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Ep 525: Raising Billions With Brad Blazar
June 24, 2024

Ep 525: Raising Billions With Brad Blazar

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In this episode, Dan Martinez and co-host Kyle Thompson welcome Brad Blazar, an expert in capital raising with over two billion dollars raised. Brad shares his journey from aspiring architect to launching his own oil company at 23, highlighting the importance of structured systems and trust-building in raising capital. He introduces his effective sales framework and discusses advanced strategies for engaging high net worth investors and RIAs. The conversation also covers overcoming challenges, the significance of transparency, and techniques for maintaining investor relationships, offering valuable insights for both novice and experienced capital raisers.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Brad Blazar's Background (0:00 - 1:44)

Dan Martinez introduces special guest Brad Blazar, known for raising over two billion dollars and coaching people globally on attracting and closing capital from high net worth investors.


Chapter 2: The Journey to Capital Raising (1:45 - 5:32)

Brad shares his journey from studying architecture to becoming a successful capital raiser for oil companies, eventually launching his own oil company at 23 years old.


Chapter 3: Effective Sales Framework for Raising Capital (5:33 - 10:06)

Brad discusses his proven sales framework, emphasizing the importance of building trust and relationships, and the strategic process of presenting investment opportunities.


Chapter 4: Strategies for Engaging High Net Worth Investors (10:07 - 14:22)

Brad explains the concept of marketing to the one to get to the masses, building relationships with wealth managers, and the benefits of targeting registered investment advisors (RIAs).




Chapter 5: Advanced Techniques and Overcoming Challenges (14:23 - 29:50)

The conversation delves into advanced capital raising techniques, handling large investors, and the importance of transparency and addressing risks to build trust with potential investors.


