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Ep 517: Relationship Markeitng with Rush Waghorne
June 07, 2024

Ep 517: Relationship Markeitng with Rush Waghorne

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Host Daniel Martinez, co-host Anthony Gaona, and guest Rush Waghorn discussed the origin of Rush's unique name and the significance of fostering genuine business relationships. Rush shared his adoption story and how his name came about. The conversation emphasized the importance of prioritizing and investing in relationships, both in business and personal life. They also highlighted how networking activities like golf can open unexpected doors and create lasting connections. The episode underscored the value of a service-oriented approach in business, leading to long-term benefits and deep personal bonds.

Chapter 1: Introducing Rush Waghorn (0:00 - 2:20)Host Daniel Martinez and co-host Anthony Gaona introduce special guest Rush Waghorn, discussing the origin of his unique name and his adoption story.

Chapter 2: The Importance of Relationships (2:21 - 5:00)Rush shares the significance of fostering genuine relationships in business and personal life, reflecting on his long-term friendship with Anthony and Daniel.

Chapter 3: Service-Oriented Mindset (5:01 - 8:00)The conversation emphasizes a service-oriented approach, where Rush and the hosts discuss how focusing on helping others leads to personal and professional fulfillment.

Chapter 4: Networking Through Golf (8:01 - 13:50)The hosts and Rush delve into how golf serves as a powerful networking tool, offering insights into building connections and opening unexpected doors.

Chapter 5: Personal Growth and Setting Boundaries (13:51 - 22:00)The episode concludes with discussions on personal growth, the importance of self-care, and learning to set boundaries to maintain a balanced and fulfilling life.

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hello welcome to the hyp podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today we have special co-host Anthony gaona and a
special guest Mr Rush [Music]
waghorn we've known rush for a while Anthony's and Rush are really good friends the first question I want to ask
is where does the name Rush come from I've never met a rush before and uh I
I'm curious about the story and I don't know what your parents is but I've never heard the name rush so I I want to start
that well first of all thanks for having me on guys I've uh watching all the I
mean 500 episodes Coming Out Boy that's amazing and and what you guys have done with hive mind is really impressive I
wish I had a great story to answer so I'm I'm adopted so my my parents adopted me when I was six weeks old and my full
name is Michael Rush wag horn I have two brothers they're up above us now but and
we all went by the three names right but we all went by our name Timothy Carter Richard Clay Carter clay and rush so I
would always ask my dad growing up where' this come from and he's just kind of a joker and he would just make stuff
up oh I was reading the sports statistics and there was rushing yards and so he never really gave me the
answer it turns out later in life he sort of I think I think I remember him saying well I knew somebody named rush I
personally have never met anybody else named rush until I went off to college
in North Carolina and sort sort of you know Southern feeling over there and
there was I met one other guy named rush and I I've since sort of heard that it's a little bit of a southern name I mean
that's that's my big Grand story but he would just mess with me when I'm seven eight nine 10 years old trying to figure
out you know who I am and where does this come from and he just wouldn't help out so just a
joke but I actually tried to change in sixth grade I was riding the bus to school and I was sick of being called
rush because people made fun of it whatever in fourth or sixth grade whatever kids and I tried go by Michael
and it got to the point where people would literally have to scream from a foot away M because they'd been asking Michael Michael and I just wouldn't
respond I never could I I didn't really do a good job of changing it to Michael so it didn't stick so I'm back with
rush dude so so just uh for context you know Rush is a is a personal friend of
mine been we met in business but we became best of friends over the years and I think I love that part of
Chapter 2: The Importance of Relationships.)
