyle emphasizes the importance of continuous education and learning creative financing strategies to excel in the real estate industry. Chapter 1: Introduction and Kyle's Rapid Success (0:00 - 2:10) Dan Martinez introduces special guest Kyle Thompson, highlighting Kyle's impressive accomplishments in the past 90 days, including securing a seven-figure deal. Chapter 2: Negotiating Creative Deals (2:11 - 5:00) Kyle shares the detailed process of negotiating a complex land deal with favorable seller financing terms, demonstrating persistence and strategic thinking. Chapter 3: The Benefits of Long-Term Entitlement Deals (5:01 - 7:12) The discussion delves into the advantages of entitlement deals, emphasizing the potential for significant returns despite the longer timelines and higher capital requirements. Chapter 4: Leveraging MLS and Creative Financing (7:13 - 10:00) Kyle and Dan explain their strategy for finding and capitalizing on MLS-listed properties, using creative financing methods to maximize returns. Chapter 5: The Importance of Education and Continuous Learning (10:01 - 14:15) Kyle reflects on his educational journey over the past 90 days, stressing the value of continuous learning, creative financing, and leveraging seller financing to achieve success in real estate. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 📃 Partner with us on your deals: https://submitbigland.com/ 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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welcome to another episode of Meet The Hive today we have a special guest Mr
Kyle Thompson now Kyle was a unique person we probably met 90 days ago yeah
probably almost exactly 90 days ago yeah 90 days ago now Kyle has done some
amazing things in the last 90 days that maybe we'll cover today but it's been
it's been very interesting to see him learn and grow over the last days and uh
it's just been interesting now one thing I'll say to this is not
everybody gets it quickly I'll say that that's my disclaimer but it can
happen can't happen so I think it's been about 80 days 70
days 70 80 Days yeah it's probably been I think I looked back it was funny I
looked back uh to see when you texted me to uh book The call or like to to book the call cuz I booked the call and then
you were like let's hop on tomorrow the next day yeah so yeah I think it's been either just under 90 something like that
call it 90 days so I was K Kyle's been one of those people so I tweeted out the
other day that we've had two students get seven figure deals in under 90
days and Kyle's one of them so congratulations thank you yeah yeah the
other one is Daniel who I haven't done interview yet yet I had I got an interview with him but he he got a 7
contract like in 40 days 45 days something like that that was super quick it doesn't very H this never happened
before YouTube we've been doing this for a long time so I think we got we got two people to do it in 90 days within six
months of each other yeah which is pretty amazing keep in mind I was negotiating that deal probably for the
since the first two weeks that I had started yeah so he negotiated the deal for two weeks two three weeks and he
negot did the hell out of that deal 80 seller was 88 years old everything had
to be Rel late to in person he wouldn't even just take a phone call to get information so oh I I remember this one
you were like every every negotiation took like 3 days longer every negotiation took at least 7 days at
Chapter 2: Negotiating Creative Deals.)
least so like I when I first joined Hive I found this one and it was like when
you guys had first introduced like hey we we'll do long tracks as long as they
as long as they hold it as long as they hold it and then I was like okay so I pitched it and even the agent told me
he's like seller's not going to go for it he's not going to go for it I was like well he's got to hold it for at
least 12 months and he's got to set the finance and he's like he's not going to
go for it he's an old man he's not going to do it he called me two weeks later and he goes Kyle good news that the
seller is interested in in your offer he just wants a little bit more down payment and but he's okay with 0%
interest I'm like what what does he want and then it was only like an extra 7% I
offered 10% down he wanted like 17% down and then he goes hey Kyle there's also another off-market track right across
the street I looked at it and I was like well half of it flood so as I was doing
more research I was like oh there's a there's a like a Wastewater sewer
plant behind this so I called the company and I was like Hey would we be
able to tap into this and I kind of explained what we wanted to do with the project if we were able to get sewer and
he was like yeah I mean I don't see a problem and I sent him like a loom video he's like yeah like I I don't see a
problem it's right there it's like 1,000 ft so that's a little quick synapsis of
kind of the negotiation and kind of what I spotted and he ended up adding that he ended up adding that second track in
there for even cheaper cuz of the flood but it lowered our price per acre and it
didn't increase our down payment yeah stay the same yeah so one thing one thing that's funny about this deal is
you took it we took it to Anthony and what Anthony say he was like hell no he like it's
ugly but what and then I I told Kyle I'm like yes it is ugly but if you get great
terms it turns an ugly deal into a good deal and that's what I told him and he
went he went to work on getting the terms and he got amazing terms this the one with threee s Finance
yeah so he ended up giving us um so this is the one we also learned some sauce on
I'm not an accountant but we learned a little bit of I mean I wouldn't call it
sauce I mean the only thing we need we need to know is that sellers if if we're doing 0% uh 0% seller finance they're
supposed to allocate some sort of that uh monthly payment towards interest but that's for themselves that's for their
taxes that's not for us to disclose so that's for them to kind of figure out
with their you know financial advisor but anyway the seller was like okay well
Chapter 3: The Benefits of Long-Term Entitlement Deals.)