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[Music] hey welcome to the Hess podcast I'm your host Dan Martinez today I have a special co-host Kyle Thompson and we have a
special guest Mr blad Brad
Blazer Brad Blazer Brad there you go alrighty everybody it's great to be here
with you guys hey Kyle hey Daniel so we actually had the the we actually met you
two weeks ago in Phoenix Arizona we had an amazing time and uh one of the things that you said Is You doing podcast so
here we are I have a podcast 500 episodes and we're we're going to have some fun here today I'm excited love it love it so I see you
have a two comic Club award for people that don't know who you are you can give people the 30 second 30 second sales
pitch and we'll jump right into the podcast yeah you know I'm kind of known around the world as the guy that's raised over two billion dollar through
uh my efforts and the efforts of teams we've LED and so we run a global platform basically coaching and
mentoring people in about 28 countries today how to do one thing and I believe we do it better than anybody else we've
ever met and that is how to attract how to raise and how to close capital from high net worth investors so that you can
build by or scale your business or as I like to say do something big in life there you go so two billion is is a big
number is is three coming up soon uh it is uh hopefully you know it's really
interesting I have no idea how much our students globally have raised okay it's
going to be uh you know well in excess of a billion as well we've launched hundreds of funds uh you know we hear
from people that are raising tens of millions of dollars um so yeah I mean you know I'm still raising money
actively myself I'm involved in deals um I'm really not you know raising money
for quote other people like I was before but um you know it's just a lot of exciting things going on right now um
Chapter 2: The Journey to Capital Raising.)
seeing a lot of opportunities in the market speaking on a lot of stages we're actually working on book number four uh
which we hope to come out with in a couple months so uh you know that's being reviewed edited polished up um
it's just about you know continuing to move forward and just continuing to do bigger uh
things so you uh are you so you're about to a billion dollars what your students have raised across the board are do you
have a kpis of like goals or you kpis of like uh total um funds raised for
yourself and that point or like how do you keep track of this I feel like your skill set is definitely raising money but do you have like it's it's really
hard because we have so many thousands of people today that have you know
participated in our boot camps you know bought my books signed up for our coaching and mentoring launch funds Etc
and you know it's not like everybody reaches out and says hey I just raised $10 million or you know hey we did this
um the people that do stay in touch with us or that we do connect with pretty regularly uh we kind of do keep some
metrics on that uh so I'm sure the number's probably a lot bigger uh than we think it is um but you know when
you've got a global community of people that are actively out there raising Capital daily for all kinds of projects
I mean we got people not just in real estate you know we got people that are raising money for things like Broadway shows major Motion Pictures Tech uh we
got people obviously that are doing some pretty cool stuff in crypto cannabis U and so when you look at kind of this
huge ecosystem of what I just call capitalist uh that number is pretty big
but I think the real reason that you know we wake up every day and do what we do it's because I believe people have a
need and a desire to do more in life and a lot of times they can't get that project or that big idea off the ground
and usually it's just due to a lack of money you know they just lack the capital and uh it's unfortunate that
when we wake up every day we're surrounded by pretty much all the money we need to do everything in life we want desire we just call these other people
investors but uh they don't teach us how to approach or work with investors in Traditional School and so that's why we
launched Capital School awesome Brad you're obviously doing this at a at a large scale scale can you quickly touch
for um the audience on how you got involved with capital raising and and how you got started yeah sure you know I
I kind of fell into it um I was actually growing up to be an architect and I went to college actually studying
architecture and um you know in Austin Texas at the University of Texas there uh there a Longhorn I ended up going to
work for a very small oil company I was in my fourth year in a 5-year degree
program and just you know looking for a part-time job circling ads in the newspaper you know sending out resumés
and lo and behold I got a call one day from the small oil company went in and after a couple meetings with the CEO he
said look you know I'd love to hire you you can think fast on your feet you're pretty cocky little kid and so you know
I went in between classes after school they showed me how to do do this they
gave me structure they gave me list of high net worth individuals and so I just started code calling these people you
know using the system that they taught me and uh you know was now raising millions of dollars uh you know between
class after school and then I went to work for a second Oil Company doing exactly the same thing for them uh then
after about two and a half years raising capital for others I went out in my own and printed up some letterheads some
business card and at the age of 23 launched my own oil company and uh the history as they say it's amazing man
it's amazing you're not many 23 year olds out there running oil companies right the first that that's
Chapter 3: Effective Sales Framework for Raising Capital.)
incredible absolutely not uh I wanted to ask you if you can cover your sales framework and to whatever you
want to cover to an extent because I know you have some Hightech information some high level information you protect
but um one thing I got from the from your your live in person training was
the sales process and Confirmation to make the offer you kind of cover what that flow is and I think that's it's
very it's a very good topic to kind of like if anybody gets this one thing I think you should get this and I answer
that question for me I think it's really good topic yeah um this is kind of what I call the the Golden Nugget of you know
the session today uh because the biggest mistake that most people make when they go out and try to raise capital is
they're in front of somebody that could be a potential investor they they got a deal they've got a fund or they got whatever it is that they're raising
capital for and they start talking about it you know just too early in the process it might be in the first Meetup
or it might be in the second and think of this kind of like a pitcher and a catcher right you're you're pitching
your deal and the other person is the catcher and uh you know what they're naturally going to say after you pitch
is hey it sounds like it could be a pretty interesting deal David can you send me some information so I can take a closer look at it and they're saying
that because that is the next logical thing in a Time line that happens and so
you know you send them everything and you follow up in a week or whatever and you get all kinds of excuses and what's
really happening at a very subconscious level is that other person is really
just telling you that they don't trust you enough to move forward in the process because you didn't invest enough time you got to kind of think of this
like dating and so uh you know the best advice I give to people when it comes to raising capital is understand that there
is a series of events that do need to to take place you need to build trust you
need to create a relationship the way that we do that is we ask people a lot of questions but everything that I do is
