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Ep 523: Raising Capital With Jill Jensen
June 19, 2024

Ep 523: Raising Capital With Jill Jensen

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Throughout the episode, Jill emphasizes the value of networking and consistently showing up in the industry to build relationships and raise capital effectively.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Guest Background (0:01 - 1:48)

Daniel Martinez welcomes Jill Jensen, Chief Investment Officer at Sonos Capital, and they discuss Jill's background and her role in investor relations.


Chapter 2: Understanding Fundraising and Investments (1:49 - 5:01)

Jill explains the difference between a fund and syndication, detailing how Sonos Capital raises and utilizes funds to acquire properties and the benefits for investors.


Chapter 3: Advantages of Mobile Home Park Investments (5:02 - 10:03)

Jill highlights the benefits of investing in mobile home parks, including low-risk affordable housing, tax advantages, and the strategy of selling homes at cost while collecting rent on the land.


Chapter 4: Strategies for Raising Capital (10:04 - 29:44)

Jill shares her strategies for finding and engaging with investors, the importance of understanding investor needs, and how she utilizes social media and networking to raise capital effectively.


Chapter 5: The Importance of Networking and Consistency (29:45 - 43:56)

Jill emphasizes the value of consistently showing up in the industry, building relationships, and leveraging connections to raise capital and create successful investment opportunities.




