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In this episode about the power of legacy, the hosts emphasize that legacy is not about personal fame or having your name remembered but about creating lasting positive impacts through institutions and actions that benefit others. They encourage younger individuals to start thinking about their legacy early and to focus on making significant contributions that stand the test of time. They share their vision of legacy through charitable projects, such as providing public housing and donating land for community use. They also highlight small acts of kindness, like generous tipping and compliments, as ways to create a positive legacy. Ultimately, they advocate for setting lofty goals that benefit a larger community, as these goals are easier to achieve and more fulfilling than those centered on personal gain.

Chapter 1: Understanding Legacy Timestamp: 0:02 - 1:06Summary: The hosts discuss the evolving concept of legacy and its significance as one gets older. They emphasize the importance of leaving the world better than you found it and encourage younger individuals to start thinking about their legacy early on.

Chapter 2: Beyond Personal Fame Timestamp: 1:06 - 2:14Summary: Legacy is not about personal fame or being remembered by name. Instead, it's about creating institutions and making contributions that have a lasting impact. The hosts highlight the importance of establishing self-sustaining initiatives that can continue to benefit others long after you're gone.

Chapter 3: Creating Lasting Impacts Timestamp: 2:14 - 3:38Summary: The hosts discuss practical ways to leave a legacy, such as naming streets and subdivisions, donating land for public use, and starting charitable organizations. They share examples from their own experiences, like naming a street "Hive Mind Way" and planning to donate a lake for public recreation.

Chapter 4: Acts of Kindness and Daily Impact Timestamp: 3:38 - 6:00Summary: Small acts of kindness can also contribute to your legacy. The hosts talk about the importance of making others feel valued through generous tipping, compliments, and helping those in need. These actions create positive memories and can have a significant impact on people's lives.

Chapter 5: Setting Lofty Goals Timestamp: 6:00 - 9:14Summary: To create a meaningful legacy, set big, ambitious goals that benefit a larger community. The hosts argue that larger goals are easier to achieve because they require more significant efforts and resources, ultimately leading to more substantial impacts. They encourage listeners to dream big and aim high, ensuring their efforts leave a lasting positive mark on the world.