based on many many years of raising you know hundreds of millions of dollars taking all this knowledge all this
experience and codifying that and then creating key Concepts and so you know a
lot of times people hear me talking about these key fundamental concepts like the four step blueprint or the
trust sequence or the validation phrase and you know much like Jordan Belford who's one of the top sales trainers that
talks about his thing called the straight line method this gives people the road map and the blueprint so that
in every interaction you're having with the potential investor you know exactly
why you're there you know exactly what the outcome should be and so we always ask people typically after the second or
third call what I call the validation phrase this teas me up so to speak to
now pitch somebody on the next call and I just say you know hey David I've really enjoyed getting to
know you buddy but like I've explained right now I just don't have a deal that I can openly discuss with you and the
reason is I like to give my existing investors the right of first refusal on any new opportunities that come our way
but here's what I'd love to do David I keep a list of people on my desk I'd love to add you to that list and just
give you a call back in the future if I have an opening on something I think you get real excited about does that logically make sense you see when David
says yeah please do that what he's doing is he's confirming that he's ready now
to move to the next step in the process but more importantly he's now teting me up and he's asking me and technically
inviting me to come and Pitch him so what do you think I'm doing the next time I'm calling David I'm pitching my
deal yeah now I send the information then I follow up then I close and I just
rinse and repeat that cycle so that's really you know the biggest mistake
people make but it is a four-step process which is why I call it the four-step blueprint think of it as an
introductory Meetup or an introductory call followed by a followup where you're
just going real deep with the person the validation phrase the third calls the pitch and then the fourth call boom
you're signing them up you're getting a check and uh you're moving the process forward to the next step you know yeah n
that that was that was one of the biggest things that you kind of go through that process because a lot of people they kind of kind of blow their
their opportunity to even pitch money or they kind of ruin that relationship because they pitched it too early without getting that confirmation that's
it biggest mistake people make they pitch too prematurely I call it you got premature
Chapter 4: Strategies for Engaging High Net Worth Investors.)
presentation girls don't like that no they don't no they don't but say um your
biggest struggles were when you first started Capital raising versus now with your uh when you're more experienced and
and doing this at the highest level I think I think the big difference was
you know the the I won't say the
grudging speaking to lots of people uh we were raising money from individuals
back then you know these are the doctors the professionals you know that make a couple hundred grand a year you know
might be worth a million two three million bucks what really changed things for me big time um was one of my friends
in Austin who was actually a small boutique uh kind of a private wealth manager uh that was kind of watching me
from the sidelines he said you know hey you're obviously successful you know here you are driving around in a nice
Porsche you know you live in a nice home uh he said I think what you're doing might be suitable for some of the clients whose money I manage and so we
met up we got together and he did his due diligence on me and uh he finally
suggested you know hey why don't we co-host an event I'll get 12 to 20 my better clients together you know you
kind of come in explain it is you do so we did that and um he did all the work he followed up with each family and in
about two weeks he sent me $2 and A5 million and This little light bulb went off in my head and it said why am I out
here fishing for minnows like I just landed a blue marlin so I got my sales team together and I said hey everybody
we got to go out and find four to six more guys just like him and so what we did is we started focusing our marketing
and building trust and relationships with the one person that could that introduce us to the masses and so that's
another concept that I talk about that's a little bit more advanced it's really designed for people that have a little
bit of a track record that you know have raised some Capital before but the concept of marketing to the one to get
to the masses is realizing you know these Ras these small boutique private
wealth managers manage hundreds of millions of dollars for the same families that we're trying to get in
front of and so if you can build a relationship with that one or maybe a small office of two or three boom
they'll open up their whole damn Network to you and invite you into that Network
and now that can easily become a five or10 million relationship and so you now
have the ability to maybe 3x or 5x your Capital racing over the next 12 months
by simply focusing on this more advanced strategy that we talk about so you mentioned Ras I've never heard of a IR
Ria till I went to your event so I know a lot of people are going to be lost that can you kind of explain what it
means and what they do in the marketplace sure you know most people are familiar with the term financial advisor you know stock broker register
rep so in the financial services industry we have people that are called raas that stands for a registered
investment advisor think of them as wealth managers money managers they're not like Brokers that are transactional
based meaning they do not get paid commissions to buy or sell Securities they're more an allocator people come in
they give these wealth managers their money to manage and they're simply allocating money and moving it around
based on things that they see might be a shift in the economy might be inflation might be interest rates so you know
they're always looking for places to park and alate capital too but the best
thing for the person raising Capital I.E us is they don't charge commissions so
they get paid by their clients to manage their clients money and so they become
really really great strategic allies because if they know like can trust you they can allocate some of their clients
money to your fund or to your deal and that's how we build these strategic
relationships but an RA stands for registered investment adviser they're just advising people on their
Investments and they're really kind of that the the upper end of what we call Private wealth management
firms no it's good I have I have a personal stuff that came up U with a
Chapter 5: Advanced Techniques and Overcoming Challenges.)
information bias so we're talking to somebody in our network over the past couple days and he said people with
money know what they have so they try and control a large portion of deals and
try and get more equity and we me my me and my partner were kind of thinking
like hey I think it goes the other way where if you have a good plan that produ good Roi you can control and produce
good Roi so I think it's kind of like information bias I want to ask your opinion on it because this is a conversation we're having with one of
our one of our friends literally uh yesterday so I your opinion on on on that because I know you've dealt with a
lot of situations with people with high Capital that worse and what they want out of deals out of
transactions I think that when you're dealing with larger investors that are
bigger check writers to some degree not all the time but to some degree they can
negotiate or dictate the terms you know if you're doing a deal and uh they like
it they might push back a little bit and say you know hey we're looking at investing million bucks like you know we're not investing 50 or 100,000 like
