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Ep 522: Hivemind Buy Box In 30 Minutes
June 18, 2024

Ep 522: Hivemind Buy Box In 30 Minutes

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In this call, Anthony Gaona offers a step-by-step guide to finding and securing profitable land deals. He emphasizes the importance of targeting properties on the outskirts of growing cities with significant road frontage and proximity to highways. Anthony explains the criteria for a good deal, suggesting prices between $5,000 and $10,000 per acre. He advises making two types of offers: a low cash offer and a higher seller-financed offer. Verifying water availability and using ghost ads to test market interest are crucial steps before committing to a purchase. Anthony also stresses the importance of using MLS and CRM systems for finding deals and maintaining automated follow-ups. The session concludes with a Q&A, where additional tips and strategies are discussed.


Chapter 1: Introduction and Finding Properties (0:00 - 1:08)

Anthony Gaona starts the call by setting the goal: teaching participants how to quickly find and secure real estate deals. He advises driving to the outskirts of expanding cities and looking for farm and ranch properties near new developments. Properties with significant road frontage and proximity to main highways are ideal targets.


Chapter 2: Identifying a Good Deal (1:09 - 1:59)

Anthony explains that a good deal typically involves properties priced between $5,000 and $10,000 per acre. He cautions against properties priced above $20,000 per acre due to the increased need for development. The key is finding underpriced properties to maximize profit potential.


Chapter 3: Making Offers and Securing Terms (2:00 - 4:00)

The process of making offers involves presenting two options: a low cash offer and a higher offer with seller financing over time. Anthony emphasizes the importance of not initially mentioning interest rates and focusing on agreeable terms for both parties.


Chapter 4: Verifying Property Viability (4:01 - 5:00)

Before finalizing any deal, it's crucial to verify the property's water availability. This involves contacting the water board and well companies to ensure the property has the necessary water access, which is a critical factor in determining the property's value and usability.


Chapter 5: Running Comps, Marketing, and Automation (5:01 - 8:11)

Anthony advises running comparable sales (comps) to assess the market value of subdivided 10-acre tracts. Using "ghost ads" on Facebook to gauge interest in these tracts is essential before committing to a purchase. He also highlights the use of MLS and CRM systems to find deals and maintain automated follow-ups, ensuring no potential opportunities are missed.