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the power of legacy is what we're going
to talk about tonight so a lot of people
this is this is a topic that I think it
changes as you get older and we talk to
a lot of older people especially like
you talk to your parents and stuff like
that they're always thinking about like
what what what did you contribute to the
world did you leave it better than when
you started you always have those deep
conversations with yourself and
internally and I think a lot of younger
people need to have that conversation
early I think me and Anthony were
definitely forward thinkers so I want to
open your mind to be forward thinking
about what you're what your legacy means
to you and what change you can bring to
the world yep man I have a different
perspective on Legacy I think from than
most people I felt like no matter how
famous or how rich you get or whatever
like sooner or later you're going to be
gone right absolutely so imagine like an
actor you know in the ' 50s or the 60s
right in their day they were the most
popular coolest guy that ever lived
right what we don't know what they
invested in we don't know real estate we
don't know if they built a museum in
their name like we have no clue what's
left as the Hollywood star that you walk
over every day just within two
generations right like a memory gone so
I don't think of Legacy like hey I want
people to remember my name or I don't
people are going to say my name no
they're not I don't really believe in it
that way what I think that you can do as
far as like Legacy is concerned is that
you have to put in place institutions
that are going to stand the test of time
okay right so the the more that we start
to go after these big deals and we you
know we're doing these amazing things
and making some pretty cool numbers
we're starting to think about who else
can we help with this Capital right cuz
we're we're we're trying to hire all of
our friends and family in business never
hire friends and family our oh a person
of goal is to hire everybody we know
friends and family alike and from there
we want to start to see who else can we
help underneath that umbrella so we're
thinking about some different charitable
organizations like public housing for
somebody who doesn't have anywhere to go
maybe they're going to have an abortion
they don't have any other choices so we
want them to be able to find the
temporary housing where they can like be
there without getting you know having to
make a desperate decision live with
somebody who's abusing them something
crazy like that right so we have a
couple of different charities in mind
that we want to start up so I think if
we put in place institutions like that
that are self- sustaining that are
profitable that can keep themselves
alive without having to have like a
constant injection of capital over time
and distance then I think that's how you
create a legacy as you put things in
place that were never put in before the
government's not going to do it
entrepreneurs are not going to do it
because it just you know loses money or
it's not interesting to them so I think
and what I'm thinking in terms of Legacy
I want to put something in place that's
going to stand a test of time even if
they never remember my name yeah one
thing I I like I like about this is you
kind of us as developers in a way like
one thing you hit me hard that I didn't
I never even thought about was like we
need to come up a street names for our
property and our first residential
subdivision our first residential
subdivision he hit me like hey what we
got to think of the street names for the
name I'm like oh this is amazing so cuz
we we did uh Tyler we did a uh we did a
subdivision name but we actually do the
name of the street we named it hive mind
way hive mind way so that was the first
little peek into this but it's not
really like registered or anything you
can't search hive mind way and it comes
up it's just there is kind of like a way
to find that subdivision that we created
in Tyler but this is a whole different
story cuz now we get you can make a
subdivision name you can put a nice
little front gate with a name on it
design that you get street names you get
opportunity for that to really kind of
put your stamp of something that's going
to be there forever essentially at that
point so think about that right we have
to name the names of the streets and
we're like What if we just put our kids
names on the streets you know so even
long after we're gone somebody's going
to be using Google Maps and they're
going to go to you know this street and
you know so that I think that's cool I
think that's a cool little way to like
game the system to start putting your
your your seeds everywhere naming things
maybe the name a national park after us
that we bought and donated to the
federal government or maybe a museum
stuff like that like I talked about
donating a lake on a property the Texas
like Parks and Wildlife or whatever and
everybody on face blasted me like don't
give it to the government like dude if
that Community or that area can
everybody can that's a private piece of
land right now yeah so if we donate that
Lake to the public and people can take
their kids there to go fishing and ride
jet skis like we're now creating
memories and now yeah so that family
would have never been able been able to
have that experience without that
donation from us but if you're not
playing in a space where you're not you
know you're not making moves like that
you're not dealing that size of assets
where you have LS on the property you
don't have that those kinds of returns
when you're trying to like maximize
every penny right and then nobody
benefits but you yeah right so so I
think having Legacy I think it's making
moves like that that are so big that
everybody gets the benefit because why
should we be the only ones winning like
so again like I think it's really really
easy to get yourself Super Rich
everybody can over your own cup can be
overflowing very easily but if you can
have that experience make that
experience for other other people that's
what kind of really gets me high man I
really do enjoy it like we go to a
restaurant or something and we're not
Ballers right but we'll drop like a 20
or $50 tip like on a freaking IHOP