we'll take just the minimum interest that the IRS recommends for this type of loan and it was a three-year balloon so
I mean we're paying like almost nothing in interest again you know compared to what our Roi is going to be so what was
the purchase price in this one like 28 uh it was like 3 million or like just over three million okay yeah yeah so
it's it's a good deal it's a good deal but I'm excited about this and one thing one thing we always tell people
especially with longer deals like this is that it's going to take time it's going to take 12 to 16 months to produce
this and seller gave us 18 months seller gave us 18 months so K negotiated that up front so especially with these long
longer entitlement deals we're trying to pick up other stuff versus
entitlements kind of pick up more more more regular deals than entitlements cuz tlements take a a lot longer and take a
lot more Capital intensive but we are like I said we look at it if it's the right opportunity and we get the right terms hey we'll look into it so I think
this one you negotiated like $115,000 of earnest money for the first 12 months
for the first 12 months 13,500 for the first 12 months which if you can get a multi-million dollar deal with $113,000
for 12 months I don't know if you I don't know if you can negotiate any better than that it's crazy I mean the
sellers 88 years old and he's letting us hold the property obviously we know he's not sitting there we're doing work we're
doing work during that time um the engineering and stuff but he's letting us hold the property for 12 months for
$113,000 so think about this so most time most people that invest in real estate they're always trying to buy then
value add so if you buy a house I'm going to turn it into a flip put $220,000 into it and then flip it
essentially we're doing that same process but we're value adding while we're under contract and then we purchase at the end of it so we've
increased the value of our end product and then we buy it so we have a lot better terms we get a better Roi with
our capital and it gives us a lot of Leverage and especially with time involved property
appreciates we get that upside for however long we contract it or we have the upside into the the seller financing
Chapter 4: Leveraging MLS and Creative Financing.)
and the due diligence period so big land and long time lines are they work well
in your favor and you can pay arv whatever it is right whatever it's worth
mhm pretty much as long as you seller financing this is one of the beautiful things about seller financing is you
could pay their price even a little bit of buffer room overpriced and still make a great deal happen with seller
financing because you're not having to bring a bank involved so let's let's backtrack just one second for those of you that just don't know what an
entitlement is entitlements where you take a piece of land and you work with your local county or city that uh has
jurisdiction over there and we prefer to work with a civil engineering firm and what they do is they do all the studies
they work with the county to kind of approve the plans for uh maybe a residential subdivision for housing or
maybe multif family commercial whatever whatever it might be industrial um so
obviously we're we're in the residential space so that's what we do um and that that's the plan with this property is we're working with the county to get um
approvals for a residential subdivision yeah but this this is this
is just one of the deals you got you I think we're we're still waiting one we're going contract yeah Monday should
be a uh go under contract for a bread and butter deal um like 30 Acres 38 acres it's like 38 acres so we'll do
like 122 acre lots um 50 cents on the dollar at list price um so that that
that one was just sitting on the MLS um actually that one was a little bit fresh both are on MLS right both were on MLS
both are on MLS so this is one of the Beauties about our strategies we can pick off deals off the MLS there's one
of the big things we always look for is a is a price or Finance Arbitrage or
even like a lot AC Arbitrage and I think you found one of one or all of those on all of on both of those yeah so and
stuff just sits in Ms so if you get if you get an eye for it you can get make some money on it for sure so under 90
days hopefully two deals by Monday one one one seven figure deal one multi six
figure one multi six figure but that one's like probably 90 days or less on that one so obviously that's most ideal
right is you know less time even if it's you know you make less money these entitlements they're they're big money
but it's higher risk and it just takes more time so the bread and butter is obviously these these subdivides but
like Daniel said if if you guys are getting good terms who know man just send it send it
over send it over let's look at it let's uh let's take a look at it cuz yeah like Daniel said that seller financing just
changes the game cuz you got to think about land um most of the time it's appreciating over time it's not just
Chapter 5: The Importance of Education and Continuous Learning.)