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I'm going to give you the most of what
we do and how we do it and in a short
amount of time possible so like if this
was my first day in class and I was
going to teach myself what to do that's
what I'm going to make this call about
I'm going to make it about 15 minutes or
so we're going to wrap it up we will
send out recordings of this call so if
you miss something don't worry but if I
was you I would just take notes for you
have that mind eye that hand eye
connection but I'm going to tell you
guys how to how to race to a deal and
how how to make money quick how we make
money so the all you need to do guys
really is just find a deal what the heck
is a deal a deal is a piece of property
right Beyond construction right so you
see a neighborhood going up go right
past that right on the other side of it
away from the city and find you a farm
or Ranch property right that's that's
getting built up so drive to the edge of
town wherever there's activity now and
you can do this on Google Earth you can
do this on on on Google Drive whatever
go to the edge of the city where you're
seeing brand new neighborhoods go up and
just go right past that and start
calling farm and wrench properties you
want to find like he could do 20 AC or
10 acres or whatever but the easy ones
are like 50 and 100 right up to like two
or 300 uh what makes a deal a deal okay
the more amount of Road Frontage
Chapter 2: Identifying a Good Deal.)
touching the property makes it more of a
deal being on a main artery or Highway
makes it a better deal if you got to
exit the main Highway and then just
drive out into the country for 30
minutes it's getting less and less the
chances of it becoming a deal are
becoming less and less by the minute so
you get on Google
Earth you you just find out where the
neighborhoods are going up in any
direction doesn't matter NorthEast
Southwest go past the neighborhoods find
Farm and Ranch properties that are
underpriced okay if if you guys start
getting stuff like at 30,000 an acre and
above you like really have to do
engineering and throw up houses to make
any profit right you can try to
wholesale that all day but good luck you
know it's G it's a very specific buyer
that's going to pick that up in that
condition for that price so what we look
for is stuff that's underpriced
somewhere between like 5 and 10,000 is a
sweet spot if you can find something
like that you just got to keep going a
little further out and you'll definitely
find it right we just picked up one like
Chapter 3: Making Offers and Securing Terms.)
within 10 minutes of San Antonio for
8,000 an acre so lots of looking lots of
Road Frontage once you start to get like
to 10 to 15 you're probably still pretty
good by the time you're at 20 plus an
acre now you got to sell your 10 acre
tracks for like 250 300 to make profit
right and you're starting to get into No
Man's Land again where where you got to
start doing development so somewhere
like 15 and South as low as possible 5
6,000 an acre we just bid one 420 Acres
we just sent a purchase and sell
agreement for 2 million e so it makes it
4500 an acre right they shot it back
they said they're not ready for us it
doesn't matter that was the first touch
they usually take about a year to say
yes so don't feel bad about that you can
grab one of your friends one of your
friends or family members somebody has
access to the MLS in San Antonio you can
just use the filters on there if they
know how to use it there's plenty of
people in the high mind that'll help you
all you got to do is find stuff that's
listed start with stuff that's 50 acres
and above with no upper limit and then
you can go like to a map view and that
map view you can you can zoom out and
you can see like it'll show price tags
like on on the map so you'll see like
North Side 3 million you click on it 400
Acres Southside 1 million click on that
just start making all you got to do is
now call every single one of those call
those agents make an offer usually our
offer is about half of the listed price
right because agents like to blow things
up so if it's listed for a million we're
going to call and say hey we'll give you
500k cash or we'll give you a million
but we want to make 360 payments don't
mention interest don't mention anything
else we just want to just pay it out
over time start there those those are
your two offers send it no questions
asked send it that's it they'll call you
back they'll say no you're crazy ain't
going to happen or they'll say yes or
they'll say hey my S wants to talk to
you or hey can we talk about your offer
so that's all you're trying to do is
just start a conversation right with
this exact type of property now you have
an agent that says yep your offer sounds
good I think we're going to take it
what's your next step you need to call
the water board the water district and
some water well companies find out what
it costs to get water there if they say
you need to do a study fine fine fine do
you know what size line it is out at the
street it's a 4 inch perfect got it
thank you that's pretty much all have to
do guys that's it make sure that they
Chapter 4: Verifying Property Viability.)
want to play ball make sure there's
