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Ep 510: Investing In Tulsa, OK With Logan Haskett
May 22, 2024

Ep 510: Investing In Tulsa, OK With Logan Haskett

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In this podcast, host Daniel Martinez interviews Logan from Tulsa, Oklahoma, discussing his early success in entrepreneurship and real estate. Logan shares his journey from a high school drug dealer to starting and scaling a nationwide real estate wholesaling business, eventually transitioning to buy-and-hold investments. He emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology and AI in business operations and outlines his vision for starting and scaling multiple companies in the future. Introduction and Background 0:00 - 0:28: Daniel Martinez introduces Logan from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Entrepreneurship Journey 0:49 - 1:44: Logan's early success, challenges, and interest in entrepreneurship, including starting as a high school drug dealer and transitioning to legitimate business ventures. Real Estate Beginnings 1:45 - 2:19: Logan's interest in real estate sparked by reading "The Art of the Deal," leading to starting his first company at 21. Scaling the Business 2:20 - 2:55: Logan expands his real estate wholesaling business nationwide, eventually selling it and transitioning to buy-and-hold investments. Marketing and Technology 3:34 - 4:22: Logan discusses heavy investment in SEO marketing, creating the Oscar CRM system, and leveraging technology for business growth. Future Outlook and AI Adaptation 5:41 - 6:32: Logan's vision for the future includes starting and scaling multiple companies, emphasizing the importance of adopting AI and new technologies in business operations. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 📃 Partner with us on your deals: https://submitbigland.com/ 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hey welcome to the hi this podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today we have special guest Mr Logan
has and I did not confirm if I was saying that properly till right now yeah
y that's correct thanks for having me on brother all right happy to be here happy to be here so first of all what part of
the country you from so I'm in Tulsa Oklahoma so Northeast Oklahoma y okay have you been
there long yeah I've been here for about eight years I'm originally from Kansas City Missouri so not too far off the bean
path but you're the first person I've interviewed from Oklahoma so yeah first
for something Texas or New York yep yep yeah
1:44: Logan's early success, challenges, and interest in entrepreneurship, including starting as a high school drug dealer and transitioning to legitimate business ventures.
it's it's kind of unique kind of unique so I want to start off this conversation with you're a very young entrepreneur
let's kind of jump into like early success a lot of people don't see early success it takes aot a long time to get
there seems like you get hit there sooner than others so let's talk about luck because I think you got good luck
yeah yeah possibly yeah maybe towards the later part of my life I had some bad luck earlier on but everybody has bad
luck but it's just how long that long how long that bad luck last yeah for sure well it's when you start to realize
you know you can create your own luck and then and then you really start to to get lucky there you go when did you
start entrepreneurship how'd that bug start were you always an entrepreneur yeah I mean I guess you could say I was
always an entrepreneur because in high school I was a I was a big drug dealer and you know we can dive into to that
side of my story a little more if you want but I guess that kind of started off I was always interested in obviously you know creating a profit for myself so
2:19: Logan's interest in real estate sparked by reading "The Art of the Deal," leading to starting his first company at 21.
I guess I was I was naturally born to have the interest in it for sure when I got into when I got out of high school I
was always trying to research like you know how people were making money and one common thing that I always found was
real estate and was actually the art of the deal by Donald Trump I read that in high school and I was like okay real
estate is my way I don't know how I'm going to get there what I'm going to do but this sounds awesome and I keep hear
and it was a commonality of course around a bunch of different people right they're always talking real estate real estate real estate so I knew I wanted to
get into real estate I started my first real estate company when I was 21 it was a wholesaling real estate
2:55: Logan expands his real estate wholesaling business nationwide, eventually selling it and transitioning to buy-and-hold investments.