it's not depreciating so um it's just the assd class is it's unbelievable yeah
so like I said this is ky's results in the last 90 days like I said depends on
you are who are an individual and I think Kyle's Relentless as far as trying to get some action and trying to get a
deal done um I commend him for putting in the work and putting the effort to get these results cuz it was definitely
all him it was definitely all him and he knows what work he put in to get those just
those results right he knows he knows so
um what other things have you learned in the last 90 days in general
cuz one thing that's think about Kyle is Kyle started real estate a year and some
change ago so he's like 15 months in the game yeah 16 months in the game so he's been like he's been hanging around us
for 90 days or so um what has been like your your
educational epiphanies that have happened over the last 90 days so I think the one thing um that
kind of blew my mind was uh yeah the entitlement is cool it's a cool deal
that I got that that honestly the really the fun part was was the turns but really what blew my mind when I first
learned about hype mind and what these guys do is uh like the 10 acre subdivide plays where were like no money out of
pocket to double our money that blew my mind that I was making like 10 15 20
grand assignment fee sometimes a little bit more on a house and I can make 10x that money on a
quick 10 acre subdivide and maybe the same amount of time but with still no money no my own
none of my own money on of my pocket so one thing I like I I love about land is cuz you have the ability to ask for
longer time timelines and they're not out of bounds in most cases so by you asking for a longer timeline you actually have the ability to Value add
even even up to the point of selling before you have to put up a significant amount of money to even purchase it so
land is the only asset class you can actually pay the seller off with their own property yep you can't do that with
any other asset class you can't buy 50 units of apartments and you need to put 10% down you can't sell five
units right you can't do that yeah it's it's all one package but if you buy 50 Acres you can 100% sell 10 acres off of
that and that can be your down payment to your seller exactly so you have the
unique unique ability to creatively put together a deal with little to M out of pocket just by
negotiating so yeah that was that was one thing that I learned that just blew my mind I learned that right off the bat
and obviously um that's why I worked so hard to to get a deal and and start getting
deals done was just because of learning that concept like right off the bat but um just learning about notes notes and
and um just how to Value seller financing and how to how to Value
balloons and of course um I already knew the concept about seller finance but not
knowing how to actually put a value on what that looks like and what it can do
in especially in the land space because of just talking about the appreciation so it just blew my mind that a seller is
just going to give us 0% seller finance on on honestly most cases if they're open to
seller finance they're going to give us 0% like 85% of the time like they're going to give us 0% yeah one thing I I
harp on with land especially big land is you can get some type of seller financing on every deal whether it's 90%
or 20% doesn't really matter you can get some type of seller financing on it you just got to ask and drill into it
because a lot of these sellers have Equity so you got to really got to ask some tough questions um one thing I want
to ask you was if you guys are interested in notes what book did I tell you to get uh to learn more about notes
uh it was in invest invest in debt invest in debt so verybody listening if
you want to learn about seller financing and notes and balloons and all that stuff and how to Value it invest in debt
by Jimmy Napier it's one of my favorite books simple it's very simp short read very
simple very short read and it's a lot it's very informational so um maybe we'll put the link in the
description but the 10bii calculator too yeah 10bii five bucks on the App Store
$5.99 it's priceless priceless priceless priceless um if you guys been watching
my content you see stuff I do live in person on the weekly calls I pull the calculator out a lot I use it a lot I'm
very proficient with it I can punch out numbers pretty
quickly and I can find an Roi and time value of money and it's just it's a good
thing to practice with especially if you're messing with uh seller financing and Roi and stuff like that it's really
it's really a great tool to learn how to use proficiently but man um it's been
amazing to see you grow I I think I told you this one recently I don't know we
met a couple times told a couple times on the phone but um Kyle's one of those people where I
know he's going to do great things for a very long time and how old are you 24 24
cow's learned a lot at 24 I didn't start my first business till I was
26 I was 25 26 so for him being 24 knowing a lot he's going to do some
amazing things in the future he's definitely a person you want to watch out for because he's going be do some
crazy stuff um I think uh me looking back when I was 24 even when I started
at 25 I definitely would not see foresee
what I would be doing now I kind of have some foresight now of where I'm going but back then I definitely didn't but um
it's very interesting to see young people and their trajectory that they
can create by putting himself in the right in the right position and in the right place to receive information I
think a lot of people they get so blindsided but they they feel like
