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Ep 499: Developement In Phoenix With Jared Vidales
May 01, 2024
Ep 499: Developement In Phoenix With Jared Vidales
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In this episode of the Podcast, host Daniel Martinez welcomes guest Jared, a Dallas native now residing in Phoenix, Arizona. Jared shares his journey from working in the corporate world as an engineer to becoming a real estate investor and developer. He recounts his early days in real estate, starting in 2014, buying homes to flip funded by his early Bitcoin investments. Jared details his transition into wholesaling after realizing the potential for making money with less risk and his progression into real estate development. He discusses his current projects, including a 16 townhome development in Mesa, Arizona, and his strategies for building a successful real estate portfolio. Jared highlights the importance of collaboration in the Arizona real estate market and shares insights on the evolving landscape, including challenges like water availability and the competitive land acquisition environment. Jared's Transition from Corporate to Real Estate (01:12-01:35) Jared recounts his initial leap from working as an engineer to entering the real estate world, motivated by a desire for more autonomy and the allure of real estate investment. The Move to Wholesaling and the Realization of Its Benefits (01:41-02:20) Discussing his shift from flipping homes to wholesaling, Jared shares an epiphany about the advantages of wholesaling, including lower risk and similar profit margins, sparked by his early investments in Bitcoin. Importance of Community and Collaboration in Real Estate Success (04:17-04:46) Highlighting a key to his success, Jared talks about the critical role of collaboration and community in the highly competitive Arizona real estate market, emphasizing the shared success among peers. Adventures in Development: From Land Acquisition to Townhome Projects (13:50-14:03) Jared details his foray into real estate development, specifically mentioning a project involving the construction of 16 townhomes in Mesa, Arizona, and the challenges and rewards of this new venture. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind Submit📃 deals at https://submitbigland.com/ 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hello welcome to the hod podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today we have a special guest Jared the Dallas out of
Arizona how you doing today I am doing fantastic how you doing I'm doing all
right I'm doing all right I have an interesting story with you and uh we actually met in Phoenix a couple weeks ago that I really wanted to bring up
early on just because it kind of adds to like our lineage tree of how we learned real estate but I can't wanted to cover
this so I I took a course me and Anthony if everybody doesn't know we took a course and that's how we met was from
Jaylen white and I we met Jared in town in Phoenix and he's like oh I know
Jaylen we're actually I we actually were we actually got in real estate at the same time you want to tell us how that
iteration happened because I think this is like another iteration of the of the real estate treat for us so I really want to cover this first yeah no this
was this was before there were gurus you know this is especially before Arizona
became such a hot bed for you know Real Estate Investors competition I would say
Arizona is probably the most competitive market in the United States but I mean we I started back in 20 2014 and it
actually came about where I rented a crappy little office well I guess let's take a step back so I was in the corporate world did that for about two
and a half years as an engineer I quit to go out and do real estate I'm originally from California I moved to
Arizona for my for my corporate job and you know I've always been interested in
real estate but long story short I quit my job it wasn't for me and decided to
go out and flip homes because that's what everybody wants to do they want to go flip homes but first I had to find the deal
right so anyways I I end up flipping two homes find out you know because I bought these homes from wholesalers I bought
two in the same day to go out and flip I had a bunch of Bitcoin money and that's that's what financed my uh my
Renovations I was an early adopter in Bitcoin but I when I bought these two homes I saw this wholesaler made 20 25
Grand a pop and I had no idea what what an assignment fee was anyways I flipped those homes it takes way too long costs
way too much money and I make like 25 Grand but I'm looking back at that a wholesaler and I'm like holy crap you
made the same amount of money as me no risk no headache no no gray hairs I need to go out and learn how to how to do
this so that's exactly what I did I rented a crappy little office in the hood and just started printing letters
like all night stuffing sing and I posted something on Instagram and
this this dude was following me his name was Carlos Reyes and he's like hey man I saw your doing real estate like I want
to let me come to your office and kind of see what you're doing so he comes to my office in the hood and he's like dude
this is this is cool like let's joint venture on a on a direct mail campaign we we'll mail them to Hispanic folks
I'll be I'll be the uh Hispanic guy you be the white money partner even though I'm not white and we'll play that we'll