businessmen and uh just connecting with people like yourself like how else would I have ever met you if it wasn't in business and I you know I think we talk
about that today is like the value the strength of relationships and I I think what what they can do right moving into
different places in your life and in your career but yeah man I just wanted to say you know thank you for being who you are and being genuine I I feel super
blessed we met over in power and uh we just stayed friends throughout the last
what maybe tennish years or so yeah wow wow it's been a long time probably
probably 206 maybe there you go yeah it's about 16ish
yep 16 so we're heading in clear across 24 so about eish years
plus yeah it's been awesome I feel the same way I'm very blessed to know you and I don't know you know if we're going
to get into relationship and so forth I I think I remember early on like if I were coming to Austin or
something for something family I would definitely set aside time to go have breakfast with you or lunch or meet at a
golf course one time and whatever you gota you gotta you can't blow stuff off you gotta you
got to take a little bit of effort to go those relationships but the but the
beauty of it is so much greater than any you know any struggle with your calendar
or whatever or or taking 30 minutes to go see somebody especially if you're nearby I mean I don't know if this if I'm getting this point across and I but
the the the relationship I have with you and the good that it brings to my life
is you know 100x the I don't know if you want to call the work of the building of
the relationship you know it's a joy no yeah I I hate it when there's
silence Dead Silence after I talk because I feel like I really didn't no no you're good you're good A
lot of times me and Anthony like we don't know if he's gonna ask the question or I'm gonna ask ask a question so it's kind of it's a little it's a little there's a little buffer in
between between whenever you're talk but that's no I I was going to say man no no I agree I think that um people miss that
that right in business because especially like in our background uh I have a multi-level background I know you do too I love the business I still love
it to this day my mental framework is around you know still the multi-level and network marketing hive mind has a
component of that with the CRM but I think it's more about the a mindset right and the kind of person that you
are personality type so you meet these these people in business and it it's a connecting based business right and at
first you're looking to connect with people right to see how they might benefit your company or how you know they help your bottom line your numbers
Chapter 3: Service-Oriented Mindset.)
but I I think yeah meeting you man it's it's been a a cool experience to see how a person can go from a business contact
to a really close friend and I think people are missing that in the in the multi-level World in that networking
space is that yeah we make connections right to better ourselves and better our business but I I think deeper than that
you can end up with a really really good friendman and it it it touches so many more points than your business and I wish more people and multi-level knew
that you know it's a really good point and I would think of it you know maybe it's an overused term but I would call
it relationship marketing so it's not so it's even bigger than just multi-level or affiliate or whatever the skills you
learn let's say you have a multi-level background or people that have a network marketing background if they actually
learn the skills correctly it's really about relationships like you're talking about and then that
becomes Way Beyond just multi- level and and and and the other thing I would
think about is for for many many years I would go in and I'm I'm a good guy I'm a good I have a good heart good heart I'm
a good-hearted person but I would go into what what can I get out of this and
I I can't say I've completely like I'm I'm not saying I'm perfect to this but there was a shift a while back a few
years ago where I tried to become more like what what can I bring to them and
it's it's really a helpful shift a it's a lot less stress I don't you know when
I'm going into it for for my personal reasons there's I don't know not necessarily an ickiness or whatever but it's like I I know that I'm being a
little selfish and I'm trying to you know what can this guy do for my business how can he help me build my business whatever when I go into it with
hey how can I help this person whether in business or otherwise just by maybe
people I know or if if I have some insight into something that could help them or if there's business related
stuff that I could help them with if if I truly am thinking of trying to just you know find good synergies for
people and help them find synergies that sort of raises the level a lot quicker and it comes back to you I
mean and sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't with those spe with that specific deal but it's always good to be known as a guy that's willing to help
out or willing to make connections or or you know and be focused on other people you know I know Anthony you know that
and Daniel when you when you kind of shift it to less you're not kind of
being this thinking of it from a selfish motivation and you're thinking a little bit more from a selfless
motivation it it it just Rising tide kind of thing you know it just ends up being better and then these relationships are more authentic they're
not sort of transactional and just good things happen I mean I if we get into it I can tell you one easy example and but
there's but there's lots of them and I I just think that people if they have the focus of of service a little bit more
you know it's better for everybody absolutely I think let's jump down to the example I think a lot of people you
as you get in adults I think it's harder to Garner relationships as a whole I think I think a lot of adults struggle
because I think everybody when at the high school you kind of network and you sees people every day and I think uh if
Chapter 4: Networking Through Golf.)