they know it all and they're not able to receive any more information they can't grow anymore they can't grow anymore
yeah me I talked to Kyle about this too you can go to Instagram and look up
house flipper and there's house flippers that been flipping houses for 30 years and they'll continue doing it till the
next 30 Years you know and what we what we teach about land and
land investing and it totally blows houses out the water it blows a lot of different classes out the water so I
think you have to be opened Ed on other opportunities and other information out
there because you don't really know um where the cap is like even me
I'm learning every day literally every day and it's fun it I don't know where
my trajectory is like I know where I'm going but I don't know what information it changes rapidly it changes rapidly
like I I feel like 2024 for me person personally I
feel like I've learned 10 years of information just and right now it's and it's middle May if you're listen to this
might come out in June but right now it's middle may this year 2024 I've learned I feel like 10 to 20 years of
information that I could have learned the hard way and I feel like I learned it in the last 6 months so my trajectory
even 6 months ago has totally it went a little bit further down the road
yeah I think of it in in like terms of of the stock market too you're like looking at a chart it's always
constantly going up and down but sometimes you'll have a big pushup sometimes you'll have like you
know some sort of fell fall off and then some sort of down and then you're just
up up and down always but that trajectory is always changing um but they they really can't
take away from what you already taught exactly that's one of the biggest things man you bu if you build upon your
education your uh your end result is Limitless literally Limitless I
everybody does know I used to I used to be a truck driver and I used to run my own Trucking Company when I used to talk to drivers I I would I would go through
the hiring process and they' be like oh I've been a truck driver for 18 years
and I'm like so what you're telling me is you did one year truck driving and then you have 17 years of doing the same
thing behind it and no growth beyond that and then they would look at me sideways and like
what like you tell me you did the same thing over and over again so you got one year of experience 17
times it's like just a neutral trajectory it's a very neutral
trajectory and that's that's the point is it doesn't matter your experiences it matters about your growth during that
experience and what you do with it because a lot of people they may learn
the information to grow but they never utilize the information to grow beyond that right and you also got
to you got to embrace the we talked about today embrace the struggle embrace the hard times like you don't want this
handed to you man like I I think I Al I think about it all the time of those people that are born into just
straight wealth like just an an absurd amount of money and it's just like the
only thing they can find for fun now is to to have power and that's all they have fun with like because they they
haven't really experienced struggles in like the what a normal life can actually feel like and yeah we talked about it I
don't want this handed to me like the the this the the struggle and the the the climb to get there is what's
fun my my my I feel like I put in a lot of work and effort and it's getting a
lot less this the struggles changed like when I first started it was a lot of
manual I'm going to do things myself but now it's changed from manual struggle to
a mental struggle right it's ch it's change the struggle
has changed a little bit but even the mental struggle like I I always think about this like Elon Musk is running
three multi-billion dollar corporations like imagine the mental capacity of that
person like I don't know I'm not there yet the thing is anyone has that though
you have the capacity to get there anyone has it it's just you you got to have that breakthrough and you have
multiple breakthroughs multiple breakthroughs I mean when you have three comp yeah multiple breakthroughs and I
mean you got to have the tenacity that guy is insane it's multiple
breakthroughs over your over your lifetime and distance so me Anthony's a
big fan of Elon Musk and he always equates to um Elon Musk is being like an
alien because he sees he's a very Visionary and he sees the future of what
things could be but he's creating it um or buying into it and then create making
it better so like he didn't start Tesla but he bought into Tesla and then he's guiding it on directory based off his
vision so it's having what's not there to make it physically tangible MH that's
not there I mean that's part of the big thing about being a Visionary um but we don't even me and you don't have to get
to that extent like I don't have to instead of going to Mars we're going to Jupiter like like I'm not you don't
have to do that but this is one of the things like I think Elon is on a totally different level but us as individuals and people especially listening to this
you just need to get we're not Reinventing the wheel what me what me and Anthony do and what Kyle's trying to
do and doing we're not it's it's been done before and there's a path laid out
and you just got to follow that path and sometimes it takes longer and sometimes you get a shortcut but shortcuts aren't
always there around the Cor corner it's like playing Lottery People win the lottery but not everybody wins so like
going back to breakthroughs I think of it like this so you have a breakthrough you get to a higher level cuz there's