water there then you submit it to us
right if if you're just not really sure
about a property go to YouTube and say
Hey how do I run comps on land right so
you go again you find a 100 Acre track
10,000 an acre looks pretty good million
dollars start looking for 10 acre tracks
your Target sales for 10 acre tracks for
that property is going to be about you
know 18 to 25,000 for 10 acre tracks if
the guy wants 10,000 an acre for 100
acres and you're seeing all the 10 acre
tracks are going for like 120 119 115
it's it's not a deal at that price so
you got to go back in you got to work on
your numbers so what we're trying to do
is avoid people just for one wasting
your own time but of submitting the
deals to us and then we can't help you
because like because you you weren't on
this call right so you show up to the
cause you get educated you know what to
look for it's a very simple cut and dry
process there's no science to it I think
U we're all guilty of this that the
numbers are so tremendous that we want
it to be difficult right we say dang
that's a freaking $5 million rench I bet
it's going to be hard to get it and and
Chapter 5: Running Comps, Marketing, and Automation.)
you need to have that mindset shift
where you just got to be agnostic to the
numbers either the numbers work or they
don't either the seller wants to sell or
they don't the agent wants to play bar
they don't one way to get an agent on
board quickly is to say hey I don't care
how we buy it zero down 0% whatever we
do you're still getting your full price
at closing so I don't want you to think
that I'm trying to cut you out of the
deal or do something funny at closing
you're getting your whole commission if
we can add a point or two on our side we
will and that's true we will We like to
overpay so that's all you really got to
do guys get out there make the offers
make it's always two offers it's never
one you're making uh educated offers
because you're getting on YouTube and
you're saying how do I run comps and
you're doing what I said find out what
10 acre tracks you're selling for around
the property you're aiming at right
before we sign contract before we give
them earnest money we do ghost ads so
it's an ad on Facebook it's it doesn't
have any identifiers it doesn't have an
address it doesn't have a picture you're
not talking about the seller's property
that you just talked to you just want to
get a general consensus if people in
that area want to buy 10 acre tracks for
that price if you run like a dollar a
day or $3 a day on Facebook and you get
back zero replies in a week or two you
do not have a deal you need to go back
to the drawing board you need to work on
that price with the seller and say hey I
Del low market research 10 acre tracks
are not selling for that so I'm out so
you know it's probably going to have to
be here and what you could do to test
the market is to say your 10 acre tracks
are listed for 199,000 drop it to 189
for a week nothing happens drop it to
179 for a week nothing happens drop it
again sooner or later you'll find a
sweet spot where people start messaging
you hey can I see the land hey can I see
the land hey can I see the land you'll
know what it feels like when you have a
deal because people are blowing you up
they like that
price so that's pretty much it man
that's the whole entire uh call tonight
just get online find somebody to help
you get on the MLS you can find these on
Zillow red fin you don't absolutely need
MLS access but if you want to go fast
get on MLS see what's listed for 50
acres and above whatever price they have
it listed for you're going to check out
your comps make sure your 10 acre tracks
are going for what we want to sell them
for once your 10 acre tracks go beyond
$300,000 I would probably just dump that
property Because unless it's in a super
super hot area not a lot of people can
afford 300,000 for 10 acres so The Sweet
Spot is like 150 you know even 999,000
for 10 acres even better but like 150 to
250 is probably your sweet spot once you
go beyond 250 you're kind of getting
into like that that rare territory and
then 300 if you got to sell a 10 acre
track for 300K based on the seller sell
price then the air gets kind of thin up
there will they move absolutely it just
takes longer I'm going to take some
questions guys everybody's going to get
a copy of this recording because I know
I went through super fast but that's
like the most condensed version of what
we do and how we do it oh once you need
the earnest money all that other stuff
then that's when we come in so if you
want us to partner with you or whatever
findun the deal send it to us let us
take a look at it but don't go out and
lock stuff up without doing your
research and making sure that you
actually have a deal in your hand so
questions guys and don't forget don't
lock something up and come to us and say
I need the money two days from now yeah
that's another one we got sign it up
yeah like hey I need1
of earnest money tomorrow like well send
me the deal let me look at it like oh no
why'd you sign this up you can't just
haphazardly sign things up it's bad for
your uh
Freedom feeling better
Frank I'm vertical today hey you look
pretty good yeah CAU flu some somehow