you have work relationships it's always easy to keep that because you have a conversation every day but how how do you build and create a relationship that
you might not see every day and I think might be might be easier for males in general because I think we're we're more
hey I could talk to this guy once a year and I know we're so cool you know but
right right sometimes a gender difference for sure I would think well and also where I thought you might be
going with that is also we become adults we've we've already got our lives going right we're
not we're not really we don't necessarily think we need a bunch more friends or a bunch
more relationships right because we've got our family or we got whatever we got going on we've kind of become a little bit entrenched and and sort of setting
our ways to some degree some people more than others whatever but but we all get it a little bit and you know and that's
why I think you know when I was when I was focused on trying to build relationships for my benefit what's in
it for them I mean they got other they got their life they if I'm not offering them something what's what's the point
you know what's in it for them why why would that motivate somebody to go out of their way when I'm
not providing value to them and and I do get older Our Lives get for people then you really have to
be value and it whether it's business value or just you know love and
appreciation and and and you know the Vibes between friends or
whatever I mean but that's value also I I just think that that's I think especially as we get older as you made
the point I think that that becomes I think that's that's a a huge I keep saying this over and over again is that
nobody's counting the value of their relationships as like anything like like a value like Financial right because
we're thinking like okay business transaction how much you g to make here's how much I'm going to make but
I've been thinking a lot lately I don't know why it's kind of weird like that I always like tend to see the future and then what could go wrong or what could
go right like how many friends are you going to have to call on right when you're when you're up there in years like how many people did you help how
many people relied on you successfully and you know how many how much impact did you make it sounds cheesy right
because we're talking about it on a podcast but literally literally like towards the end of your life like when it's just you and grandkids are out of
the house everybody's gone like how many phone calls can you make and connect with people well I what that reminded me
of is is and this is probably along the same times as I maybe started shifting my mindset to be a little bit more
outward focus is I was it occurred to me or I read a book or something got me thinking about when I'm on my deathbed
who's GNA be there or who's gonna who's GNA come to my funeral and I was kind of and I kind of got a little scared
because I know I'm a good person but was I outwardly being a good person to people it's easy to say hey I have a
good heart but if you don't take the actions that show you have a good heart or that show that you care about people
then they don't know about it and maybe that maybe that means you don't really have one I don't know I mean I know I feel like I'm a good person but if you
don't if I wasn't actually doing actions that expressed having a good heart and
caring for others and being selfless and trying to help and whatever then then it's not going to
create those relationships and you know I kind of had a little bit of a I mean not Dark Night of the soul but I mean I
kind of went wow I wonder who would show up you know and and it's up to me to to
live a life in a way that creates the relationships where people you know would show up again I'm
not trying to be mo you know like negative about you know it's a funeral and death that it's not that's not
really where I'm going with it it's about the relationships but it was just a way for me to sort of Co out you know to to think of it in my mind uh more
sort of specifically to to create some some changes in myself that makes sense
I I do a lot of looking back like that myself man I'm telling you like I do a lot of self-reflection even from that place like what about when I'm gone you
know what happens what happens to to the people that I cared about and what everything that was so important to me while I was alive what happens to it
when I'm gone you know and some of that is like fostering those relationships and you know and I I do it just for the
probably the same reason you do it right I'm not trying to gain anything when when I help somebody or when I when I I
guess we're making impact on people's live now because we hear it all the time but we're not trying to build that up for ourselves right it's just something
that you do because you are a good person I I noticed a long time ago that uh making large checks doesn't bring me
fulfillment but helping somebody helping them change their life and and get success or or you know hit a new Stone
in their life it gets me high as a kite man it's an endorphin rush and it lasts for a really long time it lasts for at least days maybe a week so it's like it
is addicting to help people get to where they're going especially if you can do it with so little effort or little resources well no doubt and you guys for
instance I mean you're talking about like you know as hive mind I mean I remember you telling me the vision of it and and it's here I mean it's awesome
and it's just a few years later two three maybe four now I don't know what or maybe five it goes fast three okay
but I remember it and and you guys have done it and I remember you going hey you know somebody that somebody in the
organization did a land deal or did some kind of deal and got a check for 50 or 150,000 bucks and it just literally
changed her life and you were over the moon about it because you truly were happy for her right and you had a lot to
do with that she had a lot to do with it too whatever you made the you guys made the portal possibility or the or the
vehicle for it but she did you know she did the connection or whatever and it literally changed her life and you couldn't have been more happy and you
didn't even care about I don't even know what if you got overrides or what you didn't give a crap about that part you cared because it made you just happy and
the times when I've been a part of something like that I I totally agree with you it's addictive it's remember that movie I forget to the movie but go
and they're IND dophins yeah but the endorphin rush for
sure and just and just it's great feedback it's a great feedback loop because it's all good it's all good
Chapter 5: Personal Growth and Setting Boundaries.)