company and I you know started in the toll market and I grew that to Tulsa
Oklahoma City and then I went Nationwide I was in all 48 landed states in the
United States or doing deals in all of them so and then at 23 I sold that
company to my partner that was in that business and since then I've been a Buy
and Hold investor but yeah I guess you could say I was definitely one of the luckier ones that was able to actually
build a successful wholesale company cuz a lot of people are wholesalers but they don't have a wholesale company and so I
was able to do that and and scale really fast and um but there was a lot to put on the line in a short amount of time to
make that successful so no let's talk about that because I think that's that's
a big point right there that whole phrase there's a lot on the line a lot of people don't understand the the risk
involved and the effort it takes to do that and every Everybody Wants to Be a Real Estate wholesaler till they realize
what it's what's involved yeah yeah no doubt I mean first and foremost it it
goes down to like I basically created my own SAS company
4:22: Logan discusses heavy investment in SEO marketing, creating the Oscar CRM system, and leveraging technology for business growth.
before it was you know cool on the internet to do so we you know white labeled go high level which is a CRM
system that a lot of people are familiar with yeah and we created a SAS called Oscar and it was
basically crafted around our business model and it was it's still to this day one of the best drip campaigns I've ever
seen and we created that and then the I mean the biggest risk about everything
was putting up that much amount of money in marketing every single month and especially with wholesale I mean I know
you're familiar with wholesaling you know deals bust and and things go wrong all the time in wholesaling and when
you're you know pledging 40 50 $60,000 a month towards SEO marketing you know
that's a that's a huge risk to take especially when we initially did the scaling like we had a good amount of
cash reserves from the tulson Oklahoma City Market but you know that was a lot of cash that just put down and say all
right we're going to go to 48 landed States and and see if this thing works but internally we obviously had a pretty
large team you know we had three Acquisitions people three dispositions uh managers
and that's I mean we crafted to all that around around go Nationwide I did not know that you were
goo agency I think it's funny because that's a hyp mine Hy mine was our initial go high agency oh okay nice nice
that's awesome that's funny yeah when you start when you start Oscar that would have been like
2022 we started ours in we just said three years old so we started ours 2021
okay actually it might have been more towards 2021 I don't know time starts to melt together you know when you're it
does it does there was very and this I know I know there was very few go high level
agencies back then it yeah especially in real estate space very few now there's
like I see them every day but you know like it's it's badass when you create your own I mean it and it and it really
6:32: Logan's vision for the future includes starting and scaling multiple companies, emphasizing the importance of adopting AI and new technologies in business operations.
was like creating a sass before they were cool on the internet you know it was it it really was uh I I enjoyed it I
had fun doing it I still I still love I still love that set of the business it's just one
of those things where like early early on there was a lot you really had to like deal with the growing paints go
level because go level is still they're still doing crazy things but I not this conversation to go this way but go what
side were you what what what what what roles were you taking on in the go ahead Level side honestly more of like the the
Visionary side my partner was more of like the technical side but I was you know hey I want this to do that I want
you know this lead to get text three times a day then they get an email tomorrow and then we trigger a VA to make a phone call the next day like that
kind of thing I was more of like yeah go go level was dope man so I ran
the tech side so I kind of organized and I ran the customer service side so nice it's fun so you exit out of that
business now you get you kind of sold your half your Equity to the partner yeah yeah I still I still run it but I
just kind of run it for fun now okay nice yeah there's so many agencies out there and I'm like I don't want a
thousand clients like yeah no yeah I hear you I don't want a thousand clients I'll
take like 100 and that's about it 200 you know and I have like I have like 150
right now and I'm like I got 250 or 350 I'm be like hey you know but yeah I mean
it's like any other business you got to determine like hey what's the the threshold of like this is going to be a
really big pain in the ass but it could really pay off or is it better to stay at this size and we're still making really good money and we don't even have
to grow yeah that's it and I like I like I like the size we're at right now especially for this side because I I can
I can manage it pretty easy easily and it doesn't take that much effort from my side but the I like focusing on the real