over the weekend Oh that thing's going
around yeah it happens so
love questions guys questions I got a
question so you said with the ghost ads
are we doing that before we even bring
it to you yes because how do I know if
it's a deal or not right you bring it to
me you're like hey this sounds pretty
good I think we can sell our 10 acre
tracks for 250 and I'm like okay well
how do you know that like well I looked
on Zillow like are they sold no they're
listed well that that's not exactly sold
rather see pending it's a little flag
that says pending so if you want to run
the test if you know stuff's listed for
250 it's been sitting for 400 Days it's
probably not a good price right so so go
to Facebook Marketplace post like 10
acres of 199,000 no identifiers of the
property because you're not under
contract yet that'll be illegal for you
to Market a property that you don't have
under contract that's it and then you
start getting lots of dings dollar a day
$5 a day phone's blowing up you know 199
them 10 acre tracks are going to fly
right so now we'll take a closer look at
it but if you run ads for for three
weeks and you get zero beings then uh
don't why bring it to us there's nothing
we can do like you just have the
incorrect price need to go back to the
seller and work on the price what safe
information can they list in that you
know 10 acres 199 you County maybe an
intersection what's safe to list what's
safe not to list that way they they can
come back here and look and listen and
go oh yeah that's what they said yeah
it's not illegal to to ask Facebook what
10 acre tracks are going for by Highway
151 and and you know Highway 90 right so
you're not pointing at a specific
property do not take a picture of the
person's property in any form or fashion
and then use that as your copy for your
ad because you're not in a contract you
cannot be marketing that property but I
know that 10 acre tracks on Northwest
San Antonio 5 minutes outside the loop I
can sell those all day for 250 bam so
you know what your numbers are and then
that's that's the best time to bring it
to us to sayy I have a deal that works
there's plenty of paav Road Frontage the
wells are 15,000 there's a 8 inch water
line at the road I have 2,000 fet of
Road Frontage flood zone in the back a
little bit on 10% of the property and uh
my phone's blowing up at 249 well damn
where do I send your check
to all right you're already fully
delivered hey just FYI guys if y'all
we're uh Daniel and myself we're in
Phoenix Arizona we're coming out on a
podcast called real estate disruptors
tomorrow at 3 pm Texas
time so uh if you guys watch live on
Facebook or YouTube make sure yall drop
some comments and some hearts and some
flames and some aliens and whatever else
got guys are
busy yeah man it's been it's been pretty
gotcha hey um questions questions
questions guys I just gave you our whole
entire game all in like 12 minutes I bet
somebody has a
question I just me that recording so I
could really tighten up my game a lot
more on those big tracks super easy man
the big the big tracks are easier
because there's more money in the deal
right so you get a little tiny track of
14 acres or 19 acres and it's like
you're trying to squeeze blood out of a
rock but you get 140 acres and like damn
you could sell off 80 of it now you have
60 Acres for free what do you want to
with that last piece I want my cash I
want to entitle it you know I'm just
going to hang on to it all that kind of
stuff so yeah it's easy easy game find
the properties make two offers to
everybody if you don't have a CRM get
one there's a lot of free ones out there
H mine has a white labeled one that we
use it doesn't matter what CRM you use
they're all the same all you want to do
is every time you talk to somebody or
you make an offer put the information
into the CRM and text the person you got
into contact with be it the agent or the
seller every 90 days and says that all
the text message says is did you sell
the property yet and it says that every
90 days forever for the rest of their
life and you forgot about it right it's
been two years have gone by and they're
still getting a text message every 90
days that says did you sell the property
yet so that way they they for one they
keep you in mind they know you're
serious but when they're ready to drop
12 months from now they call you back
and say hey the seller decided to
consider your offer she wants to know if
it's still good yeah offer probably
still good let's take a look at it real
quick and we'll see if those numbers
still work but that's it guys it's a a
touch two offers and and an automated
followup if you're not doing the
automated followup then it's going to
take you a long time to become
successful because think about it if
you're writing these down in a notebook
right and then remembering to call them
on a calendar you're going to start to
drop stuff especially when you've made a
hundred or a thousand contacts you're
going to start to forget stuff you're
going to start so you're losing money
right because you're dependent on a
sheet of paper that you're probably
going to lose envelopes scribbling on
stuff as you go so any kind of CRM even
a free one put them on automatic drip