most everybody else and so you know we don't like the fee structure okay great
well let's do a JV or let's do a little sidecar deal you know what's within the
realm of what you do like and so those larger you know investors you know that
might be a family office or it might be a Institutional Investor you know I've
raised money from institutions before they're going to push back a little bit and so it's kind of a more negotiation
to you ultimately work out a deal that's amicable to both sides yeah when you're raising money from what we traditionally
call retail High net worth investors these are typically what we call the
accredited investors right that business owners the entrepreneurs but as you start notching up the ladder and you
start raising big money that's where it's more negotiated as it relates to
the terms of the investment oh that's good that's good it's a different it's a
it's a it's a information bias depending on each individual person exactly one
one thing I I like I like about like the syndication models you can go you can raise and do different agreements with
different people based off of whatever their allocation and preference is yep absolutely you bet you bet so it's kind
of formula it's kind of crafting your package to that individual to create the
best results yep y That's amazing no I think he answer that question for for
sure now um where where where is the best place to find family offices if you
are trying to get to that next level and maybe we can answer the question of where can we find high net worth individuals a lot of people they they I
think they struggle with like thing the easy the easiest an is like right in front of them they are you know there
there's lists online that are free or available for very little cost to family
offices you know all these investor groups and so you know understanding that you can find
these lists pretty easily but here's the problem you know these larger investors
they have Gatekeepers right so you know you call the Family office more than likely you're going to be speaking to a
secretary or yeah to an admin or you know to some Junior analyst you're not really talking to the decision maker and
so I try to tell people if you're going to try to raise money in the family office space the best thing to do is to
go to many of the events that they attend throughout the year to create the proximity to actually get to meet these
people to sit down and have breakfast at lunch and enjoy a cocktail and network with them so that you're actually
building the real relationship with the key principles or the people that are ultimately decision makers and so you
know I go to a lot of events over the course of the year we were just at an event in Chicago and you know there in
the room were many of the students from my community that we Mentor we had professional athletes we had n NASCAR
drivers we had some family office people there some of these uh private wealth
management people there and it was a great event everybody came away with new relationships and networking and then of
course there's going to be another event and then another event and so it's really just understanding that you know
as you raise money from these larger audiences yes you can call them but it's
much easier to facilitate the process by attending the events to now meet in person person uh in understanding kind
of what's in their wheelhouse what is it that they like to invest in you know what's their time Horizon what's their
risk tolerance and um you know you find all these things out by asking good questions but you know there's a lot of
lists that are available online uh the bigger question is okay great you got a list now do you know what to do with it
yeah do you know how to have a productive conversation with an investor at that level and unfortunately most
people don't so that's what we try to teach and explain is that these bigger investors are going to ask harder
questions and so you need to be prepared to ask those harder questions so that
now you can move the process forward to the next steps and start thinking like these bigger investors to make sure that
the areas within your business that they're going to question or they're going to want to know something about
you've given some thought to because they're going to ask you tell me about your investor relations department talk to me a little bit about your accounting
what does that look like talk to me about your compliance department and so when you think about all of the
different uh things that make up being an investment sponsor and more
importantly one that these larger investors would want to commit Capital to you got to really have the right
answers I remember saying at your event um that when you start to show up to these family office events they start to
to recognize you and they start to say hey this guy's consistent this guy's consistently showing up yeah
consistently showing up what would you say when going to these events helps you stand out to these people to um
ultimately you know get get get in front of them and and you know ultimately get to the end goal I think there's really
two things um I think you want to always create kind of a memorable impression uh
I've always found that when you meet somebody you know that is obviously you know uh very affluent or you know
Celebrity Status uh you always want to leave with value so a lot of times what
I'll ask people uh is what they're working on what are you working on right now K maybe I can help you with right
and you know they'll open up you know well we're doing this or we're doing that well great you know I think that's something maybe that I can help you with
and by offering help there's now a sense of reciprocity because I'm not going to
them asking for money I'm not you know going to them like most everybody else they've ever met and they're like wow
this is a little different right like this guy stands out you know he's not asking us to write a check he's not
approaching us asking us to invest he's actually asking how can I help you and
uh you know if I can offer some assistance or I can make some introductions now there's a little bit
of reciprocity where you know I can now go back to them and say you know hey I'm working on this deal really would value
your opinion do you have 20 to 30 minutes where we can chat about it and I first seek their advice on what I'm
doing and then I just follow up with the question might this be something you'd also take like to take a look at from an
investment perspective that's awesome I feel like that's such a simple principle to have um and it's something you know
it's in such a such a basic book of like how to wear Friends and Influence People on how to just you know take care of the
person first and provide value before ever you know P making it perceive that you're trying to get something out of it
first so exactly that 100% you know uh and that's really the
key to building strategic relationships it's you know saying hey I'm here I got this great Network I know a lot of
people what are you working on though that you know you might need some help with uh and if I can offer any help
great because now we're we're building a a kinship a relationship and uh you know
now I can go back to them with the deal and I can say you know hey we're working on a big deal I really value your opinion we'll have to get your opinion
do you have 20 or 30 minutes and when I present the deal I'm doing it through
the lens of I'm seeking your advice right right and so you know they give me some advice or they tell me what they
think and I'm like you know now that you know what we're doing might this be something that you'd like to look at from an
investment right there's a quote I've heard a couple times and it's kind of solidifies it is that if you want money
ask for advice and if you want advice ask for money you got it absolutely 100% Daniel absolutely
100% no it's it's I think that that kind of solidifies that I I've heard it so many times in different places but I
think it um one thing I think is uh you you meet a lot of celebrities you said