play that Dynamic I'm like great you buy the St camps I'll print everything and then I'll get some people off Craigslist
to to come here and stuff everything and hired a bunch of crackheads and it was it was bad like I was 20 22 years old so
we we go out and tie up like three or four deals and make like a 100 Grand on this one campaign he's like dude this is
it I'm gonna like and you know he's like I'm gonna quit my job blah blah blah and so uh I think jayen was on social media
as well Jaylen and Alex signs and they kind of got in at the same time
and I remember I dropped Alex signs off he he came and rode with me to my flips
and he's like hey my my buddy Jaylen white wants to uh wants to get into this too we went to the same high school
together I'm like cool bring him out like more the marrier and so like us us four were kind of running running deals
together you know joint venturing helping people close out or lock up deals and you know it's so funny because
you know everybody kind of went off and did their own thing and became extremely successful but that's that's how all
four of us kind of got out of the the corporate or you know kind of the N9 to-5 and jumped into real estate
completely out risk and we just made it happen and we really made it happen because we we the most important thing
and this is what's unique about the Arizona Market is everybody is open to collaborating because back then like I
said there was no gurus so when we found something that worked we would call everybody and we'd be all excited like
hey this is hitting right now and then we all go out and do it and then all of a sudden it would die down and then
somebody would find something else that was new it's like hey guys this is hitting and we would just share like our
our our secrets on how we're getting deals and that's kind of how in my opinion that's how the real estate
residential side evolved which is very unique to other markets yeah and one thing you said too
is uh who Who's the who said who's the who's the little Godfather of that sound I can't remember his name uh Sean
Shan Terry we that was the only Guru back then with sha Terry wow yeah he's
good I mean he he really you know he's not one of those guys who keeps everything close to chest like when I
was going to his office back in like 2014 2015 like he would just lay it all out like guys this is this is how you do
it and that's that was that was perfect I mean that really helped all of us yeah
and so you've been doing this a very very long time you're kind of you kind
of took took a lot of front-end risk how how so you're were 22 when you started
how long you been doing this now I've been doing this since 2014
so going yeah going on 10 years wow decade I'm one of them old I'm one of
them old man can't you can't see the gray hairs here yet but if you're in real estate long enough you'll start getting
them yeah I got I got a few I got a few no A decade is a long time it's it's
really interesting to kind of it's uh you have like those groundbreaking stories that of early on of the struggle
at 22 and doing all this crazy stuff and bit signs like those stories are amazing but like 10 years later it's
like what happened what's changed what's new you know and you kind of like
remembering where you came from is really it's really cool part of the story you know oh yeah and back then you
know it's kind of like being in high school no responsibilities you know you're kind of
running around hanging out you know it's like you know you don't have the burden of all this risk on your shoulders like
how we do now because now we're doing very you know large deals and there's real money on the line but back then it
was just like you know tinkering around figuring out what works and now those those were the fun days yeah so let's
talk a little bit about what you're doing now because I think now I think we had a great conversation we had we had
we met for dinner and we had a great conversation but what you're doing now is pretty crazy I do want to preface this though
you made a tweet an hour ago or so about how you're talking to OG land guy he
tell us a little about that story because that's a very intriguing story to me and I want to hear more about that yeah so I sent a little mail campaign
to people in Arizona who were lending private so I'm trying to find I'm trying to add more private lenders to my
Rolodex and this guy calls me he's like hey jar got your letter you know very thought out uh just come to my office uh so as was down there
this morning he's probably mid 70s he's he's a third he's a third generation
arizonian and his great-grandfather I think he was like the one like a senator
here but anyways he has very deep lineage uh here in Arizona and uh so he was just we're we're sharing War Stories
you know how it goes and it's just so much fun sharing those things and he's like yeah there's this one you know back
then Glendale Road and for your listeners who don't who don't know Glendale Road or Bethany Home Road is
like that's like core core Phoenix like that's like Prime area it's like back then everything north of Bethany Home
Road was completely vacant land and I used to own a live there's one McDonald's here and Arizona is like the
third or fourth fastest growing city in the US like it's I mean the population
here is insane so say there's one McDonald's is shows how far back he's he's been here so and he's he's like I I
