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In this episode, host Daniel Martinez interviews guest Joe Evangelisti, focusing on the importance of strategic partnerships in business, particularly in real estate investment. Joe emphasizes that not all capital is equal and shares his belief that money should bring more than just financial value; it should also come with strategic benefits like advice, connections, and hands-on support. He recounts his personal experiences where paying a higher price for capital early in his career proved beneficial by providing him access to mentorship and opportunities that facilitated his growth. The discussion highlights the crucial lesson that building strategic relationships can significantly outweigh the initial cost of capital in long-term business success.

Strategic Value of Capital (0:17-0:35): Joe Evangelisti discusses the lesson that not all capital is beneficial unless it brings additional value such as strategic insight, which is more important than the monetary amount itself.

The Importance of Experience in Lenders (2:01-3:00): Joe shares a story about his first real estate deal, emphasizing how his lender not only provided funds but also crucial advice and connections that helped him succeed.

Learning from Early High Costs (6:56-7:02): Joe advises new investors to accept higher costs in their initial deals as a trade-off for gaining valuable experience and establishing important relationships in the industry.

Long-term Benefits of Strategic Partnerships (8:17-8:28): He concludes by highlighting how early partnerships and the willingness to overpay for capital can lead to substantial long-term benefits, including increased access to funds and growth opportunities.