and that's it man send out as many of
those as you can you send out 100 offers
you get one or two
deals if people do not have questions
I'm going to bounce like in two minutes
minutes this this meeting is a journ
that's pretty much all we do man it's so
so simple but I feel like we want it to
be complicated because the numbers are
big like it has to be complicated like
the FL was asked in chat is there a link
for direct
sellers a link for direct sellers what
does that mean I know Mike Flores speak
up well we've been getting a lot of
leads from that other guy in some of
them are actual sellers so a lot of this
is more like a wholesaler sending us a
deal something a little bit more geared
just towards them uh Daniel has a link
and what we're trying to do is we're
trying to refine it so that way when
somebody a wholesaler anybody sends us a
deal it has to go through those like
initial like 12 or 15 questions like did
you run your ads are you getting you
know hits at you know whatever your
Target sales price is so we're trying to
make it where an ad lead can't be
submitted unless it's gone through that
process that's what we're trying to do
to help streamline and then we're going
to drop a few videos that explained
again kind of what I talked about on the
call tonight is that what what are we
looking for what are the steps between
the deal and now because worst thing you
guys can do is send us an address and
say hey this guy wants to sell all right
now what do we do right you should have
like 25 things to do you got to call the
the utility companies a water company
there's a lot of phone time Facebook ads
there's a lot of things you have to do
on your end if you just serve it up on a
hot platter ready to go then we'll just
throw the cash at it sign it up and it's
it's ready to go to the next stage any
other questions guys and that you all by
the way is in the chat submit
big.com there you go a couple of times
hey Anthony I haven't been getting uh
the notifications uh like through text
message okay yeah just message Jean and
him just add you back on okay Jean I
gotta see how I can message him uh on
Facebook okay or just text customer
service number say hey can Jean around
him to put something for me it's a
subscription based this called a
subscription but so every now and then
the V just come through and just clean
it all out but just tell them to leave
you in the on position yeah I was I was
getting them like real recently just
stopped getting them maybe last week or
two yeah they kind of go through there
and just pull the people that stop
paying card declines that kind of stuff
okay I
gotta cool guys any questions I know
that was a lot of information we are
gonna anybody that's on this call we're
gonna we can send you the recording if
you want it just message customer
service 210 9721
1842 2110 9721 1842 message customer
service and say Anthony said to give me
the recording from from that call I
think this is probably the most cut and
dry call we've ever had but those are
the steps there's nothing else after
that it's just really you know having
the nerve to go out and make those
contacts and if you don't want to do it
yourself uh put somebody to do it my
friend's like 14-year-old son is up is
making offers and a lot of them find
somebody who's interested in this
business or somebody that can help you
and you know see if they make the offers
for you if you don't have time to do it
but that's all it is make two offers to
every property and automate the followup
and then once it's time to come in and
do contracts or legals or bring the cash
we me and Daniel are here ready to go
ready to buy something right now
today so I appreciate you guys for being
on here man hit me up oh you're not over
yet Anthony what do you got don't be
afraid to hit this little mute button in
the lower leftand corner and speak up
people I promise you we won't bite your
heads off
but asked a question in
chat uh in the Forum it says sell's name
can we put the realtor's name in there
as well for all that information I
imagine we'd prefer you do the research
and try to find the actual seller's name
and include the realtor's name who
you're in contact with Anthony yeah not
a bad idea yeah who I think whoever you
talk to first and foremost but yeah if
you can find a seller's name too and a
rotor that'd be great if you only got a
hold of the rotor some rotors play
defense and they don't want you to find
that number you can't find it just put
the rotor's number in there then text
them that because if you follow with
that rotor three months 6 months from
now nine months from now they haven't
sold it they're going to be pretty
motivated at that point right somebody
said they don't know how to find deals
find somebody just post on Facebook like
on a San Antonio real estate investor
group and say hey I want to find some
land deals can can somebody with MLS
access contact me I'll give you a few
dollars don't waste any rotor's time
it's a big pain in the butt they work
hard enough they don't have to work for
free if it's a new relationship you know
offer some cash if you can if you don't
have any cash not even 50 bucks to offer
the realtor for their time partner with