estate side so that's where I kind of like I started that side that side and then I kind of switched over to the real estate side that's what I'm actively
doing on my side now so it's like a transition and you you kind of grow into different things so a lot of people like
happened to hve mind I'm like just I I kind of lost focus and did other things and just kind of I'm I'm letting it go
on Coast you know I put on control well and that's exactly why I transition out
of the whole sale company that was never really my my vision was to create a nationwide wholesaling company it's just
kind of the way it went and you know we all of a sudden created this Behemoth and I was way more interested in in
owning and investing in real estate that was that was just my unique vehicle of getting into it you know exactly that's
all it is is a vehicle so the real estate side is more fun anyway I like the real it's more fun so Nationwide
wholesaling is not for the faints of Hearts no I think we did uh me and my partner we
we spent like a ton of money on ads land guys so we did a bunch of money on on
land ads Nationwide and it was just like like hit from every direction with
random crap and oh yeah it's it was we turned it off very
quickly yeah I don't blame you I mean our sty of marketing was more you know the theory was it was more
of a hot lead because we would actually make them fill out a form a prettyy detailed form before they even got
integrated into our drip campaigns yep so we kind of started off you know a little more serious than than people
just trying to get a price on their house or whatever or what you know seeing how much it was worth so let's
talk about that your houses only or is that you doing about multi family now or like what what's your investment stuff
right now right now uh honestly I'm a little bit of uh everything so I mean
yeah we do a lot of single family and our exit strategy on that varies we do we do a decent amount of flips we do a
lot of contract for deeds and have a have a lot of rentals as well also in the Airbnb space because my wife owns a
Airbnb management company so she handles all that side of the business and and we have some airbnbs some mobile home parks
industrial so the only thing that I really don't have any interest in is kind of like the bigger multif family
space we have some small multif family stuff but yeah yeah I'm good on that and
and also storage I'm not I'm not interested in storage it's a lot more operation intensive than people think it
is everyone wants to say their garages with doors but then you realize oh wait I'm a billing company and Auction
Company a property management company and a storage company and a marketing
company hit hit them hit him no I like picking on the
other classes too because it's just it's fun sometimes times and you get you learn you learn the different advantages
of real estate as you do it more and you kind of like hey I like this about single family I like this about small
multi family I like this about contract for deed and seller finance and sub to
kind of more whatever you want kind of morph your projection um did you do it
all through OPM or hard money or how how did that kind of come up come through
yeah so I mean the majority of it has been through hard money I was talking to someone El the other day they were like
that's still considered self-funded I'm like okay well I guess I've self-funded you know 95% of my portfolio but uh and
then yeah we've done a couple syndication deals but that's not really our primary focus obviously on the
bigger deals we're probably going to go that route but so let's talk about bigger deals
yeah is it is a bigger deal let's break let's let's answer the myth is a bigger deal easier than a smaller deal man
that's uh that's a broad question in my I don't know do you have a [ __ ] bigger deal or a good bigger
deal but okay so here's here's Here's my thought process on it yeah yeah you go you do the same thing on a bigger deal
than a smaller deal it just takes a little longer yeah I mean that's that's fair um yeah no I don't disagree with
that at all um I I mean I'm with you we've we've kind of noticed that in the single family space too it's like when
you go from different price ranges you know like you know below $100,000 on
single family well it's still a piece of [ __ ] house we still did a full gut but our profit margin might only be you know
30 to 40,000 but if we go into something where the price range is you know 250 to
450 our our profit margins increased you know 80 to 100,000 on a flip let's say
right so yeah and it's the same amount of work it's pretty much the same amount of effort
and yeah I mean but obviously when you get to bigger deals with like
syndications and there's a whole lot of red tape to that kind of stuff too yeah so I don't know if initially it's a less
amount of work or equal I guess but I gu what you're saying the the the premise
of it is yeah you're probably gonna put the same amount of energy into it same amount of energy uh what type of deals
are you cating is a small Monty family no I mean we just syndicated a a 23,000
foot Warehouse in Oklahoma City yeah okay are seems like you like your Lo
your local markets I do like my local markets yeah I think we're about to blow I mean