like NASCAR I think you have to like protect your um star
struck yeah oh my God it's Jordan Paparazzi you know yeah absolutely no I
mean you do you know you gotta kind of play it cool like hey I'm a cool cat this is what I do every day when I wake
up you know but um yeah you know you're around obviously you know Celebrity level people I mean I've shared the
stage with you know Floyd Mayweather you know Undisputed champ known all over the world uh you know people like Brandon
Dawson Jesse yler you know one of the most famous authors on the planet uh John Maxwell you know and I can go on
and on and on uh you know you I won't say you kind of get insulated or you
kind of get used to it it's always exciting to meet these people backstage or you know talk to them in the Green
Room uh but what you start to realize is just normal people like any one of us you know it's kind of like the uh thing
cowbell that was on Saturday Night Live with Will frell you know where he's banging the cowbell and Christopher Walkin comes in it's like oh my God it's
his famous producer and he says no not really man I put my pants on just like you guys every day it's just that when
my pants are on I manufacture platinum records so you know they're they're normal people they're just operating at
a level way up here which is really cool because by being around them you kind of
get pulled up to that level right you learn from them and so um you know you
realize that hey man I'm the average of the five to seven people I spend most of my time with and so I choose to spend my
time with people that are doing big things that are talking about Big Ideas and you know one thing that I found in
life is that weak people talk about other people it's like man did you hear what Daniel did yesterday they're
gossipers you know average people talk about events they went to the big- time people talk about the ideas and the
execution of those ideas and so you know for my daughter you know who's in middle school you know she's at
an age now where the girls are gossiping the boys are bullies and I just said man they're weak people they're projecting
their insecurities on you and I heard Ed my lap who I absolutely love talking about all the haters and all the
naysayers and all the he said you know hurt people hurt other people he said when somebody reaches out to
something I've said you know where I am way up here I just reach back and I said man you know I really empathize with you
you must be so insec in yourself to have to project your insecurities onto somebody else to make you feel good in
that moment but if you always remember that when you're bullied or when your kids are bully that hurt people hurt
other people it just really helps insulate you from all that that's out there no that's huge
huge um I wanted to ask um a lot of people have this this theory that they
cannot raise money if they don't have experience or track record can we kind
of address the the chicken and egg in this situation for Capital razors whether they have experience or not
absolutely well first of all you know how could a 23-year-old College Dropout that had never drilled an oil well go
out and raise millions of dollars to go out and drill oil wells so your track record your prior performance the color
of your skin really has very little bearing on your ability to raise capital
and uh you know I always tell the story about this guy named Jack that came to work for me when I was in the oil
business we were looking to hire salespeople uh guy comes in for an interview and he looked like Joe Dirt I
mean the guy showed up with a flannel shirt jeans that had holes in the knees you know workbooks covered of dust and
mud a mullet for a haircut a big old Fu Man chew mustache and uh you know this
is for a job interview and in a you know high-rise office building where most everybody's dressed up in professional
business attire but uh you know he uh he answered the questions properly and um I
gave him shot of a lifetime we hired him up and he came back to work the following week dressed exactly the same
way and so I'm thinking I made a big mistake because how's this guy that looks like Joe Dirt GNA ask people to
send us checks for 50 and $100,000 but um I invested in him I gave
him a Hollywood makeover treated him to two suits then gave him the scripts gave him the same training that year he
raised $25 million which is huge so I tell people look if I
can train Joe Dirt how to get on a phone and raise $25 million pretty much anybody can do this it's just based on
systems and structure and knowing what to say and understanding all these Concepts that I talk about right and so
once you understand these key Concepts and then you apply them to the conversations and the meetups that
you're having with people money comes out the other end uh you know people always say well you know what's the
percentage of people that have raised capital in your program I said pretty much damn 100% if they do the work I
said it's not going to work if you don't do the work but you know I've been doing this long enough and I've trained
literally thousands of people that if you show up you put in the effort you do the work I guarantee you'll have success
you'll raise millions of bucks amazing bra what would you say that you're currently uh raising capital
for what what are you what are you doing currently so I'm raising money right now for some multif family projects that
we're pursuing and chasing and then also actively raising money now for a cool
project with a friend of mine that's a two-time Grammy award-winning musical artist uh we're doing something here in
Houston that's pretty cool putting on a huge show that's going to be at the convention center kind of very similar
to like America's Got Talent you know bringing in some top talent some great judges so we're putting together the
budget and everything for that U and so that's really just about it you know I've got another company in addition to
what I do here uh called five star capital and so what we do there is we reach out to investors we uh we
aggregate capital and then we participate in deals either as a general partner or we sponsor deals of our own
awesome what would you say like your bread and butter strategy is right now for raising Capital um it's really you know social
media uh it's hosting events we we do investor meetups and hosting events and
then the other really is just networking you know reaching out the people that we already have in our Network and saying
uh who are you connected with that we should also be speaking to you know I think that so many people not just in
raceing capital but even in sales always Overlook the lwh hanging fruit like if
you built trust and you've got a bunch of investors that are satisfied with the work you've done for them and you're not going back and asking who they're
connected with that you should also be speaking to you're missing one of the easiest opportunities to go out and
raise more money uh because now that is a referral you know now their friend or their business associate has the trans
transference of trust and it makes your job rates and capital literally that much easier exactly
awesome no I'm glad I'm glad you said that I did not expect that to come out in this conversation but I'm glad you said that you always ask for the
referral always always ask for the referral you bet such an easy one um now
one thing I've noticed is uh we kind of covered like you go to events where hi individuals are going to these
IRAs what where can people find like what those events are called like a lot of
times it's like you don't know the information on where to find it so like is there is there like uh companies that
set up these events and where do you find them to check out their schedule like how do you how do you get a hold and find these groups because you you
you kind of found them over time and distance but for a new person like where do they find these groups and what like