somebody else man Post in the highb CRM
and say Hey I want just I want somebody
that has MLS access I'm willing to do
the work put in some calls send out the
offers if you can give the realtor the
50 bucks for helping this out so think
in terms of what you can provide to any
relationship and then all of a sudden
everybody would want to help you right
so if you're if you're constantly asking
people for things then they're gonna
you're always pulling on their energy
they're gonna sometimes they're going to
start to avoid you so when you reach out
to somebody you say hey can we can you
help me pull a list of of new ranches
this month so you know can I cash out
you 100 bucks for your time whether they
ask that sometimes they might not even
take it but at least the fact that you
offered and if you don't have the 100
again Post in hive mind CRM Facebook
group and say Hey I want to hit up some
leses and anybody with access hit me up
and I'd like to buy you dinner something
that hey Anthony it's John Alexander
what's up John Hey listen the John
Alexander I just grabbed your Bitcoin
too oh look at got my Bitcoin Hey listen
it was great meeting you guys for this
past weekend but I wanted to to chime in
here to for everybody in this group and
while I'm saying this if you if somebody
can grab
trans YouTube link or whatever they have
I I want to express something here it's
very important so that we can all grow
The Way We Grow is by supporting Anthony
and Daniel especially when they get on
such a big podcast this podcast that
they're doing tomorrow guys this is one
of the biggest real estate podcast out
there uh everybody who's anybody has
been on that podcast and when you go on
there you blow up now what I'm going to
suggest that we all do is make sure that
we are subscribed to trans channel so
that when it goes live tomorrow whatever
you're doing if you can even take a
couple of minutes while they're talking
go on his YouTube channel and talk about
say anything you know positive about
Daniel and Anthony that you can or the
high Mind Group say you're in it say
something positive to help push
the algorithm so that that thing gets
out there even more and the the whole
point of this is because the more
Anthony and Daniel gets out there in the
mainstream the more money is that's
going to flow into their hands and that
means we get access to that Capital as
members in here so this is why it's so
important to support these guys and help
push these guys to the
top we we're in our own Super Bowl guys
and this is our quarter these are our
quarterbacks right here
thank you John yes sir what's that
what's that uh what's that what's that
YouTube channel again it's real estate
disruptors real estate disruptors okay
okay yeah yeah thanks John for for
pointing the link yeah it's important
guys it really is important these guys
when when when these guys go on those
shows money's out there listening and
the money's gonna flow to these guys
they're going to hit these guys up and
say heyy we got two million we got 20
million we've got a hedge fund what it
sounds like you guys are blowing up we
want to be part of it and they're going
to funnel money into these guys and
that's our money that becomes our money
to do these
deals yes sir words of wisdom right
there man from John if you guys don't
know who John Alexander is go look him
up on YouTube and on Facebook and uh the
guy's just he's been mentoring Daniel
and myself since before we launched Hive
mine and he every day every time we
talked to him we learned something new
so you know in the spirit of what we do
and the way our community operates as we
do we help each other out we lift each
other up and it's the only way that we
could win right I have a vision to close
a thousand deals in a day that's my
vision that's my goal so the only way to
accomplish that is eventually you'll run
out of money right so we need a lot of
capital and on the other side of that we
need a lot of people so those thousand
deals a day that are going to be closing
are going to be the people in this room
right so we all have to contribute we
all have to help any which way I think
Diego was on this call he came in he he
called me and said hey I want to learn
about real estate your uncle said to get
with you and I was like whatever talk to
the guy for like an hour and now he's
become one of the biggest assets to the
team he just has like it background he's
always making spreadsheets drone shots
editing videos like nobody told him to
do any of that stuff none of it he
didn't nobody told him to do anything
and I think he probably had one of the
biggest Decembers he's ever had in his
life you know and that's what it is it's
people contributing helping how can I
help like John mentioned even if you
don't have Capital to invest amazing you
know you can you can like you said get
in there and say man I've learned a lot
from these guys you guys are the real
deal that kind of stuff Wherever You See
It live Instagram YouTube Facebook
and yeah the algorithm will go to work
and it'll Mass distribute it so somebody
hits us up and they're like hey man I
got to park $20 million from a 1031 well
now I'm going to go to the Facebook
group and I'm gonna say hey which one of