everyone see talking about the tallest building in Oklahoma City right now I think we're about to blow up well I didn't hear about that what
happened with the tallest City in Oklahoma City oh you didn't you didn't see that no it's the tallest building in
America that's okay that they oh they're to build it yeah they no they got approved plans they're doing it ah okay
yeah and it's like a a big retail Center too you should check it out it's going to be pretty sweet yeah I didn't I
didn't hear nothing about that yeah and then about TOS Oklahoman you know yeah
well no Tulsa Tulsa just got the a $400 million Park built three four years ago
yeah we got voted over Central Park in New York City as one of the best parks in America really um yeah yeah no I'm
telling you dude we're about to blow up in the next in the next 10 to 15 so okay okay so if you're about to up be an
expert in your local market because this is one of the things where like if if you are in a terrible Market go to where
the good Market is just bottom line it doesn't matter if you're doing it virtually if you move or if you find boots in the ground just do virtually
yeah but you always want to be in a good Market bottom line but if you're if your Market is exploding ah dude you're gonna
you're gonna be you're in a killing field yep yep exactly yeah no it's like shooting fish in a barrel you know what
I'm saying I mean eventually that's good though I I don't know anybody from tosa so know somebody from Tulsa that's cool
yeah where you guys based out of you're in Texas somewhere right yeah we do a lot of stuff in Texas uh our we're
office out of San Antonio but I live in California so oh okay well smart of you
to get the [ __ ] out of California Market wise at least yeah and it's just it's one of those things where like uh you
you always want to operate where there's less resistance bottom 100% yeah Bott just the the rule of the world and
everyone's like you live here though I'm like I don't care yeah yeah I don't care but uh Tulsa okoma no I
will definitely you got my my eye to Tulsa because I get I get land deals in Oklahoma but I'm like it's
Oklahoma but but but if you're telling me firsthand accounts that there's
growth there you always be you always want to pay attention where the growth is happening because what we do is we're looking for path of progress that's it
yeah buy land in the path of progress and we make money on that I mean Tulsa is not like
people people forgot about Tulsa it was you know one of the major oil booms in
America and and honestly a lot of people that that might live in California that
you know are trust fund families they're from Tulsa and you know there's still
plenty of prominent families here in Tulsa of course too but it's a lot of old money but now we're starting to get
the the newer type of money especially after we had uh I don't know if you know
this but we were in second place for Tesla's gigafactory and then Austin beat
us out because of the state income tax so yep so that kind of brought a lot of
attention to us in the tech world right and so and also tuls is doing you know
the the whole young young professional government program where they're
actually paying people to move here so I mean we've got you know a million with
Tulsa and the surrounding suburbs I mean we're not a small City anymore as we once were interesting yeah yeah you
you've opened my mind to Tulsa that's all I was it was wasn't even on my
radar maybe that's a bad thing maybe you know what take it back Tulsa sucks dude
no I think I'm kidding I'm kidding no the biggest thing about this is that there's whenever growth happens there's
market for everything literally everything is is monetizable whether a
tire shop or you truck driving or you just need a a tech job like it doesn't matter there's there's opportunity for
every niche in growth that's why growth grow cities that's why people move the
the whole Gold Rush like yeah there opportunity there and people literally cross the country just to get in the
path of of of jobs and money so exactly I think I think it's very important and I think it's very important to voice it
too because that's what helps drives drives the growth anyway yeah no that's true more people that find out the more
your your your prices increase and you make more money and you get to charge more and all that stuff you know yep Y
no that's awesome definitely very cool very cool man I'm I'm glad stuff about TOA I had no idea yeah idea how old how
old are you by the way I don't think I asked I'm 26 26 amazing amazing amazing
I started my first business when I was 25 so okay and I've been doing this for
I'm turning 32 this year so I'll be six years doing this but I wish I would have started younger but I wasn't mature when I was younger
yeah I was mature enough to handle what I'm doing now back yeah so I had some you know life circumstances that made me
mature real fast whether I wanted to or not um you know before before I
graduated from high school so luckily by the time I was 2021 I was ready to start
getting after it that's amazing what do you say what do you say to somebody's in that same position that wants to get
after it right then and there what do recommend they do just [ __ ] do it you got to stop listening to to your parents