stuff that's just kind of what do they call it virtuous circle it's going it's going up wind up up up upward spiral I
love I love saying it because you can go on a downward spiral but you can also get on an upward spiral yeah the upward
upward ones are more fun I I had this ingrained in me since I was a kid man because when I was a kid
we didn't have anything sometimes you know we had to go live with an aunt or an uncle sleep on the kit luminum floor
so we hit rock bottom a few times man but I something I always remember growing up is my parents always made room to give like no matter how much we
didn't have we always took somebody in we were helping other people getting other people school clothes like we were
always doing something to help people our whole entire time in my mind I'm a kid I'm like we don't even have for ourselves where's all this coming from
right so I think that helped with my faith in God and us going to church my dad's saying like hey God's going to provide and I believed it he believed it
and obviously it's been working and serving us well but you know that's I guess having that mindset of like yeah I'm going to help if I can no matter
what it's it's done a lot for my business my life uh my friendships uh I've been noticing this to you a lot now
that something that Daniel and myself are starting to notice more is just the quality of the tables that we sit at right and that's not to say that people
that aren't doing well in business or whatever are low low value or low quality tables but when you when you when we are sitting in some of these
rooms we're like how in the hell that that all these people see something in us you know to to invite us to these tables and to have these high level
conversations it's just very cool very humbling it's it's an amazing way to go through life so I think the foundation
of what we do of course like I said it's not to gain anything but what you do get back is tremendous yeah and you're being
humble because you know you had a lot to do with that you've created a lot of value and that it's nice to retain that we're like that that's a that's a
wonderful lesson that got instilled in you even though as a kid sometimes you like well man we don't even have enough
for us what are we doing but in the long run that that that
service mentality and that's what that's what we've been talking about is that's that's the way to win it's always going
to come back to you people want to help if they can but they want to help people that they like and that you know gave
him an excuse to help right because I mean it takes effort right we all got our lives going on so I love it that
guys are sitting at better tables and and um and it's good because you're bringing
value to those tables and that's why it's going to keep happening it's not it's not for any other reason other than you you've you know you've
created uh a model in this case on the business side but relationships bring value to people so they want you sitting
at those tables I have a good question for you how do you determine who deserves your time and who
deserves more time than others it's a good one that's a really good question
that I did not prep for um check my notes real quick you know I'd like to
say that you should that that' be nice person way to say that but that is
a because we only we only have so and putting it in in the places that Mak
sense like I mean this may be a terrible example but if some off the rails and you're trying to help them you're trying to help them and they keep just making
bad decisions which you gotta you just can't go down that that rabbit hole with them
you know or that downward spiral with them if you know if it's I'm thinking of like drugs and addiction or or I don't know any any kind of thing where they
just keep proving to yourself proving to them themselves maybe not themselves but
proving to everybody else gon to make changes if they need to be making changes there's a point at which you got
to cut it so to give a specific answer I don't know um it's like what I don't
know describe art but I know it when I see it or whatever um I I think if you
if you're trying to do something for a few times and then you start noticing that that it's
just and it's not even about whether it's coming back to you I think I feel like I'm a little bit um but you you
you'll know after a time just you got to be S you got to be honest yourself on the
is trying to do here having an effect and if it then you know it's not
necessarily my fault my maybe I didn't try hard enough maybe I I don't know
but you know one of the things that's I think that's the Eternal D sorry to jump again but one of the things that the
books and things like that is the
the is what I lost you you said one of the thing the books talk about what yeah oh is is the ability to say no
like you know I I would always if I got invited to do something or came up or whatever I'm like yeah yeah and then I
try to fit in my calendar but the ability to sort of have have clarity about what we're what
we're going after whether it be business or whatever if we have Clarity in our
mind of what it is we want our life to look like say no and only say yes when you can
commit to that thing rather than what I used to do is just say yes to everything and and half ass commit to things that's
not even commit whatever and it's basically you
know the guidance is if you want to do it do it and do right and if you don't
want to do it don't do it don't don't say okay yeah on
yourself it doesn't you end up not they they're you know with the results and so
forth so we all so that we can continue to do the right things and give and give our energy in the right places and
things awareness and a self side to
this man that that was a great a great uh segue something that I wanted to bring up too is the relationship that we
have with ourselves right because that's one relationship that we tend to put on the back burner and not address also
when we're in the like in the service of other people uh we tend to put ourselves last and sometimes by accident sometimes
because we're just too busy to think about it but even building Hive M you know for the last couple years uh I I