levels of this absolutely so you go through a breakthrough you get to a new level that's your Bas line that's his
new Baseline that's your new Baseline but that Baseline could be badass like for that time being could be badass but
then you're like I want more then you have another breakthrough and then that Baseline you're like this badass but I
still want more and then you keep having more break through and that's what Elon had Elon had it but on on an
extraordinary level yeah and he just had breakthroughs just I mean his breakthroughs will be infinite you know
until the day he dies so I have a question for you so we're talking about
baselines and breakthroughs not that I'm retiring but as I've matured and I've
been doing this for a while there's going to come an end where either a I have to exit the business or I die right
it's bottom line happens to everybody I've been I've been thinking about it a lot more like said I love what I do and
I love the product I produce for the world which is inventory and affordable
housing but I always think about who is going
to take on that responsibility behind me and I have to make
sure even if I die or I don't want want to do it
anymore who takes on that who who's going to take on that mantle and the reason why I think about this is cuz
there was a there was a whole Twitter thre about the dude who created Myspace created Myspace I think he had
like a $540 million exit he sold it Myspace and most Founders would start
something else and kind of keep doing it but he just stopped he just lived life he went and surfed and started pick
taking up new hobbies graphy and golf and all these different things
and I don't I don't know I don't know I'm not at that point
yet so I it's really hard to me to think about what I would do after I'm done
whether I hand it off or I don't know it's just something I think about but do you ever think about stuff like that
like all the time your exit all the time I'm like first of all it needs to I
don't think you can even set a number on the amount of money you would make before or like you have your quotequote exit before you if you were to do it
before you die obviously like I don't think it's I don't think it's in terms of like a number that you hit but it's
more in terms of like either a feeling of like I'm just I just feel like I
can't accomplish anymore like I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish and I'm done and like I want to spend more time with my wife or my
kids or my family and that's it I mean I I I feel like most people in
entrepreneurship or um or being in business they don't look at it when they make these exits as terms as some of
it's business plays and some of them they're just like playing Monopoly and they just want to keep upgrading and stuff but the people that make exits and
they just stop it's just because they can't put a number on like the value of just spending more time with family
picking up Hobbies I think about all the time like I don't know like playing guitar just like grilling out hanging
with the family going on a boat and like it's not even about like drinking
alcohol doing drugs like doing all this like crazy stuff when you when you retire and Stu it's like no it's just
about living living and just going back to what we what we were made for before
monetary things became I mean we've always traded something whether it was paper money gold whatever it was
seashells whatever time like whatever it is like we were always trading something but I think we just kind of go we've
gotten so into trading our time for money that
we kind of forget what really matters and it's just like family spending time and having connections and stuff but
money is really the gas to get there quicker that's it it's and like you hustling in
a in a 9 to-5 W2 I mean nothing against it nothing against
it but it's probably not going to get you there to spending more time and and with the people you love and doing
things that you love quicker than being an entrepreneurship and going through hard for maybe 10 15 years and then
you're able to make an exit or you're able to kind of step back into a smaller position and then you can say yeah like
I I can spend more time or I can take a one month vacation it's nothing's going to crumble you know so I had I had this
I had that same thought process so I I remember when I was a truck driver and I was talking to one of the guys and for
everybody here that were Trucking but they had like seniority you have like your seniority of like every every job
whatever and one of the guys is like I just got seniority enough to get a
Monday to Friday afternoons and I'm make and I'm making six figures right because
he has he has a top top top pay and he has a good schedule and I'm like I like
how long have you been here he's like 11 years and I'm like 11 years is a long
time and he's like what about those guys I ask him what about those guys oh those guys have a good like what do they got
oh they have Monday to Friday and 6 a.m schedule they're home by 3 it's amazing
like how much they make oh it's like they make like 1:15 and I'm just like how long they've
been here oh 15 years there's guys retiring so once they retire I can go up
in seniority and I can get it hopefully in the next two years and I'm just like it's just like a it's all like a big
dream man it's too it's they they sell you the dream and it's like it's too
long it is I mean I I okay let's take a back of Step and he's talking about I've been here
for 10 years and they gave me this think about putting 10 years into yourself 10 years into yourself like
hard work like 80 hours of work but you're for yourself not someone else