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hey welcome to the H with us podcast I'm your host Dan Martinez today we have a special guest Miss Jill Jensen how are
you doing today I am doing well thank you for having [Music]
me yeah they changed my layout a little bit so my flows off a little bit it's
good a little change is always good not all the time but I I didn't get a chance to mess with
it too much this is my first time they came out with a new version of this so
it's ah things were they moved where things were so it's messing with me a little bit but enough about that we're
here to talk about you where what part of the country are you from I'm in Utah just about 45 minutes south of Park City
Park City I went to Salt Lake in January and it was pretty nice it wasn't that cold but it was pretty nice it was a
little bit cold but not that cold you must have caught a good day I was there for like two three days okay okay but
like I was surprised how it wasn't cold and I was outside walking it you know what it was cold because I was walking
around outside those was like no snow because like good at cleaning it up in Salt Lake and it just felt cold yeah it
gets chilly in January but this year it's been much more mild of a winter
than the previous year yeah so that's that's what I understod too I definitely
had to bring out my uh my winter coat that I have but Utah is very cold where
are you located uh I'm in uh Southern California okay then yeah you toss cold
yeah you toss cold I grw I grew up inside Chicago so I know what cold is okay I'm I'm very
familiar with cold it's a distant cousin of mine that I don't see very often so
you can handle it I can't handle it you are a money raiser Sonos Capital that's
what I have how long you been how are you are you raising are you a money are you raising cap capital for purchasing or you just raising capital in general
for different type of asset classes let's talk a little bit about what you do and how you do it that's a great
question so I'm the chief investment officer at Sonos Capital over all the
investor relations which means I just get a connect and talk to the accredited investors that basically just want to
learn how to have their money making that money there you go and it's technically a fund and so a lot of
people that are listening already in real estate there's a difference between a syndication and a fund absolutely and
the syndication approach is when someone has a deal under contract we got to go raise Capital so that we can you know
close on the deal where a fund is I'm always raising Capital whether I have a
deal in front of me or not and then it's like okay there's a deal that pops up we
got money in the bank to go take it down so the chief investment officer you're
the first person ever spokes about that I went to an event this past weekend and uh they're like you need to have a
compliance and a investor relations that's what they told me yes I I was
just hearing about this in my ear over this past weekend in Phoenix but um Chief investment officer so you are the
person that gets to go take people to lunches I get to host the dinners I get to be the face I get people to run my
social media accounts yeah that that's always fun uh everybody wants to be the chief
investment officer well you can go underwrite or you can just go hang out with cool
people all day oh man okay so what's your fund strategy and setup that you
can speak about since we can only speak about certain things since this is a general audience right so in
general putting money in a fund you need to be an accredited investor and simple
terms of what an accredited investor is is you either need to have a net worth a
$100,000 or a million dollar or you have
an income each year of $200,000 or the third way to be accredited is that your you and your
spouse jointly in a year are bringing in
$300,000 and so putting your money in a fund there are kind of like stipulations yep where
like we talked about in before syndication you could have $50,000 so with our fund a minimum is
$100,000 and how that plays out is like I mentioned we have a deal we're able to
take it down someone's placing their money in a fund and our fund is a little
bit longer term than just your short Fix
and Flip type of approach within real estate and in a fund ours is a fiveyear
span wow so we use a lot of people that have retirement
accounts where they're fine having their money sit there for five years and our
money multiplier is a 2X this current deal I just took down was a mobile home
park and there was two or 102 units and our business model is kind of
like a Fix and Flip approach where we have the land and this park is 60%
occupied and 40% unoccupied and what we're able to do is
De demolish some of the homes that aren't being utilized they're kind of old we bring in the new homes and we
sell all of the homes at cost and what we're doing is we're providing affordable housing for different
communities and my partner is really cool because he became a broker for manufactured homes
which means we can get the homes at an even bigger discount and what that means for us is
we're able to sell the houses even faster because our goal is to just be
collecting rent basically on the land the pad itself not the home you don't
you don't want ownership because an ownership comes with problems it comes with more overhead
exactly so we could look at let's take a single family home
compared to an apartment complex compared to a mobile home so average
home right now is around $400,000 Nation an apartment a two-bedroom one B
average is around $2,000 to $2500 a month month and a modular home with us
brand new two bedroom one B single wide you can get for around
$51,000 there are some setup costs so out the door you're looking at around 70k to
purchase a home and on top of that is just the monthly rent to rent the land
that the house is sitting on and that's around 500 bucks so you're looking at someone with a
mortgage that's under $2,000 compared to an apartment complex