had a commercial building here and there and blah blah blah and then one guy you know he's a broker he's like one time
this this guy he showed up he's like hey you know this group there's gonna be this new city that's going to be
incorporated into you know Maricopa County it's called Paradise Valley and
it's GNA be the next thing and like you should you should buy you should buy some acreage for 50 bucks and the guy's
like dude 50 bucks like there's no roads there's no no freaking way am I G to buy
in A Place Called Paradise Valley fast forward to today Acres there are selling for $2.5 million just the dirt and I'm
like dude that just that just goes to show you like
anyways don't I I wanted to show A visual representation of where this is
so Paradise Valley is north of Tempe and if I zoom in
it is builds out yeah exactly they're all one acre lots this is I live in
Paradise Valley and it's a very I mean it's it's the it's the most expensive
zip code in Arizona they're not allowed to have street lights there there's not allow no commercial there is allowed no
retail no nothing it's just one acre lots no street lights no um no curbs
like very rural but like I mean there's homes in there selling for30 million bucks brand new it's insane that's crazy
that's crazy it's so $2 and a half million dollars per acre is insane per acre per acre it is that is
insane that is insane so for everybody for everybody here that doesn't want to invest in land I think if you're in the
path of progress you can hold on to land long enough and you're going to do very very well especially an up markets like
this I saw a video of recently on Twitter and I wish I could find that I wish have thought about it before this
call but it showed like the expansion of Phoenix over like the last like 50 years
and it's literally insane because it was just a desert town and then what it is now is it's literally insane so yeah
it's it's bananas like we have so much so many headquarters moving here I mean
I think the statistic is 100,000 people move here a year I mean it's nothing nothing like Texas but Texas is so much
bigger than Arizona but it's just an exploding Market getting a lot of
Californians coming over unfortunately but yeah I'm very bullish Arizona so one
thing I and this is this is a very developer question for me but one thing we're always looking at is water access
what's the water water issue in in Phoenix what what does that what does that look like yeah no I mean there's
this big there's this big conversation around water here obviously and there's
a lot of Articles you know a year ago about how Arizona is going to run out of water
but really what it was is so like we're required to have a 100-year water
plan and we missed during that year we missed that water plan by a half of a
percent so you know what I mean Arizona Mr water plan by a half of a percent and
everybody was you know how the media is everyone was going bananas like oh my God Arizona's going to run out of water
the Colorado River etc etc but it wasn't it wasn't that big of an impact and this
is actually an interesting statistic we use the same amount of water today in
Maricopa County with I think we have five million people here the same amount of water then we did back in
1950 really yep yep when there was a fraction of the
population because we we have Water Reclamation plants that cycle water energy efficient
Plumbing devices all like rainwater capture so we we use same amount of water we did
almost you know 80 years ago 70 years ago you've gotten more you gotten more efficient as that's good that's good
okay that makes sense that's very interesting one thing I love about Phoenix is it's very modern I feel like
they're one of the early they're one of the newer cities that's really adapted and took on
technology and like new new looks like if if anybody's ever been
to Phoenix go to Phoenix it's amazing but Phoenix just looks new like it's
like it's a new modern city in my opinion yeah a lot of uh you know I
wouldn't say we're at the Forefront Forefront of architecture but we're pretty close but you know in a market
that's extremely competitive you got to find especially if you're a builder you got to find a Competitive Edge and the
people find that through architecture yeah yeah so let's jump a little bit
into stuff you're doing now I saw a video of you recently you were it was a
it was it was a it was a I don't know if it was an ad no it wasn't an ad it was you you were building like a condo or
apartments or something and you had like they just put in the water utilities and the stick frames getting built up is
that one of your current projects let's talk a little about that because I think that's that's really really interesting and like what the outlay on that is yeah
so that's a uh 16 Town Home Project it's out in a little not little it's a big
city mes Mesa Arizona it's about 30 seconds from the Oakland a spring
training Stadium like kind of downtown Mesa we the funny thing was was there
was there was a a house on an acre that was just sitting in our Pipeline and it
was there for like four or five years and one of my acquisition persons um you
know finally was able to strike deal with this lady so we paid 220 grand for
essentially two houses on one acre we knew what the underlying zoning was so we knew we knew it was a great deal kind
of during that time we we kind of shift not not shifted our Focus but we wanted