and you know I know that sounds harsh but we we all as a young age we all go
to our parents for approval and nine times out of 10 they're going to be super protective and not want you to risk anything and that's understandable
and they should do that as parents but you know I'd say that's the biggest thing is you gota you got to learn to go
against the grain and you're so young if you fail and [ __ ] up who cares I mean
you could do that 40 times and still be successful so I think you need to realize that and realize that you know
this world is moving so fast now especially with the AI stuff like you better get in the [ __ ] game or you're
going to be left far behind and I think it's it's really important to realize
like you know as as someone who formerly used to do a bunch of this [ __ ] like the
the partying and the the sleeping around with a bunch of chicks and and all the stuff that you think you're into when
you're younger is is really not important or Noble in life and so you
really just need to put your head down and and be able to support what you eventually want to achieve in your
lifetime and if you don't do that and you wait until you're 30 you're probably
already stuck in some kind of rut that you're never going to get out of so I think it's it's pretty important to to start early in my
opinion boom mic drop mic drop no it's it's really good advice I
think failing early is important I think you got to understand in your parents position that they are they do want the
best for you but they don't know they didn't grow up when the way the same way you grew up right right your your
parents literally they grew up the way they grew up and then they try and make it better based on their opinion but you
as an adult you have to make that same decision that you're going to make decisions based on the way you grew up and the way the world has changed
because the world has changed from your parents to you and I really want to hit on the point that technology and you're
born in 19 19 1900s yeah 1990s yeah 1990s you know like it makes me trip
whenever I talked to some 24 because it's 2024 and I'm like they're born in 2000 right right like what this is crazy
like there was a big transition and I I'm sure you saw the tail end of it I saw I saw I transitioned wholly because
I grew up in the 90s where cell phones were a thing kids kids had cell phones I
didn't get a cell phon so I was 18 I was my mom my parents are one of those are like you can't get a cell phone so you pay your own bill you know yeah yeah and
if you need a cell phone Ask a kid next to you you know so I kind I kind of grew up
on that I remember my older brother growing up typing out his homework on a typewriter you know so I've seen the
transition and I think that's one of the things where like people in their 30s
35 I would say 40 and under 40 and 40 40 to what is it 25 40 to 25 they kind of
saw that transition where people like under you in their 20s or like 18 19
years old they all they saw was the digital age and like right right all they saw was the iPhone yeah all they
saw was the iPhone this I had an iPhone to you know yeah yeah no yeah I I feel
like we were both in a good generation to see technology just blow the [ __ ] up I mean obviously I started with like you
know the little flip razor phones or whatever yeah by the time I was in high school there was iPhone you know so it
was crazy I mean it was so short amount of time and it just goes to show like I
was saying the world moves fast dude like so fast and with AI by the way if
you're not doing everything you can to learn about AI right now you're [ __ ] in five years that's all I'm gonna say
yeah I I I think I think if early adopting early adopting is huge especially if you're younger I think
anybody right now you got to early adopt no no no it's anybody now I don't care if you're if you're [ __ ] 50 and
running your business you better learn about AI yeah I it's I I saw somebody
they like oh uh they're like I used to have people that responded to the texts and cold calls and now they can run it
through AI through ghl and all those Technologies out there that you can
Outsource and uh automate without even using people which is insane yeah yeah
no it's it's gonna get a little weird here pretty soon it's going to get a little weird very soon I'm excited for
the future and I said I'm I'm very I'm very respective to the changes that happen so I think if you open-minded and
you kind of pay attention what's going on you can adapt to it but everybody else they're they're G toast they're
toast oh yeah yeah no doubt they're toast so how how are you what what are
you think what are you doing in your business now to adapt to the comings of the technology
change I mean everything we're we're looking at all types of different AI
tools that that work I mean on all of our websites we've got you know which if
you remember this you know like the chat Bots right they used to be a pain in the [ __ ] ass to set up and they they suck
well now you can yeah yeah now you can get a little AI one that is literally
learning as people are asking questions so as soon as soon as we started turning ours on we're asking it 30 different
questions on our own so that way when a customer asks it's already ready it's it's it's already learned what to say I