haven't been working out the way that I that I'm used to and I haven't been eating the amazing diet that I've been used to you might see a little belly on
me nowadays like what the heck who is that guy when I looked in the mirror and I'm like okay I've not been taken this serious so now I'm back on everything
I'm back in the gym I'm on my green juice fasting every I'm going to a a a clinic in end of June to go to a fasting
uh fa facility where there's no food there the doctors is just monitoring you and all that I'm going be there for seven days so just a lot of different
things like having to put myself first again like oh I forgot about to to to uh take care of myself in the service of
others that's something that's super super important man but uh you know I I'm kind of where you are like you're so busy helping so many people you you stop
saying no to things you're like yeah I can do it I can handle it I can handle it I can handle it and then before you know it you've given away too much or
you've committed to things that you wish you didn't and that's something that I I implemented for myself this year like how everybody has their resolutions mine
is I'm going to start saying no more this year this is the year I say no a lot so that I can start to guard my time
and protect my energy so that uh that we can take everything to the next level yeah I think I think we grow up thinking
that saying no is like being rude or something like that and we think it's we're a bad person if we say no
that's not that's that's inaccurate if you know it's fine it's just self like look hey man I appreciate
you asking me to do that I and I wish you the best and I I cannot do that I I I just I can't do it I got this other
stuff going on and I know that I wouldn't be able to to do it the right way so uh here's somebody I could think
of that maybe you might want to talk to or whatever but I I'm I'm out and and there's ways to do it where it's not I think it's wrong that we grow up with
that mentality of thinking that it's being rude we we do have to exactly what you just said you know
we we've got to do what we can and not do what we can't and not put ourselves
in that kind of pressure situation because it ends up you know you light the candle at both ends and and that doesn't end well by the way you just
mentioned that you're getting in better shape and congratulations but I didn't mind the belly there's more to
love more me to love yeah I agree man and it does feel good to relax and just
eat whatever and just kind of like veg out kind of enjoy life a little bit instead of being so gung-ho on nutrition and all that um so I I did I did can't
say I didn't enjoy the break right not having to like monitor every single little thing um but yeah man like you
said there there's a time I guess I guess you got to kick it on and kick it back off sometimes like anything else in life but no man I I think protecting
your energy saying no is probably something that's huge I I grew up like that too probably since I I saw my parents say yes to everything right then
automatically I do feel kind of like I am in a position to help I can help and I should but even to that extent I got
to tell myself like hey well you know we got something we got other things we got to work on I got other things I have to focus on so yeah this time it's going to
be a no and I think people value your time more than that you know if they if you if you uh if you protect your time
more you say no more often when when they do have that when when you do have that chance to meet up with that person or come to their event or speak at their
thing then U they'll appreciate it more because you've told them no before so they know your time is very limited absolutely totally agree I I
just got so I know one guy that I would mention in this this this whole deal um
as far as connectors so there's a guy that runs uh a nine-hole golf course super exclusives there's only 60 members
I think it's probably the most exclusive golf course in the country oh wow it's right AC it's right across from Wade Hampton which is a great golf course in
North Carolina Andross the street from it and but anyway this guy is great
about making connections so last year uh a a guy asked to play at Wade Hampton
this guy Adam set it up connected him played with him played and brought my dad along and my dad played and this
guy's name is Ken and he's a super guy and so that connection happened and then during that golf round my dad mentioned
that I had gone to Duke and this guy Ken is a huge Duke fan he's been to every single
uh Tournament game Duke Tournament game I'm talking first round sweet 16 round Final Four Flies to wherever since like
uh 1986 gota be like 150 games It's gotta be a hundred trips I don't know and he's
a super guy and he goes oh I gotta get you guys up and do a Duke game next year sure enough he follows up a few months
ago he gets us out to we watch Duke verse Notre Dame freaking puts us up in a hotel are you kidding me we definitely
can take care of our own hotel wouldn't let us pay for the anyway it doesn't matter and this all came from a guy
making a connection because that guy wanted to play golf somewhere right and then he met my dad and now was just and now I'm still in touch with Ken and Ken
and I know a guy named Tyler and Tyler is connected to Allan Watson who I've become very close with over the last
year and is just a super stud former Goldman Sachs guy and and business is absolutely crushing it and you you look
back and you're like you could not have foreseen these steps you can't so stop trying
I I tell myself I'm not yelling at anybody else let's stop trying to
completely manage the the trajectory of Life do the
right things take care of yourself be a good person help when you can don't help when you can't have have Clear Vision
and things are going to happen that when you look back you'll be like that's crazy how that happened and you could
never have predicted it foreseen it made it happen right I mean I'm sure you got a thousand stories with hi mine about
stuff that there's no way you could have predicted the the TS I I I have a good question for this