to go out and build we wanted to find tracks of land build with the sole
purpose of gr scaling the portfolio so let's build let's build these brand new
units let's hold on to them for a very very long time and that's how we're going to scale quicker so anyways we you
know and I found at that time I found my mentor who's also a large developer Builder and you know we we made an
agreement he like look Jared if you ever come across land I I'll help you through the entitlement process I'll build it at
this fee structure and you you really don't have to worry but his goal is to
make me a developer which it's it's complicated I'll tell you so anyway we
at that same time like look I got this piece I got this acre in Mesa he's like it's too small go make it bigger so then
I was knocking on all the neighbors doors trying to get them to to sell them or sell me their land to make my site
bigger and I was I was successful with one guy so I added another like half acre to the project so anyways we the
the the site was an assemblage of two Parcels total cost in the land was like
440 Grand it's a good deal it took me like a year and a half to entitle that project took forever didn't have to
rezone it just entitlements took forever and we broke ground about a year year
and some change ago so 16 Town Homes two car garages on the bottom and it's it
will be done middle of this year total build cost is like five million bucks
and then oddly enough the okon a they want to put a Master Lease on the entire project and lease it out to their
players really that is interesting and this that's like the perfect model for you
because you didn't you wanted like in come from it anyway it was a longterm for you so if you can lease it out with
like Step Up raises and stuff like that especially if it's if it's players oh man that's a good that's a good that's a
good little that's crazy yeah well we'll see nothing's done until it's done but that
that seems like the best the best option absolutely no that's amazing I really want to talk about that alone right
there and this is one of the things I love I love land as a whole because it's it's very creative and you can kind of
create whatever you want at the end so you said you bought was that was there a a house on that other Halfacre that you
bought or was it just vacant land no there was there was a house it was like a 1930s House Old Neighborhood it was an
Old Farm Community back in the day and so these houses were like super super
old and I like I like the little pocket because I like putting high density in kind of low density feeling areas
because it's just it just feels more more like a community if you will yeah
yeah so you essentially push over the houses Now You're Building 16 town homes
and this is that's it's so it's so it's so creative I love land because you can kind of create whatever you want with it
and especially with up and cominging part of town like uh Phoenix you kind of do whatever you want as long as you go
through the tlement process and kind of have a vision can you tell us how you met your Mentor that your developer
Mentor uh yeah so one of my good buddies and I met him right when I got into real estate we've always stayed in touch okay
he does his own projects and and he does his own projects but he his his day job
is uh he lends hard money and I remember one day he mentioned he's like hey I got
this this this guy that I'm really good friends with he he's a builder and he
builds really fast and his his prices are affordable and I'm like huh well I'm trying to find that I'm like can you
like put us together and he's like no he he would never he would never meet with you and I'm like okay well and I just
kept bugging him and bugging them and eventually he agreed we met up at a coffee shop and you know I told him what
we do and kind of got to understand what he did at that time he didn't really I
mean he he doesn't he's not like out to like Mentor people but yeah I think he saw something in me where where I had
long-term potential because his vision is eventually leaving the company to his
uh his son and he wants to groom younger guys to have that knowledge kind of like
transfer knowledge of what's his what's in his head and and put it put it into my head and do deals with this sun when
once that time comes so you know we laid out like hey this is how we're going to work together you know be you go shift
your your acquisition strategy to go find these parcels and either you know
we'll just sell the land as is if it's a great deal or we could entitle it and flip it to a big Builder or if you want
to build it then this is how this is how that Arrangement would work and I'm like
done let's do it and we hit the ground running and we have three projects right
now and you know I'm looking for more land but dude in Phoenix it's just so
freaking tough like you know you got to be really Savvy in this market you'd
figure like land right like who's looking at land but Arizona's Arizona we
need we need housing we got all the big Builders here and like Builders brokers
investors like me they're all calling the same people over and over it's no
longer just the Brokers calling to buy land and and give it to one of their clients everybody everybody in the
equation they are calling calling calling calling so it's tough to get a
deal here right now because these sellers have so many different options a lot of competition and everybody's