mean it's something as simple as that we obviously integrate it for for people that are running our social media for
them doing video editing I mean we're looking at we're doing web scraping with AI to get to collect data obviously we
we use chat GPT a lot for for a lot of different reasons and chat GPT can actually scrape websites too if you
didn't know that um and create spreadsheets but there's we like uh web scrape AI for that so to really collect
a lot of data and I mean we're always constantly trying to to learn about more
tools and I actually have it written down for I own an HVAC company here in Tulsa and tomorrow on our meeting I have
ai tools that I want to go over to see how how many more we can start to implement because there's so many I mean
we've looked at so many they've got you know we've looked at a lot of the
answering phone call AIS I don't think they're there yet I can I can still tell
that it's a soon very very very soon soon but yeah we we've explored that
option and weren't in love with it just yet but I think we will be here pretty soon I'm I'm I'm excited to see how
marketing changes because I think the text marketing is it's ruined by regulation back in yep November last
year December last year but coold calling I heard of a cold call AI that
can do a lot of crazy stuff I don't know it's just interesting the way marketing is going to change because marketing
always adapts first if you notice because as eyes switch the marketing has
to adjust and adapt to it so marketing marketing is very very important so I think if you're on top of whatever new
marketing strategies are coming out just like texting texting was amazing back in 2019 2018 2020 was crazy
yeah it's gone yep yep nope it's gone no yeah marketing is cyclical I was just
having this conversation day it there's a lot of things that work very well at one time and then they they suck because
like you said when more eyes are drawn to it more people are using it and it just goes on a cycle I mean just
continuously does that Endless Marketing cycle yeah it's an Endless Marketing cycle
what what does the future look like for you I know you're still young but I'm sure you have grander visions and Grand
rules uh what's that look like for you yeah so I mean honestly personally like
I love real estate real estate will always be a part of my life it'll always be a part of my investing strategy but I
am more passionate about starting and scaling companies than I
than I would say I'm more passionate about real estate um to a to a technical term right like I
just that's that's more of what I enjoy doing so really my vision for myself is to be like an Alex Hermos type where I
might own a minority and in a bunch of different businesses or or just have you know a lot of startups with with
different operators that I kind of form into like one big incubator of of Logan
hasket companies type of thing I know I know there's a bunch of people teaching this but who who's your go-to right now
for consolidation of companies for consolidation of companies I mean I really like uh Chris uh I don't
even know how to pronounce his name Corner Chris Corner the MHP guy on on Twitter should look into him he's a
[ __ ] genius and he I I'd say like me and him are are really similar we never
actually met or we've we've talked a few times but but yeah he's he's someone
that I I really enjoy watching a lot of his content I mean I like heroi even
though some of his stuff is like kind of Guru ises but you know it is what it is
he's has a giant personal brand so I'm not going to put any slack on yeah I was just I was say I wasn't even
say Cody Sanchez I mean I Cody Cody's a but she's
a good marketer you know she used to be a journalist she knows what she's doing yeah and uh and and honestly to in
today's world I've been telling people this over and over and over at this point it's sales over operations and
that might be a sad reality but these people that are doing a whole bunch of sales are are kicking your ass so I mean
you you guys might as well pay attention you know I try I try my hardest to not throw any slack towards any of these
influencers they have some the awesome to teach you exactly no exactly and what's that
saying you pluck I don't even remember what it was you pluck you know a thousand feathers off a thousand different birds but not not all all off
of one bird it's not that's not how it goes by the way but it's something like that and and that's what I mean that's
what I'm saying you know when you talk Cody sandz I'm like dude she's a [ __ ] genius marketer you know heroi same
thing genius marketer he's he literally knows how to funnel things into each different company very efficiently and
yeah but like I was saying I never try to put slack on on anybody because I respect what they've built to this point
everybody has like their skill sets like I'm not a big fan of Grant Cardone but Grant Cardone has a lot of 6% money so
he he did something right right right yeah no exactly he did something right like 6%
money is really really cheap money so like if I can just learn how to get 6% money like that at scale that's what I'm
going to learn from it might not like anything else he does but I think I think well yeah Grant is a I mean
perfect example he's he's an amazing salesman right amazing like maybe one of