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hello welcome to the high with us
podcast I'm your host Danny Martinez
today we have a special guest I just met
recently the last couple weeks uh Joe
evangelisti all right so I have I have a
question this is based off the
conversation we had in Louisiana yeah
but you're you you mentioned you're
always sourcing capital and not all
capital is good Capital which we we but
you said when we were in Louisiana you
said something interesting that it stuck
with me but money needs to bring more
than just money to your relationship can
you talk about that because I think it's
such a great it such a great lesson and
we're stuck with me even since today and
now that we're talking today I want I
want to share that with the world
because we don't record that
conversation yeah you know I've had this
I've had this theory in my mind for a
very long time and I think a lot of Real
Estate Investors specifically and I'm
sure actually I shouldn't even say Real
Estate Investors but let's focus on Real
Estate Investors first first for a
minute right a lot of businesses need
cash and I think they tend to lean on
different private lenders or any lender
for example short of a commercial bank
right because you know any banking
institution is not going to fall into
this category but let's say anything
outside of a bank for example I'm always
looking for this the Strategic effect of
the money right so a lot of people can
cut a check and I think that when you're
early on especially I was actually I was
in an event about two months ago and
Damon it was a very small event there
was only like 25 or 30 people in there
and this event had um Damon JN was one
of the speakers okay super good guy I
don't know if you ever met him I've
actually had the pleasure of meeting him
a few times one-onone or or in small
groups and Damon said I don't want to
mess up the quote but something to the
effect of the earlier you ask for money
the more expensive it's going to be and
that's you
know in all in in every sense of the
word we all know that that's the case
right the earlier you ask for it the
more expensive it's going to be in my
first deal I ever did when I flipped the
house I was telling a story about this
on one of my podcasts a couple months a
couple weeks ago my first deal my
private lender and and I'm telling you
the story for a reason I'll Circle back
to why right yeah my first lender and I
always say if you want money ask for
advice and if you want advice ask for
money okay so I asked my first lender
for money gave me a bunch of advice he
tried to introduce me to a bunch of
Banks and long story short after about
four months he couldn't find me any
money and I had this smok and hot deal
and it was a short sale and I ended up
buying it and I was like I was like dude
like this is a great deal do you know
anyone that can give me the money and
finally he caved and he was like okay
I'll give you the money but it's going
to be at ridiculous terms I said okay
what there the terms he said I want 15%
interest and I want 20% of the profit
said fine let's do the deal right and I
forget exactly what I borrowed but the
bottom line is I flipped this house in
under 90 days from start to finish I
bought it I rehabbed it put it back on
the market and we killed it we knocked
it out of the park I made him so much
money that we had lunch about two weeks
after closing and he brought a check to
lunch for $5,000 and he handed me $5,000
and he was like you paid me too much
money I feel bad he gave me
$5,000 and I was a broke kid man like I
had just flipped my first house I had
like I mean obviously I just made some
profit but I'm still broke right yeah
and and I ripped the check up and I gave
it back to him and I was like dude a
deal is a deal this is what we agreed to
and this is what I this is what we said
we're going to do and I and and I will
tell you guys this this it wasn't
because I had some kind like I'm some
kind of honorable guy or something like
that it was just because a deal is a
deal right and I believe when you do a
deal that's the way you should do a deal
yep and
so from that point forward first of all
I think he lent me 150 Grand or
something like that I I worked my way up
to 8 million at at one point with him
eight million dollar of his money on the
street okay from 150
Grand all right and so the point is I
think at the beginning when you're doing
deals with somebody it doesn't matter
what it cost you to do your first deal
your second deal your fifth deal for
that matter you have to prove your worth
number one however I also believe this
is a guy that I knew going into it had a
lot of experience lending money on the
single family level like he owned a
title company
he knew a ton of flippers he knew where
to Source deals he knew how to find
deals he knew contractors he knew where
to get materials right so in other words
what I'm saying to you is he didn't just
know how to write a check he knew how to
cover my ass if I got in trouble yep how
to bail me out okay and let me tell you
I got in trouble a lot and when I had $8
million of his money on the street I got
in trouble a few times and he bailed me
right so so a partner that writes you a
check is not important if they can write
you a check it's are they a good
strategic partner can they help you make
connections can they help you become a
better whatever you do flipper developer
you know can they can they create you to
become better but you have to get your
ego out of it right because if
somebody's writing you a check but you
think you're so good you don't need them
well then it don't matter matter right
because your ego will be in the way the
whole time you're just like give me a
check I don't I just need your money I
don't care about I care more about today
maybe because I'm older and wiser and
you know i' I've just been doing this
longer I care more about the Strategic
relationship than I care about the check
right lots of people can write you a
check and by the way you're you might
find if you've just started doing this
or maybe you've been doing it for a
while there's lots of people that can
write you a check and they're complete
maybe you guys have borrowed money maybe
you haven't or maybe somebody listening
has borrowed money there's a lot of
people that write checks and they're
complete pain in the ass right they buy
they bug you they're it's the opposite
of a strategic partner right they drive
you crazy I just give them their check
back I don't want their money right if
you're gonna give me money and then and
then drive me crazy I don't want that
money right I'm starting to look for
more alignment right money is one thing
how can we create strategic
relationships and grow together and how
can I help you help me and vice versa
right because writing a check is is just
one part of the equation but if we can't
grow together then there's really no
sense in in in me taking your money if I
can't help you and you can't help me so
I think the Strategic piece of it is
just as important as as the money and
that right there I don't even want to
add to that that is amazing I'm gonna
cut that whole part into a clip because
I think more people need to hear that
because it is it is it's such an and a
lot of people don't understand this like
pay whatever it costs in your first deal
your first five deals pay whatever it
costs it doesn't matter and I love that
you you've got it up to 8 million I love
you tell the story because I I tell
people this all the time like I I told u
a new partner they like oh I know you
guys got private Capital what it gonna
cost to do the deal I'm like 50% yeah
Oho expensive I can't do it all right
Deuces people burn Bridges like that
it's so aggravating it's like dude you
have no especially if they have no
experience right it's like you have no
experience and you're trying to write
the rules it's like dude you got
somebody who's got 10 20 years of
experience and they're trying to tell
you this is what I need and you're
all over the deal before it's
even gotten started it's like that
person could help you do your next
hundred deals yep you're on
them for the first deal yep it's like
that dude that guy by the way could have
told me he wanted 50% of the flip and I
would have gave it to him yeah matter it
it doesn't matter because the the
biggest thing is you knew he had
experience and you're willing to take to
you're willing to pay him for the time
and you understood that so you're
willing to pay him through the
transaction yes you're still going to
get paid it's less than what you want or
would like but you're paying him for his
experience and then that opened up the
door to where you're at now 10 years
later and you had $8 million on the
street at that point but he was more and
it's such a great story I love that when
you're starting out overpay Capital find
a strategic partner that's going to
bring more than that's so I love that
man this best part of the whole episode
in my opinion that amazing
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Joe Evangelisti Profile Photo

Joe Evangelisti

CEO / Executive Coach