of $2,000 and the crazy thing is a person
stays in an apartment average of two and a half years and a mobile
home person stays 14 so just like you were saying there's
low maintenance because they own the home low turn over because they're
homeowners and you're just cash flowing on the land I like I like that play I like I
like the I like the the the general side of it because you get away you get you
get rid of all the Riff Raff which is the Riff Raff is the older homes the problems you get rid of the Riff Raff
and you're putting a new home so where people want to be because people want to be in newer homes and then now you're
collecting cash on land I think it's brilliant I enjoy the play actually have a mobile home deal for you oh what a
great opportunity here great conversation are we gonna talk about it or we gonna talk about it after we're probably to talk about it after we're
gonna talk about it after because one of my my some of acquisition teams they found they found a mobile home park it's
a new development but um I think it's good numbers cool we're just looking for an assignment which we never looked for
assignments and that's what we're looking for exactly and that's why I'm like in you're a fund which means you
have to capit on hand so this is right up your alley that's up my alley who knew I didn't know that coming
to this conversation who knew look what happens when you take action and keep doing business every day yeah yeah so
now I have a question too because this is where I guess it's kind of around the same thing but can other people get
access to those mobile homes for $770,000 they cannot unless they became unless
they become a broker oh man and so my partner went and took these random tests became a broker for
Clayton Homes and you can there's just a process
but it's we're really strategic so there's a reason why he did that and it's like longterm game Fe it feeds the
fund yeah product at Great pricing yeah and so like our goal is not make money off the real estate of the home but the
land yeah yeah no I I get it I get it I I get the model I understand I need
some mobile homes right now I need like 18 well you can we'll have we'll have a
conversation after sometimes it's not what you know but who you know that's right this is
why this conversation is opening up to a whole new conversation because like we might be business
partners by the end of the day what states are you looking for mobile homes let's kind of jump into
there and then jump on Capital raising cool always a good conversation that's my favorite part oh yeah yeah the game
of capital raising people are like I'm afraid to raise Capital I'm like no it's we we'll get into that so ours our
Market is the Midwest basically the red States and
we'll take a look at anything it never hurts because you can find a deal or we
might be able to connect someone that we know in the industry right now we're currently
buying in Arizona and then we'll be branching out to Idaho Colorado and we look at Alabama
and Texas so anything in the midwest just send it my way okay Midwest interesting
okay let's take a about I'm texting my acquisition guy right now so I can have it ready I can
it let's talk about raising Capital so you said you like raising capital from IAS with a 5 hold it's it's a pretty
long hold that I hear of most people they do like 12 to 24 months and they're
usually Max I hear 36 months but how are you finding Ira capital and what are
those people what are the demographics of those people well we're gonna we're gonna rewind a little bit I was the
exact person you're talking about original with I was the I had a problem I was the
problem and I had money in CDs and I was like okay I've
got quite a bit of money this can be making me money how do I do that real
estate okay I got to go find someone to do it like I don't want to learn how I
just want to find the successful people and follow their lead or let me just come invest with you and you get a piece
of the pie just you know so I was in the boat of
I started out with six to 12 months I was like let me just get my feet wet let's just see what this is about and so
I solved that problem had my money making me money then I ran into a second problem that was taxes oh because I
didn't hold any assets I was just the lender and I was like okay there's
another problem once again I'm just going to go find the people that I can partner with and not have to figure out
M I don't want to hold the assets but how do I leverage having equity in these deals and I became what I like to refer
to as a private money partner I was the lender I was getting a lower interest
but then I had Equity so then I was able to write off part of the
property and now I was like fast forward my I skipped over single family
and I jumped into the mobile home home park space and I came in contact with son's
capital and they're a fund for mobile home parks and when they broke down the numbers of what they offer
investors it was a lot higher than what I was getting with my other partners oh
yeah and the tax advantages in mobile home parks was a game Cher because
there's a lot of people that lend their money that don't necessarily hold assets
and how I help my investors avoid paying paying taxes is a single family home
depreciates over 27 years a mobile home park is only
15 and you can take bonus depreciation in year one so this park I closed on two
weeks ago someone that puts in 100K simply off of taxes they can write
off 74 in the first year a total of 122 over the 5e span so as a
lender you got to find also the Avenues where you can like tap into the tax advantages and so that was a big part of
why I went down the Avenue of mobile home parks so let's do some let's do some education right here so okay in
investors are looking for three things and what are three things they're looking for three things they're looking
for the time frame what is my time frame what is my return like interest Y and
what are the tax advantages yeah I was I was thinking cash flow
Roi totally okay okay so cash flow Roi and depreciation and for different
