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In this podcast episode, Daniel Martinez and his guest discuss various aspects of real estate investing, focusing on comparing house flipping to land investments. They highlight the benefits of land deals, including the ability to achieve higher returns with lower risks by using strategies like seller financing and subdividing properties. They also emphasize the importance of understanding market conditions, having multiple exit strategies, and securing strong deals to ensure profitability. Real-world examples are provided to illustrate these concepts and to show how investors can maximize their ROI in the real estate market.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Mindset in Real Estate Investing (0:00 - 1:48)

Discussion on the importance of understanding different investment approaches and the mindset required to achieve high ROI in real estate.


Chapter 2: Comparing Different Real Estate Investments (1:49 - 3:56)

Comparison between house flipping and land deals, emphasizing the higher potential returns and lower risks associated with land investments.


Chapter 3: Strategies for Maximizing ROI in Land Deals (3:57 - 6:10)

Detailed explanation of how to maximize ROI through strategic land investments, including seller financing and sectioning off portions of land for sale.


Chapter 4: Risk Management and Exit Strategies (6:11 - 8:02)

Discussion on risk management, various exit strategies in land deals, and how to ensure profitable outcomes by adapting plans based on market conditions.


Chapter 5: Real-World Examples and Final Thoughts on ROI (8:03 - 12:03)

Real-world examples of successful land deals, final thoughts on what constitutes a good ROI, and the importance of securing strong deals to ensure high returns.