so there's a movie called yes man with Jim Carrey and he wanted to change his trajectory in life and his he just
started saying yes to everything instead of saying no so H in your opinion how do you put yourself in the right position
to receive these blessings man you ask good questions you really do did we lose Anthony this is
why I'm the podcast host really good I think the point of that
movie is open yourself up to possibilities it's kind of coming on the
heels of the conversation we just had where don't say yes to everything because of like protecting yourself and your time and your energy yeah but you
know the message I got from that was open yourself to possibilities and be be be sort of a yes mentality rather than a
no mentality I have a friend that I play golf with and he always says the answer is yes what's the question like and and
you know it's it's a great way to go because a lot more things start to come
to you a lot more invitations or possibilities or or you know places to meet people or golf trips or whatever
whatever there's a millions and and but but then I forgot the second half of
your question the H how do you how do you get yourself in a position to receive
relationships like that and blessings like that because a lot of people they don't even know how to get in that in that position but I think it's an
amazing story because I I think it's your it's your network ability that kind of puts you in that place to receive
stuff like that you know I think I I guess this is all interesting to me because this is
not stuff that I have for or even stuff that I yeah have
thinking of all the you know I don't even have this like Clarity in my mind of of what I think about this this is really interesting to be thinking about
this stuff and important I think I think one it starts with what we just talked about self-care you gotta you gotta have
a Clear Vision for the various aspects of your life and you gotta take care of yourself like not get spread too thin
stuff like that when you do do something commit fully to it and if you don't have time to do something don't and I think
that you know different people have different personalities some people just can immediately walk into a room and
freaking everybody loves them and and some people you know we've all got different pros and cons and abilities
and talents and things like that but I I guess the answer to from from my perspective uh and I'll think more about
this but is to put yourself in that position you a you got to be out there you got to
be meeting people you got to be taking calls you can't you can't avoid the calls you can't avoid the emails you can't avoid the chances to go to places
I mean you've got to be in the I guess it'd be like think about if you're dating if you sit at home and wait for some girl to knock on your door it's
probably not going to happen you got to get out and do something go go bowling do do whatever get out do something you
want to do and you'll be surrounded by people that like those similar things that you like and while you're there ask
about them be in be interested say what you know what do you do how what's your life like whatever I mean I'm not saying you just drill down into their head and
freak them out but just be a be a pleasant person and you know you don't
have to give them the third degree 20 questions but but and and do things you want to do because that's when you're going to meet people that that you want
to meet and you'll never know where that might then go and then meet this guy and and then all of a sudden it went from Bowling to playing at Augusta or
whatever which I have not done by the way so for everybody here listening be interesting be interesting be interested
be interested I mean because if you if you're interested
you because we're all we are all our most important person right whether we
whether we want to say hey we're super great and and we give a lot and whatever and we Pro and we do but we are what we
care most about or we should be we nobody else is so if you're interested
hey anthy wow tell me more about that by the time that conversation is over Anthony's like man that's that's a cool dude it's just it's a it's not even a
conscious thought it's just what happens it's human nature right Anthony don't don't you agree that you know people
when hardly said anything you just asked a few questions and I know I people have
seen this on on podcasts and read books about it and it's not like I'm making you know we're making anything up that's new about being be interested not
interesting because you end up being both when you're interested but when you're just trying to be only then
that's be focused on them I think is kind of how I think of it I think I think I got
lucky on that rush I'm like I am interested in what people do like I I I think I love psychology like in high
school you know I thought for a while I might go into Psychiatry and uh I just I was always interested in what drives
people right seeing all the different types of personalities you know some people that are up some are down um and
everything in between so I've always been really really interested in what what drives people what are they up to
what do they do for a living why do they do what they do for a living there's just a bunch of things that make it super super easy for I think probably
yourself and myself to be networkers because we we genuinely care and we genuinely do want to know like we really that's true and what but what I would
say to somebody that thinks that they they don't naturally feel that way and they don't naturally feel interested in other people is I would say this I would
say how you ever going to learn anything how you ever going to learn anything if you don't see different perspectives and
listen to different stories and meet different people otherwise you're just going to be the same exact person you
are and you're never G there's no growth in that so even if somebody doesn't feel
innately good easy to do that kind of stuff or whatever and I will say this I'm a lot better at it than I used to I'm a lot more comfortable with it than
I than I used to be because I started trying it so there's there's also that there's baby steps man just because you