yeah what what you can produce so one thing one thing you have to understand as an
employee you should bring a multiple on your efforts to your boss slash business
so when you work for yourself you get to take that roles and responsibility and you put it into your own business and if
you don't you're stealing from your company think we talk about this like if you're if you're not
producing an Roi you're you're almost a a leech you're dead in the water you're
dead in the water yeah it's disrespectful to yourself honestly it's disrespectful to yourself and I've seen
and and the people around and your family and your friend it's disrespectful cuz you know your
potential yeah I like I said I I've seen it I mean I work I remember working on the docks and there'll be guys like I
would I would outwork them and they would barely they'd show up for work and kind of just skate by and you'd see them
in the bathroom break they' take extra long bathroom breaks and who knows what they were doing but right I I couldn't
like I felt like the day took took longer when I did that and it wasn't fulfilling yeah and I had to be busy
with my hands cuz I could work I would work back in those days I worked 10 hours 12 hours and it felt like six cuz
I was so B I was keep myself busy but I don't know I it's just P things have
changed since then and my perspective has changed and I
do I think I talked to Eddie Wilson about this on a podcast he's like episode
501 and he's like he has he said I hate the term work life
balance because my work is my life yeah that hit hard my work is my
life and balance is existing as balance is
everywhere and that that one hit me hard too cuz like I do I I love my schedule
that I have now and I do love what I do
in general because I know it produces good impact to the world
and yes I make money too but there's multiple wins that happen through the
process of the way I make money and that's why I like that's why I like it yeah it's the I like I like the real
estate and wholesaling and land and all this stuff because we
take properties that need to be solved problems that need to be solved IL
liquid assets that would never sell for cash um taxes that would be paid up the Wu
and we negotiate seller financing and they keep more more money and pay less to Uncle Sam like I help people
transition difficult issues into money and it's very fulfilling for me very
fulfilling just being creative man just being creative being creative is just so when I was doing houses and you could be
creative with houses too don't get me wrong but it's just it's so much easier as the price goes up
so much easier as price goes up you have way more negotiation room you have way negotiating power with with a higher
price point I was just thinking about this you you see like artists they paint beautiful pictures right I feel like the
deals we negotiate are beautiful pictures right they're are they're our version of art 100% it is it's a work of
art like yeah I just I just think I just it's almost like just think of the craziest you
could you could put in an offer just do it like and obviously it's it's honestly you
could do almost anything in a real estate transaction as long as the seller and the buyer agreed to it agre to it
and that's really it I just thought about that too I I told my wife's like you're not like I feel like I'm not
creative but I am creative I'm just creative in real estate right and I
never really thought about it that way everyone has a creative mind they just put it in different places like I wish I
wish I could paint I love I love painting right I love paintings but I can't paint I can't even write my own
name but man some of these offers they're some beautiful work of art I can't even spell my own name but
man I could put an offer together oh man I feel like I need to
cut off the second part of this episode and like real estate Creative Real Estate is
Art that's could probably be like three parts I don't know this it's funny but I
don't know it's it's exciting to see to to exciting to see what people could do with the with with the right
information um we hear a lot of times about people getting bad information and
it it hurts it hurts when people do that but it's cool to see when people get the
right information and what they can do with it and I know it has Limitless potential in the right hands
absolutely Limitless potential so and even me like I said I don't know I know
where I'm going but who knows what art I'll be making in the next 5 years there's something we're going to learn
and it's just going to be like we look we're going to look back at this conversation now we be like damn we were dumb asses back then and it's crazy like
I look at myself a week ago and I said that I'm like damn how did I not know that a week ago or a day ago like
you learned so quickly you're like bro how did like I look back at my day yesterday I'm like I was an idiot
yesterday but it just it shows you how much information's out there for you to learn
it's endless it's it's it's it's endless literally endless and here's the crazy thing when I was Employee I knew a
fraction like a tenth of a fraction of what I know now and I thought I knew a lot back then
right so it just shows you how much Limitless information is out there that
can be harnessed for good to create your own version of Art
for sure crazy man uh thanks for tuning in
for coming on yes sir for part number two or part one depending on what order I put this in maybe three maybe
three but now this is good Meet The Hive with Kyle Thompson there you go
[Music] [Applause]
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More