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In this video, the hosts discuss the concept of "social equity" in real estate, contrasting it with the traditional notion of financial equity that dominates the industry. They emphasize that social equity involves building and maintaining relationships that can enhance long-term business prospects, rather than focusing solely on immediate financial gains. The discussion includes practical examples from real estate where fostering good relationships has led to more opportunities and potential deals. Ultimately, the hosts advocate for a business approach that values and prioritizes people and relationships, suggesting that this can lead to greater overall success and satisfaction in business endeavors. Introduction of Social Equity Concept (0:00-0:08): The video opens with an introduction to the concept of social equity, questioning the traditional focus on financial equity alone in real estate and proposing a broader understanding that includes value exchange through relationships. Definition and Importance of Social Equity (0:42-1:01): The hosts define social equity as building value through relationships and allies, rather than just financial transactions. They argue that this approach can lead to repeated business and long-term collaboration. Example of Building Social Equity through Real Estate Deals (4:07-5:09): They share a story of their first major subdividing deal which not only resulted in financial profit but also strengthened trust with the seller, leading to more business opportunities with favorable terms. General Advice on Building and Utilizing Social Equity (14:09-15:24): Towards the end of the video, the hosts encourage viewers to create social equity in everyday interactions, not as a strategy but as a genuine practice of goodwill, emphasizing the long-term benefits of such an approach in business and personal life. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 📃 Partner with us on your deals: https://submitbigland.com/ 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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this video we're going to talk about
having social equity and what the hell
is it because all you real estate clowns
only think about equity in your real
estate so let's talk about social Equity
today so a lot of people they think the
only way to exchange values through
gain and that is the wrong way to do it
that's a terrible mistake it's a
terrible mistake and everybody wants to
extract Equity SL dollar out of every
transaction and they want Max Equity Max
Roi that's a terrible mistake Max
everything and they don't they don't
they don't understand social Equity so
Definition and Importance of Social Equity.): The hosts define social equity as building value through relationships and allies, rather than just financial transactions. They argue that this approach can lead to repeated business and long-term collaboration.
brief description what is social equity
and then we can cover like different
different examples of it did we just
make this word up or do it's just a real
term I don't know I don't know maybe
somebody Google I think we made a new
word it's like manufacturing happiness I
never heard that before we're coming up
with new terms all the time so and new
comps and new comps we do a lot of new
things that are new ground Breakers we
break grounds so social Equity is like
let's let's frame it like if you have
equity in a home or in a business right
yeah uh if you have a a a big property
with like a it's a mansion and you
remodel it it has a certain amount of
equity from the day you buy it you
remodel it and then you sell it or you
keep it as a rental y whatever happens
there's a certain amount of profit on
top of that asset but that's the only
way that people that are in real estate
they're neanderthals and they don't
think about that there's also social
Equity between people so friends Chris
Rood says allies you know better than
friends y but you have people in your
that I don't want to say they owe you
something but they're but they owe you
something yeah however you want to say
like you've done you've done so much
good for them that now like they would
love to repay it yeah so it's it's it's
creating other person so a lot of people
it's and I think chis calls it allies so
he's trying to create allies to do more
business with because everybody wants
everybody wants to do one transaction
and I think the ability to understand
the social Equity part is you want to do
more business with more people over and
over again because you're you're always
having that relationship in place and
you can build and build a relationship
literally to Infinity but a lot of
people they do one transaction and this
is and this is with shortsightedness of
wholesalers I got 30 buyers
and and there's no offense to you guys
where you're at you're trying to make
Max profit but at some point you got to
understand the relationship between you
and that buyer and that buyer that you
have a relationship with could be your
lender in the future he could be he
could give you the business in the
future where you're managing his flips
he can give you so much more opportunity
than just he's buying that and
exchanging that one transaction over
that one time and that's
it I I think that if if you develop
relationships right I hate sayings right
because I'm not good at remembering them
because I don't need them right it's
like it's the The Ether of who I am so I
I hear it saying and I'm like ah deletes
all the words cuz I know what you're
saying yeah right but they say it's not
uh what you know it's who you know y
that is massive it's that's a massively
underrated context I guess I don't know
what it is if you have a valuable Rel
relationships it's worth more than all
the money on the planet yep because you
could send out a couple text messages
and make a 100 BS if you if you know the
right people send a couple text messages
and raise a 100 Bands raise a couple
hundred bands with a couple text raise a
million dollars with a text message made
you know so I want I want to cover a
first example so you can like everybody
has social Equity no matter if they're
in real estate or not whether they're
different relationships everybody has
social so we're going to cover different
examples of this and I want you to think
about every every one of these because
each one of these are building social
Equity if you if you build that
relationship with that person so first
one that comes to mind is uh our first
Example of Building Social Equity through Real Estate Deals.): They share a story of their first major subdividing deal which not only resulted in financial profit but also strengthened trust with the seller, leading to more business opportunities with favorable terms.