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a lot of people they they always
especially with like rentals I'm going
to on other people's real estate
real estate businesses today and this is
this is leave the junk collectors alone
man hey he the junk collectors needs an
depreciating asset all right all right
so we're we're very we're very prand as
you can see very prand slightly biased
slight slightly
biased slightly biased 100% but
everybody's everybody's chasing like
especially I think it's the funniest
thing cuz everybody's chasing like even
the best investors are chasing like
eight 15 to 20% Roi and they're like
it's so hard to get this and they're
doing houses and they they'll go buy a
rent to if we can get a 30% yield we're
good we're good yeah yeah yeah 30% yield
I can D my money every 3 years I'm I'm
I'm I'm killing it you know I'm killing
the game and then they invite us to
speak I love the land game because it's
you can create a crazy Roi very very
easily yeah and it's something like you
have to think about it right the deals
that you're going to sell is like a unit
per measurement so if you have a house
right or commercial building you know
some kind of facility it's by
everything's by the square foot right so
I'm going to buy 2,000 ft or I'm going
to buy 50,000 Square ft or 100,000
square ft right and you have to there's
like uh some kind of formula where you
can extract a certain amount of capital
unit well 50,000 ft house it's unheard
of a 50,000 ft building like log Logan
Fulmer level like damn that's pretty
significant right yeah but 50,000 ft is
just right over one acre yeah right so
when we go out and we contract or make
an offer on 200 Acres or 400 Acres or
500 Acres like I mean you don't have to
make that much per unit to have
significant returns so let's talk about
Chapter 2: Comparing Different Real Estate Investments.)
like the types of capital that it takes
to move these deals now right yeah so
let's say you put a a deposit and you're
going to flip this house and you did an
Novation you gave a seller 10 grand
Grand and then at the end of the deal B
you make a whopping 60 G or 80 GS after
you flip that house so maybe like a you
know 4X multiple whatever 3x multiple on
your on your 20 grand but that that's
maximum you can't go you can't go above
that right there's no way to inject
100,000 into it and get a 5x multiple it
just doesn't work that way right because
there's not enough square foot in the
deal but there's a lot of risk too
because you got development cost time
waiting reh it's a moving Target right
so you're like man I papered it all up
perfectly I'm going to make 50 gs and
then bam you need a roof there goes
another 12,000 or something right yeah
so you got to think about things like
that there's very little margin for
error right very little room for there's
not enough profit in there no profit in
the beginning a significant amount of
capital outlay for very little return
right so let's say you bought the house
cash for 100 fix it up sold it for 100
made 50 right but but in in a land deal
like let's say you had 100 acres or 200
Acres you can cut off a very small piece
of it and extract a significant amount
of capital Y so one that we did recently
it was over 200 Acres we we we sectioned
off 30 Acres at closing we got 50 acres
free and clear and so the seller still
has a lean on the rest of the property
seller finan 0% interest y but we
extracted $600,000 out of the deal
within the first 30 or 40 days yep right
so not only did we you know we're not
restricted to making a small amount like
10 20 30% or 30 30,000 right we we pull
$600,000 out of the deal within the
first couple weeks and we still have 190
Acres left oh yeah and then wired
another 200 yesterday right so we pulled
8 $100,000 out of the deal in two months
three months two months we just started
most of it in a month okay so roughly
$800,000 in 60-ish days right and so how
do you think this project is going to go
now that the rest of the project and the
subdivide and everything else we're
going to do there the engineering has
already been funded by the deal and we
already put some cash in our pocket
right so let's talk about what a good
Roi is now yeah so a lot of people they
they think like it's almost like the
they have to physically produce that Roi
like I have to paint this like I always
Chapter 3: Strategies for Maximizing ROI in Land Deals.)
talk about I always make F of people on
Twitter like oh the best rois in fresh
paint on a new property or fresh house I
always laugh at that because I'm like
okay you might get a you might exit at a
higher price but what's the real Roi and
me and Anthony always say that you can
create a higher Roi with a pen and a
piece of paper yeah so instead of you
improving the property by painting and
putting on a roof improve the property
with with your pencil yep improve the
property with your pencil and improve
your deal with your pencil so ask better
terms ask for better terms in in the
front end and the back end have a have a
higher exit multiple of potential spread
on the back end if you buy a a 2,000t
house you can only sell it for 250
because of the verifying comps or 250
there's no Max Roi you can get out of
that you can only squeeze it so much so
let's talk about like now like what's a
good Roi from a lender's perspective
right as a lender and us as a borrower
if somebody lends us let's say $11,000
to flip a house and they they're
expecting a 10% return $10,000 $10,000
when you're only have 30 30% spread you
know on the in the best case scenario
right so you borrow 100 if you paid back
10 that's significant that that that
really hurts your deal that's 30% of
your potential Profit just to pay the
money right so let's say you know if you
borrowed 100 Grand and you had to pay
back 10 or 20,000 that's probably not a
deal anymore just based on what the
lender's going to give you and you're
hun you're hunting for the cheapest
Capital you're asking your friends and
family you're begging for money that
people would lend to you for nothing
yeah right but in the case if you get to
go out and get a bigger deal right with
more spread in it you can borrow
$500,000 and pay back
$250,000 and people were like there's no
way you could give a 50% Roi like not in
your world but in the land world it's a
fairly simple Target right yeah very
simple Target and like the other thing
too is like it's a lot more risk and
that's the underlying risk like Hey
we're willing to pay more because
underlying risk you might not what are
some of the risks some of the risk it
might the deal might not go well as much
as you will as much as you think it will
so this is one of the things where we
target like how do you comp land well we
comp land because if we know there's
comps for 100,000 an acre and we get
this deal for 20 how much you going to
make I don't know we might make 50 we
might make 80 but we know we're going to
make money so if you take a property
that has like let's say your target
profit in the deal is 500,000 to a
Chapter 4: Risk Management and Exit Strategies.)
million and instead of making a million
your your profit gets half down to 475