don't feel comfortable in it I mean the first time you picked up a golf club you're better now the first time you started to drive a car you're better now
the first time you did anything you're better now than you were when you first started right so give yourself a break and be willing to learn I mean that's
where the juice is right and then the learning is cool but then the relationships that Blossom from that and
the and the potential synergies that that you could put down into numbers later like business deals or whatever that's fine that comes that comes but
that's not the motivation yes it's not it's not exactly the sauce I know exactly what you're
saying then I was going to ask this is something that I wanted to bring up U because it's something that's been on my
mind and I haven't addressed yet how has a a golfing of affected your ability to network and Daniel could prob probably
has another answer for this one too but because you guys are both golfers how do that work for building relationships
friendships any of that kind of stuff do you get any value from that I do I'd love to hear what Daniel has to say but absolutely I mean one thing is and and I
feel very blessed too because I I understand you know golfing isn't something you know some people just
can't takes a lot of time it's it's not cheap you know I understand this you know people could go oh well I don't
have that so you know you got a benefit that I don't have it's easy
to to have to to ask those questions in that envir right if you're playing golf
for a while now most of it is like good shot hey haha jokes that kind of stuff so you're not really getting super deep
with people but people if you comport yourself well that alone opens the doors
for then when you're afterwards and you're having to drink after or whatever in the bar or in the you know getting
some food then you can then things tend to you get to know people a little bit better and I have met so many business
connections that have turned into other business connections and also friends friends and I I got I just got invited
to go to it was a bucket list item for me Shadow Creek out in Vegas I've been wanting to go for years right this this
this kind of exclusive Golf Course out there and you know networking those now I get that's a golf specific answer so
that's maybe not as no that's what I'm looking for specifically because I feel like that's kind of like ingame like
networking like with some high level people so that's why I'm I'm very interested oh and and then every one of these guys real quick Daniel every one
of these guys is now doing the the we're not talking about my business now but the Capstone deal where we're this this
legislation for the cares Act is such a no-brainer but it's all about getting in the door and letting people know about it once they know about it 100% of them
do it because it's free money and that has created a lot of those relationships because now they know and they like you
they've played golf with you or they've done something with you bowling whatever and I don't they look there's other
people doing what we do what we're all doing now you guys maybe that's not true because you've developed something pretty specific that's awesome and
unique so but in the most cases if somebody's selling something somebody else is selling something that same
thing but if but if they don't have the relationship and you do have the relationship the people are going to sit
down with you and they're going to make time for you if you say hey 30 minutes whatever I just had I had a lunch last week with the
CEO of Mary Kay damn yeah whatever
and the last year and finally I said hey can I take you to lunch I want to I want to share this with you and so I think
people are more open to it when you have spent enough time where you weren't
that they can they can hear it easier but Daniel I've been cutting Daniel off for five minutes so I want to hear this all right this is I'm really glad you
asked that question Anthony it a good question so I like I love golfing because uh Rush hit it a second ago but
you have like two to four hours depending on your group size to spend with that one person and like usually
when you have a dinner you kind of Chomp in that food you're kind of you have to like wipe your face you're not trying to
like slap down that food if you have to but when coughing you have it's kind of laidback it's very laidback some people
drink some people just they mess up teas you see them at you see them at they're best and they're worse because not
everybody's good at golf people just do it for fun kind of kind of see the rough edges
too and they're a little bit more vulnerable because you see the rough edges like if they if they slice a shot
into the rough they you're like that sucks but it it's golf it's G to happen they
miss a putt they I mean all everything that that's good and bad happens on on
the golf course because it's such it's a long it's a longer time allocation with a single person in a in a unorthodox
space if you're having lunch with them it's going to be a different setting in conversation with them in lunch than it
is golf because it's just very unorthodox so I like the golf side of it because you can get you can see you cut
through all the BS very directly by the time the golf game's over in one
round I know a guy this is years ago but I know a guy that would go play as a single at a municipal every couple times
a week he loved golf but there was another
motivation to it he wanted to meet people and yeah see what happened no agenda no specific agenda but he wanted
to meet more people like some people go like I have guys that made money but they drove Uber for a while because they wanted to meet people whatever but golf
I agree with you completely people are focused on their golf games so they're kind of they're they're not
in business mode or in sort of protection mode or whatever it is you know I don't know and
you get to you do get to see the true nature of people's personality there's no doubt it bring it brings it out it
brings it out the good hey F say For Better or For Worse yeah absolutely