subdivide we ever did 107 Acres the
seller first seven figure deal we did
with owner financing $200,000 down you
heard the story go look it's a bunch
it's in a bunch of places but that
seller we did the deal we did what we
said we're going to do N9 months later
complete the deal we finish the deal
most people would end right there but no
seller comes back back I have 15 Acres
on the other side of town can you help
me Andy's like no no I don't I don't
have an experience in that it's
commercial land I don't know what I'm
doing and the seller pretty much forces
us he bends Anthony's arm behind his
back like you're going to do this
deal you're going to do this deal
whether you like it or not and gave us
amazing terms and we end up doing a deal
we're working that we're still working
that second deal with him and that's
social Equity we did such a good job
when we said what we were going to do
with that first transaction over
massively overd delivered massively
overd delivered he's like you're going
to do the second transaction whether you
like it or not you're going to do it
you're going to figure it out you're
going to take my multi-million dollar
property and you're going to do the
transaction with me well no I don't how
much time are you going to give me how
much time do you need like a year or two
okay okay that's totally different
conversation and we even told them we're
probably going to make multiple seven
figures on your property we're going to
make eight figures on this property and
he's like I don't care I don't care
you're going to do the deal and I want
you make money they like what okay I
tried to walk away you did multiple
times yeah multiple times so that's
that's that's social Equity with a
seller one another one that comes in
mind is social Equity with your
attorney attorney attorney is a good one
o this this is probably my favorite one
because I have a LoveHate relationship
with attorneys I think attorneys are uh
the the car salesman of the legal world
yeah they're like huers Fast talkers and
you got you got to kiss a couple frogs
they suck at their job yeah they're
they're cool guys to hang around they're
they're very knowledgeable they're very
wise but they're suckers man they're
like they'll try to get you we we've got
a we we've had a couple bad attorneys
yeah they're hurting for money so they
just hustle you super sell you on doing
the deal with them M I need a $10,000
cash they're cash poor I need a $10,000
retainer and then I'll let you know what
I need more and you're like what are you
doing what are you doing between now and
then I don't know I'll let you know
don't worry about that right now don't
worry about that I'll take care of it
yeah so attorneys their salesman too
they'll get you but but making friends
with a good attorney is very valuable
it's worth the waiting gold absolutely
they'll protect you 100% you should have
friends that are attorneys oh that's a
tweet if you're in business you should
have friends that are attorneys and we
heard this the other day your your your
business influence counselors attorneys
mentors they should be your friends they
should want to talk to you they should
want to provide value to your
conversation because they understand
your business the best literally I
talked to our attorney the other day we
needed a special contract and I AB andc
he's like all right well you should do
the ab andc he like I don't know how you
like you know what I want to do and how
I want to you make it legal you make it
legal and send it to me when you're done
and that was the conversation out my
attorney but he's like okay I got you
don't worry about it I'll send it I'll
send I did I did one to called Jeremy
and he was like why do you got to make
everything so difficult I'm like man I'm
just being creative dog you just keep me
out of prison and that's it so your
attorney is another one we're going to
jump we're going to go really quick on
this one so title company oh man you
better have some social Equity with your
title company you better have some
social Equity with Title Company Teresa
MTC shout out yeah MTC we have a video
coming out with her we recorded I had
the my title company of Texas in San
Antonio they cover all of Texas yeah we
had a pleasure of doing an episode with
her so that should be coming up before
this so if you check out a few episodes
in front of this that's there but my TP
company says they have saved
transactions that we were like yeah let
go some you see somebody pouring
gasoline all over it and they got the
match in their hand you're like just let
that whole deal burn to the ground okay
like no no no no I got this I'm like
don't got this yep she closes it all
right I like this this is good so they
they'll save you on a lot of different
things and they'll save you with sellers
too save your butt keep out of trouble
one thing they'll keep you out of
trouble they do it within the law and
they're going to protect you in a lot of
different ways a lot of times Title
Company should be smarter than you tit
100% 100% this is one of the things
where like real estate is easy when you
have the right people around you mhm you
have right attorney right Title Company
the right
uh team partner the right partner come
on down bro hop in man you're good when
you have the when you have the all the
right team around you in real estate it
becomes easy so your Title Company's
going to save your butt a lot of times
they're going to salvage they're going
to salvage deals they're going to save
deals that you you'll give up on and
they'll they'll save all that stuff like
we talk about a deal in that episode
with Teresa from MTC and she talks about
how we had a trouble transaction that
was 12 months long 13 months
long and they're just they they're they
you know we've had that pop te deal in
title for like a year and a half oh oh
18 months never
mind so you're you're going to Title
Company please get a good one use them
over and over again build relationships
bring them Donuts send them flowers buy
them lunch you're building that social
Equity over and over again repeat
business yeah so something that we do is
we try to overd deliver as a business
model so this is not a marketing Ploy
right is who we really are if you invite
me over and you say hey can you bring a
turkey I'm going to bring two yeah right
if you say hey can I borrow 10 bucks for
gas I might give you 20 here's 20 so we