investors they require different things so do you offer different shares
in your fund to give different advantages based off of whatever their interest is the bottom line is the same
but of course depending upon how much you put in you get higher returns so
I'll just throw out simple numbers as possible yeah last deal you put in 100K
over the fiveyear span you will profit 239k on top of your $100,000 investment
yeah you put in 250k you'll make around
$598,000 on top of the 250k plus you get a write off
$166,000 so you memorize that you memorize that I see you I pitch it every
day this is good this is good so um how how are you finding these
investors are you are you doing marketing through list are you going through events are you a little bit of
all of it little I went to this me I went to this convention and it was called the raise
Fest and when I go to these events I go in there looking for two things one what
type of person am I trying to hire that I can bring into my business and number two some of those small hinges of
information that can open big doors in my business and one thing that was said on stage
was find your avatar investor
M and what they meant by that is you have different people in real estate you have your land guys you have your mobile
home parks you got your Fix and Flip and they're all good at their Niche now go
and find what is your Niche person that has money is it retirement accounts is it
people that money in CDs is it attorneys or doctors or what
Avenue Whole Life policies insurance an accountant and get really good at their
language and Target just that one area well mine is investor groups I'm in a
lot of different real estate groups I go to meetups and then my second thought
was I'm just going to go bring on 10 other avatars instead of me raising Capital
I'm just going to go find 10 people that all have their own network of people MH
and so how I've raised capital is I've brought on different people that have their avatars
so a gentleman I talked to a couple weeks ago he's a pilot
instructor and he's like look I'm just sitting next to pilots and I know this guy makes $300,000 on this side and this
guy over here makes 600,000 I know they're not investing because they're busy flying so that's going to be my
market I got this other guy who's like a major fisherman and he's like these guys
have money and I can tap into it okay I'm in this Golf League they all have
money like these random little Avenues I have a woman who helps people strictly
with their self-directed IRAs and then they're like okay I trusted you with that now what do
I do with it and so the thing about these fiveyear plans is when you're
targeting people that have money that aren't in the game of Real Estate they
don't want to have to find a deal every 12 months they're getting their cash every quarter and then they multiple
times people are like then what do I do after five 5 years I'm like I'll have another deal we'll worry about it when
we get there no I think I think that's the biggest thing is that P passive
investors like being passive and finding a deal is what we do and that's what we enjoy doing and not everybody enjoys
doing that no they don't now are these uh I didn't ask this
but are these mobile home parks long-term holds that you hold forever that's a really good question when we
put money into the fund we take down the property year three we refinance and we
get our investors around 70% of their money back by year five either way our
investors get their money back and we do two things one of two we'll either sell
it depending on where we are in our business and what type of properties we want to buy and number two we'll just
refinance again and get our money get our investor their money and Sonos Capital could potentially hold it long
term so this is advantage of being a fund advantages of being a fund is you
use other people's money and you provide great returns but you also get the advantage of possibly keeping the asset
yeah exactly it's amazing no I I uh I I
enjoyed the I've been learning about the fund space for the last year and some change and it's been eye opening on what
you can can do legally yes have a good attorney
and find someone who wants to pay all those legal fees yeah um I know I know let's talk
about disclosures I know you're GNA enjoy this oh no we'll keep it basic
we'll keep it basic what's how important is disclosing in your business since you
are a CIO in which regards of dis closing just
disclos disclosures in general so we keep things we have like
an investor portal are you talking about that type of keeping things like secure on the back end of investors is that
what we're talking about no I'm talking about like um just just through PPM and all that other stuff is just closing the
the good the bad the ugly and what could and can happen and what yeah oh okay so
like in regards to what can and can't happen like one thing that's helped me
raising capital is how we're acquiring these these parks and the benefits of some of these
things is it is a high demand for affordable housing okay which means
lowrisk type of properties and so some of the things you have to disclose are like okay where's the money going and
what are you using the money for so being able to like break it down I rais $2 million
I'm disclosing how we're using your funds yeah these are this is the numbers the
breakdowns and helping them understand how a fund works over just acquiring a
property and legally it's you're not just emailing an LLC back to forth back
and forth and people are signing a document and you're all on the same business um but having shares like
within the the fund itself are you educating a lot of people on that because are are your investors
familiar with funds at all as that is a also a good question because you get both sides okay when you post on social
media or LinkedIn and you talk about different Avenues a lot of people have
money that don't know how to invest so it's very basic conversation and that's