looking for the same thing especially where there's high density options and not a lot of land availability
M do you see land moving out in the outskirts right now pretty
heavily yeah it is it for sure is that that's the only
option right now the only option yeah exactly because these these Builders they're not going to do like a a
fourouse project DR Horton and KB Holmes and those guys like they I mean they need
hundreds tracks for hundreds of homes the only option the only land that's big
enough to do that is the outskirts but for somebody like me we're more Boutique
which is why we haven't really had success getting more Parcels because we want to be in the city in good locations
and that land is just not available so but you being smaller
you're more Nimble and you can operate lot smaller areas no these these big developers are definitely looking for
like 100 plus homes opportunities and anything smaller than that they're just not looking at it because and this is
one of the things I I recently and not that I didn't know it just kind of like realizations hit you now that you're
doing the space a lot more is that Builder sole business is building so if they don't have inventory to build
they're not making any money yep if you think about it that way absolutely right because like us we can
we can always wholesale we can do a bunch of stuff we have a lot of different exits and creative stuff and we can we can make money a lot of
different ways but builders that have big Crews and big money and they're
publicly traded they can only build only build they have to build I mean yeah you
could you could throttle back the number of starts depending on the economy but
they can ever go to zero starts yeah absolutely absolutely so how long have
you been in like the development side you like so 10 years in real estate like when did that transition happen to go
from like wholesaling to development bit I want to say it was like probably late
19 early 20 okay is kind of when we h no actually I think it was like
2020 because like we were we were scaling our
portfolio and you know we got to a large enough size where we're were like okay this is starting starting to become
inefficient when I say portfolio it's a single family housing portfolio yeah and
I like and and I love single F I mean I get you know people don't like single family and you know go bigger go multif
family but the the tenant profile of single family homes like you can't beat
it like there's no headaches at all like to I think we have about 70 we own 70 units
70 homes that we own personally and not a peep we we manage one apartment
building for our buddies and it's just a freaking pain in the ass so love single family homes I love the build for rent
model because you know it's you're you're taking a single family or town home product and
you're just making it super dense so you get you know the same demographic of a
single family tenants but you get the you get those multif family type efficiencies because they're all crammed
up in one spot so I like that model so I've been I think yeah 2020 is when we
really said okay let's let's start let's start going down the development path I've never thought about it that
way as far as the condos because yeah it you get Best of Both Worlds you get the best of both worlds
and the key is like these units need to have some sort of private space backyards or front yards because
Apartments none of those exist yeah so you want to take kind of like a like a
smaller version of a single family home but they all have to have garages yards but just like you know make the site
plan super dense and put some amenities in there because that's what people want right so yeah you get the because if you
look at this is actually interesting if you look across all real estate asset classes and there's actually a Harvard
study put out like three or four years ago with regards to the volatility of
rents across all the different asset classes okay single family homes is the
least volatile by like 200 200% and
that's across Apartments even commercial office Industrial
retail like it's the stickiest and the most stable income that you could have
across all all asset classes but it's very inefficient income because you have all these scattered homes you know
pretty much so it's a maintenance it's a maintenance and a management nightmare but if you put them all in one spot that's how that's how you create
Alpha efficiencies shared roofs shared roofs yeah you kind of
combine you do shared piping do what Shir piping no no they're all individual
they're all metered for electric and and sewer and water individual individually okay that makes sense so
they they turn on on their own once they occupy the unit ah okay okay now what
amenities are you adding to them to make it more friendly than apartments and
housing and all that stuff you know the big ones are are dog parks so obviously
you know you have to have a pool a pool area even though like nobody ever uses
the pools and then dog dog parks is huge another statistic is renters that have
pets is substancially increases year over year over year so having a place
for them to go walk their dog without leaving the community is extremely important those are those are the big
ones are you gating these at all to kind of provide security uh two of two of the three are going to
be gated okay I think that would that would provide I mean especially the little