waitress they're like oh God they they
started crying before right and to you
like oh 50 nothing 50 bucks but yeah but
for somebody that's their whole entire
world yeah we we talked about we talked
a little about this in uh creating
happiness if you haven't seen the video
please go check it out manufacturing
happiness manufacturing happiness I
forgot the name go to YouTube Google put
in the search bar manufacturing
happiness we did to talk about it's 11
minutes long it's one of my favorite
videos but a lot of this is like you
don't know what people are going through
and you can create that Legacy at that
moment that could totally change the
trajectory of people's lives that you
don't you not you might not even see the
results of that that's something we
practice all the time like I said it
could be as simple as like as your
waiter waitress just hitting them with a
cool little tip that they might not be
used to we've had them like almost tear
up multiple times holding the door open
for somebody like oh thank you you know
somebody at to register like just give
them a compliment you see that they're
down you see some kind of Shadow above
them some kind of cloud mean they're not
saying anything they're not showing it
but you just say man that's an amazing
shirt dude that's where'd you get that
dude I wish you know I think I have one
like that's so cool anything your hat
bro like oh cool haircut and then you
see their face light up like dang like
they've never had a compliment before
from a stranger right used to people
just beating them up hurry up where's my
change you know stuff like that so if
you're going around and just pushing
buttons on people and you know putting
them in an amazing mood you know I think
that's something else too you if
anything that's what I want to be
remembered for right it's as cheesy as
it sounds I want people and they're
saying it now right oh those guys are
cool those guys are real cool
but like if they can remember us like
those guys ran a very generous
tremendous business but they were also
very giving very humble very cool very
open right as opposed to like Hey we're
going to get super rich watch this and
then nobody else benefits so and like I
said this is acual items for everybody
so like us we we kind we're doing all
these you know all these examples we're
doing so I think and it's attainable for
anybody to reach and you can start
wherever you're at in life and really
just create your own legacy in your own
way and I think it's something to think
about as you especially no matter what
age you are you can create your own
legacy and you can start doing it at in
your 20s your 30s your 40s it's never
too late to create your own legacy and
really leave your footprint on the world
in your own little special way that
maybe you may you may be the only one
that knows it but you know you left you
left the world you left the world a
better place before you leave this world
that's pretty cool man I just thought of
something right now and I guess it's
something that I've already said but it
kind of just piec it together listening
to you is like if your if your target is
to be remembered right as the self as
the vessel I want people to remember my
name that's a very very low Target and
it's also an impossible Target yeah
because you're aiming so low right you
want you want your name to be somewhere
in the history book so people could
bring it up really who gives a why
you're going to be dead right you're not
going to know that anyway but if you can
leave your footprint right in the
environment and the universe then
everybody gets to experience and we
don't know why this is here we don't
know why this is happening like this we
don't know why we get this Lake that was
donated to Texas Parks and Wildlife but
I'm here on the pier fishing with my son
right now and it's the best thing that
I've ever done before right and so
they're not going to remember my name
but it doesn't matter do matter those so
it's like the bigger moves you try to
make the easier it is and the more
impact you can have for more people but
it's very selfless like I'm not doing it
so anybody can remember me I don't care
if they remember me and that's easier to
then it's easier to hit a bigger Target
whether your targets are profits you
know size of acquisition of the land or
whatever the apartments we're going to
buy the housing developments we're going
to make inside of these Office Buildings
yeah those are big giant targets if
you're thinking in terms of how can I
make profit on this deal for myself or
for my company but if you're thinking in
terms terms of I want to help a thousand
mothers not have an abortion like I need
20 buildings like that's a big Target
but I think we can hit it yeah have
bigger vision and start thinking about
it early you don't you don't have to
have it now but just think about in the
back of your mind and something will
come to you everybody gets inspired by
others and just be open-minded cuz a lot
a lot of things that Inspire us are just
everyday things that we're paying
attention to Anthony has a really great
grift of seeing people in different
situations and we if you haven't se
we're going to talk about little other
videos we're going to record today too
as well kind of covering this but if you
pay attention to your surroundings you
have the opportunity to impact people's
lives daily I want to sign off with this
man if you have big goals big big lofty
goals the same way with the landal the
bigger the landal the easier it is if
you have big giant goals and you have a
big giant Target and you want to win for
a large amount of people then it's going
to be easier for you to become
successful because you have you need to
make a lot more profit you need to do a
lot make a lot bigger moves to satisfy
the goal but if it's only for yourself
and your own company it's impossible
it's almost impossible possible you're
always going to want to hit that net
stage that I want a million do I want
$10 million I want $50 million you're
always somebody always has a bigger yach
you know so so bigger dreams bigger
goals are easier to hit so set your
target so high that no matter even if
you land short it's still going to be a
big deal there you go like share
subscribe we'll see you next time
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More