how do they how do they find out their schedule and stuff like that for their events well I mean one easy way is um we
post a lot of these just on my website you know there's an event page on my website and uh I kind of share with
people where I'm going to be and uh you go to the events page you'll see some of the events that we attend uh the other
is just you know Google family office events and boom there you go uh you know
there's all the family office events whether it's opal that takes place in Newport Rhode Island or you know whether
it's the imn events that take place or you know DC Finance there's all these events going on all over the world for
family offices and registered investment advisors and you know there's varying
costs uh associated with attending these things you don't have to go to each and everyone but if you really want to learn
how to raise money from family offices you want to create the proximity and get to meet these people that is the easiest
way to do it is just to go Network and build those relationships um but you know it's just
being out there you know in in using the search engines to find out where these events are and then looking at the
website and say well that looks like a pretty good event you know it's in my backyard or uh you know it's reasonable
travel where I can get there in a couple hours and then once you go to one of them you're kind of on their mailing
list like you're going to be notified of every other event they do forever and that's kind of how I built
my event calendar is just you know going to one then asking people that I meet what other events do you go to
throughout the year that you'd recommend and by talking to them I now find out what other events they might be at and
it just kind of goes back and forth that way asking good questions that's all it
is exactly um is there a is there a a
closing question that you ask every time in part of your closing process there's not really a closing
question Daniel it's more how I ask people there is some psychology to
asking people to invest um what I have found and I think what a lot of psychologists have proven is that
when you give people the ability or the option to say no to something they don't
do it and so you know most people that are raising cital have a minimum
investment or the deal is structured in shares or units or you know some
incremental amount might be $50,000 might be $100,000 and so you know after I've
answered the person's questions and after we've you know had a couple of meetups I just say you know hey kle now
that you know what we're doing how many units in this do you see yourself wanting to take today do you see yourself doing one unit two units three
units or of course the other options col you can do Now units and then I just pause and I wait
for an answer and a lot of times the person might come back and say well tell me again Bradley if I do two units what
does that look like what does that represent in your deal and I answer that question and I tell them you know it's
$100,000 each unit's 50,000 bucks it gets you x% ownership is that something
you're comfortable with today and if they say yes boom they're done they close themselves and so I say in the
packet of information that we sent you you'll notice there's some paperwork if you get that out I'll walk you through
that to make sure we get you onboarded properly kind of welcome to the family and then of course you know have a cool
down to tell them what to expect and then I just go out and repeat the process but I usually offer people the
ability to to say no and very rarely do they do that so you know if it's priced
on an investment amount like 50,000 per unit or minimum investment I'll just say
the same thing but I'll say you know how much of this do you see yourself wanting to take today do you see yourself doing 50k is it more like 100 maybe $200,000
of course the other option call is you can choose to do absolutely nothing and then they usually come back
with an answer no let me do 50,000 okay great let get you signed up
awesome and I remember you touching on it too um where after you close or a lot of people after you after they close
they try to keep going they're like no no no close already exact well that's that yeah that would be salese that you
know might work for you a lot of people of course you know they hire sales people they have uh you know people that
aren't as skilled or haven't been doing this as as long as I have you know the other thing too that we always have to
realize about sales doesn't matter whether we're raising money doesn't matter whether we're selling a product
is you've got to kind of create this this positive tension you know your job is to help people make a decision and
the word decide actually means to kill off so if you look up the root of the
word decide it means to kill off that's why it's in pesticides and insecticides
right but you know our job is to help people make a decision a lot of times people are indecisive they have fear or
they have reasons that they don't want to move forward and so you know I remember when I was in the oil business many years ago I was talking to a very
rich wealthy doctor and he was on the fence and he was probably apprehensive and scared because one of the big risks
potentially in investing in on oil wellth is you you drill a dry hole there's just nothing there and I I just
finally said to him one day look Dr snackman it just takes two things to invest in oil well and he said what I said big balls
lots of money which of the two don't you have and after about 30 seconds he said
tell me again how much of three units in your program I said welcome aboard go get your checkbook and he became one of my best investors but uh you know I I
just had to kind of smack him between the eyeballs and talk to him like one of his buddies and said look boy you know I
do this every day like you know either you want to do it or you don't and um that was literally a clothes that worked
for him and I still use the clothes because it works uh you know most these big uh business Executives that have
lots of money want to kind of you know prove that they got some konas but you know most people in their 20s or even in
30s are not going to say something like that I was a cocky little kid didn't know any better but once it worked man I
used it over and over and over again to close more people uh because sometimes
that's what people need it's like there's always going to be obstacles there's always going to be risks and you
know one of the things I teach people in raising Capital you always want to share the risks with investors because they're
thinking of all the possible things that can go wrong and so if you're forthright
and as you're pitching your deal and as you're presenting the opportunity you say something like you know hey Kyle I'd
be real remiss and I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't talk to you about some of the potential risks as well this
could happen and this could happen but once I share some of the risks and then
I respond how we would handle those things in the event those things happen
what that investor starts to think at a very subconscious level is well if they thought of all those risks they
probably also thought about the ones that I was concerned with as well right then they never ask about
them so by by being open about it you're putting to rest all of their fears and
concerns because very subconsciously they're like well they probably thought of the ones that I was thinking of too
because they've already thought of those and so see most people that raise Capital they don't talk about the risk
we want to hide those and kind of sweep those under the rug but in reality that's actually the very best thing that
we can do when we're out there trying to race Capital exactly a it's disclosures
yeah yes exactly it's being transparent it's being basically very upfront
because that's what's going to build trust in the in the process but it's also controlling the conversation too in
a in a positive way because you already know they're thinking about it so when you address them they're like the curve