pocket pocket Community with with their own little dog park they probably want to protect their dog park you
know exactly but yeah it's you know we're finding a lot of you know just
because you know younger you know Millennials it's home ownership is just
becoming increasingly unobtainable so we're getting a lot of Millennials that come in and then oddly enough I was
actually talking I was golfing with an analyst from a big buil one of the one
of the first buildt for rent developers here in Arizona it's Christopher Todd communities they build
3400 home rental communities at a time like tons of them and you know I was
golfing with them like okay like what's your demographic like in these things and they said surprisingly a lot of
retirees a lot of retirees who want that lock and leave they you know maybe they
they sold their home or want to be closer to their kids and but they don't want to buy anything they just want maintenance free uh maintenance free
living so it's like a mix between retirees and and younger folks that's
interesting that that's interesting alone because I mean I get I get that part 100% you don't want to be cutting
the grass no years 70 years old we cut in the
grass yeah that's cool man there's like legislation coming down the line about
um the these large corporations owning a lot of these homes do you feel it's going to affect you or maybe those
larger corporations maybe not you because you're not as big as them and this is one of the things you're inable
but how do you feel like that if legislation comes on the line where they they start liquidating these build the rent models I don't I honestly I don't
think that would pass and the fact is these large institutions contrary to
what you know mainstream think they actually provide higher quality
homes with better management by far because if you look at if you look at the pie of of rental homes institutions
only own I think the I think right now it's like six% of the total rental stock
in the United States so 90 what whatever that is
94% is still owned by Mom and Pops and Mom and Pops are notorious for deferred
maintenance not piing up the phone not taking care of their assets slum Lord slum slum Lords and I actually think
institutions coming into the rental space is a good thing because they have standards they're put under the
microscope obviously because they're traded on Wall Street they provide higher way higher quality homes than Mom
and Pops interesting and they're improving the communities as well like there's a
lot of Education that had to take place with the city and Planning and Zoning
because when somebody says hey we're going to go build 300 rental units in the middle of a neighborhood like that
nobody understood back then so there was a lot of education and showing like hey
look we're an institutionalized well capitalized landlord and this community is actually
we're going to manage this and take care of this way better than the next guy and it's actually going to make improvements
to your communities no that's huge that's huge
what had a good I had a good one for you too because and also like I guess you
know not to not to beat a dead horse like these institutions their qualification process
is rigorous because a big thing with neighbors and you know app planning and
meetings where neighbors would show up and be like I don't want rent all these rental homes because like they're so used to SL yeah yeah like Mom and Pop
like John and Mary you know anybody who had a who could pay rent they would let them in and they never qualified them
but these institutions they qualify these tenants I mean it's it it's tight so
you're getting a a super high quality tenant not not something and I've rented to somebody you know who you know we
kind of let ones Slide by big mistake I understand what people mean when when by
definition of Slum Lord like these institutions are not slum Lords yeah I just remember my question now so I I I
just talked to a maxi Family Guy and I've seen it in another place but have you heard anything about like celling
utilities like internet and cable back to if you have multiple units yep
y have you started institutionally any any of that since you're in that model almost even though you're Boutique um
you could there's laws around markeing up utilities however you could mark up
internet I think it is yeah it's internet and cable and that's
information this is why this is why it's good so the utility if anybody does that
with the community is managed by the HOA which increases HOA fees to the owner
but if it's owned by a built to rent Community it's kind of self-managed and kind of managed that way but if they
ever liquidate it the HOA takes over that responsibility of managing the internet so so it works for apartments
because there could only be one owner on an apartment building yeah but if you have a built for rent Community there's
always the option of breaking those homes up and selling off individually yeah so unless you plan on
and it depends on how you plat plat the sites right if you're platting them as fee simple Lots like I wouldn't do it
but if you're doing one if you're platting it as a as a multif family project technically even though it's a
build for rent Community I think it does make sense because you know there's
always going to be just one owner you know and yeah like it like to manage or
to to maintain that you know that cable system you're writing annual service