always overd deliver on everything like
if our lender has 100,000 coming back
right or a million coming back dude
let's try to give him 1.1 and Daniel's
like you're you're crazy I'm like all
right right so we try to just overpay
overd deliver over everything if we're
doing a deal with somebody and it's it
looks like it's not going so hot like
just keep our half
you know like don't worry about it so
we're always trying to give something
away and it's cool because we're not
doing it as a business employ like this
is like literally literally how we are
it's bu it's building social equity and
so social Equity but not as a business
model we just do it we're just cool
people imagine this everybody's trying
to pocket all the dollars they can
maximize maximize Roi they're they're
trying to roll that into the next deal
next opportunity now do the same thing
with your people and relationships if
you can maximize
the ability to create hey Anthony's a
cool dude he did he did me a solid one
time a year ago two years ago and then
now it builds Roi over time where now
he's like man I haven't talking to
Anthony in a while you know what I I in
fact owe him something I don't know what
I owe him but I owe him something so
then he's looking for an opportunity to
repay you back and it comes back tfold
depending on how long it takes what a
cool way to live right so let's say that
you're out there doing transaction ction
that are
sizable and you're giving a lot of it
away you give it away give away land
give away Acres we give away we gave
away a house to the last deal yeah
people are just like
uh it doesn't make sense as a business
model it's terrible business model
terrible don't this is not Financial
advice but the results May Vary if you
do it right without expectation ofing
you're not going to give so much that
you're like starving to death but if you
can give something away give it away and
Watch What Happens yeah trust me give
something away literally literally 20
minutes ago
Eric he's waving he left his bag at the
at the
Airbnb and they recorded a video while I
ran into the Airbnb I was about to walk
out the door and I'm like no no they did
this a solid I I got to I got to put it
back into the universe so I gave the
lady a 20 just for holding on to our bag
and not stealing from us you know but
not that she was meant to not that she's
bad person was going to steal from us
but I owe her just just pump a little
something out when it's not expected
it's unexpected she did it because that
was her job but I owe her $20 because
saved Eric from losing all his
videos yeah it was it's it's a cool way
to live you know not that it's like a
baller amount so I'm not trying to brag
but like if you give your if you give
your waiter like a 50 or $100 bill they
will cry and it's amazing because uh
it's to me it's very sad that nobody is
that generous right this person no one
appreciates this person is like your
personal slave they're bringing you Hot
Food cold water like just waiting on you
hand and foot like a slave and like
nobody ever thinks to give them $100
bill that's really sad and then you got
then you got the the the Tipping coach
who like oh they don't deserve a tip
they didn't do anything oh man I'll
fight somebody for not leaving a tip
like I would literally fight not cool
it's not impressive like yeah
understand it's really sad to treat
another human that way yeah it's it's
terrible so I think I think it's it's
different to you got you got to
understand like if you haven't been to
bottom you should have started from the
bottom now you're here you should have
started from the bottom because when you
start from the bottom you really
appreciate everything you appreciate
waking up in the morning without back
pain you appreciate going having eat and
having a good meal I mean we had we had
a great meal the first night we were
here and Anthony was like so
appreciative like man I shouldn't be
able to have a great appetizer
opportunity to spend with my family
having a gate stake with my partner and
my wife's here and my kids are here I
shouldn't be allowed to have this
opportunity but this is an amazing
experience and I'm enjoying right now
today I'm I'm eating a good meal and I I
feel like crying because uh there's
people around the planet that are not
having this experience Y and it it hurts
me man it does hurt me so so I can't
maybe I can't invite them to that same
dinner table but what if I could what if
you could yeah what if I could so if
you're out there find ways to create
General Advice on Building and Utilizing Social Equity.): Towards the end of the video, the hosts encourage viewers to create social equity in everyday interactions, not as a strategy but as a genuine practice of goodwill, emphasizing the long-term benefits of such an approach in business and personal life.
social Equity literally there's ways to
do it in everyday everyday in life with
your business partners your family your
friends don't do it as a business model
don't do it as a trick as a ploy just do
it as a way of living and watch your
happiness climb yeah if if and if you
believe in karma karma always comes back
and I think a lot of the reasons why
we're successful cuz we both live and
practice this daily and it always comes
back tenfold I think we mean Karma like
I'm Catholic right so we're Christians
but karma is like a that could be a
religious term or something or a
non-religious term but you push out good
and Good's going to come back that's it
that's it oh oh one more thing stop
saying manifesting I'm going to you're a
going to manifest nothing God's going to
give it to you God's grace is going to
give it to you when you're ready to
receive it yeah but you're not
manifesting manifesting means it's like
of from the self like you ain't doing
nothing that'll do it but but be ready
to receive it do good for others be a
good person as a business model and
things go freaking amazing you'll see
let us know how it works out but try it
out comment underneath this video if you
try this and it works comment underneath
the video and tell us let's talk about
it like subscribe do all that stuff if
you want to if not we hate you and we're
probably going to block you off
Facebook he's not I probably am he will
I won't all right guys see you soon
Daniel Esteban Martinez Profile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony Gaona Profile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More