he knows exactly what I was about to say and it's like we have a good fit and then they they start to relate to you
and then they start to correlate with you and you're like actually like this guy because he he already knows what I'm thinking and people like to work with
people you know people that are like them you know soes exactly just remember you know the key is people invest with
people they know like and Trust so if you understand this and you understand
that you're simply moving people forward you know Grant Cardone has a great phrase Money Follows motion Money
Follows motion so if you think about that and you look at you know moving people forward through this process you
know I call it basically the four-step blueprint you take somebody that got money you put them on a conveyor belt
boom you're moving them forward maybe next week I'm hosting a free webinar you know so I tell the person hey next week
I'm hosting a free webinar on how you can invest passively in commercial real estate might that be something you'd
like a link to sure they show up at the webinar now they look at me as an expert
because I'm knowledgeable the webinar went great I added value you know then I might move them forward to hey you know
next week we're HST in a get together or meet up at this nice little upscale restaurant would you like to come to
that sure before you know it man they're writing me a check now a lot of times
you can't move people forward like this so what you might create is a lead magnet you know hey download my free PDF
for my free book on this and so now you're getting their name their email
the phone number number now you can reach out to them and say you know hey thank you so much for downloading my free ebook on this what is it about that
that's most interesting to you and you just start building that relationship you just start working that relationship
over the phone or schedule a zoom or if they live demographically in proximity to you just schedule a one-on-one
meeting where you get to meet them in person nothing is better than meeting a potential Prospect or an investor in
person yeah definitely there's always something about an in person rather than a phone call or even just a zoom call
there's just something about it body language energy you could feel it yep I
think people just like to meet the person that ultimately they're going to be investing with you know you you build that trust when people can shake your
hand and look you in the eye and and really you know ascertain whether you're
a credible individual or not yeah yeah so uh I have your website Brad
blazer.com can you tell us a little bit about what services you Prov provide what people can can join that maybe that
that that boot camp training that you do yeah kind of cover like your Basics product and services and what what your
all in all goal is yeah I mean think of us basically as a One-Stop shop for
anything you need related to raising Capital you know we create presentations and Pitch decks we help people launch
funds uh you know obviously a lot of people follow my competitor Bridger but you know I think we do a better job so
if you need to launch a fund we can help you with all that we do all the legal work we got four law firms that we work
very closely with that review the documents draft the documents handle the filings all that stuff and like I said
earlier man it's pretty much in any industry that you're in you know whether it's Tech theater you know crypto
cannabis real estate so it doesn't really matter think of us as a One-Stop shop for anything related to the world
of capital we also have a I guess you call it a CRM all-in-one solution that
basically we Market as capital stack so you know as leads come in it creates the
the followup the nurturing the emails the the creation of your funnel we can do all that too we got a marketing
company and then in addition you know we have various levels of Consulting and coaching so if you're new to this and
you just need a coach or a mentor you know you get to work directly with me I mean think about what it would be like to have a guy that's raised two billion
dollar as your wingman making introductions teaching you how to do this being your SHP by taking you to
events and so you know we are the only platform that takes people with me to
these events and I'm right there alongside you each step of the way I don't see any other coach or Mentor that
I know of that actually does those types of things and so the boot camps are a great way to connect we're doing a boot
camp in Toronto later next month in June on the 22nd 23rd if you're listening and
you want some information in our Toronto boot camp great and the one after that is going to be in Nashville Tennessee
and that's going to be August the 9th and 10th and so that's going to be another you know great event we keep
them small so that you know they're intimate so that you get the benefit of asking really really good questions you
know you guys have obviously been to the one in Scottdale where we met but that's you know that's for a lot of people
where it starts it's just getting to know us knowing what we do and from there just you know taking the capital
raising to the whole Next Level absolutely I'm excited like I said I
took a lot of information from the boot camp so I definitely can to give a thumbs up for the boot camp
because I did not know 100% that we're already taking actionable plans on and
getting some some of our teasers and decks finalized and formated so a lot of
stuff that you need to know is stuff you learned from Brad and from games I definitely recommend
those thanks for thanks for coming in thanks for coming in and sharing information Brad and thanks for all your time and I hope people will get a lot of
knowledge and definitely reach out to you in the future what is a question or quote that you resonate with that is
yours or somebody else's oh boy you know I think the biggest quote that I love uh you know I
just heard this recently I think that so many people you know kind of get stuck
and they wait and they think oh it's got to be just perfect it does not you know
I I favor activity over Perfection every day of the week because it will never be
perfect but you know Tim Grover who was the coach to people like Kobe Bryant you know Michael Jordan working with the top
1% he said you think the price to pay for success is huge wait till you get the bill for a
regret and at some point you know you're going to be old in life and you're going to look back and say man I totally had
all these opportunities I would have should have could I could have raised millions of dollars like Brad could have trained me could have built a legacy for
my family now it's too late and so I think that that comment or that quote
right there man is just get off your ass just think of something big and just get out out there and do it it's like Nike
man just do it you know I've done it we got thousands of people all around the
world that are doing it and I tell people you can do it too I believe in you you know other people believe in you
a lot of times you just got to look yourself in the mirror and just say man I'm going to put my amateur ways behind and go pro and you start going pro in
every area of your life your life changes you become a better person you start making more money so uh you know
don't don't get to a point in life where you look back and have that regret get to work it is hard work there's no doubt
about it but it's worth it I'm the first one to tell you man you don't get on big stages like I've been on without showing
up every day and putting in the effort absolutely thanks for coming on this has
been an amazing episode for ever everybody here go check out Brad blazer.com thank you coming on thanks for your time thank you for helping us
out everybody here we'll see you next time thanks for tuning in thanks guys if you like this video go like subscribe
and please follow us for more informational content [Music]

Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

Brad Blazar Profile Photo

Brad Blazar


Formerly the CEO of a small oil company, Brad Blazar is a highly sought after speaker on the subject of raising capital. Having raised in excess of $2 Billion dollars, today he mentors others around the world as part of a global coaching business on how to raise funds from high-net-worth investors to build, buy, and scale a business - or fund a special project like real estate. Having worked alongside many large real estate syndicators and top financial services firms he is considered an expert on raising private money.

With an extensive network of family offices, advisory firms and broker/dealers, he has closed the largest multi-million dollar transactions for multiple leading real estate firms like $9M, $7.5M, and $5M for SmartStop Self Storage a national operator of self-storage assets in addition to $11M for USAllianz

As a real estate investor himself, he got his start purchasing, rehabbing and renovating over a dozen single family properties (SFR) properties with a portfolio value of $3.5M. Today, he owns interests in multifamily, self-storage and land (conservation easements) in addition to owning 5 Star Capital which is a real estate investment firm that syndicates real estate and invests alongside others.

As the author of three books, his first book On The Wings of Eagles - Learn to Soar in Life quickly became a top rated #1 read for entrepreneurs on a large literary blog based in the UK. Additionally, Brad's podcast was ranked recently as the 2nd highest ranked show to assist people in coping with COVID-19.