contracts only one person could service it and they're I mean they're not
cheap but but if if you're you know if it's platted as one site or one you know
only one owner could own it it could make sense because again you get an noi
boost I have not seen a a single family community platted as one lot as
multif family I have not it's it doesn't look like when you're when you're doing
like a detached product as a build forent community yeah it it doesn't look like a traditional 45 by 100 foot lot it
look it looks like more cluster product yeah it's a bunch of little units that are laid out in such a way where it
actually feels good but yeah out here in Arizona I mean we were the Pioneers just like everything else in Arizona you know
you know we had for Todd and we had next Metro doing this model back in
2015 and you know everyone is like what like what are you guys doing why not build Apartments but I mean the model
worked and they made freaking a ton of money but yeah it's it's interesting to
see so I did not know that they P pioneered in in Phoenix this is one of
the things where I think it's really cool like you got to pay like if you're very local in your Market you got to pay attention to other markets because you
stuff will adopt into up and cominging markets WR the same thing so I think if you're looking to do cool stuff look at
Phoenix because Phoenix is ahead of the curve in a lot of different ways and if they were doing back in 2015 that's
crazy almost 10 years ago yeah they were the two big ones that's all they did and
then they started like four years ago going into other markets and then the model proved to be so great that the
large single family institutions like American homes for rent progress residential they actually created build
for rent divisions within those within those companies to literally go out buy
lands plat it as single family detached and build it and put it in the
portfolio so now you have like these large reats um emulating the same model as a
way to scale their portfolio wow as a developer that is insane that's actually
pretty cool that's interesting I I love how real estate it's it's very creative like a lot of people they get they get
super creative and they create new architecture or new ideas and then if it
if it sticks it sticks but it's just very creative 100% I think we're gonna end it here man what is what is a quote
that is yours or somebody else's that you resonate with I like slow Feet Don't
e slow Feet Don't e which means you got to be freaking on it or you're going to
lose the deal yeah you're just Lolly gagging around you're not getting that deal absolutely got to be on your toes
got to be on your toes stuff will slip through your fingers if you're you're not on it for sure especially in real
estate and I actually heard that one from Donnie ruffen like a couple years ago I'm like that's good I like that
one all right so we can people find you online I know uh you're on Twitter and we have Equity connect.com what else we
got yeah find me on Twitter and I think my handle is one sec here pull it
up I think it's just your name yeah just Jared vid Dallas my first and last name
and the same with Instagram ah there you go there you go
Jared vidales go check him out Equity connect.com I'm excited I I think I
think Phoenix is if you Haven not been to Phoenix please go to Phoenix at least one time in your life I love going to Phoenix but definitely check it out you
can definitely see you can almost see like the future of what of what things like and I I think you can see that
whenever you travel outside the states but I think I've traveled a lot and Phoenix is definitely one of those places it's just a newer newer town like
I said you can always go to the old cities and see like the transition but I think Phoenix is one of those where you kind of see a newer city create new
product and I think it's interesting to see so definitely go check out Phoenix go check out Jared for everybody here go
like share subscribe thanks for coming on the show we appreciate your time and everybody have a great day awesome man
thank you [Applause]
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Jared VidalesProfile Photo

Jared Vidales

Jared Vidales, CEO of Equity Connect, manages $100 million of assets, including estimated costs to complete assets under development and entitlements.

Jared Vidales & Danielle Crowell’s 10-Year track record of managing and operating real estate is built on one singular philosophy: identify opportunities and strategies that generate returns significantly larger than the market as an average. And because we are not beholden to one specific strategy, we are able to generate returns in all parts of the market cycle for both the company and our investors.

We consistently beat the market through proprietary data harvesting through hundreds of data sources, analysis, and the use of algorithms to quickly crunch millions of lines of data. These systems allow our acquisition team to identify distressed asset owners live in real time, but more importantly, start having discussions before the broader market is aware of the opportunity.

Our strategy is simple: buy great assets at a great price. Further increase value through renovations and operations. Then either flip the asset for a quick profit, or hold those assets for 10+ years before realizing above average returns for us and our investors.