why I feel like I'm good at raising Capital because I teach people how to have the conversation with and a
potential investor and here's the trick are you ready to raise a lot of money yes this
is it it's this simple all you have to do is overcome the potential investor
story that they're telling thems it's not about your agenda and
it's not about your numbers it's all about what's going on on the other side of the camera or on the other side of
the table example I raised capital in 48 hours on two different people and they
each invested $100,000 and when I pitch them completely different approaches first
gentleman he's done over 10 deals and he understands the terminology basically
how much do you need what kind of taxes when's my return what's your process and
how long do you need it like like basic information how secure is the deal where
another woman reached out and she's like I have this whole life policy on my husband and you mentioned you can use
the cash value account to invest well I'm not going to just throw out an irr and RAR returns because she
doesn't know what that is it's hey I was in the same boat I understand we just
need to get your money making you money I'm basically the guide let me show you how it works
here's the security here's how you sign the documents like very basic and just
helping her feel secure okay I trust this person I know exactly what's happening when she's going to send me
quarterly updates I have multiple people's contact information I have
testimonials from people that have invested with her where previous
guy testimonial just what are the numbers and let me see the
underwriting gotcha gotcha um no I think I think it's very very important you
have to gauge who you're talking to and it's it's a sales position it really is
but it's a it's a sale that people want to buy people don't want to be sold but
you're exactly right people want to buy people want to buy they also don't want
fomo and the fear of missing out so it's also knowing how to create that urgency
at the very end of your pitch you might be really good at explaining hey I have
this deal this is how we're going to develop this land are you interested or you're like
okay I'm just following up waiting for that answer where on my end how I like
seal that create that urgency is once I explain go through the pitch deck I use
the same lines and I say let me just show you how it works and I
explain and I create that picture in their head the exact steps of what comes next and what's going to happen okay
here's the document this is how you're going to sign it here's where you upload your accreditation form this is how you
wire your funds and then after you wire you're going to get another email I'm
going to send you updates and then this is the Tipping Point I'm going to send
you this information here's my website take a look at it for 24 hours send me all your
hard questions but I need an answer within 48 hours because I need to go finish raising the
capital so it's like okay I'm giving you time I'm not trying to sell you but I
don't really need your money I gotta go the
fomo I have I have a certain allocation of time I can spend with you and that's it yeah I got got to go are you coming
let's go okay no I like I like the Simplicity of it um a lot of people struggle with
raising money and I think it's Paramount to your business and business growth
especially in real estate um and i' I've been very very much pre pitching from
the thing not NE pitching out for money but like hey if you want to go and you want to go big in real estate you need
to start raising money and you need to comfortable doing it and you need to learn how to do it the right ways that that way you can leverage and create
your own wealth in the future and it's going to take time and it's going to be painful at first but totally and it's
literally right between your eyes the hardest part is the mindset behind it yeah I tell my Capital raisers I'm like
you're doing people a disservice by by not sharing because guess what you're
only helping them make more money yeah when it comes down to it you're serving
some who had a problem like myself where I'm like I just need someone who knows what they're doing and they can leverage
my money M yeah 100% 100% now uh how
many money raisers do you have underneath you that help raise money for you currently have five five okay and
I'll be bringing five more on by the end of the year wow can you say what your uh
money raising goal is two million a month million a month on my own and I
want them to get to the point of where they're at least bringing in a million a month wow but it's all just reverse
engineering it sounds like a big number until you break it down and I'm like okay a million a month that's only two
people at $500,000 or that's four people at 250k or you break it down again
$100,000 okay how do I find a person that has $250,000
okay retirement accounts how do I Target more people how do I get in front of
other people okay I'm going to be on a podcast once a week and now I'm in front of someone else's audience every week I
host investor dinners once a month in my area I have someone who sends out mailers and they're all letters to
potential accredited investors I go to different meetups I leverage social
media and and now it's like okay if I talk to so
many people during the day I've targeted the right people that I know have the right amount of
funds um then it's just a matter of putting in the Reps and getting on the
phone do you do you ever Target any other like family offices or higher netw
worth entities as well one of the person one of the people that I recently brought on that's going to be his main
focus as family offices so I won't necessarily but I found the person who will okay touche touche all right in a
roundabout way yeah they brought me on I'm like so how much do you want me to raise little did they know I'm like I'm
just gon to go find people to do it for me I mean that's the that's the you are
the CIO so it's your job to delegate yeah I'd rather have a small