you Cowboys has a land deal ready to go
right your hands go up there's the $20
million like right now we have two2 to
three million dollar to drop right now
and we haven't found the ranch for it
yet we threw out two or three offers
last week we're throwing out two or
three more this week but if somebody in
this room had one ready to go that was
all papered up the way I asked you guys
to do it then bam we can send 2 million
today tomorrow anytime so so yeah get
out there guys get it tell everybody
what you're doing if you can be on the
show tomorrow 3 p.m. Central Texas time
just yeah if you guys can help us boost
that algorithm like John said it it work
wonders for all of us so we appreciate
you being here this calls every Tuesday
night at 800m it's the same call every
time um and if you didn't if if you need
a recording of This call uh remember to
to message One of Us customer service
210 9721 1842 and uh we'll send you a
recording of This call I think this was
a good one this is pretty much
everything we do start to finish in 15
see that real estate disruptor Link in
the in the in the
chat I'm sure there's a Facebook one too
so yeah man yeah he he he must put out a
pretty good podcast an episode from a
year ago is still getting one view per
hour yeah it's just consistent one view
per hour on Facebook that means 24 views
per day I mean this is you know this is
part of why we put a lot of the stuff up
on YouTube is this content is Evergreen
content Liv forever you know when when
knowledge is being laid down people keep
going back to it and more people who go
to it the more people who react to it
the more the YouTube algorithm pushes it
one year ago this guy put up an episode
how to correctly pitch Novation with
Eric viewer uh Brewer sorry and it's
still getting one view per
hour that says something you know eight
years ago he still has content that's
that's relevant today and that's hitting
so it's it's uh tomorrow's episode is
definitely going to hit hard for sure
seg man I appreciate you guys being on
here yep YouTube going to be live
forever so if you guys make comments now
you were there live you saw it first hit
us up man let us you know like Frank
said it's a constant Fountain of
information we're trying to pump into
you guys so we can do a deal with you
right we don't get paid if you don't get
paid so follow the steps on this call go
out there find a deal we'll fund it I
think that's that's the only reason we
couldn't grow is because we didn't have
the funding Daniel myself that's why we
got so good at creative because we're
working with empty wallets right so now
where we are we have more Capital than
deals so help us help you guys everybody
have a blessed night man thank you for
being on I got a few
questions still there Anthony Anthony
out what's the questions well I guess uh
why it just because I had certain deals
but then um I guess generally Frank
because you want people ask retail but
then of course they still asking too
high either open to was it I think I
don't know it's like 20 25% down but
fiveyear balloon which kind of kills it
because if they asking retail we need
more time than just five years because
my goal is usually as you know 30 years
longer I mean it just comes down to
they're not ready to sell yeah like they
fall you if if the numbers don't work
I'll check back and you know 90 days you
know it's
uh it it's that simple
if if if they haven't gotten a position
where they're willing to work with some
realistic numbers they still have
unfortunately unrealistic
expectations they either they think
their property is too good uh they think
the Market's too strong for what they
have so you know it's just you know not
working yet uh so try back in 90 days
you know when uh when they get realistic
you know you know and it's it's always
it's a give and take you know if they
want more money up front they got to
give you know I'll give you the money
you want up front but you got to give me
more time you know if they want 25% down
fine you're I I need 30 years or you
know the real East I need 20 years on
this balloon so that I can create the
cash you know create that return on the
back end right so as long as they're
willing to hold it longer we can put
more money in up front otherwise you
know know it's it's a give and take
exactly that teer totter that's why I
always tell the agents like I just can't
do one he say a low ball cash offer or
more time at their list price all
right okay perfect your FR uh to get a
copy of uh the video just text the
support line as uh Edward Edward I
apologize I keep mispronouncing your
name uh posted uh just text uh you know
that that you'd like a copy of this
episode and your email address and the
link will be gotten to you uh so that
you've got it
so with that thank you
everybody and for those of you who got
here late sorry about that ask in the
group winie who got here late you know
depending on what the property is you
know and stuff uh or do the re you know
at request this episode do the research
you know uh do the stuff that uh that's
required beforehand then submit it to
Via submit big land and uh we'll take a
look at it we'll go forward from there
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More