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Ep 518: How To Build Online Credibility
June 10, 2024

Ep 518: How To Build Online Credibility

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In this segment, Bruce Hill from New Skills New You introduces Daniel Martinez from HiveMind. Daniel discusses his journey into real estate and creating the HiveMind CRM, highlighting the importance of building an online presence by generating content across platforms. He explains how automating tasks with technology can streamline business operations and emphasizes creating personal stages, like podcasts, to build an audience and attract speaking opportunities. Daniel also shares strategies for running successful events and leveraging networking to grow one's brand. He concludes by stressing the significance of consistent content creation in establishing one's infamy.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Daniel Martinez and HiveMind (0:00 - 2:21)Bruce Hill introduces Daniel Martinez, who discusses his unique approach to public speaking and leveraging his business, HiveMind, through various online platforms.

Chapter 2: The Importance of Automation and Real Estate Journey (2:22 - 4:42)Daniel explains why automating tasks is crucial before delegating, and shares his journey into real estate which led to the creation of HiveMind.

Chapter 3: Building an Audience and Speaking Engagements (4:43 - 7:03)Daniel talks about the strategies for creating an audience through podcasting and building his own stage to increase his speaking engagements.

Chapter 4: Hosting Events and Networking (7:04 - 10:58)Daniel shares insights on organizing events, the importance of networking, and how he managed to host successful HiveMind conferences from the first year of his business.

Chapter 5: Content Creation and Final Thoughts (10:59 - 16:31)Daniel emphasizes the importance of consistent content creation to build a personal brand, and provides advice for aspiring speakers on leveraging technology and networking to grow their influence.