the best that we've ever seen yeah then you got like Dave Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey is another one of
those I don't like anything he says yeah but on the other hand he has a huge
following and he can tell people how to get from zero to to three you know yep
exactly yeah I no I don't agree with anything that he ever says but he's created a beast of a business and you
know what good for him he's cranking cash and apparently not using any debt to do so so I mean when when you when
you have when you have a a business that big you don't need you you don't need a bank loan right right
exactly it's kind of cheating it's kind of cheating I think I think it's in my
opinion I think it's wrong to say that from the top when you yeah no 100% yeah
because I'm like there's like there's no way you got there doing that that strategy no there's no I mean we know he
didn't he failed in 08 by using Deb so I don't know it's just it's insane to me
it's insane to me what is a quote that is yours or somebody else's that you resonate with what is a quote man you hit me with
these [ __ ] better be on better be thinking hey it's what I do I'm I'm a podcast host you know I'm giving you I'm
giving you I'm talking right now to give you like 15 20 seconds to think of a response because it's my job since I
caught you off guard to kind of yeah so what is a quote that is yours somebody else that you resonate with yeah the one
that I resonate with is uh you'll never do that it's the most motivating
language in the English dictionary and that's why uh Andy
forella okay okay disbelief drives your passion to create and do yes yes
100% I think I always think as a kid I'm like I always had like the like the rebel inside of you yeah don't do that
like watch me do it again no yeah I mean I just got that
that big you know that that chip on my shoulder where I want to tell you you know [ __ ] you you know and I've always
had that I can't explain it I've always I've always kind of liked to be the uh the edge you know I would say it's uh
it's a good thing it gives you it gives you motivation to continue and to grow I
think uh i' I've gotten it as I've gotten bigger in business and I'm was
like come on like yeah like it I had a conversation with somebody today they're
like they're they're counting my dollars on a wholesale deal because I'm the buyer and I'm like don't do that right
walk away right right you know and it's like it's I was
there and the bad part is like I was in their shoes at one point so I understand what what what it is like when when when
you got when you got no when you got deals and you got a contract and somebody wants to buy it and you're like
if I can make 10 more Grand right right it change the world you know you lose
the deal yep yep and then you realize 10 Grand's not even that much more and you
probably should have taken the deal so oh man and I hate to see it I hate to see it and I see it all the time and I'm
like yeah like I don't even I don't even want to be that guy like my number is just my number and I I explained why
it's my number but don't push me too much yeah
yeah trying to be nice here yeah that's funny are you a reader at
all yeah you're a big reader okay so let uh what's some books that helped you get
started and what's some books that you're reading now to kind of get so I mean to get started one book that I
really like that I recommend mentioned Trump's book earlier yeah yeah that was obviously number one that helped me get
started in in real estate actually the second real estate book that I read I don't remember which one it was but it
was one of Grant cardone's Books Okay and then I mean it obvious it naturally
progressed to just self-development business books one that I really like that I read recommend to everyone is it
takes What It Takes by Trevor moad he was the he was a big mental coach in like
the sports the sports community so he did stuff for Nick Sabin and the Alabama team um he did he was Russell Wilson's
personal mental coach when he was with the Seahawks and you know was on fire
there and it's all about thinking neutral you know never thinking hey that was good or hey that was bad and it's
fascinating the stuff and the self- experiments that he's put himself through as far as like mindset goes and
so I definitely recommend that book right now I'm kind of on like a like a history kick almost like learning about
some conquerors um some the world's greatest conquerors genas Khan and uh
that sort of thing um interesting yeah I mean you you you read so many you know
self-development books and then they all kind of seem like they're the same mhm and so I'm just kind of naturally
progressing into other styles of of uh strategy books and and conquering World
conquerors because that stuff interests me so no I I think I think it's a I think there's different you get
different levels of appetite as you get different stages in life I never ask do you have do you have kids yeah yeah so I
have a one-year-old daughter and I have a son coming here in August so amazing
congratulations how has fatherhood affected your business how has
fatherhood affected my business honestly I'm I might be the one that sounds
totally different I don't think it's changed anything besides maybe make me a