slice of a big pie than a big business by myself yeah so how long you been how
long youve been with Sonos um since you started this is my first year with them I've been in real estate
and I started purchasing my own mobile home parks in 23 and then joined forces
with Sonos Capital just this last year okay okay very interesting yeah I uh
raising raising capital is it's it's very rewarding in its own little right
um yeah I I I I get calls directly sometimes and it's just
hey this is interesting like how much you got right some people are like
afraid to talk about money like it's you don't ask people how much money they have and I'm like that's like the first
question I ask like how much money do you have let's see what we can do with it yeah I I've I've I've been I uh me
and my partner we have a silent competition that we don't talk about and first I talk about it but we we have a
money raising competition between each other other who's raise the most Capital
so um sometimes he'll I raise money for this and we need to raise money for this
all right let me get to work totally I have I have a funny story my business partner we were at 1.9 million and I was
like we thought we were at the 2 million Mark and I was like wait I just calculated we're $100,000 short and I
was like do you want to bet on this who can raise it faster like yes and he had
a call like the following week with someone and so he thought he had it in the bag and then all of a sudden he gets
an email pop up that said new investor he's like you're working on a
Sunday I'm like desperate times calls for desperate measures and I won and you owe me
lunch he owes me a lot more than that the BET was more expensive than lunch oh
okay okay well that's that's between you and you and the you and the other party
she say I want a really expensive purse oh okay okay all right I can see that no
it's uh it's it's definitely interesting and a a lot of people have more money than you think they
do so it's uh there's there's a there's more money out there than than there's
opportunities so you just gota have the conversation and you're helping them put put put that
money to work because if not it's just sitting there it's you're totally right and that's why I'm like people get
afraid I'm like you're literally just helping that person and you're not selling them on anything if you have a
good deal and an opportunity all it is is knowing how to communicate the deal to whatever their
story is and taking care of do they have a tax problem are they having do they
need cash flow or are they looking for like long-term wealth MH absolutely
absolutely now it's it's a it's a beautiful thing I've uh I've recently like I said i' I've kind of delve into
diet raising money and it's been it's been a very interesting Journey very interesting Journey I'm excited I'm
excited for it um I know the The Leverage we can give our money lenders
and The Leverage we can give ourselves both buying good outsets so it's a it's a win-win scenario for everybody
involved and um it wasn't necessarily on my radar till I started doing it but
it's it's fun yeah for sure I agree it's fun um what has been your craziest
experience raising money my crazy experience you have a crazy
story no not that I can think of like you went to go raise money and you
tripped and fell on somebody and somebody's like I have $100,000 for you they're just throwing money at me no I
I'm just surprised like if people go to my social media it's nothing extravagant and I don't have a crazy amount of
followers when I just started posting short reels from my phone of what I was
doing people that I haven't talked to in 15 years were like Hey how do I do this
like put if put yourself out there and tell people what you're doing and you'll be surprised who comes out of the
Woodworks to lend you money that's very true that's very true I had uh one of my
lenders I have not seen for 25
years and put in like half a million dollars on a deal yeah they definitely come out of
the Woodworks did you even know he was someone with a half a million dollars like I knew I knew he had it but I
didn't know if he wanted to invest it with me yeah like I don't know because
he's he's he's active he's active investor so I didn't think most active investors don't
invest with other people are active yeah so it was an epiphany where he's active
and I guess when you when you're active so long you turn into a passive
eventually and that's what that's where he was in his transition Point into a passive investing and I I learned that
after asking enough people people are like how did you raise capital and I said I'm really good at just connecting
with people and I asked two questions I say what do you have in your business and what do you need and then I'm going
to tell you what I have have and what I need and then let's see if we can collaborate so I just kept track of
every person that told me that they had money so then when I got into Sonos capital I just went through my list of
people that I've talked to over the last two years that's it yeah and most of them
said like long term I'm like what do you ultimately want to do and they just say I want my money making me
money I just want passive income say
less let's talk um what is a quote that is yours or
somebody else's that you resonate with first it's not I don't know if it's necessarily a quote but who it's the
book who not how figuring out who not necessarily how
to do something and then there's one more line it's not who you know but who
knows you oo oh I had someone reach out yesterday to my business partner and I
and it said like the referral because they log on through our website it automatically set sets up an appointment
and it said referred by Jill and I'm like I don't know this guy but it has my name and he's like I was like did we
talk and I just don't remember he's like no you have no idea who I am but I know who you are and I was like it's working
something's working uh you you don't know you don't know I
just dropped my mic you don't know who's