absolutely I I think I think that was a great question I love that I love the I love the question and I love the responses because said we don't we don't
get it very often and I feel like I need to golf more often just to get that th those type of relationships going
because I just gol I golf with like one person right now and we golf like twice a month or so here and there once a month but I need I need to go golfing
more because it it is fun I do have fun with the conversation side of it I have a confession to make so uh i' I've
gotten this close right to to getting out there and start golfing uh I haven't played since seventh grade uh but
instead of me going myself I'm just going to put Andrew at the Dominion Country Club and let him go
Network I'm G to subcontract it out for right now for Better or For Worse and then I'll eventually get myself over
there too oh you just created a whole new uh success Theory which is um
virtual networking or or you get somebody else to do to your
n working for you right I hired it out I'm gonna hire it out yeah well hey you
know that's what they say the other thing that's you know another thing that's really good is to uh is to um you
know so you try not to do everything you don't have to do everything yourself do the things you're good at and then sub out the things you're not like the
accounting or the whatever you know but I never thought about it with networking but I'm getting a lot better at that
nowadays man getting out of my own way because I'm I'm I'm sure maybe like you guys you're both type A personalities you want to do everything yourself and I
would say within the last probably six to 12 months I've gotten really really good at at at relinquishing control and
just just let other people take it and at this point I'm just like hey if it cost me 25% of my revenue or whatever
I'm good because it removed almost like mostly all of the hours off my plate it took a pretty pretty decent crowd of
people to replace myself but I think I've done it with everything that we have in place now and it does still feel
kind of like I gotta call them I gotta check I gotta check but I'm like you know what I'm just gonna Let Them Burn It To The Ground if that's what happens
I have to get to that point where I have to extract myself from I'm just gonna die man well couple things one you want
to you want to make sure you're you're vetting the people out and picking people as good as you can and then and if if over time it's not working out you
change them out but I totally agree let's say you're given 25% but all of a sudden your your the circle goes to to
to a th% right because it allowed you to focus on the things that that create
the and uh you're bringing other people along with you too so I mean there's it's all
good absolutely one of the things I struggled with forever was this scarcity mentality
like oh there's only so many things there's only so many sales to be had there's only so many people out there it's baloney there's there's
there's infinite buyers infinite Sellers and you just got to be in the position receive
it I I I think that's what that's what our our multi-level our network marketing business model has instilled
in myself is that there is unlimited everything there's unlimited Capital unlimited people unlimited relationships unlimited sales and you don't need it
all that's another thing that I had to teach myself is you don't need it all you just need a tiny tiny little piece to have the best life ever so I think
that's something that I've mastered recently is is just knowing that I'm just going to just carve out my little tiny piece and just uh that's all I
really need I I don't there's there's no need for more more more and more because I'm just going to give away the excess anyway that's all we're going to do so
uh I know Daniel has a hard stop here in about 5 minutes Daniel you got some closing questions you want to ask this man no I think I think we're good man I
think we covered a lot and uh I'm I'm really I really enjoyed this conversation I think it's some good questions I want to go deeper on this
one man we should have part two of this one because I feel like this was all very surface level I feel like we could have went a lot deeper on this one and
the time went by I mean we've been on 40 minutes and it doesn't feel like it so that's one of
the I I I wish I had more conversations like this this is cool this a this is a great venue or whatever you want to call
it vehicle for for starting to think about and and and kind of clarify your thoughts on things that are important
and it gets deeper man the cool the the cool thing that I found out because I didn't really enjoy podcasting in the beginning but I found out that the
longer you're on like if we went to like an hour and a half you go really really deep it goes well well beyond surface level and notot a lot of podcasts make
it there because it's it's over in 30 or 45 minutes but when we're on with somebody for for a lot longer time
period some really really cool stuff comes up man you like I got some stuff off my chest I've been needing to say so
uh we're definitely going to do part two of this building relationships thing man I think you're one of the best in the in the world that I've met at this U
definitely one of the best in business that I've ever met man so I just appreciate you as a friend and a business contact and uh I know we'll be
buds for life well there's no doubt back at you and I will say that this has been a blast and I feel the same way Anthony
and Daniel super impressed man 500 could that is that's awesome and you're really good at it and and and get out there and
play some hey if you need a third or fourth let me know just let me know come on hey well for sure for sure anytime
you're in Dallas and if I'm out in California let's plan it all right
sounds good for everybody here go like share subscribe we'll see you in the next episode thanks for tuning in thanks Rush thanks Anthony we'll see you next
time thanks guys bye see you soon [Music]
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

Rush Waghorne Profile Photo

Rush Waghorne

Business / relationships / golfer

Entrepreneur/ business development / sales / marketing / investing