little bit hungrier than I was but if if that's what you meant I think honestly a
lot of people I'll just get Brash for a second are kind of just cowards and
pansies they they try to use their kids as excuses and I think that's the most [ __ ] up thing that you could do as a
parent is uh well I'm just not getting as much sleep anymore and so you know I'm G to slack off in my business and
start showing up to the office at 9:00 am and it's like dude I mean how big of a [ __ ] coward are you that that you
know you got to blame a kid as to why you can't perform and and so that's something that that really gets me irked
if you can't tell no I I think I it's a valid question I want people to hear it a lot
of people don't ask that question but me I like I was when I found out my wife was pregnant I got hella motivated I'm
like I got [ __ ] to do I got how much time I got left in this world I got [ __ ] to do you know yeah yeah no I mean I
guess I just I took it as a hey you know I was just thinking neutrally right hey
my wife's pregnant okay that makes sense consequences happen when you're having sex with your wife and so it's like I'm
going to have a kid it's not the end of the world it's not you know the top of the it's well yeah it is it's the top of
the world when they're born of course but yeah it's all about from a from a business standpoint there's no reason
you know and it's because we hear all these cliches from like maybe the people that aren't entrepreneurs and oh you
know there goes your sleep and and there goes your free time and you know all the same sayings the [ __ ] that we hear
and you know I just don't conform to to any of that I think I think I think there's a couple ways that you can be a
parent I think you can be a lazy parent and I think you can be a good parent and if you're a good parent it's it's not
all that difficult yes your priorities change yes you're going to have tough nights yes you're gonna you know maybe
get into more scuffles with your significant other but it's it's a part of life and you know what you [ __ ]
signed up for it so you need to you need to take responsibility for it I think I
think it's a I think um I think having children in marriage is a beautiful thing and I think 100% I think a lot of
people are scared of it I think commitment but I think it it forces you to create and do amazing things when
you're under that type of pressure and you don't know what type of pressure that is so you've had a kid and you're
hungry yeah yeah you know you got you got I will say the one thing that having
a daughter has done was turned me into a little bit more of a softy which I don't like
but yeah I got I got two girls that was already a softy but my girls they're
they're they're they're fun yeah absolutely you know your new one's going to be yet it's a boy yeah okay
congratulations man shout out to fatherhood for everybody here go get married have some babies do it we need
them we need more of them it'll change your life uh I think it's been a great conversation I enjoyed
it I I think I think a lot of people just need to hear the the real side of of business and I I interviewed a guy
the other day and he's like I hate that work life balance question because it's just life exactly yeah life I mean it's
it's life and it's however you decide to fit it in there and you know what your results will will reflect that
absolutely absolutely go check out Tulsa too to TOA where people find you online I got
Logan invest on Instagram yep and then I got Logan hket on Twitter Twitter and
everything else YouTube Tik Tok whatever but yeah we'll check check them out I
appreciate you coming on uh thanks for your time I think it's very inspirational I love having young I say
I say young people because I'm young too but I I like enjoying people in their 20s on the on the podcast because I
think it's very inspirational to the younger generation and I hope that people I think I I see people online
especially like younger teenagers or mid 20s or people even your age are like they're like depressed the world the world's going to end I can't I'll never
be able to afford a house and it's all doom and Bloom I'm just like we need more young people that are doing great
things for people to inspire others and I'm glad uh I didn't fall into that trap
when I was that age and yeah I think I think if you can Inspire one person it makes it all worth it and the world will
become a better place if you decide that you yourself are going to make it a better place
yep so I think it's an individual decision to to make that decision 100%
so for everybody here go check out Logan thanks for coming on I appreciate you coming on and uh talking some game today
yes sir that's all we do thanks brother for everybody here go like share subscribe you know what to do check us out uh leave us review if you want who
cares we'll see you next time thanks guys [Applause]
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Logan Haskett Profile Photo

Logan Haskett


Went from being addicted to opiates at 17, big drug dealer to being transported to a boys home to an owner of several 7 figure companies. Today I own a real estate portfolio worth over 10M. I own a VA agency, we have helped over 100 businesses scale their companies using VA's. I also own a local HVAC company