watching you don't know who's watching and what they have available but there's a lot of people watching you especially
if you're very public on social media and you just got to do it and get uncomfortable doing it or get
comfortable doing it in general and people come around and it might take 6
months it may take a year it may take two years it may take a day who knows yeah it's one of those things it's kind
of like you're going along it's a straight line and then all of a sudden it just takes off but what if you stopped the day
before it really started to take off or that one BigTime investor that you came in contact with absolutely or you talked
to the old lady and you told her what you do and she has a rich grandson just saying you never know so one thing one
thing I'll say to this is you consistently show up and people will show up too
totally yes I like that if you consistently show up so people will show up
too um and it's just by it's just by you being there consistent like okay she's serious about this he's serious about
this I like serious people you're planting seeds yeah and then they're
like okay I've watched you enough I've been to watched you on YouTube where do
I call and ask you questions absolutely absolutely well I think this has been a
great episode I appreciate you coming on I learned some stuff like this is this is what I love it like you yes in the
beginning like what's your audience and I'm like it's not even about the audience it's for me I'm gonna learn something
too that's great um the audience is just there's just the added bonus but this is
really for me for everybody listening cool I like it you're just connecting
I'm just connecting You're just showing up and taking action I am here taking action and this
will be episode like 525 or something like that okay can I tell you a statistic then yes hit me average
podcast I want to say it was 3.9 star and million podcasts are started every
year 20% may it past episode three 1% of that make it past episode 20
so you are far beyond the 1% Club yes you made it past episode three
and that was a really big deal actually yeah I'm hitting episode like every
hundred I hit I'm like did I really do another 100 you know yeah did did I like
I've been doing I've been doing this for three years now way to show up three
years yes and it's it's been it okay so I did it initially and this is for
everybody here listening I did it initially because I felt like I needed to and then like after like episode 50
to like 75 I was like this is kind of kind of fun you know just suck to random strangers for an hour and see what
happens right you never know what you're going to get that's the exciting part about my job it's like every person's
different it's not the same thing every day never know the conversation the connections like the type of business
I've done outside of real estate just by talking to someone I'm like what have you done the last 30 years in your
career I don't like literally I have no idea like I don't know like people just PE like I I kind of people show up on my
calendar and I'm like I think you somebody did a group message with us and like yeah yeah have a conversation with
it let's do it yeah well because that's one thing I ask I ask at the end people
are like do you need anything and I'm like yeah can you refer me to one person that has a podcast oh if you know
someone that has a podcast that you're like oh you would resonate with so and so or Their audience or their
podcast there you go you ask for referrals um this is a this is a good
one I learned this past weekend and I'm going to Spill the sauce if you're still listening to this episode you get a little sauce here um when you're raising
money and you raise money successfully from a person you ask them if they know
anybody else that wants to invest hands down every person's an investor whether
it's them or someone they know absolutely so even if it even if you don't sell
them they might know somebody and you can get a referral and refer how easy are referrals to
convert you know how many people are like hey can my sister get in on this deal
too hey I was telling my brother about this my best friend like when they're
excited about something and here's the other thing your reputations on the line so if a deal goes south who do they look
at you but if a deal goes upside and they make money they tell
people Capital knows Capital mhm absolutely absolutely well where can
people find you online Cu uh Sonos capital.com uh where can they reach out to you directly I know you're online you
probably just Google Jill and Instagram you want to know my tag on instagram
what's your tag on instagram hit me I am a jillionaire oh look at that did you
change your name it was Jill Jensen and then itang while you can still find it
under Jill Jensen though kajillionaire I'm kid that one would be good I think it was probably
taken jillionaire that's your Instagram handle I am a jillionaire is what it is
all right all right there you go that I like that because it makes easy to find you know I kind it kind of fits your
what you're doing now and it is what it is it's good so go check out jillionaire
on Instagram reach out to her uh Sonos Capital if you want to invest into mobile home parks
uh which I love affordable housing which I did not mention but affordable housing is my my my uh all in all goal too and I
think it's a great resource because I think affordable housing needs is underutilized and everybody wants to
make that HGTV home but who's providing affordable housing 100% there you go
everybody here go like share subscribe we'll see you in the next episode thanks for tuning in we'll see you next time thank you Jill have a great day see you
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Jill Jensen Profile Photo

Jill Jensen

Chief Investment Officer

Now, Jill is the Chief Investment Officer at Sonos Capital, raising capital to invest in large mobile home parks, providing passive income opportunities for individuals seeking to capitalize on their money.