like you see you can still get out of
the deal in one piece you can still pay
that lender back 250 and you still make
175 or something yeah 200 200 200 yeah 2
no matter what you're completely
protected in the deal you're not going
to you're not doing it for practice yeah
right so if if you're looking for what a
good Roi is I think it really depends on
on the asset class yep the purchase
price of the property and then the
amount of exits that you have so if you
flip house you flip it you sell it you
put it on the market seller finance rent
it out whatever your magic number is but
if you think about it in terms of I'm
going to go after a big giant asset
there's a lot of different exit
strategies here right so we could do 10
acre lots we could do 5 acre lots we
could do 1 acre lots oh I I'm going to
dig into this one this is a good that's
a good one there's multiple exits in
land because you're buying at the bottom
so you can go to Lots SK you can add
paperwork to add buildings Apartments
mobile homes whatever you want you the
the the sky limit to potentially add to
that deal to make it worth whatever you
want so then you have multiple exit
strategies like do I do I exit out of 10
acre lots in 90 days or do I take it to
entitlements do one acre lots and and
profit at that point and then there's
different profit points and different
things of development and we're this is
we're at Chris roods event right now and
there's different phases of exit
profitability you can buy at a good
price you can entitle at a good price
you can build at a good price and then
you can create debt at a good price with
notes on the back end so you have multip
and then you can hypothecate the notes
out give yourself a free loan and go
again so you can you can exit multiple
times over and over again on land and
you can choose wherever you want to get
out so I think what's cool about land is
is exactly what Daniel pointed at is
that you can take a piece of property
right let's say you get it for a million
cash 100 acres easy deal and you're
going to do 10 acre lots our Target for
that thing we want to make 500 to a
million no matter what or we're not
going to do the deal looking for a 2X
Chapter 5: Real-World Examples and Final Thoughts on ROI.)
return on cash out of pocket minimum but
if you want to make that property worth
5 million right then you invest 500,000
into the deal now it's worth five and
then if you want to go a little bit
further than that you throw in 2 million
into the deal now it's worth 10 right so
you can continue to increase the price
of the property based on the the the
cash outlay and then the time investment
right so it could take 12 months uh 24
months 36 months you can't do that with
a house you can't put on a copper roof
and put aluminum gutters and do all this
crazy amazing stuff and marble and all
that it doesn't bring the property you
hear the term of over remodeling yeah
over remodeling oh they put they put a
granite granite countertop and in a
regular basic flip and doesn't even like
you yeah and it didn't bring up the
property enough for you to make that
profit up right so people lose so I what
do we call rentals oh uh I don't know
what failed flip
oh it's a fail somebody got the property
they put too much money into it and now
they can't afford to sell it they need
to rent it out for a couple years to
soften up that damage right um so but
with l you just continue to inject time
and capital into it and continues to
increase in value in and and
exponentially and then even then if you
can afford to sit on it you could just
sit on it we talked to a guy here he
bought 15 infill Lots 6 years ago and
he's been sitting on it he's like I pay
the taxes every year I don't really know
what to do with it I built I built three
houses on on the 15 Lots I still got
like 10 left I sold two and I still got
10 Lots left I'm just going to sit on it
like it is what it is then what we tell
him how to how to extract the ROI like
dude get paid to sit on it if if you
don't need the money he's like I don't
need the money why not sell her Finance
it get a dumb payment collect interest
on that deal where he was paying 2,000 a
year he can make 2,000 a month on one of
the Lots you know it's a different ball
game and then if property comes back to
him guess what they'll get it back and
sell it again like it's a like if you
don't need the money this game is very
very easy and for everybody here like if
you're experienc find some good land I
always make the joke think is one of my
my phrases now the easy way to make 10%
on your money is to buy a property full
and sell it for 10% car dealerships do
this all the time they buy the car from
the financing they already build in
their margin they'll Finance you and
then they'll charge you
18% they're just a they're just a bank
more than they're not a car dealer right
they're riding mortgages so if you think
about in terms of right to wrap up the
video what's a good Roi it really
depends on what are you after what's
your risk tolerance and how long how
much do you have to invest and how long
do you have to invest it so if you
invest any amount of capital into an
asset that has like a a a fixed price in
the marketplace hard to get a strong Roi
right some of our lenders are getting
5050 to 100% gain so if you think about
it you know if you if you're dealing in
a space that has those kinds of returns
what do you think the the developer the
investor is going to make right if we
can afford to pay that back so I think a
good Roi is something that you feel safe
and secure in probably something that
you understand very well or you're
partnered right with or with somebody
that understands what they're doing at a
very high level to kind of protect you
through the deal but in my mind a good
Roi is a 2X multiple so if you put in
100 Grand you should be able to pull out
100 Grand and if I can't pay that to
that lender then I'm probably not
interested in the deal anyway because
it's probably not a strong deal right so
and and you always want to get a strong
deal to secure it makes your ra secured
and and also we don't always pay one for
one it does doesn't make sense you know
in a lot of deals but it's very very
possible very very possible that's not
that's not exactly a unicorn deal that's
a very possible deal and I'll give you
an example so we hey No Cap guys No Cap
you guys aren't wearing caps you're
wearing cboy head is a let's say it's
again like let's say it's a million
dollar property we get seller financing
0% interest we borrow 100 from our
lender we give that to the seller we say
hey we'll pay you out in 12 months 12
months we cut it up into 10 acre lot
sell it Target of 500,000 to a million
return and we promis that seller 2x with
there goes 100 to the to the lender
another 100 for the two he borrowed now
we're up 3 to 7 yep plenty of room
abolutely plenty of room plenty of room
to create good Roi so yep there you go I
think finding finding a limitless
properly and lending on that that's the
way to do it well I hope you like this
video like share subscribe you know what
to do we'll see you next time thanks
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More