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welcome welcome welcome it's Bruce Hill
from new skills in the you got my buddy
Daniel from hi M with
me and this segment is specifically to
help you and introduce you to an amazing
speaker um but what's fun about Daniel
is that he's not a traditional speaker
like you're not going to get a business
card from him that says professional
speaker um but he's created his own
stages he's helped a lot of people win
some really excited to introduce him to
y'all Daniel how you doing buddy I'm
good man I'm good I just tell people to
Google me that's a trick Google me okay
that's a flex let's let's let's do that
right now if I Google what am I typeing
in Daniel first last name high you can
do Daniel hivemind hence my name right
here Daniel hivm mind or you can do
Daniel Martinez Daniel esan Martinez I
come up I didn't even have to do all
that pops right up 100K months using
Hive M first hit that's pretty doctor
and then like the first oh you've got
every link on the first page gu you know
that that's why I say Google
me I want to be like you when I grow out
all right so someone who's hard it's not
hard it's not hard okay tell me what's
the secret the secret is doing stuff
like this that's why I do stuff like
this so you can be top of mine well no
it's um think think of the internet as
uh uncharted waters so how do you become
an uncharted waters is you create as
much replications of yourself on
uncharted waters that way people have
looked towards your direction they're
going to find
you that's a gy we're not even three
in I don't know that's a trick so let's
say uh someone's listening right now but
they're driving so they can't Google you
what would you want them to know um I do
land I speak I do a lot of stuff with uh
real estate um I have a CRM product I
speak I have students I educate I don't
know and I provide a lot of content out
there so if you go to any platform and
Google Daniel hive mind in that search
bar whether it's Tik Tok Instagram or
any other place like that you're going
to find me as well so no matter where
people consume content I'm there and I
may not have the biggest following but
I'm there time will catch up to me
eventually no matter where you are I'm
there he's ubiquitous he everywhere oh
Chapter 2: The Importance of Automation and Real Estate Journey.)
one fun fact so I met Daniel and a
mastermind we still tap in um um and he
was talking about hive mind he was
talking about automating before
delegating that's one of my favorite
lessons from you why is it important to
automate before you delegate so
technology I think right now is the best
time to become an entrepreneur there's a
lot of resources out there including
like especially AI is the big Hot Topic
right now but um if you can Outsource
and automate through systems and and
software you might not have to hire that
position so think of 20 years ago I'm
young you're you're you're a little bit
older than me but you're still young
young and in in all in all all but like
if you're born in the 9s or before 2000
you've seen the transition of technology
so think of everybody had to have an
appointment setter set appointments book
appointments now we have cenly stuff
like that to coordinate and uh operate
your schedule for you so as technology
gets better you can put in resources to
help organize and operate where there
was a person physically there doing it
now you can have
systems that's huge huge for that young
entrepreneur maybe you're I have a buddy
who wants to avoid um investors at least
as long as possible and if you're like
well I don't have the money right now to
hire someone I've never hired someone
before uh technology can help you do
that and of course I'm a little biased
but I do recommend High mind CRM for the
so I met you talking about high mind
talking about the CRM and using it to to
scale your business when did the
transition happen going into real estate
um it was always there Hy mine came
after so I started yeah I started doing
real estate five years ago I'm coming up
on my sixth year um Hy mind's only three
years old so I started doing real estate
first and then Hine came about so we had
the idea of
creating um there's different ways to
there's couple different reasons but
there's different ways to become popular
in your own little niche especially in
the real estate space and a lot of it
are clogged through different Avenues so
I wanted to create a different avenue so
I call it
like there's five or six different ways
to come up to become known from being
unknown to known so what are those it
could be coaching and a lot of people go
Chapter 3: Building an Audience and Speaking Engagements.)
up this way they try they try and go up
the coaching route but no one knows who
they are and how you distinguish
yourself between other coaches there's
books people become authors they write
their own book they come up to the
author outout there's speaking um people
come up to speak R and there's a lot of
people trying to speak everybody wants
to speak at everybody's events and how
you differentiate yourself so that's
really really hard number four is
podcasting it's what we're doing now
we're podcasting number five is through
um products or services in that Niche so
that podcasting I think is very there's
very less a lot less traffic there and I
think uh um Niche specific products in
that Niche are is very uh lot less
traffic there so we came up through we
knew what direction and what end goal we
wanted so we came up through first was
products or Services then we came out
with a podcast with that we had products
services and podcasting and then we
started doing education and now we're
kind of hitting all five of those things
all at the same time so it's only a
matter of time before you get you take
off so uh we're working on a book right
now and it's just one of those things
that kind of culminate into who you are
and what you do and you get there
through and you only need one of those
to be successful but if you do all five
eventually it all helps your your brand
and push p through the online
space that's good so high M was the
product uh so it was real estate first
interesting High m was a product that's
number one of the five ways uh for you
and when did speaking come in part of
the part of the strategy um it was it
was right when I did podcasting so a lot
of people that they always trying to
like speak on different stages and what
what value do you bring and who do you
know you bring so most time when people
ask you to speak they usually want you
to have your own audience at that point
so then you have the chicken and egg
problem well you want to build an
audience but people won't have you speak
because you don't have an audience so
the thing is is you create your own
audience so how do you create your own
audience so you do it through podcasting
which I kind of start at the same time
and number two is building your own
stage who says you can't build your own
stage and speak from your own stage no
one you make the rules so you make your
own stage you start speaking from your
own stage make your own podcast start
picking your own podcast and then people
were like okay he has his own audience
he's built his own stage he has his own
podcast let's bring him on now so I
recently I I've gotten more speaking
Chapter 4: Hosting Events and Networking.)
engagements over the last six months
than I have over the last three years so
it kind of
snowballs it kind of snowballs into that
larger thing and it's it's a long-term
game there's no shortcuts what happened
where you got more speaking engagements
in the last six months than you have in
the last few years what what did you do
difference so uh the target for this
conversation is that aspire in speaker
is that speaker looking to go to the
next level maybe they want to go
fulltime um consider themselves
professional speaker what are you
telling them I think it's figure out
what your value is um a lot of people
struggle with this and you got to figure
out what your value is and and and bring
it to that level so um recently it was a
culmination of time and I think time is
the biggest thing do something long
enough and you'll be known for it it's
just time so I did I've been doing this
for three years the hive mind education
kind of putting out information space
for a very long time and then we had a
big win and now the big win plus time
equals more
engagements so it's like it's like
everything kind of escalates as you as
time progresses and some people hit it
sooner than others I've seen people go
do amazing stuff in six months or a year
and everybody has their own scale of
time but you have to be
producing and looking at the long-term
outcome to get to that point and you
don't know when it's goingon to
hit beautiful this a whole Master
Class what about your high mind
conference and excuse me if that's not
the right name when did you start that
you talk about building your own stage
so I started doing that the first year I
started my business we started getting
uh people coming in and why are you even
doing that your first year I'm like I
don't know like I just want I want an
opportunity to provide and my people to
come together and my students to come
together so in what way do you do that
you do that at other people's events hey
everybody go to ABC's event and let's
let's let's have dinner there and shake
hands I'm going to be speaking there or
you just create your own and you don't
have to over complicate it you can go
ask you can network with people in the
area and find a venue um I just went to
an event in Houston uh contact in their
network has like a rooftop like a second
floor bar type thing so they get the bar
Revenue so they charge they charge them
1,500 bucks they had 100 people there we
came in and spoke for free and uh they
had a sponsor paid for the 1,500
bucks so you you can do that for free
locally snap it up for that one you make
it sound so easy man it's
not it's not a lot of it is just is
figur like us as entrepreneurs we have
to figure it out so if you want
something you got to figure it out you
got to figure out where the money comes
from uh if if the venue wants $5,000 you
go find five sponsors to give you a
thousand like you figure it out and then
where do you get speakers you ask around
who wants to speak most of the time
speakers will speak for free because
there's a lot of speakers out there
willing to speak they just don't have a
stage so if you put The Feelers out hey
I'll let you come speak for free boom as
long as they know they have value the
the the host knows they have value to
bring to Their audience they'll come
speak for free even if nobody even shows
up they'll come speak for the camera to
get more content that's something else I
learned one of my one of my stages I had
like 30 people show up just because we
did it out of state and we had no local
push there so people still came just cuz
we had a video camera and we were're cut
up in the reels in HD people will show
up just bottom maximizing every
opportunity absolutely because um it
it's not it's less about
the I mean you do want people to show up
and people have done like free stages
Chapter 5: Content Creation and Final Thoughts.)
and they charge them for an upsell like
I didn't I I never wanted to do like I
never I never sell at my events and some
people do there's different like stages
of this so some people they charge up
front and no selling which is kind of
the angle I went I charged up front to
kind of cover my cost and I would know I
wouldn't sell some people charge and
they sell they do both they try and
upsell you when you get to the event I'm
sure you've been to events like that and
then there's some events that will
they'll they'll do it free and then
they'll sell so you can do like any
different version of those to monetize
it sometimes they bring sponsors
sometimes they don't it depends on your
Venue and you're at Cost whenever you're
running an event and your speaker cost
because if you bring in high Lev
speakers you you see events that have
like oh they got Damon John and Robert
kosaki and all these different headline
speakers you're going to pay to get in
because they had to pay money to get
those speakers in um most of times I
know kosaki charges like
$200,000 for four hours you have to pay
for his flight hotel
and uh security so it's like $200,000 to
get him to speak at your event for four
hours he'll do a one hour keynote and
then he's there for three hours Q&A and
pictures and whatever so whenever you
see a headline speaker at an event
somebody had to pay for
that so it usually comes out of your
cost so my goal for this podcast is to
help more speakers get to that to that
level when they're not charging $200
we're charging 200 and you can run an
event like and you co-headline with them
and brand by association oo borrow the
credibility borrow their
credibility so it's it's getting on more
stages it's it's a lot of it is if you
can get headline speakers and find a way
to monetize it and pay them and this is
this comes down to like if you can
borrow their credibility and get on
stages and like oh I just saw Bruce Hill
with Robert kosaki in in in Houston okay
let's let's see what he does let's look
him up online they're going to Google
you they're going to check your
credibility and then they're going to
see oh let's see let's see let's see
what his video likes look online let's
see what value he brings and then like
okay boom let's ask him see if we'll
come on so a lot of times that host will
ask them to come on for free and then
certain speakers once you get to a
certain point you can start charging I
think this is where Roy's at Roy's that
I think he charges 510 Grand to speak
and you got to pay for his flight so
once you get to a certain point you can
start charging people to come on because
you have such high credibility and you
have such high value
I love it thank you for sharing on that
let me make sure we get the technical
questions in who's your ideal audience
who do who are you looking to get in
front of me um mostly I mean a lot of my
lot of my audiences are minorities in
some way shape or form um they're
interested in real estate um they may be
doing houses or other asset classes U
multif family storage um a lot of my
people they're interested in changing it
up they're looking for a change so we
introduce them into the land space and
how to find and uh monetize larger
opportunities because I think I I
mentioned this is like if you want to
make more money in business and life you
got to find a higher priced product to
sell I said the same thing yesterday
literally yesterday not metaphorically
not figuratively literally yesterday so
if they say hey we want to get into real
estate how do they get in touch with you
you can go to I I always make the joke
of follow the right rabbit but you go
through any my online platforms and just
click a link away this is one of the
things where like me as a consumer I
have I have my consumer brain and I have
my producer brain so when I'm producing
I always create a path that the consumer
needs to follow to find the end goal so
you as a consumer want to learn how to
become a producer go through people's
funnels to figure out how they became be
producers and you can literally copy and
use their methods including up to their
email and follow-up strategies and
implement it for yourself so like I
always i t I always go down people's
funnels to kind of see where it leads me
because if it's working for them it's
going to work for
you and for someone who's looking to
bring you on a speak at their conference
say maybe real estate focused conference
or Business Development how do they get
in touch with you um you can email me at
uh admin ADM
hmm. or you can just go down through one
one of the r holes find a way to to
contact me there's always a contact us
number there and it'll eventually come
up the ladder to me um in some way shape
or form and that's one of the things
where like I have one Central phone
number that you can text and somebody
will respond and it's like my personal
secretary that I have Vaas kind of
monitor that and it eventually makes it
up beautiful beautiful
man this was good I really appreciate
you coming on share and any last partner
words uh before we sign off yeah this is
going to be my quote
um you build your infamy off the content
create okay one more time you build your
infamy you build your own infamy off the
content you
create that's a good way to wrap it up
ladies and gentlemen remember one new
skill will change your life thanks
Daniel for coming on hey if you have any
deals you'd like to submit to The Hive
mine and our team go to Hive bc. it's
actually The Hive Buyers Club submit
your deals and we can hopefully dispose
your deal for you have a great day
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!